square2-slices1_r2_c1.gif (15071 bytes)
square2-slices1_r3_c1.gif (2016 bytes)

quhwfy ivcwrW dw suAwgq hY... swnUM ilKo

pwTkW dy ivcwrW nwl 5abi.com Adwry dw sihmq hoxw koeI zrUrI nhI[

square2-slices1_r4_c1.gif (3518 bytes)

"jogI" iblgy vwlw mWtrIAl knyfw


281203_ny2004_jogi2_500.jpg (42912 bytes)

gurqyj isMG, inaUzIlYNf


291203_ny2004_gurtej_300.jpg (27217 bytes)

msqwn DwlIvwl


291203_ny2004_gurtej_300.jpg (27217 bytes)

kulbIr Syrig`l, knyfw

srh`d rihq Bwrq pwiksqwn dI klpnw
- kuldIp neIAr


Borderless India & Pakistan written by Kuldeep Niyar is very impressive.

Benazeer Bhutto's views are very very important to improve the relation  between India and Pakistan. India should take its steps to build the  confidence of Pakistan and other countries. The main reason, not to solve
the Kashmir issue by India, is because India has a border issue with China. If India shows any softness in resolving the Kashmir issue or gave any part or parcel of the land to Pakistan then the China will under estimate India, not to solve or he will ask some land to solve the border issue.

Now India and China are the two giants in the Asia and coming to the surface as the economic engine of the World. India should take its steps to make or build the Asian Union ( like European Union) with Pakistan as his true brother and China and other neiboughering countries. They should strengthened the ties, not only economically but militarily too. Benazeer Bhutto's idea is the best solution for Kashmir issue. Traveling without identification should increase to work in each other country. It can build more confidence in pakistani, Kashmiri and Indians. Then they can include Bangladeshi, Nepali, Sri Lankan,Burmese at a later date. If the man power is the one, economic power is the one, and military power is the one, No one, no one will dare to even see this area with bad eyes.

Kulbir Shergill
Calgary Canada

hrpwl isMG, svIfn


mYN b``s A``j eYnw hI kihxw cwhudw hW ik mn``uKqw dy ivkws iv``c Bwrq hmySw s``B qoN A``gy irhw hY [ audwhrn dy qOr qy Bwrq iv``c jIv hiqAw Aqy mIt Kwx nUM cMgw nhI smiJAw jWdw A``j XUrp iv``c vI ies g``l qy soc ho rhI hY[ hr idn SwkwhwrI v``D rhy hn[lok v``D rhy hn jo A``j mIt Kwx nUM cMgw nhI smJdy pr musIbq ieh hY ik auhnw nUM pqw nhIN ik ausdI jgw kI KweIey[ Drm dy krky lokW ny hmySW auhI KwDw hY jo Drm Anuswr TIk hovy[ 99 % qON vI v``D lok nwsiqk hn[ jo cwhuMdy hn ik jykr auhnw nUM SwkwhwrI
Bojn bxwauxw Aw jwvy qW auh kdy mwswhwrI nW KWx[

XUrp iv``c iksy nUM PWsI dyxI vI glq hY[ AmrIkw A``j vI s``dwm husYn nUM PWsI dyxw cwhudW hY[ Kry iknI ku sdIAW AmrIkw A``j vI XUrp qON ip``Cy hY[

Bwrq iv``c PWsI vI goirAw dI hI dyx sI[ APsos hY ik AsI A``j vI ies qON Azwd nhIN ho sky[

hrpwl isMG, svIfn

ruipMdr iF`loN, nwrvy




it`kw-bwlIAw nwrvy


siqkfr Xog vIr bldyv isMG jI ,idl dI zUMGI qih ivco siq sRI akfl

ijMdgI dy ruJyvy hI ieny hn ky bhuq dyr qo kuJ nhI ilK sikaf, muafPI cfhuMdF hF, ieQopIaf ivc rih ky myry dys df nfm AuNcf kr rhy ,myry vIrF nUM dyK ky idl ny kUk hI eyzI mfrI ik soicaf Auho vI hn jo jfnf vfrn leI afey hn, pr nvy sfl dIaf mubfrkf vI Byj rhy hn, Aucf kr rhy hn nfm myry vIr myry dys df, mY afpxy dys dy hox hfr XoiDaF nUM aqy adfrf 5abi.com and Ausdy pfTkf nMU nvy sfl 2004 dI bhuq bhuq vDfeI Byjdf hF,

quhfzf vIr
srpMc, bflIaF mMjpur-aimRqsr
Oslo- Norway

pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl


"nwnk soeI idnsu suhwvVw ijqu pRBu AwvY iciq]" (gurU Arjn swihb)

5AwbI dy smUh pRbMDkW, pwTkW, pRSMskW Aqy lyKkW nUM swl 2004 mubwrk hovy Aqy cVHdI klw ivc rihx dw bl pRdwn kry!

pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl

rjyS Aqy kmljIq, AstRylIAw


Dear All, May year 2004 bring all happiness and prosperity to you all!
Rajesh and Kamaljit

ruipMdr iF`loN, nwrvy


hello ,

i wish happy new year 2004 to all readers of www.5abi.com and wish that new year brings prosperty to all and peace in whole world , and wish 5abi .com din dugni raar choghni tarakki kara,Nava saal har lai khusia bharaya hova.

best wishes.



gurpRIq isMG Aqy swQI, eIQopIAw


271203_ny2004_ethiopiaX1_500.jpg (79605 bytes)
271203_ny2004_ethiopiaX2_500.jpg (107823 bytes)

hrmndIp isMG mukr, torWto

Syr Bu`Kw mr jweygw pr����
- govrDn g`bI


vIr jIau
sq sRI Akwl

govrDn gbI dw kwlm "Syr BuKw mr jweygw pr....!" kwPI psMd AwieAw . pr jwxkwrI koeI bhuqI nvIN nhIN sI.ikrpw krky jy ho sky qW koeI jwxkwrI BrpUr lyK sdwm husYn bwry , ausdI izMdgI bwry jW ausdy BivK bwry zrUr Cwpx dI koiSS krnI jI. pMjwbI tweIp bVI muSikl nwL kr irhw hW.aumId hY ik qusIN zrUr kuC nw kuC kroNgy.

DMnvwd sihq
hrmndIp isMG mukr(torWto qoN)

srbjIq isMG


271203_ny2004_sarbjit1_300.jpg (31955 bytes)

pMjwbI AkwdmI, lYstr


261203_ny2004_PAL1_300.jpg (23267 bytes)
"A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to all the Readers and Writers"
-Panjabi Academy Leicester



261203_ny2004_dhawan_300.jpg (31170 bytes)

divMdr isMG, bYljIAm


Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!

May the new year bring more happiness, friendship & prosperity in this world !!

May God bless everyone !!
With best regards,
Davinder Singh

m e KYrwz, muMbeI


261203_ny2004_compufield_300.jpg (34962 bytes)

AmrjIq gryvwl, hWg kWg


Best Wishes

Garry Amarjit Grewal, Hong kong

bljIq, knyfw


Dear Readers,

On behalf of weekly TV show on the International Channel, "India Vision", I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our families, Happy Holidays, and Happy 2004.

May new Year bring Hope, Happiness and Health to everyone.

Baljit Lachhar
India Vision-The Show

BuipMdr isMG nwrvy


gur &qih pRvwn krnI jI[

murwrI lwl nUM kuJ ieh pqw jrUr hoxw cwhIdw hY, ik pwqSwhI, qy bwdSwhI'c kI Prk huMdw hY[pwqSwh auh hY jo iksy dI p``q dI rwKI leI kuJ kry, ijvyN ik swfIAW pwqSwhIAW, 5-pwiqSwh jI hoxW qy 9-pwiqSwh jI hoxW dUsirAW dI ie``zq, p``q Kwqr kIqw[

qy bwdSwh auh hY jo dUijAW qy bdI, zulm mn cwihAw krdw jwvy[ murwrI lwl Awp hI PYslw ncoV k``F lvy ik iknW brwbr ies ienswn nMU kr irhw hY[
BuipMdr isMG nwrvy

gurbKS jYd(AOklYNf), inaUjIlYNf


ipAwry vIr jI

keI idnw qoN ku`J AwrtIkl Aqy keI imqrW ipAirAw dy Kq pVH irhw hW[ Awpdy bVy hI kImqI smy 'co smW k`F ky ilK rhy hn[ bVI imhrbwnI hY iehnw vIrW dI ky cMgy cMgy ivcwr pVn nUM iml rhy hn['Syr Bu`Kw qW rih skdw..' govrDn jI dy lyK ny qW mslw kwPI BKw id`qw[ hux qw dlbIr vrigAwN dy kdy pihlwN khy lPj vI qIr bxky keI vIrW dy cuB gey[ pihlI g`l qW vIr jI 'jIdw KweIey Esy dy gux gweIey'[ iesy Bojn dy boJ Q`ly keI vwr v`fy v`fy s`c vI swnUM idKweI dyxo ht jWdy hn[ sB cMgweIAw burweIAw sB mnu`KW dy AMdr hI peIAW hn, g`l qwkq h`Q l`gx dI AY[ rwjsI qwkq dunIAw dy swry swDW nUM hI swnH bxw idMdI hY[ Bwvy ihtlr, msoilnI, bwdl, AmirMdr, sudwm jW iPr ieMdrw, jW 'buS' koeI hovy scweI qW sB qy lwgU hovygI pr ieh qW swfI A`K dw tIr hY ik iksy nUM ikvy vyKdy hW[

bhu`qw ivsQwr 'c jwvWgy g`l iPr pwxI 'c mDwxI vwlI hI rhygI[ su`dwm mwVw sI hux vI hY[' pr hux bIbw rwxw jy koeI khy mUMh qW A`f idMdw jy koeI khy bMd qW ausdI kI mrjI ky hIl hujq kry..[ausdy kol mwVy qoN mwVy hiQAwr sn ikDr gey? 'kOox rwxI nUM khy A`gw F`k sB nUM pqw ieh qW ausdw PYSn hY' sB nUM pqw su`dwm qy ausdI juMflI ny bhu`q kihr kmwieAw, kurd mwry, SIAw mwry sB qoN v`fI ijhVI cIj mwrI dunIAW dy Amn psMd SWqI dy pujwrI AmrIkw nUM llkwrw mwirAw[ auh Bu~l igAw ik ijhVw AmrIkw, sMswr jMg qoN bwAd nwgwSwkI 'qy hIrosImw au`qy (ijQoN dy lok hwly vI auhnw bMbW dw KimAwjw BugqI jWdy hn) AYtm su`tky qyry vrgy bMdy nwloN v`D bMdy mwr skdw, ijhVw dyS inrdoS vIqnwmIAW qy AwpxI cODr dI Kwqr keI swl bMb brsw skdw ausnUM qyry vrgw nMg bMdw ikvyN llkwr skdw hY[ ijhdy qy keI swlW dIAW pwbMdIAW l`gIAW hox[

jy XU.AYn.E. hmlw krn dI AwigAw nhIN idMdI qW kI AY? XU.AYn.E. qW pihlW pMjW dI rKyl sI, hux myry k`ly dI[ mYQoN ibnwN horwN kol hiQAwr Kqnwk hn[ isrP k`lw mYN hI hW ijhVw ieh cIjW r`K skdW jW vrq skdW, bwkI sB leI ivvrjq hn[ kOx bImwr hY, mYQoN v`D iks nUM pqw, iksnUM AjwdI cwhIdI hY[ ieh mYN hI d~s skdw hW jW mYNnUM hI pqw[ bwkIAW nUM qW hwly ieh vI nhIN pqw l`igAw ik 'ijhdy Gr dwxy ausdy kmly vI isAwxy' huMdy hn[ mYN ijvwxU, prvwxU Aqy gYsI bMb r`K skdw ikauik ieh mYnUM clwauxy AwauNdy hn[ AwrQk p`KoN qkVy dyS ijny mrjI qjrby krI jwx iksy nUM ku`J kihxw nI, kI pqw koeI gl hI pYjy[ mwiVAW nUM dwby vjdy hI rihxy hn AKy qusI iNnssqrI krx dw pwT Xwd kr lvo[ Awm hI suxI dw ik du`nIAW iek globl ipMf bx igAw[ globl ipMf nhIN globl Twxw bx igAw ijhdw AmrIkw Twxydwr qy do-cwr ausdI hW 'c hW kihx vwly ispwhI Aqy bwkI sB cor-auc`ky, APImI-poSqI Aqy mMg Kwxy[ jy bcky rihxw, jy r`jky rotI KwxI[ qW swry bolo jY 'mrIkw qW rlky bolo jY 'mrIkw qUM nI boilAw jY 'mrIkw, Eh nI boilAw jY 'mrIkw[

glqI leI muAwP krnw (mYN nI boilAw jY 'mrIkw)
gurbKS jYd(AOklYNf), inaUjIlYNf

hrpwl isMG


vIr dwrw iSkwgo dy p``qr dw jvwv

mYN mMndw hW ik s``dwm cMgw bMdw nhI sI[ ausny bhuq mwVy kMm kIqy[ pr jo kuJ p``CmI mulkW ny kIqw hY jW kr rhy hn auh ies qoN keI guxw mwVw hY[ s``dwm vI iehnw dw hI pYdw kIqw hoieAw sI qy qwilbwn vI[ iehnw donw nUM hiQAwr vI iehnw ny hI vycy jW id``qy sn[ Awpxy Awp nUM kihxw ik AsIN dunIAw dy iv``c lokqMqr cwhuMMdy hW[kI ikaUbw iv``c r`Ky bMdIAw dw koeI mwnv AiDkwr nhIN[ kI iehI lokqMqr dI pRIBwSw hY[ kI quhwnUM pwiksqwn, au``qrI korIAw Bu``l igAw hY[

g``l bwdl dI jW lwlU dy ieMglYf qo trying lYx dI nhI[ jy qusI bYT ky jrw soco bhuq swrIAW burweIAW dI jV AnpVqw huMdI hY[ v``DdI AbwdI dI hI g``l kr lvo[ iesdy mu``K iqMn kwrn hn[

pihlw : AnpVqw, grIb socdy hn ik ijny mYNbr ijAwdw hoxgy ijAwdw kmweI krngy[
dUsrw : bhuqy b``cy nUM r``b dI hI dyx smJdy hn Aqy jIv hiq``Aw pwp smJdy hn[
qIsrw : mnorMjn dI Gwt[

ies sB dw h``l hY pr pYsw cwhIdw hY[ pYsw sI qW bQyrw sony dI icVI kol pr igAw ikQy?????? hW s``c auh qy p``CmI swD Awpxy nwl hI lY gey sn[

hux g``l kro BiSRtwcwr dI[ ijs mulk iv``c ie``k bMdy nUM nokrI imlx dI koeI grWtI nhI koeI ibmwrI vyly jW Awm AwriQk m``dd nhIN jy nokrI hY vI qW qnKwh ieMnI nhIN ik bMdw Awm vrqx vwlIAW sB vsqW dIAW auh lY sky qW kudrqI hY ik smwj iBSRt hoxw SurU ho jwvygw[ dunIAw dy hr grIb mulk iv``c hyTly p``Dr qy BiSRtwcwr hY[ so iksy smwj iv``c BiSRtwcwr dw pihlw kwrn pYsy dI kmI hY[ Bwrq iv``coN pYsw ikQy igAw?????? auh qy p``CmI swD lY gey[

quhwnMU Swied Xwd hovygw ik goirAw dI Pu``t pwvo qy rwj kro nIqI vI sI[ auhnw ny sB kIqw ijs nwl auhnw nUM AwriQk lwB ho skdw sI[ audwhrn dy qOr qy ryl g``fI dI SurUAwq muswiPrW leI nhI blik k``cw mwl lu``tx leI kIqI geI sI qW ik brqwnIAW iv``c audXogIkrn ho sky qy nwly auQy dy lokW nUM kMm iml sky[ 100 swl koeI QohVy nhI huMdy[ jd dyS Azwd hoieAw qW Awm jnqw nW qW bhuqI pVI ilKI sI qy nW hI smwj dI AwriQk hwlq TIk sI[ b``s ie``k vwrI koeI bMdw jW dyS p``uTy c``kr iv``c pY jwvy jW p``CV jwvy qW inklnw muSkl hI hudW hY[

hW s``dwm nyN qyl dy BMfwrW nUM AwpxI jwgIr k`TI krn leI vrqdw sI nw ky Awpxy dyS dI jnqw dI grIbI dUr krn leI[ suAwd qy qW hY jy hux AmrIkw grIbI htw dyvy[ auh Ajy q``k ierwk dy ispwhI jo aus leI kMm krdy hn nuM AmrIkI ispwhIAw dy brwbr qnKwh qy dy nhI sikAw[ nweIzIrIAw ijs kol AiqAMq qyl dy BMfwr hn AmrIkw qy hor p``CmI dyS hI lu``t rhy hn[ auQy dy lokW dI hwlq j``g jwhr hY[

qusI kih rhy ho ik Bwrq iek auh dyS hY ijs ny swnUM inrwSw qo bgYr kuJ nhI id`qw Aqy AmrIkw iek auh dyS hY ijs ny swfI imhnq dw mu`l qwirAw hY[ ijsdw jvwv hY ik ijs nUM qusI mu``l qwirAw hY kihdy ho auh quhwfy hI BrwvW kolO lu``ty dw bhuq Cotw ih``sw hY[ jo is``Dw quhwfy leI nhI blik ie``k lutyry (hr p``CmI dyS) dyS dy hr nwgirk vwsqy hY[

A``j dI g``l kr lvo[ ieh Awpxy ikswnw nUM sbistIAw idMdy hn ijsdy PlsrUp auh AwpxI Psl ssqI vyc skdy hn[ pMjwb iv``c nw mwqr sbistI hY pr iPr vI ikswn idn rwq ie``k krky iehnw dw AMqrrwStrI mMfI iv``c mukwblw krdy hn[ audwhrx dy qOr qy ie``k XUrpI gW nUM qkrIbn 8-10 fwlr roz imldy hn[ jdik l``KW lok ies qoN vI G``t au``pr gujwrw krn qy mzbUr hn[
Bu``l cu``k dI iKmW krnI / hrpwl isMG

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw


mwnXog Awr. AYs. cFw jI, siq sRI Akwl

lyK bwry ivcwr swJy krn leI quhwfw bhuq bhuq DMnvwd[

mYN pihlW vI bynqI kr cu`kw hW ik izAwdw cMgw hovygW ik hor pRvwsI pMjwbI lyKk Awpxy Awpxy dySW bwry (ij`Qy auh rih rhy hn) jW BwrqIAW dy jn-jIvn bwry lyK Byj ky 5AwbI.kwm rwhIN pwTkW dy igAwn ivc vwDw krn[ ikauNik aunW ƒ myry nwloN izAwdw jwxkwrI hovygI[ kuJ lyKk ijvyN ‘sqnwm isMG cwhl’ ‘ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw’ Aqy hor.... ies pwsy ilK vI rhy hn[ DMnvwd[ pr mYN hor dySW bwry isr& AMkiVAW dw ‘slwd’ pwTkW A`gy r`KxW TIk nhIN smJdw[

iek bwr iPr quhwfw DMnvwd ik ieMny icr bwAd lyK pVH ky qusIN Awpxy kImqI ivcwr Byjy[

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw

j s brwV, hWg kWg

251203_happy_new_year_sno_prv.gif (19569 bytes)25/12/03

Merry Christmas & A Very Happy New Year to you and your staff!!!!

pirqpwl isMG ibMdrw, surjIq kOr ibMdrw


Greetings for the Holiday Season and Best Wishes for a Happy, Peaceful and
Prosperous New Year
Pritpal Singh Bindra
Surjit Kaur Bindra

pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl


s.krnYl isMG igAwnI jI ny Awpxy pqR rwhIN niSAW dy vD rhy syvn ivruD jo suJwv, ^ws kr ky pRmuK lyKkW nUM, id`qw hY, mYN ausdI pRoVqw krdw hW[ gwiekW dw vI pMjwbI BweIcwry sMbMDI Prz bxdw hY ik Eh bjwey Awpxy gwixAW ivc Srwb Awid dI ausqq gwaux dy iehnW dy smwjk, mwnisk Aqy AwriQk nukswn sRoiqAW swhmxy pyS krn[ ies qrHW EhnW dw pMjwbI klcr dI syvw krn dw dwAvw vDyry kwrgr swbq hovygw ikauNik EhnW dy 'KwiVAW Aqy sI.fI, tI.vI.Awid rwhIN EhnW nUM l`KW lok suxdy dyKdy hn[

so EhnW dw ies suDwr kwrj ivc pwieAw Xogdwn bhq pRBwvSwlI ho inbVygw[

pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq

myrI khwxI ilKIN.....'
- myjr mWgt


'myrI khwxI ilKIN.....'
- myjr mWgt

mOjUdw hwlwq ivc ho rhIAW by-ienswPIAW dw iezhwr ies khwxI ivc kIqw igAw hY [ iek pwsy "mjbUr" mwpy AwpxIAW jvwn DIAW bwhr jwx dI Aws ivc vfyrI aumr dy mrdW dy lV lw rhy hn, ibnw ieh jwxy ik aunW dy vI kuJ Armwn huMdy hn [ auprMq jo kuJ vwprdw hY, ieh khwxI bw-KUbI ibAwn kr rhI hY [

ieh khwxI hY iek sunyhw , aunW lwlcI mwipAW leI jo ik isrP 'bwhr' jwx dy lwlc ivc glq PYsly lYx qoN vI nhIN iJjkdy [

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [

gurjIq prUQI, knyfw

171203_amrinder_100.jpg (5399 bytes)kI AmirMdr isMG iBRStwcwr 'qy kwbU pw skxgy?
- hrbIr isMG BMvr 


I agree one hundred percent with Harbir Singh Bhanwar's article " Can Amarinder Singh stop the corruption", but I will not agree with his notion that India was corruption-free at the time of British rule.As a matter of fact, British were the people who brought corruption to India.

They entered the country foot by foot and day by day only with the help of corruption.It is commonly said in England that British (by the name of east india company) took British women,and good whisky to corrupt the kings and nawabs of that time. They won favours from those governments with the help of white women. Every body knows and it is a fact that after the death of Aurangzeb, the downfall of the Moughal period had started and one reason of the downfall was that all the small kings and nawabs got indulged in wealth, wine and women.It was the British who corrupted them with beautiful white women and got what they wanted.Nehru was THE most corrupt leader India or the congress party could ever have. What ever the British started, he worked on the same lines

It was decided unanamously that after the freedom, there will be a new constitution which will be formed according to the needs of the Indian people, but Nehru insisted on old English constitution and kept on working with the same old and corrupt system of British Raj.Even after 4 years of the independence the new constitution had nothig new and notable and it was just the copy of the old one.

It was promised by the congress party that provinces will have their official languages, and the Nehru Govt. granted the offficial language to every province, but Punjab was denied until 1967.(This is another subject)

As Mr.Bhanwar mentioned, he brought forward his daughter, she brought forward her sons, and then came the daughter-in-law and now they say that she is grooming her son and daughter. One wonders, where and when this would stop and we would be able to see some non-Nehru dynasty people coming to Indian politics.

If Captain thinks that he would be able to abolish corruption in Punjab, he is living in fool's paradise.Nobody can abolish corruption from Punjab or from India because it has gone in the roots now.The only way the corruption can be stopped for a while, not abolished, if India has an honest dictator, and I would like to know, where can you find an honest dictator in a corrupt country like India.
Gurjit Proothee
Brampton, Canada

dwrw iSkwgo

Syr Bu`Kw mr jweygw pr����
- govrDn g`bI


mY hYrwn hW Awpxy vIrW qy jo sudwm nUM Syr kih rhy hn[ keI hjwrW mwsUm lokw nUM gYs nwl mwrn vwlw Syr? Agr ieh Syr hY qw pMjwb ivc keI bYdoSy lok nUM pMjwb puils ny toh toh ky mirAw sI qw iPr auh b`br Syr hoey[ mY mMndw hW ky AmrIkw koeI swD nhI hY pr sudwm nUM Syr kihxw vI TIk nhI hY[ auhnw lokw nUM puCo jw ky ijhnw dy ies Syr ny Kwndwn qbwh kr id`qy [ ieh Syr keI SwhI mihlW ivc rihdw sI qy ies dyS dy nwgirkW dw kI hwl sI koeI ies bwry vI g`l kry[ ies dy mihlW ivc qW tUtIAW vI sony dIAw sI pr ies Syr dy dyS dI jMnqw A`q dI grIbI hFW rhI sI[ s: dlvIr isMG huxW nUM iC`kvw hY ky AmrIkn BwrqI AmrIkw dw p`K ikau pUrdy hn[ ikau nw pUrIey iek auh dyS hY ijs ny swnUM inrwSw qo bgYr kuJ nhI id`qw iek auh dyS hY ijs ny swfI imhnq dw mu`l qwirAw hY[ jo AiDkwr swnUM Bwrq ny nhI id`qy auh ies dyS ny id`qy hn[ jo myry vIr AmrIkw nUM inMd rhy hn jrw Bwrq dw vI Kwqw Kolx auh jo kr irhW hY aus bwry vI ilKx qW mjW Aweygw[

hrpwl vIr jI qusI jo g`l kIqI hY ky AmrIkW ny qyl dy BMfwr lu`tx leI hmlw kIqw hY clo mn ilAw TIk hY, pihlw qW sudwm auhnW qyl dy BMfwrW nUM AwpxI jwgIr k`TI krn leI vrqdw sI nw ky Awpxy dyS dI jnqw dI grIbI dUr krn leI[ aus dy pu`q qw swfy ipAwry nyqw jI (bwdl) dy pu`qr nwlo keI rqy au`qy sn[ grIb kuVIAw dI ie`jq nwl Kyfxw Apxw h`k smJdy sn ies Syr dy pu`qr[ bwkI jo qusI ikhw hY jo Bwrq ivc iBRStwcwr hY auh ieMglYf dI dyx hY ieh shI nhI hY mYnUM d`so myry vIr jI ijhVI ieh sUt kysw vwlI bIbI (sRImqI bwdl) kI ieMglYf qo trying lY ky AweI hY jo Awpxw Gr pYsy nwl ies qrW Br rhI jyvy qUVI nwl koTw BrI dw hY[ v`DdI dI AbwdI ivc vI ieMglYf dw doS hY ies dw m`qlb qW ieh hY ky ibhwr dy lwlU jwdv ijs dy 8 jW 9 b`cy hn vI ieMglYf qo twrying lY ky AwieAw hY [ ies bwry qW shI jvwb ieMglYf dy vwsI hI dy skdy hn bweI jI [

siqnwm bweI jI qusI ijhVW dwvw krdy ho ky AmrIkw ny hjrW lokW nUM moq dy Gwt auqwrn dw bweI jI iehnW dI igxqI qW aunW lokw nwlo keI guxW G`t hY ijnW nUM sudwm ny mOq dy Gwt auqwr id`qw sI [ qusI shI ikhw hY "bdmwSW dw kMm hY mwVy nMU mwrnw, qw sudwm ny vI ievy hI kIqw Awpxy dyS dy vwsIAw nwl, qw hI hux aus dw ieh hwl ho irhw hY[

sudwm koeI Syr nhI sI, Asl g`l qW ieh hY ky ijs dy ko aus dy dyS dw rwj huMdw auh Awpxy Awp nUM Syr smJx dI glqI kr bYTdw[ dUr ikau jwdy ho Awpxy hI dyS v`l JWqI mwr lvo jdo AkwlIAw dw rwj sI audo bwdl Syr hux qusI aus dw hwlq bwry jwxdy ho [ A`j kwgrsIAw dw rwj hY qW swfy mhwrwjw jI Syr hn k`l nUM koeI hor Syr bxo ieh SyrW dw islslw c`ldw hI rihxw hY

dwrw iSkwgo

ruipMdrpwl isMG iF`loN


I would like to thank Raj Bhupinder Ji for taking time out to edit my story. I acknowledge fully his contribution in bringing this story to life.

I hope I continue to reveive this support as and when I cary on writing this, and that one day it will be in a postion to submit to 5abi Kahanis and perhaps even published as book for Punjabis in Punjab to read.

Thak for your support

RS Dhillon

jy.pI. isMG, rIno, AmrIkw

Syr Bu`Kw mr jweygw pr����
- govrDn g`bI


ipAwry dosqo,

bhuq dyr bwAd hwzr hW[ sB srmweydwrI dw kMm hY, 12/12 GMty Kpo[ pocy idE, sPweI kro[ ipMf rihMdy sW, cMgw KWdy sn, cMgw pINdy sW[ Arwm nwl sONdy sW qy AYS nwl jINdy sW[

bhuq hI du~KI ihrdy nwl kihxw pY irhw hY ky AwKr p`Cm dy sB qoN v`fy guMfy AmrIkw ny ierwk dy bhuq hI ienswP psMd, nrm idl, idAwlU qy nyk pwqSwh sdr-ey-irAwsq mwnXog sdwm husYn swihb nUM PHV ilAw hY[ dunIAW Br dy ivdvwn lokW Aqy ienswP qy inAW qy pihrw dyx vwly s`jxW nwl ies du~K dI GVI iv~c Swml hW[ mwnXog sdwm husYn jI eynHy idAwlU sn ky kihMdy hn auhnW ny kdy Awpxy rwj iv~c BuKy qy duKI bMdy nUM brdwSq nhIN sI kIqw[ auhnW ny swry suMnI, SIAw, kuridS qy hor ierwkIAW nUM bVyH hI ipAwr qy muh~bq nwl iek`Ty riKAw hoieAw sI[ Aijhw ienswn qW dunIAW iv`c kdy kdy hI jnm lYNdw hY, ijAwdwqr Aijhy ienswn jMnq iv~c hI rihMdy hn[ pr ierwk dy DMnBwg sI ky sdwm jI ny DrqI qy pYr r~Ky[ auh s`cmu`c hI pUrn-ienswn sn[ ijvyN govrdn swihb ny Awpxy lyK iv`c iliKAw hY[ Awpxy jvweIAW nUM mwr dyxw, hzwrW ivroDIAW nUM smUhk kbrW iv`c mwr ky d`b dyxw, hzwrW kuridS gdwrW nUM nrv gYs nwl SWqI pUrvk qrIky nwl A`lw mIAW dI god iv~c suvw dyxw, ieh sB koeI pUrn mnu`K hI kr skdw hY[ auhnW dy PHVy jwn dw du~K s`c qy pihrw dyx vwly ienswnW nUM hoxw hI sI[ mYN vI auhnW dy duK iv`c SrIk hW[ myrw rumwl PVHwE – glyfU pMUJW!

ieh pihlI vwr nhIN hoieAw[ p~Cm dIAW zwlm POzW ny koeI 55 swl pihlW vI iek hor lokW dy msIhy nUM AwpxI jwn Kud lYx leI mzbUr kr id`qw sI, ausdw nW sI AwfolP ihtlr[ ihtlr ny dunIAW iv`coN mwVI iksm dy lokW nUM hmySW leI Kqm krn dw qrIkw l`iBAw sI[ koeI 6 imlIAn (60 l~K) Aijhy hI bury zIn vwly lokW nUM gYs cYNbrW iv~c bVy hI ipAwr sihq ies dunIAW qoN c`ldw kIqw sI[ audoN vI swfy ienswP psMd qy ienswnIAq dy pihrydwr keI BwrqI vIrW ny ausdI srwhxw kIqI sI[ krnI bxdI vI sI[ ies mkwr p~Cm ny ijsdI AgvweI AmrIkw krdw hY ny iek hor XoDy XozP stwiln nUM vI Awpxy nwl lw ilAw sI[ pr stwiln swihb bhuq qIKx ienswn sn auh CyqI hI iehnW dy cuMgl iv`coN inkl gey sn qy auhnW ny h`k Aqy ienswP dw JMfw lihrwauNidAW koeI 8 ku imlIAn lokW(80 l`K) nUM Awpxy rwh iv`coN pwsy kIqw sI[ auhnW ny brwbrqw dI jo imswl pYdw kIqI sI swnUM nhIN BulxI cwhIdI[ pr APsos hY ik swfy kuC BwrqI lok pwrtI swihq nhIN pVdy ies leI auhnW dy bryn vwS ho gey hn[ dyKo ieh Cohrw bu~S pMj s`q hzwr APgwnI, pwiksqwnI qy Arb mwr ky Awpxy Awp nUM v`fw nwFU Kwn smJx l`g ipAw hY[ ik`Qy pMjwh pMjwh, s`T s`T l`K qy ik`Qy 5-7 hzwr[ ikQy rwjw Boj qy ik`Qy gMgU qylI[ lE vyKo, kIVIAW vI m`ky nU c`lIAW ny[

dUjy pwsy lok nwiek qy bhwdur XoDy ibn lwdyn dy vI ieh zwlm ip~Cy pey hn[ auhnW ny Blw iehnW dy kI KrbUzy corI kIqy hn? auhnW qy b`s iek bhwdrI dI imswl kwiem kridAW Aijhw kMm kIqw sI ijsdI lok ikAws vI nhIN kr skdy sI[ lokW dy Bry Brwey zhwz a~ucI iblifMg iv`c clw mwrny, koeI Cotw kwrnwmw hY? Aijhy bhwdrW dI bhwdrI qy ijnW vI mwx kIqw jw sky G`t hY[ jy sdwm pUrx mnu~K hY qy zhwz mwrx vwly vI koeI G`t nhIN: ie`k b`tw aunIN mnuK qy hn hI[

AmrIkw pihlW sdwm dI m`dd krdw sI[ krdw qy sovIAq, PrWs qy jrmnI vI sI, pr AmrIkw dI nIAq swP nhIN sI[ ies leI swrw doS AmrIkw dw hI hoieAw nW? iPr AmrIkw ausdy au`lt ho igAw qy ausdI jwn dw duSmn bx igAw[ A`j AmrIkw muS`rP dI m`dd krdw hY, ies qrW qy k`l nUM ausdy iKlwP vI AYkSn ho skdw hY[ cMgI g~l nhIN hY ieh[ ies qrW qy ie`k iek krky swry lok hqYSI “pwqSwh” g`dIaN lih jwxgy[ swnUM sB ienswP psMd qy Amn psMd qy inAw purvk s~cy s`cy lokW nUM, myry qy govrdn jI vrgy lokW nUM, ies iKlwP ijhwd krn dI loV hY[ loV hY ibn lwdyn dI mdd vI kIqI jwvy, auh vI ienswP vwlw rwj pYdw krnw cwhuMdw hY ijs iv`c swry lok ie`ko ijhy cogy pihnx, qIvIAW GrW dI cwr dIvwrI dw iSMgwr bnx, bMidAW dIAW ngwhW zmIn v`l hox, gIq gwxy bMd hox, kwiPr qy munkr lokW nUM srv SRI Sdwm husYn, ihtlr sihb qy mhwrwj stwiln jI vWg mukwblw krky Kqm kIqw jwvy[

ieh p`Cm dy gMd qoN iksy qrIky swnUM mukqI imlxI cwhIdI hY[ pr mYN dosqW nUM bynqI krWgw ky SryAwm p~Cm nUM nw burw kihAw jwvy, AwE AmrIkw nUM burw khIey, BwvyN ky swnUM pqw hY swrw p~Cm dI gMdgI dw g`tr hY, pr ies qrW kihx nwl swfy ijhwd nUM s`t v`j skdI hY[ dUjy dySW bwry A`jy cu`p v`tI jwvy[ ijvyN PrWs hY[ auh swfy ienswP psMdI vwly pwsy hY[ suixAw hY ausny ihjwb qy p`gW qy pwbMdI lOx dw kwnUMn bxwieAw hY pr swnUM ies bwry k`uC nhIN pqw[ jy koeI g`l CyVy qy kho, BweI swnUM suixAw nhIN[ jy iPr vI koeI pu`Cy qy is~Dw kho ieh qy swrw AmrIkI mIfIey dw bryn vwSU prcwr hY[ ie`k qIr nwl do inSwny is`D[ ijnW icr PrWs sdwm dI mdd krdw swnUM cu`p rihxw cwhIdw hY[

ijvyN mYN disAW a~upr, swfy kwPI lok bryn vwS ho gey ny[ ieh lok tIvI vyKdy ny, ieMtrnYt aupr 50/50 AKbwr swrI dunIAW dy iehnW dy kol AONdy ny[ ieMnI swrI ienPrmySn iehnW Awm jy lokW leI shI nhIN hY[ ieh swrI ienPrmySn qy isrP pVy ilKy ilKwrI qy kwlm nvIsW kol cwhIdI hY[ AMgryzI dy do iqMn AwrtIkl pVo qy iPr auhnW dI pMjwbI Anuvwd krky AjIq iv`c CpvwE[ vwhvw vwhvw krvwE[ hux qy zmwnw hI shI nhIN irhw[ dunIAW ho geI bryn vwS qy swfy rotI tu`k dw ho irhw hY nwS[

not 1: “jo AwdmI Awpxy ivcwr dy shI hox qy pUrI qrW nwl p`kw hY, auh byvkUP hY[ isAwxy lok hmySW S`kI huMdy hn”

not 2: “Azwd lok kdy brwbr(ie`ko ijhy AmIr, idmwgI jW kwbl) nhIN huMdy qy jo lok brwbr huMdy hn, auh Azwd nhIN huMdy”

jy.pI. isMG, rIno, AmrIkw

siqMdr isMG suswxw iSkwgo

Syr Bu`Kw mr jweygw pr����
- govrDn g`bI


govrDn swihb qusIN lyK nUM bVI bwKUbI nwl iliKAw hY, pr jrw dsx dI Kycl kro Syr nUM KufW ivc lukx dI kI jrUrq hY ? ijhVw ienswn hzwrW hI kurdW dI mOq dw ijMmyvwr hY , qusIN aus ienswn dI iek Syr nwl qulnw kr rhy ho [ ijs qrW ky. pI .AYs igl hzwrW hI bygunwh isKW nojvwnw dI mOq dw izMmyvwr hY, Bwrq srkwr qy quhwfy vrgy AKoqI lyKkW aus nMU iek hIro dI qrW jnqw swhmxy pyS krn dI koiSS kIqI [iesy qrW hI bwdl qy tOhVw ijhnW keI grIb ikswnW nUM AwqmhiqAw krn leI mzbUr kIqw, quhwfy vrgy keI lyKk bwdl nUM vI iek Syr vWg pyS krn dI koiSS krngy [Agr sdwm vwkeI ierwk dy lokW dw chyqw sI aus dy PVy jwx qy ierwk dy lokW ny sVkW qy ikau fWs kIqw[ swnUM qW audy isMG qy vI mwx hoxw cwhIdw ijs ny ierwk ivc ShIdI pRwpq kIqI qy isMGW dw nwm roSn kIqw [

siqMdr isMG suswxw iSkwgo

jnmyjw jOhl


may god bless you happy x-mass

241203_janmeja1_300.jpg (27393 bytes)

q s pwblw



Mr Anand is a politician and he has devoted 5 decades to the masses, he is very a good writer, bilingual orator and Editor of progressive Daily Nawan Zamana. His contribution to Punjabi language is enormous. Salute to his dedication and sacrifices.

But I disagree with him that Congress party is the Mukhi Dhir of Secularism. Congress party was ruled by Nehru Dynasty for 40 years, Pt.Nehru was very upset when Kerala masses elected Communist Party in assembly elections, he helped Kerala congress party to dissolve the Communist led government and put under Presidential rule.He dragged his feet on the formation of linguistic states.The people of Punjab have many grievances. Issues such as the future of Chandigarh and sharing of river waters have been allowed to drag on for an unduly long period of time.I agree there is very honest, intelligent, experienced economist like Manmohan Singh in congress party, who dared to condemn 1984 atrocities by congress party in N.Delhi. HIS STATEMENT ' THE TRAGIC EVENTS OF 1984 HAVE LEFT A DEEP SCAR ON THE MINDS OF A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE , PARTICULARLY THE YOUTH '. Children, women, old and sick Sikh were burnt alive by Congress Hindu Gonads , my own sister family members were saved by Non congress Hindus and Muslim Police inspector , even Khuswant Singh(Illustrated weekly) was saved by non congress Hindus. How can you justify after 1982 and 1984 atrocities with ,that congress is leader of secular democracy and Nehru dynasty have magnetic influence on Indian masses.

Congress party thinking fails to advance with changing objective circumstances and has manifested itself historically Right opportunism.Their thinking is divorced from social practice, and they cannot march ahead to guide the chariot of society; they simply trail behind.Their Divide and Rule Tactics, Hindu against Sikhs, and Muslim against Hindu and oppressed class , alienate themselves from the current practice of the majority of the people and from the realities of the day.

Progressive and left forces in India should expose the deceitful propaganda of reactionaries. They must firmly uphold theory of social revolution and enable the people to understand that social revolution is not only entirely necessary but also entirely practicable.
As a matter of fact , freedom and democracy do not exist in the abstract, only in the concrete. In class society there is freedom for exploiting classes exploit the working class, there is no freedom for the working people not to be exploited, if there is democracy for for the bourgeoisie, there is no democracy for the proletariat and other working people, Dalats of India and others are being exploited by all caste after independent.

In India , bribery is not a crime, it is simply friendliness. For centuries, India has been bribing even God. People go the temples, guruduaras, masjit and churches and say" If a child is born to my wife and if he is a boy( Girls are being aborted millions a year),remember Allah, Guru Patshah, Rama ,Krishna, Jesus, I will bring sweet as a present to you and will do Havan , Akhand Path etc. If this not bribery than what it is?

Even father of our Nation Mahatma Gandhi condemn science and technology. They don't condemn corrupt politician because they themselves are politicians. It hurts to know.......... Mahatma Gandhi was continuously teaching the philosophy of Non Violence, and he was asked by LoiiseFischer, " If your country becomes independent, what are you going to do with great army that you have, and the factory and arms?"

Gandhi said" I am going to throw all arms in to the ocean, close all the factories that create arms, and order all the armies to go to the fields and work as farmers.( Indian farmers are committing suicide one every six minutes) It was so beautiful in theory, but when India became independent no arms were thrown , no factories were closed. On the contrary, Mahatma Gandhi blessed the first three airplanes, three bomber planes, which were going to bomb Pakistan. He came out of his house in Delhi , in the park of the BIRLA HOUSE, because the army had asked for his blessings - and the first three planes came as close as possible to the house to receive his blessings. What happened to the policy of NON VIOLENCE ? All was forgotten. How can we believe congress party ? what is the class character of congress party? Anti working class and Divide to rule class.

A revolutionary poem by Iqbal,






Dear Hardeep Singh Ji,

Satsiriakal ji. thanks for your 'Jankari' in details. pls write more about usa and other countries. I also came from India to thailand 35 yrs. ago and now well thai citizen. i see here near gurudwara sahib, lead worst life away from home. agents bring them and spoil their life. almost all of them indulge in wine, and women finish all their money ask for more money from punjab and destroy their life.yr, Jankari, if read by them will serve good for them. thanks for your good efforts.

yr sincere-R.S.CHADHA BKK

ruipMdr iF`loN, nwrvy





qyj cImw, AmrIkw

sdw rihMdIAW nw pwqSwhIAW ny..
- dlbIr isMG


Mr. Dalbir Singh you are doing a great job because you are awaring to the peoples about worst political system.we really like it.

Tej Cheema
New York

siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYNf

sR hrpwl isMG jI dw p~qr vDIAw hY[ dwrw iSkwgo jI ny AmrIkw nUM swD hI d~sx dI koiSS kIqI hY[ swfy bhuqy AmrIkw rihMdy pMjwbI vIr AmrIkw nUM swD hI smJ dy hn jW iPr auh ies g~l qy pihrw dy rhy hn ky ijsdw KweIey ausy dy hI gux gweIey[ sdwm nUM PV lYxw AmrIkw dI koeI v~fI pRwpqI nhI hY[ iek bMdy ipCy hjwrW lokW nMU mOq dy Gwt auqwr dyxW iksy swD dw kMm nhI sgo bdmwSW dw kMm hY[ AmrIkw pYsw dy ky bhuq dySW dI vwh vwh K~t skdw hY pr jMgW lw ky bydoiSAW nUM mwr ky AsIsW nhI lY skdw[ swfy ieh do h~Q hjwrW lokW nMU kut mwr nhI kr skdy pr kroVW lokW nUM nmSkwr kr skdy hn[ AmrIkw nUM vI iesy iPlwsPI qy clxW cwhIdw hY[

swrI dunIAW jwxdI hY ky sdwm qy ibn lwdn AmrIkw dy hI chyqy rhy hn[ hux AmrIkw auhnW dw duSmx bx igAw hY, lVweI qy qyl dI hI hY, ieh qW b~cy vI jwxdy hn[ hor mulk vI AmrIkw dy hyTW Awaux gy ijMnw kol qyl dy BMfwr hn[ koeI AYsw bhwnw bxw ky AmrIkw auhnW iv~c vI prvyS kry gw[ sivtzrlYNf vrgy dyS iv~c qyl dw BMfwrw nhI hY, nhI qW ieQy vI koeI nW koeI bhwnw GV ky AmrIkw Awx vVdw[

bdmwSW dw kMm hY mwVy nMU mwrnw, jo A~j Awpxy swhmxy hY[
hux qW ieMj lgdw hY ky mgrm~C dw Aglw iSkwr ierwn hovygw[ vwihgurU KYr kry[
siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYNf


merry cristmas and a very happy new year

fw: srijMdr isMG, XU ky


Word Siva appears in Guru Granth Sahib only once as Khosa ji has rightly pointed out on page 873. the line is just three words: Siva skti sambadag (isvw skiq sMbwdM)

Siva in this line does not mean Akal Purkh but the mythological god Shiv. The meaning given by Prof. Sahib Singh in Guru Granth Darpan is as follows:

Siva Sakti Sambad - Mutual conversation between god Shiv and Parbati, i.e. Ramayan. It is said that Shiv ji had narrated the entire episode of Ramayan to Parbati even before the episode happened.

Siva Sakti Sambadang. Man Shode Sagal Bhedang. Simar Simar Gobindang. Bhaj Nama Taras Bhav Sindhang.

Meaning: O my mind! the recitation of Ramayan etc. ( abandon these rituals. All these are such as would separate you from God. O Namdev, remember Gobind, remember Prabhu, (on remembering God alone) you would swim across the ocean of worldly existence.

The compound word Siv-Sakti appears about 11 times in Guru Granth Sahib. In one case it means mythological god Shiv and his powers (page 883) in the form of Ridhi Sidhis(see Guru Granth Darpan, Prof. Sahib Singh for meaning). In the remaining 10 cases Siv means individual soul of human beings (Atama not Paramatma) and Sakti means Maya. Again and again in these lines the idea conveyed by Guruji using this compound word is that first God created the human body from the blood of the mother (Rakat) and the seed (Bindu) of father then in it placed Siv ( the Jeevatma - human soul) and combined it with the Maya ( Siv Sakti da mail). Nowhere Siv is used as meaning God Akal Purkh. (Notice, God Akal Purkh is the placer in body of Siv an object the human soul). If Siva means a human soul (Jeevatma according to Prof. Sahib Singh) why should Guru Gobind Singh ji pray to a human Atama as Siv or Siva and not to Pamatma in Deh Siva bar mohe ihe,,, ?

Thus respecting Khosa ji's scholarly background I am again just trying to understand how word Siva in Deh Siva Bar Mohe ihe refers to God Akal Purkh and not to goddess wife of Shivji (Chandi) or to mythological Shivji itself.

Khosa ji has referred to Mahan Kosh. Under meanings for Siva the very first entry refers ro Chandi Chritar, the same composition where Deh Siva line appears. The meaning given is:

Siva. noun. Shiva, noun, Shiv's wife Durga, Parvati "Dhar Dhian Man Siva Ko Takki Puri Kailas" (Chandi 1).

The line "Dhar Dhian Man Siva Ko Taki Puri Kailas (Dwr iDAwn mn isvw ko qkI purI kYlws) refers to the story of Chandi Charitar when the Daityas defeated the mythological gods (Vishnu, Brahma, Indar, etc) after a fight lasting five thousand years the gods contemplated making a request for help to goddess Siva (who lived on mount Kailash as wife of god Shiv and hence called Siva or Shiva).

I feel with due respect that Khosa ji is trying to stretch imagination to make us believe that Siva in this is not goddess but Akal Purakh Waheguru. Khosa ji, no rhetoric please but solid evidence.

Dr Serjinder Singh UK

gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn-inaUzIlYNf

171203_amrinder_100.jpg (5399 bytes)kI AmirMdr isMG iBRStwcwr 'qy kwbU pw skxgy?
- hrbIr isMG BMvr 


kI AmirMdr isMG iBRStwcwr 'qy kwbU pw skx gy? iv`c lyKk s: hrbIr isMG BMvr ny ies smisAw dy ipCokV Aqy A`j dy hwlwq aupr ivsQwr sihq cwnxw pwieAw hY pr ies smisAw dw h`l kI hY? Aqy ikvyN? kuJ icr pihlW vI 5AwbI s`Q qy iehI g`l qurI sI[ BWvyN ik ijvyN Awm huMdw hI hY ik iksy gMBIr msly nUM lY ky G`t hI s`jx ^q ilKdy hn pr ies mzmUn qy ijhVy vI ivcwr A`gy Awey aunHW iv`coN 75% dw iehI iKAwl sI ik buinAwdI qOr qy pMjwb iek iBRSt smwj hY ij`Qy hwkmW Aqy A&srW dI cVH m`cI hoeI hY[ pr kuJ vI hovy, burweI Kqm krx dy koeI nw koeI qW rwh hoxgy[ koeI ie`k, do, pMj jW ds nukwqI pRogrwm?

pr jykr pMjwb iv`c iesy qrHW kwto auqrdI cVHdI rhI qW iPr swnUM PPVy krx dI QW ieh mMnx leI mjbUr hoxw hI pvygw ik iBRSt hwkm Aqy A&sr ie`k iBRSt smwj dw hI Aks hn[

DMnvwd sihq
gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn-inaUzIlYNf

m s DwlIvwl


Satsri Akaal !

It is a sad chapter in history of Punjab and the politics of Punjab. After the most unfortunate years of militancy and corrupt activities of the Akaali government, there was a little ray of light at the end of tunnel that
something will be done to eradicate the corruption from Punjab. I have recently visited India and out of nine states I have visited (in my opinion) Punjab was third after Bihar and UP in corruption. Even  though Punjab is supposed to be richest state in India, morally it looks the poorest state. I have no political preference between Akaalis or Congress, but Badal out of two leaders is definitely more corrupt, selfish and conning. He is using Sikh religion, sentiments of innocent  people and SGPC for personnel gains.

As far as Congress goes the current situation is so embarrassing and laughable for the Punjab and  every Punjabi. People like Bibi Bhathal are so narrow minded and selfish that they are not even fit for calling themselves Punjabi's. The CM's chair is everything to her and for that reason she will do anything. It is even more shameful of the people who are behind her just hoping to get a ministerial seat. Is any of these thinking of Punjab at all??. The saying that "Ik Libri majh baakee saarian noo liber dindee hai" is 100% true for Bibi Bhathal, who has managed to drag all these like minded people into this political mud with her. I hope she realizes that if (and as soon as) she manages to pull Punjab (Congress) government down and give Mr. Baadal another chance for repeat of last five years, she will be on the other side of the fence and probably in same room in Ptiala where Skhbir Badal was a few days ago. Bibi Ji Just ask your self what did you achieve when last time you was the leader?????????????.

To all the heartless politicians of Punjab:- "Please stop destroying the PUNJAB for petty selfish reasons".


This very much true that Mr. Amarinder Singh has managed to unmask the corrupt and selfish faces behind the relegio-politcal Akaali Dal and has failed to unmask the corrupt people within the Congress party. We should be thankful to him that at least he has opened the door of this big corrupt Badal kingdom. The  whole drama now being played in Delhi, by these so called baagi congressmen is in a fear of the same hand reaching to their own necks. They are not crying for Punjab but their own corrupt skin. If they had any love for Punjab they could have resolved any of the party differences in Chandigarh instead of lowering themselves to the state off wagging their tails in front of congress high command, who in itself is nothing more than a life-less skeleton.

M. S. Dhaliwal.

hrpwl isMG, svIfn


dwrw iSkwgo dw p``qr pV ky hYrwnI hoeI ik AmrIkw swD hY[ kI Arb mulkW dy qyl dy BMfwr lu``tx vwlw swD ho skdw hY? ierwk aup``r ijs AwDwr qy hmlw kIqw igAw bybuinAwd sI[ kI hux siQqI byhqr hY ijQy roz G``to G``t 5 -7 mrdy hn[

Swied ie``k zmwny iv``c ieMglYNf dy lokI vI Awpxy Awp nUM swD hI kihMdy hox ijhnw ny swfy dyS nUM 100 swl luitAw[ ijs dw sMqwp AsIN A``j q``k hMfw rhy hW[ iBRStwcwr Aqy hor musIbqW ijvyN v``DdI AbwdI grIbI dI hI dyx hY[ ijsdw ishrw iehnw swDw dy isr hI b``Jdw hY[

hrpwl isMG

krnYl isMG igAwnI


sMpwdk jI,

Awp dy ies vYbsweIt rwhIN, mYN fwktr hrijMdr isMG idlgIr, hrbIr isMG BMvr, Aqy s.dlbIr isMG jI nUM iek zrUrI bynqI krnw cwhvWgw[

ijMny au~c pwey dy lyKk Awp jI ho, kI Awp iksy qrW pMjwb dy gIqkwrW Aqy nOjvwn gwiekW nUM ivAkqIgq qrIky nwl phuMc kr skdy ho ik auh Awpxy pRogrwmW ivc hmySw ies qrW dy lok gIqW dI Brmwr krn ijMnW rwhIN Psychologically sroiqAW dy kMnW ivc niSAW ivruD soc pRbl huMdI rhy[

niSAW dI sm`isAw iehnW mulkW ivc vI kw&I hY[ AYpr eyQy srkwrW ivDI Anuswr sm`isAwvW dy h`l l`Bx leI q`q pr rihMdIAW hn[ ies dy ault ihMdosqwnI ( Kws krky pMjwbI) rwjnIqk pwrtIAW qW lokW nUM mu&q A&Im, posq, Srwb p`ilEN dy ky niSAW v`l pRyrq krdIAW hn[ qdy qW ieh lok, nSy ivc gu`t hoky rsqw roko, jW Drny dyx leI hmySw iqAwr rihMdy hn[ imhnq dy kMmW qoN kqrwauNdy hn[ eysy kwrn ikrswnI dw burw hwl hoieAw hY[ vDyry pMjwbI ividAwrQI, nw qwlIm pUrI kr skdy hn, nw hI koeI au~c pwey dI is`iKAW lYx bwry Serious huMdy hn[ ijs krky Interstate level qy cMgIAW nOkrIAW leI vI Qualify nhI kr skdy[

swfy mhwn gwiekW v`loN, Gr dI Srwb hovy vrgy gIq nhI SoBdy[ auhnW nUM Publically Ban kr dyxw cwhIdY[

ies qoN ielwvw ijs qrW iehnW mulkW ivc srvjnk sQwnW ( hotlW, storW, hvweI jhwzW, trynW, bsW, d&qrW Awid) ivc isgryt pIx dI mnwhI hY, Bwrq ivc vI isgryt ( qMbwkU), Srwb pI ky Awaux dI mnwhI ijhy kwnUMnW nUM sKqI nwl lwgU krnw cwhIdY[

Awp dy lyKW ivc bVI jwn hY, Aqy iehnW rwhIN lok rwey bnwaux ivc bhuq v`fI s&lqw iml skdI hY[

iek inmwxw suJwv[
krnYl isMG igAwnI

pRO: pRIqm isMG gryvwl

kdy nhIN mrdw b�dy 'coN mW BUmI leI hyrvw


fw.s.s. CInw jI dw lyK EhnW dI knyfw PyrI dw idlcsp vrnx krdw hY[ ibnW S`k bMdy dy mn dIAW qihAW AMdr Awpxy vqn leI hyrvw kwiem rihMdw hY, BwvyN auh ikqy vI vDyry suKdweI mwhol ivc pRvws ikauN nw kr jwvy[

CInw jI ny jo ieh iliKAw hY ik ies dy (Awtvw dirAw)iek qrP AwntwrIE hY Aqy dUsrI qrP ibRitS kolMbIAw dwAwtvw Sihr hY, BUgolk q`Q nhIN[ Awtvw AwntwrIE ivc hY Aqy ieh knyfw dI rwjDwnI hY[ies dirAw dy pCm v`l AwntwrIE sUbw hY Aqy pUrb v`l ikaUbk hY[

sqnwm isMG bwjvw, AwstrylIAw


ipAwry sMpwdk jI

BwrqI ikRkt tIm duAwrw AwstrylIAw iKlwP dUjy tYst mYc ivc ij`q iek SlwGwXog prwpqI hY qy ies prwpqI leI swrI tIm nUM qy BwrqI Kyf pRymIAW nUM bhuq bhuq mubwrkW[ koeI 22 swl dy vkPy bwAd Bwrq ny pihlI vwr AwstryLIAw nUM AwstrylIAw dy Awpxy mYdwn iv`c hrwieAw hY[ Aws hY ky rihMdy do tYst mYcW iv`c vI BwrqI tIm vDIAw kwrgujwrI idKwvygI[ ies ij`q dw ishrw   aup-kpqwn rwhul dRwivV qy m`DkRm dy blybwz vI vI AY~s lksmx isr jWdw hY ijnWH dI ibhqrIn blybwjI sdkw AwstrylIAw duAwrw pihlI pwrI iv`c bxweIAW geIAW 556 dOVW vI QOVIHAW rih geIAW[

hrBjn isMG auNglI jKmI hox krky ieh tYst nhIN sI Kyf sikAw[ duAw krdy hW 22 dsMbr qoN pihLW ausdI auNgl TIk ho jwvy, qW ky mYlbrn ivc Kyfy jwn vwly tYst ivc auh vI AwpnI kwrgujwrI idKw sky[
sqnwm isMG bwjvw

ruipMdrpwl isMG, XU: ky:


Dear All,

Although I have been speaking Punjabi as a second language all my life, I never had a formal Punjabi education, so am self taught. I am embarking on writing a short story, but am likely to make grammer and spelling mistakes, with this english thinking mind. Please can someone help check my spellings anf grammer via e-mail correpondance? I would really like to be able write in Punjabi. I do not know of anyone born in the west trying to tell the story of our generation and their experinces in Punjabi. I have taught myself Gurumukhi and use Anmolipi fonts. Please is there anyone willing to help?
Rupe rdhillon@cmedltd.com

AmrjIq isMG Kosw


BMblBUsy ivc pwauxw jW k`Fxw

iksy dI ilKI, nwsmJI kwrn ikMqU pRMqU BrpUr rcnw pVH ky, ibnW Awpxy iksy AnuBv dy, aus dI f`t ky ihmwieq kr dyx nwl bwAd ivc inmoSI dw swhmxw krnW hI pYNdw hY[jd koeI dsm-gRMQ swihb dy iek v`fy Aqy pRis`D Bwg dw nwm 'SsqR-nwmw' ilKdw hY, qW sihjy hI pqw l`g jWdw hY, ik ieh ivdvwn 'vwikAw hI' ies gRMQ dw 'pUrw AiDAYn' kr cu`ikAw hY[Awm is`K qW smJ hI jWdy hn, ik ieh SsqRnwm mwlw bwry g`l kr irhw hY[kdy qW koeI AwpxI km`klI nUM s`cI is`D krn leI 'ih`k Tokx' dw hokw dyeI jWdw hY, koeI iesnUM 'ihMdU qy is`KW ivc pwVw' pwauxw kihMdw jW kihMdI hY, koeI ies nUM 'Dur kI bwxI bnwaux dw AsPl Xqn' kihMdw hY[hux iek hor 'pwTkW nUM BMblBUsy pwaux' vwlw qmgw fw. swihb v`loN imilAw qW juvwb dyxw zrUrI ho igAw[ BYxo Aqy BweIE! ih`k Tokx nwl hI koeI g`l s`cI nhIN ho jWdI, ihMdU is`KW ivc pwVw koeI nhIN, pr AMqr zrUr smJxw cwhIdw hY, Aqy hr is`K, gurUAW dI aucwrI 'Dur kI bwxI' Aqy bwkI swihq nUM BI cMgI qrHW jwxdw hY[mYN nW qW ivdvwn SRyxI qy nW hI Blvwn SRyxI ivc Aw skdw hW[ies leI Kud sMkoc krky Aqy pMQk ivdvwnW dy ilKy nUM hI ADwr bxw ky Aqy ku`J Awpxw AnuBv zwihr krky ies BMblBUsy vwlI qkrwr nUM ivcwr p`Dr qy ilAwaux dI koiSS kr irhw hW[

fw. srijMdr isMG jI ny 'isv' lPz nUM kMnW l`gx krky 'isvw' bx jwx qoN ilMg nUM puilMg ivc qbdIl hox dw shwrw lYky swrw zor ies g`l qy hI lgw id`qw, ik ilKwrI (gurU goibMd isMG jI) iSv jI dI pqnI pwrbqI qoN vr mMg rhy hn[isvw lPz bwbq mhwn koS ivc BweI kwnH isMG jI nwBw nM:1 isv pqnI qy nM:2 pwrbRhm dI SkqI ArQ krdy hn[ sRI gurU gRMQ swihb ivc Awey:- isvw skiq sMbwdM]mn Coif Coif skl BydM](gONf nwmdyv jI) ivc ilKy hoey 'isvw' Sbd nUM isv-skqI krky hI Kulwsw kIqw igAw hY, Bwv ilMg puilMg dI koeI qbdIlI nhIN[ iPr-imlu myry pRIqm ipAwirAw]pM:1122 Aqy imil myry pRIqmw jIau] pM:244 dy QW vI 'pRIqm' jW 'pRIqmw' ilKx krky koeI qbdIlI nhIN huMdI[ Awm swDwrn bolI ivc BI jy r`b nUM r`bw, rwm nUM rwmw, ikRSn nUM ikRSnw jW goibMd nUM goibMdw ikhw jWdw hY, qW ies ivc koeI vKryvW nhIN ho skdw Aqy ieh isrP Aqy spSt pihlw rUp hI rihMdw hY, mqlb ilMg-puilMg dI koeI qbdIlI nhIN smJI jWdI[ pwrbRhm pRmySr nUM iksy ilMg puilMg dy dwiery ivc nhIN r`iKAw jw skdw['qU myrw ipqw qU hY myrw mwqw'] ikqy kih nW dyxw ik 'myrw mwqw' ilK ky BweI gurdws jI ny 'ivAwkrxk glqI' kr leI Aqy gurU Arjn dyv jI ny 'su`D' nhIN kIqw[

dsm-gRMQ swihb dIAW rcnwvW pVHky pu`Ty pwsy qurn vwilAW leI isrdwr kpUr isMG jI (AweI.sI.AYs.) nYSnl pRoPYsr AwP is`iKzm ilKdy hn:_ "iek hor qIjy kwrn ny, ijsdw ik sbMD BI swihq klw BydW (Literary technique) nwl hY, ies BulyKy nUM pRp`k kIqw hY, auh hY swihq ilKwrI dw AwpxI rcnw ivc sQwnk rMg Brn dw gux[hr pRkwr dy koml hunrW dw AMiqm inSwnw ieho huMdw hY, ik koml rcnw (Artistic creation) duAwrw Aijhw rUp ivdmwn kIqw jwvy, ijs nwl drSk nUM srvqR sqX dw BulyKw pvy[ mnoklpq vwsqv-inrwDwr rcnw ieauN ids Awvy, ik ieh s�qwh sqX hY, AYvyN kQnI mwqR mwXwDwr idRS rUp nhIN[ijs h`d q`k klwkwr ieh ieMdRjwl rcn ivc sPl huMdw hY, aus h`d q`k ausdI klw qy ikRq kwmXwb khI jWdI hY[ gurU goibMd isMG jI, ijQy gurU Avqwr, jnm qoN srvisiD dy DwrxI, mukMd qy mukqI p`Q drSk jXoqI qy gurbwxI dy pYgMbr sn, auQy iek mhwn klwkwr qy DurMDr ivdvwn BI sn[auh jwxdy sn, ik mwXw cirqR qy rUp inrimq krnw, ijMnHW qoN ik vwsqivk sqX dw Aqu`t BulyKw pvy, ieho aucI klw dw AwSw hY[ qwhIauN qW gurU ny klwkwr dI pRiqBw bwry ikhw hY ik 'quhI jog mwXw quhI bwk bwnI'](cirqR pihlw) ies AwSw pUrqI leI klwkwr AwpxI rcnw ivc sQwink qy ieiqhwsk rMg Brdy hn, qW ju aunHW dI rcnw Awpxy AMiqm AwSy ivc sPl hovy[ ip`Cy jo kwdrXwr dI sIhrPI dI quk id`qI hY, 'AlP AwK swKI isAwlkot AMdr pUrn pu`q slvwn dy jwieAw ey'[ies ivc 'isAwlkot' 'pUrn' qy 'Swlvwhn' sQwink, vwsqivk qy ieiqhwsk rMg kvI ny Bry hn[

'isAwlkot' pMjwb dw pRis`D ngr hY qy kwdrXwr dI 'sIhrPI' pMjwbI ivc pMjwbIAW leI ilKI geI[ies qrHW mwq-pu`qR ivBcwr dI ies ivSv pRc`lq pRwcIn khwxI dy BwrqI rUpWqR nUM sQwink pCokV kvI ny id`qw hY[ 'pUrn' nwm vwsqivk rMg hY, ikauN ik ieh iek Awm pMjwbI nwm hY, Aqy 'Swlvwhn' rwjw BwrqI ieiqhws ivc hoieAw qW hY, pr 'isAwlkot' ausdI rwjDwnI nhIN sI, Aqy nw ausdw invws AsQwn[AYvyN rwj pRbMD kyNdr sI, ijvyN pSOr mhwrwjw rxjIq isMG dw sI, pr kwdrXwr dw mMqv kyvl ies jgq pRis`D qy ivSv pRc`lq ik`sy nUM ieiqhwsk rMg dyxw sI, qW ju ausdI kwiv-rcnw dw mwXw jwl AslI ho Bwsy, jo ik hr klw dw mu`K mMqv huMdw hY[ies qoN ieh Anumwnxw ik mhwrwjw Swlvwhn, ijs qoN ik A`j qoN 1880 vrHy pihloN Swkw sMmq AwrMB hoieAw Aqy ijsdI rwjDwnI pRiqSTwn (d`Kx) sI, auh isAwlkot rihMdw sI qy lUxw cimAwrI ivAwh ilAwieAw sI, iek BwrI Bu`l hovygI qy Anumwnx vwly dI Aiv`idAw dw sbUq BI"[

isrdwr kpUr isMG jI ies lyK ivc iehI smJwauNdy hn, ik dsm gRMQ swihb nUM smJx leI BwSw dy nwl nwl swihq klw Byd, rcnw Byd, ieiqhws jW mnoklpq hY, sY�-jIvnI jW sY�-ikRq hY, swihq jW gurbwxI hY, dy Prk nUM smJxw zrUrI hY, Aqy smW sQwn dI qbdIlI nwl lPz, Drm jW kOmI pRIvrqn BI ho jWdw hY[iesy kmzorI nUM lYky hI keI vyr ArSoN PrS qy if`gx vwlI hwlq bx jWdI hY[

ieQy ku`J lweInW fw. hrBjn isMG jI pitAwlw dIAW ilKxIAW BI zrUrI hn, qW ik dsm-gRMQ swihb bwry BulyiKAW dy swgr ivc if`k foly KWdI byVI iknwry l`gx jogI hovy:_ "hkIkq ivc dsm-gRMQ bwxI dw AwSw-audyS gurU gRMQ swihb nwl iek rUp qW hY, iek smwn nhIN[ hr Drm dy do mu`K AMg hn:_ iek ausdI AiDAwqimkqw Aqy dUjw ausdw sMgTnwqimk srUp[swmI DrmW dI ieh siQqI hY, ik ieh dovyN AMg Drm gRMQW ivc pUrI qrHW rlgf hn[ sMgTnwqimk ivDI-ivDwn dw pwln krn vwlw hI aus Drm ivSys dI AiDAwqimkqw nwl sMbMiDq ho skdw hY, hwlWik XhUdI Drm dw nzrIAw eIsweIAq qy ieslwm nwloN ies p`KoN izAwdw audwrvwdI mMnx ivc koeI sm`isAw nhIN[vYidk Drm ivc AiDAwqimk igAwn Aqy DrmwvlMbIAw dw Dwrimk ivvhwr dovyN v`K r`Kx dI cyStw kIqI geI, ijs qoN SruqI Aqy ismRqI igAwn dIAW do v`KrIAW DwrwvW sQwpq hoeIAW[ij`Qy SruqI igAwn Drm dw swr hY, auQy ismrqI igAwn ausdIAW Dwrimk rhu-rIqIAW nUM ivvsiQq krdw hY[pr pUjw pRDwn Drm hox krky ieMnHW dohW dw AMqr-sMbMD ies pRkwr dw hY, ik SruqI igAwn ausy leI lwBkwrI hY, jo ismrqI Anuswr krm-kWf dw pRiqpwlx krdw hovy[sMgTn dy inXmW Aqy AiDAwqmvwd dI ies rlgfqw kwrn ienHW ivcoN iksy Drm AMdr ivSv Drm hox dIAW sMBwvnwvW nhIN hn, ikauN ju ivSv Drm auho ho skdw hY, jo inAwry rihx-sihx nUM pRvwn kridAW Drm dy AiDAwqm-vwd qy sMgTn dohW nUM spSt qOr qy v`K v`K r`K skdw hovy[ ArQwq ausdy sMgTn dw ikRAwSIl mYNbr bxy, ausdI ruhwnIAq nUM jigAwsU Dwrn kr sky[is`K Drm ivc hI ieh ivSySqw hY, ik iesdI AiDAwqimkqw nUM auh vI mwx skdw hY, ijsny ivDI Anuswr is`K Drm gRihx nW kIqw hovy[ijsdw kwrn ieh hY, ik AiDAwqimkqw dy somy gurU gRMQ swihb ivc is`K sMgTn dw ivDI ivDwn nhIN hY[ gurU gRMQ swihb dw sMdyS mwnv eykqw dw hY, hr p`K qoN ienswnI brwbrI dw hY[ieh srb-sWJI igAwn-sm`grI swihq sMq-jIvn dw inrmwx qW krdI hY, pr sMgTn dy ivkws vwsqy iek piv`qr iksm dw d�Yq Aqy inrml-hayu zrUrI hY[myr-qyr isrjy ibnW jgq ivc rwvx Aqy rwm, kMs qy ikRSn, dyvqy qy rwKS jW mnmu`K qy gurmu`K dI d�Yq sQwpq kIqy ibnW, jIvn ivc sMGrS leI auqSwh nhIN pYdw ho skdw, jo sMgTn dy ivkws dI mu`K zrUrq hY[Awpxy sMgTn dI sRyStqw mMny ibnW sMgTn dI mzbUqI sMBv nhIN ho skdI qy ieh in`j aucqw dUjy sMgTn dy lokW vwsqy pRyrnW sRoq nhIN ho skdI[is`K Drm ivc ij`Qy 'gurU gRMQ' swihb swrI mnu`Kqw nUM iek rUp mMn ky sm-idRStI r`Kx dw aupdyS idMdw hY, auQy 'dsm-gRMQ' mnmu`K qy gurmu`K ivc Byd sQwpq krky mnmu`KW ivru`D inrMqr sMGrS dI pRyrnW idMdw hY-ArQwq gurU gRMQ swihb dI inrol Ad�YqvwdI idRStI nUM dsm-gRMQ sMgTn dI loV vwsqy zrUrI ivvhwrk d�Yqvwd dw ADwr idMdw hY[ies sMbMD ivc 'vwr sRI BgauqI jI kI' dI dUjI pauVI iDAwn dyx Xog hY:_

KMfw pRQmY swij kY ijn sB sYswr aupwieAw]bRhmw ibsnu mhys swij kudriq dw Kylu bxwieAw]isMDu prbq mydnI ibnu QMmw ggn rhwieAw]isrjy dwno dyvqy iqn AMdir bwdu rcwieAw]qY hI durgw swij kY dYqw dw nws krwieAw]qYQo hI blu rwm lY nwl bwxw dhisr GwieAw]qYQo hI blu ikRsn lY kMs kysI pkiV igrwieAw]…

dohW gRMQW ivc iek v`fw AMqr ieh hY, ik gurU gRMQ swihb mnmu`KqweI ivru`D jUJx auqy kyNdRq hY, jdoN ik dsm-gRMQ mnmu`KW ivru`D jUJx auqy bl idMdw hY[gurU gRMQ swihb dI bwxI kwmwid mnmu`KqweIAW jo ienswnIAq dI sWJI sm`isAw hY, aunHW nwl Awqm-bl dw hiQAwr lYky sMGrS krn aupr bl idMdI hY, jdoN ik dsm-gRMQ dIAW rcnwvW kMs Aqy rwvx ijhIAW AwsurI qwkqW nUM iviBMn pRkwr dy sRyST hiQAwrW nwl kucl dyx dI pRyrnW idMdIAW hn[hkIkqn jdoN kwmwid nwl sMGrS krIdw hY, qW kwmwid qoN pRyrq lok-smUh, gurmu`K dw rsqw Aw rokdw hY[bhuqy lok ies g`l auqy sMquSt ho jWdy hn, ik aunHW Awpxy kwmwid auqy kwbU pw ilAw hY, pr ku`J ku`J gurmu`K kwmwid nUM smwijk-ivkRqI mMn ky ausdy smUl nwS vwsqy ausdy pRbl smRQkW nwl jUJx qoN ip`Cy nhIN htdy[srl SbdW ivc ies qrWH ikhw jw skdw hY, ik gurU gRMQ swihb 'sMq' dw inrmwx krdw hY, jdoN ik dovyN gRMQ imlky ausy qrHW 'sMq-ispwhI' dI isrjxw krdy hn, ijvyN hirmMdr swihb Aqy Akwl qKq swihb mIrI pIrI dw[aupr vrixq audwrvwdI ivvsQw dy kwrn ieh g`l bhuq spSt hY, ik is`K Drm nwl sMbMDq hoey lokW dy do vrg hoxy hI sn[iek ruhwnIAq dI sWJ r`Kx vwly qy dUjy aus ruhwnIAq dy AwDwr auqy bxy sWJy sMgTn dy mYNbr[ijhVy lok swfy nwl gurU gRMQ swihb dI ruhwnIAq q`k sihmq hn, auh sihjDwrI hn qy ijhVy gurbwxI dy nwl nwl dsm-gRMQ dI pRyrnW dy AwDwr auqy ruhwnIAq-ivroDI AnsrW nwl do h`Q krn vwsqy BI iqAwr hn, auh AMimRqDwrI Kwlsy hn[ies sMbMDI swfy mnW ivc koeI duic`qI nhIN hoxI cwhIdI, ik Kwlsy dy rUp ivc ivSv-Drm dI klpnw krnI AOrMgzybI soc hY, jdoN ik gurU Gr dI soc inAwry-px ivc eykqw dI hY[sMgTnwqimk rucIAW nUM nwl pRPu`lq krn krky hI dsm-gRMQ dI bwxI AMimRqDwrIAW ivc hI pRc`lq hoeI, sihjDwrIAW ivc nhIN[ies siQqI ivc dsm-gRMQ bwry ies qrHW pRcwr krnw ik ieh bRwhmxvwdI qwkqW nUM bl pRdwn krn vwlw gRMQ hY, pUrI qrWH inrmUl ivcwr hY[jy ieh s`c huMdw qW sihjDwrI dsm-gRMQ pVHdy, jdoN ik AMimRqDwrI kyvl gurU gRMQ swihb"[

is`KI ivc Avqwr pRQw nUM pRcwirAw qW igAw hY, pr siqkwirAw (pUjx-Xog) iblkul nhIN[Avqwr pRQw dw vrnx aunHW dy pUjw pRcwr leI nhIN, sgoN aunHW dw BY lok-mn ivcoN k`F ky aunHW AvqwrW nUM Awm mnu`Kqw dy p`Dr qy Awx ilAw KVHw kIqw hY, Aqy nwl nwl Awpxw AwSw, audyS, mnorQ, gurU swihb jI ny bhuq jgHw spSt kIqw hY[iesy qrWH 'vwirs' ny hIr ilKdy smyN jdoN sihqI dy rWJy nwl jW rWJy dy hIr nwl suAwl juvwb huMdy ilKy hn, byS`k swrI rcnw hY qW vwirs dI, pr iPr BI ikqy ikqy auh 'kvI dw ibAwn' Alihdw ilKx l`gdw hY, jo ik c`l rhy pRsMg qoN iblkul htvW huMdw hY[ieh swihq klw dw iek AMg hY[

quhwfy kihx muqwibk ijhVw (klpink bRwhmx) isvw (klpink pwrvqI) qoN vr mMg irhw hY, kI auh ausdy pqI (iSv jI) bwry jW ausdy gl ivc pwey s`pW, jtwvW, gMgw dw inklnw, DqUry, fmrU, mswx-vwsw, rws lIlw qy Kws krky ayusdI AKOqI mwrn SkqI bwry ku`J nhIN ilKygw?Agr ieh cIzW dw izkr dsm-gRMQ swihb ivc ikqy vI iml jwvy, qW ieh zrUr hI iksy bRwhmx dI rcnw khI jw skdI hY, pr ieh sB ku`J l`Bx dy bwvzUd Aqy A`fI cotI dw zor lwky BI nhIN imldw[srb-smr`Q, qRY kwl-drSI ilKwrI (gurU goibMd isMG jI) 'cMfI cir`qR' ilKx qoN pihlW iesdw vyrvw 'bic`qR nwtk' dI AMqlI cOpeI ivc bVy ivsQwr nwl ilKdy hn, Aqy iDAwn nwl pVHo ik :-

srbkwl hY ipqw hmwrw]dyib kwl kw mwq hmwrw]…srbkwl qb Bey dieAwlw]loh r`C hm ko sB kwlw]…pihly cMfI cirqR bnwXo]nK isK qy kRm BwK sunwXo]ijhVy klpink bRwhmx dw nwm d`sogy, ieh iKAwl r`Kxw ik auh qW sdw hI loh (srbloh=SsqRW) dI r`iCAw dw vrdwn mMgdw hY, ausny Awpxw ipqw srbkwl Aqy mwqw (kwl dw dyv= kwl dw suAwmI= kwl dw mwlk, XwnI pwrbRhm pRmySr) iliKAw hY[ho sky qW Awp iesy cMfI cirqR dIAW qSbIhW (lhU iB`jy k`pVy ijvyN holI KylH rhy hox, loQW ijvyN BMg pIky su`qy hox, murdy ijvyN hvw ny kyilAW nUM fyg id`qw hovy jW qrKwxW ny drKqW nUM v`iFAw hovy Aqy isr dw v`Fxw ijvy GuimAwr ny c`k qoN GVw lwihAw hovy Awid) nUM zrw gOr nwl pVHo, ijhVIAW ik murdw ho cu`kIAW rUhW ivc jwn pwaux dI smr`Qw r`KdIAw hn[kI koeI bRwhmx ies qrHW ilK skdw hY?, ijMnHW ivc 'AihMsw prmo-Drmw' pRDwn hY[

fw. srijMdr isMG jI dI AwigAw pwlx qoN pihlW BI mYN kdy kOm ivc duibDw pwaux dI kucwl nhIN c`lI[gurbwxI dw AiDAYn qy 'is`K rihq mirXwdw' nUM iDAwn ivc r`Kdy hoey 'gurU dw is`K' hox ivc hI mwx mihsUs krdw hW[pMQk jQybMdI nwloN kdy koeI Al`g fmrU nhIN vjwieAw qy nW hI kdy ieh soicAw hY, ik AsIN kOm nUM koeI nvIN syD dyxI hY, sgoN ieh koiSS krdy hW, ik jo ku`J 'gurbwxI dy AwDwr qy swry pMQk msly' h`l krky iliKAw ipAw hY, ausdw pRcwr krIey[

AKIrlI g`l ieh hY, ik dsmyS jI ny isrP ieh iek hI nhIN, sgoN hor hzwrW svYeIey ilKy hn, ijMnHW ivclI SYlI SbdwvlI dI ksv`tI qy lwieAW ieh is`D ho jWdw hY, ik swrI rcnw dsmyS jI dI hY[kihxw bVw sOKw hY, ik BweI gurdws jI dI dsvIN vwr aunHW dI nW hoky sgoN iksy pMifq 'lwCI rwm' dI ilKI hY[BweI gurdws jI dIAW bwkI aunqwlI vwrW nwl Aqy ies dsvIN vwr nUM BI sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI ksv`tI qy priKAw jw cu`kw hY, Aqy ieh BweI gurdws jI dI hI rcnw is`D hY[pr hux jW qW 'lwCI rwm' Aqy 'dyih isvw bru moih' ilKx vwly aus 'klpink bwRhmx' dI koeI hor rcnw jW gRMQ d`so, ausdw nWv, QWv, kwl, ijs nwl qulnw krky priKAw jw sky, jW iPr byPzUl aUl zlUl ilK ky vkq zwieAw krnW krwauxw ikDr dI syvw hY? ieh koeI dwAvw nhIN ik myrw aupr iliKAw hoieAw hI iblkul shI hY, jW jo ku`J dsm-gRMQ swihb bwry myry mn ivc hY, ausnUM pUrI qrHW pyS kr sikAw hovW, ikauNik-'Bulx AMdir sBu ko ABulu gurU krqwru']nwly myrI kI zurAq hY, jo mYN gurU nUM mukMml qOr qy smJx dw dwAvw kr skW[-ijsu nhI buJwvY so ikqu ibiD buJY]pM:892
AmrjIq isMG Kosw

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100 idn cor dw qy iek idn swD dw , AmrIkw ny PVH hI ilAw s`dwm nUM [ audy isMG is`K AmrIkn PojI dI ShIdI dw mu`l pY igAw s`dwm nUM PVH ky SwbS ey AmrIkn PojIau..

AwklIAw bwry kI d`sw Xwro lokI s`c hI ikhdy ny "AwklI (bwdl, thoVW) Aklo KwlI " iehnW ny pMjwb nUM fob kI C`fxW ey ..

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