pRIqm isMG gryvwl, kYnyfw |
mrhUm icqRkwr s. soBw isMG dI AMdRytw siQq Awrt gYlrI
bwry idqI jwxkwrI rwhIN s. hrbIr isMG BMvr ny myrIAW ^uSgvwr XwdW qwzw krvw idqIAW hn[
pwlmpur dy lwgy vsy rwjpur rihMidAW 1964-65 dOrwn keI vwr ies husIn vwdI dy cwh dy bgIicAW
ivclIAW pgfMfIAW rwhIN pMcruKI vloN huMidAW pYdl AMdRyty jwx dw AxoKw hI suAwd hMdw[
irSI klwkwr nUM iml ky qy kdI ausnUM eIzl swhmxy bYiTAW
iksy Swhkwr nUM icqRidAW dyK ky ABul XwdW dw srmwieAw pRwpq ky prqx dI rUhwnI sMquStqw
imldI[ aus smy s. hrbIr isMG BMvr nwl vI EQy mulwkwq huMdI rihMdI sI[ soBw isMG dw
^uS-imzwj Aqy hlky-Pulky hwsy T`Ty qoN ielwvw EhnW dI cuxvW swihq pVHx dI rucI vI pRBwvq
krdI[ EhnW dI lwiebRyrI qoN pVHx leI jgq pRis`D lyKkW dIAW ikqwbW vI iml jWdIAW sn[
pRIqm isMG gryvwl, kYnyfw |
Bjn isMG AOjlw, XUbw istI (kYlIPornIAw) |
gursyvk isMG hurIN vDweI dy h`kdwr hn
ijhnw ieMny suhxy FMg nwl bhuq hI m`hqvpUrn ivSy qy rOSnI pweI hY [ iksy vI g`l qy
ikMqU-prMqU krn dI bjwie A`KW mIt ky nw cwhuMdy hoey vI lok c`l hoaU kih ky
Awpxw hI nukswn kr rhy hn [ A`fIAW cu`k ky Pwhw lYx vwilAW iv`c vI pMjwbI iksy qoN ip`Cy
nhIN [ ivAwh SwdIAW iv`c AwpxI phuMc qoN vDyry Krc kr ky Aqy keI vwr byloVw Krc kr ky AsIN
AwpxI hI iC`l luhwauNdy hW [ loV hY hryk ienswn nUM Awpxy Prz qoN jwxU hox dI Aqy ivKwvy
dI PokI Sohrq qoN guryz krn dI [lkIr dy PkIr ho ky smyN Aqy loV Anuswr Awpxy Awp nUM bdlx
iv`c Swied AsIN XkIn hI nhIN r`Kdy [
Bjn isMG AOjlw
XUbw istI (kYlIPornIAw) |
quShwr pwblw, XU: ky: |
I disagree with this article , because we can't blame INNOCENT Indian masses( kissan
,mazdoor) for everything.
a. firstly, our society is class society which is based on man to man explotation.
Indian masses 40% are living below poverty lines and still 60% illiteracy prevailed in our
society. In globalisation poor country are getting poorer and rich country due to
exploitation globaly are geting richer.
b. The complexity of our social structure is such that those who succeed can hide their
corruption . Corruption is seen only when someone fails.If you succeed no one will know
that you have been corrupt; success will hide everything. You have only to succeed and you
will become pinnacle of goodness - you will become everything that is pure , good ,
innocent. That means you can succeed in any way you like, but you must succeed. Once you
succeed, once you are successful, nothing that you may have done is wrong .
c.This has been true throughout history and even after independence. A person is only a
thief or corrupt if he is a small thief. If he is a great thief (like Laloo Rawri,
Jailalita, Narsimha rao, AND LOT OF OTHERS )then he becomes an Alexandra the Great, a
HERO. No one ever sees that there is no qualitative difference between the two, that it is
only a quantitative difference. No one will call you Alexandra a great thief because the
measure of your goodness is success: the more success you are, the more good. Means are
only questioned if you are a failure, then you will be called both corrupt and fool.
d.This sitiation is a human creation. We have created a society (class society )with a
mad rush for wealth,corrupt power & politics; we go on supporting it, and then we ask
why there is corruption.Unless we change the very foundation of society there is bound to
be corruption , there always has been corruption. Forms have changed , but the corruption
has remained because we have not yet created a society in which corruption is impossible.
e. Our society has been made by us - we are the architects of it. And because the
foundation of it is wrong , because the base upon which we have built all our society's is
not scientific, it is bound to be corrupt. We can change it or we can prolong- it depends
on us.A bloodless transition is what we( Indian Masses) would like and we should strive
for it, but what will happen will depend on the srength of the masses.and we are for the
transition of democratic revolution in the direction of scientific society . We must rely
on the strength of sleeping Indian massess.
Our late revolutionery poet ASAR HOSHIAPURI(J.JOSHI) POEM :-
HAM JANGE AWAMI .....................
gurbcn isMG jgpwl |
bahut bahut dhnavad ji. Eh lorhida si .
Gurbachan Singh Jagpal |
sMqoK isMG, AwstRylIAw |
gursyvk isMG jI horW ny ies lyK rwhIN
iek Aiq kOVI scweI nUM aujwgr kIqw hY[ AijhIAW ilKqW nwL prcy dw k`d aucw huMdw hY[
ho sky qW s. gursyvk isMG horW dw eI-myl Cwp dyx dI
KycL kr dyxI[
sMqoK isMG |
AmrjIq kOr |
vIr sqnwm isMG jI dy ivcwrW nUM jykr fUMGy idloN inklI
ie~k drdBrI hUk ikhw jwvy qW ijAwdw TIk hoeygw[ ies iv~c koeI S~k nhIN ik is~KI dI hwlq
bhuq inGr cu~kI hY[ pr audm A~gy l~CmI p~Ky A~gy pOx dy Anuswr kuJ vI AsMBv nhIN loV isrP
is~K bnx dI hY jykr AsIN is~KI dy kyNdr hI jwq brwdrIAW dy nwm aupr KolHx l~g pey qW au~Qy
iks isDWq dw pRcwr hoeygw[ iehnW nUM gurU Gr ikhw hI nhIN jw skdw ieh qW DIrmlIAW vloN
KolIAW jwx vwlIAW 22 mMjIAW dy smwn hn[
is~K isrP isMG ho skdw hY [jdoN goq nwvW nwl lgx lg
jWdy hn qW Awpxy Awp ivqkry vI SurU hox lg jWdy hn [swfy idlW AMdr gurU dw ipAwr hI nhIN
irhw [jy hovy qW BweI qwrU isMG vrgI swfI pRqIq hovy nW ik muSkl koloN fr ik is~KI dI pCwx
nUM hI iqlWjlI deIey[ is~K dI pCwx ausdI swbq sUrq hY ijsnUM sMBwlx vwsqy dsqwr mrd Aqy
AOrq leI jrUrI hY jykr mrd cuMNnI nwl isr nhIN F~k skdw qW AOrq vwsqy ieh ikvyN sMBv hY?
cMgw hovy jy swfy kol koeI pweydwr lIfriS~p hovy pr fu~bI qW jy swh nW AwieAw [hux qW swfw
sBnW dw Prj bxdw hY ik Awpo Awpxy QW qy pRcwrk dw Prj inBweIey[ Awpxy Gr prvwr qoN SurU
hoky bwhr v~l nUM vDIey[ ieh hI gurU sihbW dw Purmwx hY ik
Awpx hQIN Awpxw Awpy hI kwju svwrIAY
jdoN ie~k is~K Awpxy b~cy b~cIAW dy irSqy krn smy is~KI
nUM muK rKx dI QW pYsy nUM muK rK lYNdw hY jW jwq brwdrIAW nUM muK r~K lYNdw hY qW aus
smyN is~KI nUM bhuq s~t v~jdI hY audoN l~K prcwrk jo mrjI khI jwx is~~KI v~D Pul hI nhIN
skdI [AMimRq Ck ky jy AsIN gurU dy b~cy nhIN bxy qW iPr hor kdoN bxwgy? ie~k ipE dy b~icAW
dI jwq goq vI ie~k hI hoxI cwhIdI hY [jdoN swfw ipE gurU goibMd isMG hY qW iPr vKryvW iks
cIj dw ? AsIN isMG qoN A~gy hor iks dI pCwx Awpxy nwl leI iPrdy hW ?Asl iv~c AsIN s~cy idl
nwl AMimRq pwx kIqw hI nhIN huMdw , nhIN qW ieh nObq hI ikauN Awvy? ijhVw b~cw ipE vrgw nW
hovy aus nUM hrwm dw ikhw jWdw hY jykr is~K dI Skl Awpxy Dwrmk ipE vrgI hI nhIN aus vwsqy
qW isrP ie~k hI Sbd hY ik auh kptI is~K hY |
gurbKS isMG jYd, AOklYNf(inaUjIlYNf) |
09/11/03 vIr jI
sB qoN pihlW 5abi.com dy swry pRIvwr Aqy dunIAW dy kony kony iv`c bYTy nwnk nwm-lyvw
sMgqW nUM SRI guru nwnk dyv jI dy jnm auqSv dI l`K-l`K vDweI hovy[ ipCly hPqy pVy swry hI
AwrtIkl AwpxI AwpxI jgHw qy vDIAw sn[ gursyvk isMG dw iliKAw 'JUT hjUm iv`c qy s`c
iek`l iv`c ivcrdw hY' bhuq hI vDIAw l`igAw bweI ny inqw-pr`qI ijMdgI 'coN kmwl dIAW
audwhrxw id`qIAW hn [ ausnUM bhu`q mubrkW[
l`igAw dlbIr isMG qy ipCoN 'vwj mwrI dw ku`J Asr hoieAw
ausdI joqS dI dukwn c`l geI[ myry ipCly Kq qy pRqI- krm kridAW vIr svrn isMG vrjInIAw ny
ikhw ik dlbIr isMG vrgy vDIAw lyKk dI Alocnw krnI nhIN bxdI, jy AsIN pwTk hI smwj dy iehnw
aUNGdy pihrydwrwN dy mUMh qy pwxI dy iC`ty nw mwrWgy qW iPr ieh kMm iksy AKOqI Alock ny qW
krnw nhIN ikauik auh qW swry (muAwP krnw ie`k do C`fy jw skdy hn) vwdW Aqy juMflIAW iv`c
vMfy pey hn[ mYN kd kihnw dlbIr isMG vDIAw lyKk nhIN jy koeI iksy dw pRsMsk hoaU qy ausnUM
icr qoN lgwqwr pVdw Aw irhw hovygw auh hI ausnUM tokx dw hoNslw kr skdw hY[
mYN jy dlbIr nUM nw pVW qW ieMJ lgdw hY ik ijvyN ikdy
cIj qoN vWJw rih igAw hovW, BWvy ieh audoN dI g`l hovy jd auh pMjwbI itRibaUn 'c Cpx
l`igAw sI qy BWvy hux[ pMjwbI iv`c lyK (inbMD) ilKx vwly hY hI ikny ku ny , nw hI iehy
ilKxw koeI suKwlI g`l AY[ ies nUM rOck bxwauxw bhuq hI AOKw kwrj hY ikauik swih`q dy hor
rUp khwxI nwvl vgYrw qW Awpxy rOck q`qW dy kwrn pVy jWdy hn[ pr bhu`q G`t lokW dy h`QW
iv`c jW pVn vwly myjW qy lyK pusqk huuMdI hY rhI g`l smwj dI hr h`f-bIqI jW suxI-suxweI
nUM khwxI kihx dI ies nwl mYN au`kw hI sihmq nhIN[ smwj iv`c AgVIAW dugVIAW peIAW GtnwvW
nUM sih`qk rUp dyxw hryk dy v`s dI g`l nhIN, ijs qrHW vIr jI ny do lyKkW dy nwm lY ky ikhw
hY ik jy auh iesnUM pwlS kr idMdy qW ieh khwxI bx jwxI sI[ vIr iblkul koTy cVky boilAw hY[
cMfIgVH dI tu`t Pu`t nUM suKnw JIl qoN do iklomItr dUr ie`kTw krky sut dyxw klw nhIN sI pr
aus tu`t Pu`t nUM nyk cMd vrgy klwkwr h`QW dI Cuh ny rwk gwrfn bxwieAw, ijsnUM vyK ky Awp
muhwry hI Sbd inkldw 'vwh kI kmwl dI isrjxw hY[' ieh Sbd tu`t-Pu`t leI nhIN ausnUM qrqIb
dyx vwly h`QW qy isrjxhwr dI klpxw leI inkldy hn[
bwkI rhI Swhkwr (mwstrpIs) rcnw dI, hr lyKk ies Awsy
nwl ilKdw hY ik ieh ausdI vDIAw rcnw hY[ pr pwTkW ny ikhVI rcnw dy isr Swhkwr dw ishrw
bMnxw hyY[ ieh qW ausnUM iblkul pqw nhIN huMdw[ nw qW iSv ny AYlwn kIqw sI ik auh 'lUxwN'
swhkwr ilK irhw hY[ nw guridAwl isMG ny 'AxgOly' bwry ikhw sI[ smyN nUM ijnw rcnwvW nUM
prvwn kIqw auh Swhkwr bx geIAW[ si`hq koeI D`ky nwl ibjlI dI motr nwl k`iFAw pwxI nhIN ieh
qW mn dI DrqI 'co Pu`itAw Awp muhwrw PuAwrw jW cSmw hY[ bwkI bweI jI myry vrgy pwTk dy
krmw iv`c Swhkwr qW kI Awm rcnw nhI AwauNdI[ r`b KYr kry AwpW qW pwTk hI suird rih jweIey
bhuq AY[ myry SbdW nwl jy iksy dw idl du`K jwvy qW muAwPI cwhWgw[
AwpjI dw vIr
gurbKS isMG jYd
AOklYNf(inaUjIlYNf) u` y |
jsbIr isMG, AwstRylIAw |
Dear editor,
Mr. Jatinder Punia's article regarding Singh Sabha Movement is Gagar vich Sagar.
I congratulates him. Many of the Sikhs do not know much about Singh Sabha Movement and if
they know only Gurmukh Singh and Dit Singh and Takhat Singh. It is our responsibility to
come farward and educate our society regarding what our elders had done for Sikhi
Parchaar. The time when casteism and many bad factors were prevailing in society, this
organisation did a wonderful job. Lest we forget these great Singhs ! Thanks.
Jasbir Singh (Australia) |
fw: jsbIr isMG kMg, kYlyPornIAw |
08/11/03 Dear Gurbasant
Singh ji
Your suggestions are welcome, I agree that we need to correct this to ultimate Guru of
Sikhs instead of 11th Guru. This mistake on my part is regretted. Any reader is welcome to
translate this article into GurMukhi. Also change there to their.
Jasbir Singh Kang MD
Yuba City, California |
sqnwm isMG cwhl, AmrIkw |
dwrw iSkwgo |
08/11/03 gurduAwirAW qy son p`qry cVHwaux nwl koeI Blw nhIN hoxw: AgnIvyS
ieh g`l iblkul shI hY ik kuJ is`K SrDwlU qy bwby
gurduAwirAW ivMc sMg mr-mr qy sonw cVHwaux ivc iehny ruJy hoey hn ky auhnW nUM 1984 ivc
Gro by Gr hoey b`cy nhI idsdy [ dyS vwdySw dIAw AKbwrw ivc vI ieh hI KbrW huMdIAw hn ky
Plwxy gurU Gr dI nvI iemwrq bxweI jw rhI hY ijs qy iehny l`K Krcw ho irhw hY[ pr kdy ieh
Kbr nhI suxI ky is`KI pRcwr leI ieny l`K dw Krcw kIqw jW iksy grIb is`K pRvwrw dy b`icAw
leI iehny l`K vwjIPy leI id`qy gey[ mY smJdw hW ky Agr gurU Gr dI iemwrq iek sDwrn jhI hY
qy aus ivc gurU jI dI bwxI gwien huMdI qy auh iemwrq iksy suvwrg dy mihl nwlo G`t nhI hY[
bwkI jo g`l iehnW ny gurU gMRQ swihb jI bwry khI hY
ieQy myrI smJ ieh hI kihdI hY gurU jI ny swnUM ikhw sI "gurU gRMQ jI mwnau pRgt gurw
kI dyh" qy swnUM auh hI siqkwr gurU gRMQ swihb jI nUM dyxw cwhIdw hY jo AsI Agr koeI
dyhDwrI gurU jI huMdy qW dydy [
dwrw iSkwgo |
mihMdr isMG, PrWs |
08/11/03 we wish happiness
and peace to all the sikh community on guru nanak dev ji gurupurab.
form france |
rwjw iF`loN, hWg kWg |
AimRqpwl isMG rwey, inaUzIlYNf |
ruipMdrpwl iF`loN, brqwnIAw |
I have read this article, and it proves to me that Sikhs are their own
worst enemy. We rely too much on India. One sad thing I have learnt about Indians is that
we are selfish and only care about ourselves, not our communities. American Sikhs have to
help themselves, an old proverb of God, and a true one. Until they can ignore India and
unite under one American Sikh leader, regardless of cast, they will always be treated this
way. We suffer the same lethargy disease in the UK.
.... Sikhs in America will only be noticed if Hollywood wants them to be. The Sikhs are
Muslims in American eyes, because unlike Muslims, Christeans and Jews, we have never
bothered forcing Hollywood ( let alone bollywood) to make movies about us. That is the
heart of the western world. Entertainment, not truth. A proper movie about Sikhs in
English has to come out of Hollywood. Until that day we are Osama Bin Laden in Hill Billy
USA eyes. |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
ies irport ivc XUbw istI dI sMgq dw
auqSwh dyKx nUM imldw hY [ nOjvwn b`cy b`cIAW dw is`KI srUp ivc jlUs ivc hum humw ky Swml
hoxw ie`k cMgy k`l dI SuruAwq hY [ SRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy sQwpnw idvs dy mOky pwlkI dI
SoBw dyKxI bxdI hY [ gqky dw pRdrSn Awaux vwlI pIVI nUM is`KI dw Al`g rUp idKwaux ivc
shweI hoieAw hovygw [
ieh irport, jykr pMjwbI ivc huMdI qW hor vI vDIAw huMdw
vwihgurU A`gy h`Q joV ky Ardws hY ik AmrIkw qy hor dySW
dy invwsI hr gurpurb dy mOky qy Aijhy ivSwl jlUs k`Fx qW ik is`KI bwry swirAw dy Brm
BulyKy dUr ho skx Aqy nvIN pIVI is`KI dy Dury nwl juVI rhy [
ieh irport pMjwbI ivc hY qy ies ivc vI XUbw istI dy
kIrqn bwry ivsQwr nwl disAw igAw hY [ is`K sMgqW dw auqSwh PotoAW ivc vyKx vwlw bxdw hY [
hvwlw s. srvjIq isMG jI dw pqr imqI 5/11/03
srdwr swhb,
quhwfy duAwrw idqw igAw kvI pRym isMG dI rcnw dw AMS
hor kuJ nhIN ie`k imiQhws lgdw hY ijs Anuswr is`K Drm nUM ihMdU Drm nwl AjIb qrIky dy
totky vrq ky joVn dI nwkwm koiSS kIqI geI hY [ kwS AsIN swry Aijhy imiQhwsk rcnwvW dy
ip`Cy nW lg ky, SRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy lV lg jweIey qW ik swfy swirAW dw Blw ho sky [
Bul cuk mwP [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
gurbsMq isMG |
Dear Sir
As far as my understanding says , Guru Granth Sahib was never given the status of
eleventh guru by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib. Guru Granth Sahib was decleared the one and only
Guru of Sikhs which carries the light of all ten Gurus.
Gurbasant Singh. |
gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn inAUjLIlYNz
06/11/03 "iswK Drm dy bfnI gurU nfnk dyv jI" dy lyKk hrMbs
isMG jI nMU iek svfl hor. ieiqhfsk dsqfvyjLF muqfibk lfhOr kdI vI iksy sLihr df nF nhIN
irhf. ieh iek ielfkf sI. igafrvIN sdI dy ieiqhfsk dsqfvyjLF muqfibk lfhOr ielfky dI
rfjDfnI 'mSDor-kor' sI. dujI sdI ivwc imsr dy ptomI ny ies ielfky df nF 'lbolkf' drj kIqf
hY. ieh nF 'lv' nfl ikvyN myl KFdy hn aqy dUjf ieh ik isSD GftI dI siBaqf qoN lY ky hux
qwk dy sLihr kuJ buinafdI nymF dy muqfbk Ausrdy rhy hn pr quhfzy muqfbk sLihr vsfAux dy
muwZly nym kI hn?
DMnvfd sihq,
gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn inAUjLIlYNz |
quShwr pwblw, brqwnIAw |
pMjwbI sUbw! p`gVI sMBwl j`tw - pMjwb, pMjwbI qy pMjwbIAq dI rwKI leI pMjwbIAW nUM bVI gMBIrqw
qy suihrdqw nwl XqnSIl hoxw pey gw[ - hrbIr isMG BMvr |
In this article I want to add some historical facts :
a. Firstly , Jawaharlal Nehru did not fully appreciate the regional
and linguistic aspirations. He dragged his feet on the formation of linguistic states. He
mistakenly believed that the intermediate stage of linguistic-based regional identities
could, perhaps , be skipped in the nation -making process. In the case of Punjab, the
denial of formation of linguistic state acquired communal overtones; the Akalis propaganda
that a Punjabi-speaking province was being denied because Sikhs would become a majority in
it began to sound credible to Sikh masses. If Partap Sing Kairon ( Congress party ) had
championed the cause of a Punjabi -speaking state as Y.B.Chavan did of Marathi speaking
state, he would have sounded death-knell of communal tendencies among the Sikhs as well as
Punjabi Hindus. But it was not to be so.
b. Secondly, Hindu communal leaders at a critical stage in the
formation of Punjabi regional nationalism, betrayed its cause, by turning their backs on
their own mother tongue Punjabi.
c. In the 1951 census the Arya Samaji, Jansangh leaders as well as
most of the Hindu Congress leaders , notably among them the late Lala Jagat Narain, who
was then General Secretary of thr Punjab Pradesh Congress party, had launched a big
campaign calling upon Punjabi Hindus to record HINDI as their mother tongue in the
census.( Congress played very dirty tactics to divide and rule Here).
d. This dirty tactics of congress led to the undermining of the
secular fabric in Punjab and the march towards " PUNJABIAT " was thwarted . The
end result is that even innocuous things have come to acquire a communal character in this
e.Congress party continued to make efforts ( Divide and Rule policy)
,mostly abortive in Punjab, to control Gurduaras by hook and crook. In fact ,Bhindrawala
was built up as part of the Congress strategy to control Gurdwaras. He was a religious
zealot. Again master minded in divide and rule , Late so called president of India Giani
Zail Singh and the late Sanjay Gandhi self styled leader thought of JEHAR KO JEHAR SE
KATNA ( use poison to eliminate poison ) and helped Bhindrawale to put up candidates
against Akalis in the Gurudwara election. Cynicism par excellence! However Bhindrawale
lost badly.
d. In a multi-religious country, highlighting commonality of religions
is essential to maintain communal peace. Emphasis on separatist features and differences
between religions would only encourage religious conflicts. A conscious attempt to
emphasize common features in different religions in INDIA was made in medieval period by
the Bhakti movement-- Kabir and Guru Nanak, Sufi Movement and the great Moghul emoror
Akbar through Din_ E -llahi.
e.Assertion of religious identities in public affairs is the biggest
roadblock in the nation-making process and the emergence of an INDIAN identity. The only
identities which have to be accepted in the transitional stage are the regional and
linguistic identities, call them by whatever name you like.
f. Our secularism has more rhetoric and less substance. We took up the
banner of secularism more than 50 years ago with IQBAL'S famous song :
impact common national consciousness to HINDUS, MUSLIM and the country was partitioned.
Even after independence people continue to kill each other in the name of religion. In
fact the number of people who are killed, year after year. in India in communal, ethnic
and caste riots are much larger than any in the world. The nation-making process in this
country is intertwined with the objective of making India a civilized country where people
do not kill each other in the name of religion and caste. This objective could be achieved
by an all - embracing movement of social reforms and modernization which includes playing
down of religious identities, a movement to end social oppression now inflicted through
the institution of caste, a movement to emancipate woman, a campaign against sectarianism,
a movement to cultivate scientific temper and rationalism. a movement against
U.K. |
srvjIq isMG |
pRo pRIqm isMG jI df iliKaf lyK,
"rogu dfrU dovY buJY qF vYdu sujfxu] piVaf ,ijs ivwc buhq hI sohxy qrIky nfl guru
nfnk sfihb jI dy jIvn vfry jfxkfrI dy nfl nfl gurimq dy isDfq dI vI ivafiKaf kIqI geI hY.
kfsL, asI purfqn mrXfdf dy nF hyT kIqy jfdy krm kfzF nMU Cwz ik qwq gurimq nMU smJx df Xqn
krIey aqy Aus anUsfr jIvn bqIq kr skIey.
rfj BuipdMr isMG jI ,qUsI qF gwl isry hI lf idwqI
hrMbs isMG jI nMU ieko svfl puCky!
ies svfl df TIk jvfb qF hrbMs isMG jI hI dyxgy pr mY ies sbMD ivwc QoVI ijhI jfxkfrI sFJI
kr irhf hf jo mYnMU pRfpq hoeI hY.
kvI pUrn isMG pRym , "jnm kQf sRI vzBfg isMG
soZI" dy sPf 9 qy ilKdy hn ik,
sRI guru nfnk bytf kflU df,
kflU bytf sihxy df.
sihxf bytf rfmlok df, rfmlok bytf icqr sfl df.
icqr sfl bytf ByK df,ByK bytf bydI df.
bydI bytf kfl kyq df, kfl kyq bytf lhU df.
lhU ksL Ubyty rfmcMdr dy,rfm cMdr bytf dsrQ df.
dsrQ bytf aj df, aj bytf rGU df.
rGU bytf dlIp df, dlIp bytf ksLp df.
ksLp bytf sUrj df, sUrj bytf aMz df.
aMz bytf bRihmMz, bRihmMz bytf DUl df.
DUl bytf Auidaflk df, Auidaflk bytf bRhmF df.
bRhmf bytf AaMkfr df, AaMkfr bytf sc df.
sc bytf inrMkfr joqI srUp df.
AupRokq jfxkfrI qF isRsLtI dy pYdf hox qo lYky guru
nfnk jI dy avqfr Dfrn qwk hY pr afpxf awj df ivsLf qF guru nfnk jI qo rfjf dsLrQ qwk hI
guru nfnk puqr kflU, kflU puqr sihxf puqr rfm lok
puqr icqrsfl puqr ByK puqr bydI puqr kfl kyq puqr lhU puqr rfm cMdr puqr dsLrQ .
Auprokq anusfr guru nfnk jI qo rfjf dsrQ qwk kul 10
pIVIaF bxdIaf hn. rfjf dsrQ swqXug ivc hoieaf sI swqXug dI Aumr 17,28,000 sfl sI, qRyqf dI
Aumr 12,96,000 sfl, duafpr dI Aumr 86,000 aqy awj hY kwlXug ijs dI Aumr hY4,32,000 sfl .
ikAuik Aupr bRhmf df ijkr vI afieaf hY ies leI bRhmf
vfry vI QoVI jyhI jfxkfrI ,jo mhfn kosL ivwc drj hY pfTkf dI jfxkfrI vfsqy hfjr hY.
cfr Xug =mhfXug, do hjfr mhfXug =klp aqy iek klp
=bRhmf df iek idn aqy rfq. pfTkf nMU bynqI hY ik loV anUsfr jmF qksIm afp hI krn dI Kycl
kr lYxI jI.
hoeIaF Bulf dI iKmf krnI jI
afdr sihq
srvjIq isMG |
irAwz aul hsn iKljI, lhOr |
04/11/03 Dear editor
This is Riaz Ul Hassan Khilji from Punjab Lok Rahs. We are a parallel theater group in
Lahore Pakistan. Our group is working on several issues like education, women
rights, child rights, unemployment and many problems directly related to people and
projecting it through theater.
I am sending you our introduction documents of our organization. The basic purpose for
this contact is to develop some organizational relations with other peoples and
organizations working in theater and development. This is an effort also to form a circle
of such groups around the globe for work sharing, developing new contacts and finding new
Rahs performs plays only in the mother language of its audience the people of
Punjab. The group believes that the mother language lies at the heart of the issue of
cultural identity and is central to the political struggle of the down trodden classes as
well in our part of the world.
We are working to develop a database of the Punjabi people living around the globe.
This will include Punjabi websites and portals, virtual groups, individuals who are
working for Punjabi or related to Punjabi activities and Punjabi activist organizations.
This will help to consolidate and empower Punjabi activates in different regions of the
I will be waiting for your kind response. (Please email Riaz at: riaz@5abi.com )
Riaz Ul Hassan Khilji |
igAwn isMG, AmrIkw |
Very many thanks for giving information about Raag Bihagra.
Regarding Bhai Mardana Ji's Vani I am to say as under:
Although it is written as 'Salok Mardana' but at the end of each Salok 'Nanak Pad' is
written. Just like other Gursikhs, Baba Sunder, Bhai Satta and Balwand and all other
Bhagts and Bhatts, Mardana Ji should have included his name and not Nanak which shows that
this Vani is of Guru Nanak and not Bhai Mardana. No body used Nanak Pad in his Vani except
Guru Sahibs. We have great respect for Bhai Mardana Ji who remained with Sahib Guru Nakak
for his whole life. In my opinion Guru Nanak Sahib Ji written these saloks and addressed
to Mardana Ji to keep his long association with Guru Ji to remember him while studying
Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
I am sorry I am not a very good English writer. I have expressed my thoughts just to
explain my knowledge about Gurbani.
Wahaguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
Gian Singh (Missionary)
Sacramento USA |
gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn inAUjLIlYNz |
04/11/03 26 akqUbr 2003 cSzIgVH ivwc hoeI vrlz iswK
knvYnsLn ny BFvyN iek nvIN bihs jnm idwqf hY pr nfl hI nfl ies ny kuJ
ihl-juwl vI krf idwqI hY. sLromxI gurdvfrf prbSDk kmytI ny 21 mYNbrI Dfrmk slfhkfr borz df
aYlfn kr idwqf aqy akflI dl bfdl ny vI afpxy ZFcy qy njLrsfnI krn dI gwl dI �urUafq kIqI
hY. pr awgy kI hovygf ies bfry qF vfihgurU hI jfxdf hY.
iewQy ies gwl dI vI jLrUrq hY ik vrlz iswK
knvYnsLn dy pfs kIqy gey swq miqaF df vI qwq lwiBaf jfvy. kI ieh sfry mqy iswKI qy
pihrf idSdy hn jF hAumyvfdI hn? mYN ieQy ieh mSn ik cwl irhf hF ik afp sB ny ieh mqy aqy
s: hrdyv isMG sLyrigwl dI qkrIr pVHI hovygI. vrlz iswK knvYnsLn vfly srbwq
KLflsy ny s: hrdyv isMG sLyrigwl jQydfr cuixaf.
ienHF miqaF ivwc muwK insLfnf jQydfrIaF
bxfieaf igaf hY aqy nfl hI nfl ieh vI pRoVqf kIqI geI hY ik hr PYslf srbwq Kflsf rfhIN hI
hoxf cfhIdf hY. pr vrlz iswK knvYnsLn kI loV pY geI sI ik ieQy vI
kfrvfeI clfAux leI jQydfr Qfpxf ipaf? ieh koeI syvfdfr ikAuN nhIN
sI ho skdf? dUjf ieh ik jy kr srbwq KLflsf sfhmxy pRqwK sI qF iPr kI loV sI kuJ dyr vfsqy
bSd kmry aSdr mIitSg krx dI ijs ivwcaKLbfrF dI KLbr anusfrpRo: gurqyj isSG ny
ihwsf nhIN ilaf?
cOQy mqy ivwc vrlz iswK knvYnsLn s:
gurbKLsL isSG kflfaPLgLfnf qy af phuScdI hY. ibprn kI rIq qoN swc df mfrg
BfvyN sRI gurU gRSQ sfihb jI dy hvfly dy ky bfhmxvfdI rIqF BSzdf hY pr nfl hI nfl
jfx-buwJ ky jF iPr suwqy-iswD hI dsm ipqf gurU goibSd isSG jI dI sLKLsIaq isPLr krx
dI hoCI cfl vI cwldf hY. ibprn kI rIq qoN swc df mfrg pfTk iehI sunyhf
idSdf hY ik gurU goibSd isSG jI ny gurU mfinAu gRSQ df sunyhf idwqf. gurU goibSd isSG jI
df jIvn kI sI, ieiqhfs kI sI, kurbfnIaF kI sn, ies sB nfl TwTf huSdf hI njLr afAuNdf hY.
inscY hI hr iswK tyk sRI gurU gRSQ sfihb jI qy rwKxI cfhIdI hY pr nfl hI nfl s:
gurbKLsL isSG kflfaPLgLfnf afpxI socx ivDI spsLt krx leI gurU goibSd isSG jI dI
jIvn Jfq dy mjLmUn lY ky Gwto-Gwt iek ikqfb nhIN qF 15 qoN 20 hjLfr lPLjLF df iek
inbSD jLrUr ilKxf cfhIdf hY. ikqfb df suJfa mYN ies leI idwqf hY ikAuNik s: gurbKLsL isSG
kflfaPLgLfnf dI lyKxI bhuq pRPuwlq hY qy awT-ds ijldF df iek ikqfb sYt vI AunHF
koeI Bfrf kSm nhIN jfpygf.
cOQy mqy aqy nfl hI nfl afpxI qkrIr ivwc
jQydfr s: hrdyv isMG sLyrigwl ny ieh vI dwsx dI koisLsL kIqI ik kYnyzf ivwc
agFhvDU soc dy mflk iswK vwsdy hn aqy kursIaF qy bYT ky lSgr Ckx qrjIh idSdy hn.
AunHF muqfibk ipCFhvfdI iswK hI ies soc df ivroD krdy hn. ies gwl sfbq krx leI
vrlz iswK knvYnsLn dy pYrokfrF ny hvflf iPr gurU sfihbfn dy vkq df idwqf ik
Aus vkLq lSgr df jo Bfv brfbrqf vwl iesLfrf krdf sI AuhI Bfv hux krm-kFz ivwc
Ps igaf hY. jQydfr sLyrigwl jI ieQy mYN afp jI ieh puwCxf cfhvFgf ik
afp dunIaF dy sB qoN amIr mulKL ivwc rihSdy ho, pYsy dI Kyz ivwc lIx lokIN pdfrQvfd dy nF
qy Auh sB KrIddy hn ijs dI loV vI nhIN huSdI aqy Kfx dy nF qy mnF mUShI jUT Cwzdy hn qF
afp jI dI krm-kFzI soc muqfibk ienHF agFhvDU aqy amIr mulKLF ivwc qF iPr lSgr
clfAuxf vI krm-kFz hI hoieaf. lokIN qF rwjy-puwjy hnqusIN lSgr bSd kr ky vyK lvo jy
kr gurdvfiraF ivwc AuhI hfjLrI brkrfr rih jfvy.
dUjf hvflf jQydfr s: hrdyv isMG sLyrigwl
1935 dI kmytI df idSdy hn ijs ivwc sRI gurU gRSQ sfihb jI df prkfsL iksy AuWcI QF qy krky
hyTF kursIaF lfAux dI gwl hY. jQydfr jI Auh qF 1935 sI qusIN 2003 dI gwl kro.
agFhvDU dysF ivwc ivcrdy ho so afAu agFhvDU soc ivcfr hI krIey. nfly spoksmYn
s: joigSdr isSG sRI gurU gRSQ sfihb jI rumfilaF ivwc lpytxf
krm-kFzI lwgdf hY. awj 2003 ivwc agFhvDU dysF dIaF XUnIvristIaF, adflqF,
dPLqrF ivwc kMipAUtr Cf cuwky hn qy pROjYkt mYnyjmYNt df bolbflf hY. ies mfhOl ivwc afp jI
gurdvfry dI kI loV hY? koeI vDIaf kursIaF vfly kfnPRSs hfl bxfAu qy sSgq ieh
pROjYkt idE ik hr koeI gosLT-ivafiKaf leI pVH ky iqafr ho ky aqy rotI GroN Kf ky afvy.
jQydfr jI ikSnI ku sSgq bhuVygI? nfly agFhvDU soc qF hr pfsy brkrfr rihxI
cfhIdI hY, ieh kursIaF hI Bwj-Bwj ikAuN jwPy pfAuNdI hY?
CyvyN mqy ivwc gurdvfrf coxF dI gwl kIqI geI hY.
coxF nkfiraf igaf hY. pr sLromxI gurdvfrf prbSDk kmytI dIaF coxF df koeI bdlvF rUp
vI nhIN suJfieaf hY. pr jQydfr jI vrlz iswK knvYnsLn vfly srbwq
KLflsy ny afp jI jQydfr cuixaf. coxF dIaF iksmF bfry hI kuJ cfnxf pf
bfkI miqaF ivwc moty qOr qy koeI asihmqI nhIN. pr
ijvyN ik Aupr iliKaf hY ik awgy kI hovygf ies bfry qF vfihgurU hI jfxdf hYiksy vI
kmytI vSgfrx leI pihlF afp pwky pYrIN hoxf bhuq jLrUrI hY. pr kuJ hAumy Bry miqaF
nfl kOm vSzI hI rhygI qy rl-iml agFh nhIN qurygIieh vfk hI myrI ies ilKq df aslI
mkLsd hY.
aKLIr ivwc mYN s: hrdyv isMG sLyrigwl ies gwl
dI vDfeI vI dvFgf ik AunHF df ivsLvfs isWKI qoN zgmgf ky vfps muV afieaf.
DMnvfd sihq,
gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn inAUjLIlYNz |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
pMjwbI sUbw! p`gVI sMBwl j`tw - pMjwb, pMjwbI qy pMjwbIAq dI rwKI leI pMjwbIAW nUM bVI gMBIrqw
qy suihrdqw nwl XqnSIl hoxw pey gw[ - hrbIr isMG BMvr |
pMjwb, pMjwbI qy pMjwbIAq ...........[
iehnW dw rwjnIqI ny bhuq ijAwdw nukswn kIqw hY [
bgwinAw dy nwl nwl AwpixAW ny vI koeI ksr nhIN C`fI [
kWgrs jo ik pMjwb ivc ijAwdw smW rhI, ny vI pMjwb nUM
bhuq nukswn pucwieAw hY [ AkwlI vI bIjypI dI CW dw AwnMd mwnx leI pMjwb dI pUrI syvw nhIN
kr hry [ AwpsI KihbwjI dw nqIjw kWgrs dw rwj hY [ bwdl dI pirvwr-bwjI pMjwb dw bhuq v`fw
nukswn kr rhI hY [ swfy lok bwhr jw ky rwj kr rhy hn qy bhIey ieQy rwj krn dI iqAwrI ivc
hn [ bdlwA hr QW ho irhw hY [
rozw....ie`k pivqr rsm....jo muslmwn AwpxI SuDI leI
r`Kdy hn [ srIr dy nwl nwl AwpxIAW ieCwvW nUM "rozw" vrqx leI ikhw jwvy qW swry
sMswr dw Blw ho skdw hY [
swry muslmwn vIrW nUM rozw mubwrk ! ! !
iksy dy Gr vV ky aus dw pRbMD clwauxw koeI sOKw kMm
nhIN [ iblkul iesy qrW dIAW muSklW AmrIkw nUM ierwk ivc Aw rhIAW hn [
ierwk dI jnqw vI 'gulwmI' mihsUs kr rhI hY qW hI auQy
bycYnI dw mwhOl bixAw hoieAw hY [ pr AmrIkw AwpxI 'lok syvw' jwrI r`K irhw hY [ Ajy vI smW
hY ierwk dy lokW nUM auQoN dI rwj sqw sONp idqI jwvy qW bhuq vDIAw hovygw [
dySoN ivdyS jwx dy cwly qy aunW dy nqIjy ies khwxI ivc
cMgI qrW drswey gey hn [ Anmol kOr Asl dy kwPI njdIk jw rhI hY [ AgWh qoN AijhIAW hor
rcnwvW dI aufIk hY [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
igAwnI jI dI kivqw, hrBjn nUM ie`k
in`GI SrDWjlI hY [ hrBjn ie`k vDIAw vkqw qy pMjwbI dw syvk sI [ Srwb dw srwp hrBjn nUM vI
lY bYTw [ pMjwbI swihq ivc aus dw nW hmySw Xwd kIqw jWdw rhygw [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
gurjIq isMG prUQI, knyfw |
pMjwbI sUbw! p`gVI sMBwl j`tw - pMjwb, pMjwbI qy pMjwbIAq dI rwKI leI pMjwbIAW nUM bVI gMBIrqw
qy suihrdqw nwl XqnSIl hoxw pey gw[ - hrbIr isMG BMvr |
S. Harbir Singh Bhanwar's article is not only informatory but it is also a very toucy
one.Knowing about all the facts, it makes my blood boil with anger. And I am sure that
millions of Sikhs around the world feel the same way. I agree with him one hundred percent
with the theory that whatever has happened in past and what is happening now in Punjab, is
the consiparacy of the Hindu Governments ,weather it is Congress or Jan Sang (now BJP).
But my question to all the sikhs in the world is that what are we doing about
it.Whenever Panjabi Chief Ministers or Sikh leaders come to the western world, wheather it
is England, Canada or the U.S, we greet them with open arms (nothing wrong with that) we
give them expensive and elegent receptions, like to take pictures with them(and show them
to our friends and relatives with pride).Why dont we ask them about what is happening in
Punjab and make them accountable for all this.
I live in Canada which boasts about 500,000 population of sikhs. I have noticed that on
certain occasions these politicians did make some promises to do something to protect,
Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabiat, but as soon as they put their steps on Indian soil, they
forget about all the promises they made.The important thing here is when we have seen this
happening on numerous occasions, why dont we give a damn about them when they visit our
lands next time. Why, instead of giving them lavish receptions, we welcome them with our
angry demonstrations or leave them alone and just ignore them. Is not it time that instead
of blaming those professional crooks, and liars we do something ourselves.
My suggestion to all the sikhs and Punjabi loving people is that they should get
together and establish some kind of institutions in all the major cities of England,
Canada, U.S, Australia, Newzealand or wherever the Punjabi loving people live to promote
Punjabi in India. Establish some schloarships and Awards towards the brilliant Punjabi
students not only in Punjab but also all over India.The money we spend to honour these
leaders and politicians can be spent towards promoting Punjabi.It is tough task, but let
us not forget that we belong to the religion of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh who
believed in their idiology and showed us the path through the teachings of Guru Granth
Sahib ji.
Gurjit Singh Proothee
Brampton, Canada |
primMdr |
03/11/03 I read about Karamjit Kaur and her two sons from Guru Nanak Pura Mohalla
that she is suffereing from AIDS. Can anyone help me to find her address because I want to
send her money. Person giving money should be genuine because I am not a rich person, just
want to help a lady in very bad situation. I hope I will find a God-Fearing genuine person
from your site who can send money to this needy lady.
Parminder |
svrn isMG vrjInIAw - AmrIkw |
02/11/03 sMpwdk jI,
s. gurbKS isMG jYd inaUzIlYNf, horW dy p`qR ivc auhnW
v`loN kIqIAW it`pxIAW bwry piVHAw[
iek kQw Xwd AwauNdI hY[ iksy klwkwr ny iek ic`qR
bxwieAw, qy hyTW ilK id`qw ik auh bynqI krdw hY, ik lokIN ausdIAW qru~tIAw bwry Awpxy
sMkyq dyx dI ikrpwlqw krn[ hr dUsry bMdy ny Es klw-ic`qR 'qy, nuks k`Fx leI lkIrW vwh vwh
ky swrI pyNitMg dw hulIAw ivgwV id`qw[ ieh vyK ky ic`qRkwr h`isAw, qy aus ny ieh GoiSq
kIqw ik ijhVw s`jx ausdI klw ivc d`sI aUxqweI TIk kr sky, ausnuM auh ienwm dyxw cwhuMdw
hY[ hux kooeI vI mweI dw lwl lwgy nw l`gw[
ilKxw iek klw vI hY, qy swDnw vI[ Aksr hr lyKk iksy
svwrQ jW ienwm Kwqr nhI ilKdw[ s. dlbIr isMG jhI jwxI pihcwxI klm bwry qW bwhlw kihx dI
loV hI nhI hY[ zrUrI nhI ik iek guldsqy dy swry Pu`lW dw rMg gulwbI hovy, AYpr hr iek hI
guldsqy dI SoBw vDwauNdw hY[ dlbIr isMG koeI A`j qoN nhI ilK irhw[ pr ijvyN
iksy nUM mWh bwdI, qy iksy nUM svwdI
vwlI g`l[ zrUrI nhI ik auhnW dw hr lyK inaUzIlYNf ivc
bYTy iksy gurbKS isMG dy sMGoN au~qrnw zrUrI hovy[ dunIAW dy hzwrW lok auhnW dy aupwSk hn[
iesy sMDrB ivc nvIN khwxI lyKkw Anmol kOr dI khwxI dI
g`l krnI bxdI hY[ hr smwjk khwxI dIAW GtnwvW, jW qW h`f bIqI huMdIAW hn jW j`g bIqI[ koeI
nvW khwxIkwr jy plyQx lwey bZYr iksy rcnw nUM ieMn ibMn ibAwn krdw hY qW krnYl isMG igAwnI
jW myjr mWgt ijhw AnuBvI lyKk ausy nUM zrw vDyry ilSkw ky pyS kr skdw hY[ ieh ilKx
pRikirAw dIAW styjW hI huMdIAW hn[
Cyberspace dI ie`ko
iek KwsIAq hY ik ies dI koeI sImw nhI hY[ ieh nhI ik "pRIq lVI" ivc kyvl koeI
Kws rcnw nUM hI QW dyx dI mjbUrI huMdI hY ik pMinAW dI igxqI ausdy imQy Awkwr qoN v`D nw
ho jwvy[
hr lyKk nUM AwpxIAW ilKqW Byjx qoN pihlW pUrI CwnbIn krnI bxdI hY[ lykn jdoN iksy lyKk dI
lyKxI nUM QW QW qoN ausdw bxdw siqkwr imlx l`g jwvy hY qW Es smwj syvI (hIry) nUM pRoqswhn
dyx dI izMmydwrI cMgy sMpwdkW leI zrUrI ho jWdI hY[ mY fwktr bldyv isMG horW dI &rwK
idlI dI kdr krdw hW[
cMgy lyKk vI if`g if`g ky svwr hoey ny[ pr auhnW dI
pRbIxqw dI sImW q`k pujx leI auhnW nUM ieMqzwr nhI sI krnI peI[ dUr-drSI sMpwdkW ny auhnW
nUM hmySw gl nwl lwieAw qy bdsqUr CwipAw[
rhI g`l Anmol kOr horW dy AnuBvW jW kYnyfw dy lyKkW dI
ivcwr Dwrw dI[ auh qW hr kYnyfIAn / ibRitS ( pMjwbI ) lyKk A`j k`lH iehnW pRclq iviSAW qy
ilK ky (qy swfy lokW dI mwnskqw bwry d`s ky) swnUM JMjoV irhw hY[ jYd swihb v`loN Anmol
jhI ( Budding )
lyKkw nUM h`lw SyrI dyx leI pRsMsw dy do Sbd vI nW sry, myry iKAwl ivc ieh mMdBwgI g`l hY[
mYN bynqI krWgw jy auhnW kol pwTkW nUM dyx leI koeI AduqI swihqk sOgwq hY qW auh swnUM aus
qoN vWJy nw r`Kx[ AsIN qIbRqw nwl Es lyKxI ( masterpiece) dI aufIk krWgy[
svrn isMG vrjInIAw - AmrIkw |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
lyKk ny ies lyK ivc gurU jI dIAW audwsIAW bwry ivsQwr
sihq iliKAw hY pr gurU jI dw sbMD rwjw dSrQ nwl joVnw kuJ AjIb ijhw lg irhw hY [ kI ieh
ie`k mnGVq khwxI nhIN hY ?
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
srvn isMG FMfw, knyfw |
pMjwbI sUbw! p`gVI sMBwl j`tw - pMjwb, pMjwbI qy pMjwbIAq dI rwKI leI pMjwbIAW nUM bVI gMBIrqw
qy suihrdqw nwl XqnSIl hoxw pey gw[ - hrbIr isMG BMvr |
Dear Dr. Baldev Kandola,
S. Harbir Singh Bhanwar has done a commendable job in summarizing facts dealing with
the province of East Punjab (India) and the Punjabi language since 1947. The Punjabi
language suffered immensely after the partition of India into India and Pakistan in 1947.
When you look at the Punjabi speaking population in the world which is 70 million, same as
French speaking, Punjabi is tenth in size. We must promote our mother tongue in order to
keep it alive otherwise Punjabi would meet the same fate as did Sanskrit and Latin -
world's great languages.
On February 21st each year, UNESCO celebrates "International Mother Tongue
Day" to promote linguistic diversity, multilingual education and multicultural
traditions in order to achieve understanding, tolerance and dialogue. There are a number
of talented Punjabies around the globe who are urged to organize dramas, mushairahs, kavi
durbars, music/dance nights, write articles, stories and poems on or around this date.
Best of all, start talking to your children in Punjabi at home.
You are rendering a great service towards the promotion of PUNJABI - our mother tongue.
I am grateful. With kind regards,
Sarwan S. Dhanda, Canada |
AmrjIq kOr |
Dr. Baldev Ji
I happened to have a look at page "KAVITA" with heading "SIKHI DI
SIKHYA" by Jaswant Singh Bagga.
Nice photo composition appears besides the Poem. However, there is one glaring
mistake in the "IK ONKAR". The word when written in Gurmukhi consists of
three characters - (i) ik (ii) oan (iii) kar. In this picture, it depicts ikoan and not
ikoankar. "KAR" is the half circle that goes beyond the the
"oorha" finishing line. If not clear, plz let me know, shall make a drawing and
send it to you. It would be highly appreciable if contributors depict everything in its
true sense. Presumably, this depicts lack of understanding of the construction of
the word 'IK OAN KAR". I would further appreciate if this clarification is
published for all to know
Gur Fateh
Amarjeet |
gurbKS isMG jYd, AOklYNf(inauUjIlYNf) |
01/11/03 vIr bldyv jI qusIN vDweI dy pwqr ho jo ienw joKm BirAw kMm kr
rhy ho (pMjwbI iv`c mYgzIn k`Fxw koeI Kwlw jI dw vwVw nhIN) iPr qusIN qW idno idn ies dI
nuhwr vI bdlI jw rhy ho[
hrbIr isMG BMvr keI idnwN qoN Cp irhw hY[ ausdy lyK
vDIAw pVn Xog sm`grI huMdy hn[ pMjwbI nwtkW dI pVdwdI nOrw ircrf bwry Aqy pMjwb bwry pgVI
sMBwl j`tw ausdy au`c pwey dy lyK hn[ auh Awritst soBw isMG bwry vDIAw ilK skdw hY ikauNky
ausnUM BMvr ny, bh`uq nyiVE vyiKAw hY[
bweI dlbIr nUM kI hoigAw? vDIAw ilKdw sI, hux ieMJ l`g
irhw ijvyN pihlW dIAW il`KIAW peIAW ku`J sqrW k`TIAW kr lYNdw hovy qy auhnw qy koeI isrlyK
icpkw idMdw hovy[ ausdy isrlyK dw murlI dI fugfugI nwl koeI sbMD nhIN huMdw jW qW auh
ilKdw Q`k igAw jW iPr myry vrigAW nUM pVHn qy smJx iv`c koeI AOkV Aw rhI hY[
sqnwm cwhl myry vloN DMnvwd dyxw bhuq vDIAw jwxkwrI
BrpUr lyK ilK irhw hY[ r`b kry ausdI klm iesy qrHW cldI rhy[
Anmol kOr vrgIAW dIAW h`f bIqIAW jW suxIAW sxweIAW nUM
khwxI dy isrlyK hyT Cwpx qoN guryj kroN qW cMgw hI rhy gw nhIN qW iksy hor kwlm hyT
CwpidAw kro, pMjwbI khwxI qW pihlwN hI sMswr p`Dr dI nhIN hoeI, ies nUM hor ipCl KurI nw
moVo[ pMjwbI iv`c bQyry au`c p`Dr dy khwxIkwr pey hn, auhnw nUM 'vwj
mwr ilAw kro[ gusqwKI leI muAwP krnw
quhwfw Awpxw
gurbKS isMG jYd
AOklYNf(inauUjIlYNf) |
srbjIq isMG |
01/11/03 akflIaF vloN kIqI qKLqF dI inrfdrI, inrMkfrI kFz qoN lY ky
hux qk qwQF dy afDfr `qy qsvIrF dI jLubfnI iltrycr iqafr krky pUry vrlz ivc Byijaf jfvygf
luiDafxf : (30 akqUbr) vrlz iswK knvYnsLn ivc phuMcx
vflIaF smUh iswK sMgqF df DMnvfd krn leI smUh Dfrimk jQybMdIaF dI iek ivsLysL mIitMg s[
joigMdr isMG Kflsf dy gRih mfzl tfAUn aYkstYnsLn-D, luiDafxf ivKy hoeI, ijs ivc Kflsf
pMcfieq, ieMtrnYsLnl Drm pRcfr kONsl, gurmiq igafn imsLnrI kflj, guriswK PYimlI klwb,
pRoPYsr gurmuK isMG ivcfr mMc aqy keI gurmiq sBf susfietIaF ny Bfg ilaf sfrIaF Dfrimk
jQybMdIaF ny knvYnsLn ivc ihwsf lYx vflIaF smUh sMgqF df DMnvfd kridaF ikhf ik mhMq nrYxU
df rUp Dfrn kr cuwkI akflI lIzrisLp qy Aus dI pflqU guMzf ibRgyz dIaF DmkIaF dI pRvfh nf
kridaF iswK sMgqF ny knvYnsLn ivc phuMc ky jo afpxy Drm pRqI sLrDf idKfeI hY Aus
aFc nhIN afAux idwqI jfvygI.
ies ivsLysL mIitMg sMboDn kridaF Kflsf
pMcfieq dy kOmI pMc ny knvYnsLn df ivroD kr rhy iswKI isDFqF iqlFjlI dy cuwky akflI
nyqfvF ikhf aYvyN JUTI ibafnbfjLI krky sMgqF guMmrfh nf krn aqy nf hI
aKLbfrF ivc inq idn kOm df jlUs kwZx. s[ crnjIq isMG ny cYlMj kIqf ik akflI dl, sLoRmxI
kmytI, PYzrysLn, XUQ ivMg aqy afpxy gulfm bxfey jQydfr pMj mYNbrI kmytI bxf lYx aqy asIN
vI pMj Dfrimk jQybMdIaF qy bwuDIjIvIaF ivcoN pMj mYNbrI kmytI bxf lYNdy hF, smF insLicq
krky iksy vI nYsLnl tI[vI[ cYnl qy jF sRI akfl qKLq sfihb dy snmuK gurU gRMQ sfihb dI
hjLUrI ivc sfrI nYsLnl pRYs swd ky 1948 qoN lY ky 2003 qk sfry iswK msilaF, iswKI
isDFqF aqy akfl qKLq sfihb dI mfx-mirXfdf df iks ny kI-kI nuksfn kIqf hY bihs krky dyK
lYx. agr aYsf nf kIqf igaf qF akflIaF vloN kIqI qKLqF dI inrfdrI inrMkfrI kFz qoN lY ky
hux qk qwQF dy afDfr `qy qsvIrF dI jLubfnI iltrycr iqafr krky pUry vrlz ivc Byijaf jfvygf
qF ik pUrI dunIaF ivc vwsdI iswK sMgq pqf lwg sky ik Drm df bUrkf pf ky ieh Bfjpf
qy afr[aYs[aYs[ dI gLulfm akflI lIzrisLp, isafsI gLulfm jQydfr qy mhMq nrYxU dI guMzf
ibgRyz iks qrHF iswKI isDFqF dI AulMGxf kr rhI hY.
smUh Dfrimk jQybMdIaF ny iek mqf pfs krky iPr pRx
duhrfieaf ik akfl qKLq sfihb dI srbAuWcqf rwKx leI isafsI akflI lIzrisLp vloN Qopy gey
jQydfrF df ivroD jfrI rhygf, akflIaF koloN sRI akfl qKLq sfihb afjLfd krvfAux leI sMGrsL
hor qyj kIqf jfeygf. ies ivsLysL mIitMg ivc suKivMdr isMG, BuipMdr isMG inmfxf, blvMq isMG
mInIaF, apndIp isMG Kflsf, gurdyv isMG btflvI, gurdIp isMG DflIvfl sohIaF, drsLn isMG,
mfstr kulvMq isMG, jsvMq isMG myhrbfn, hrjIq isMG Kflsf (jvwdI), mMgl isMG joDyvfl bsqI,
jrnYl isMG amn ngr, mihMdr isMG gurmuK ivcfr mMc, kMvr mihMdr pRqfp isMG gurmiq igafn
imsLnrI kflj, hrjIq isMG guriswK PYimlI ny sMboDn kIqf. |
nvdIp isMG is`DU, knyfw |
Ramneek's sixth birthday on the third of Novenber. Congradulations from
parents Navdeep Singh Sidhu and Ranjit Sidhu. Grandparents Dharam Singh
Sidhu and Surjit Kaur Sudhu.
Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. |
jnmyjw jOhl |
30/10/03rMglI ilKweI
- b`icAW leI pMjwbI is`Kx dw Awswn Aqy idlcsp qrIkw
rMgW nwl BrpUr,
vDIAw kwgz (8" x 11") 'qy
pUrI gurmuKI il`pI,
BwSw is`Kx dI ivigAwnk
hr pMjwbI Gr dI SoBw!!
hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk: rangli@5abi.com |
sqnwm isMG cwhl, kYlyPornIAw |
Kahani written by Anmole kaur is not a kahani but is a true story of
some famlies.Writer of this story deserve Kudos from our readers.
Satnam Singh Chahal
California |
monw Aqy rjnI, Bwrq |
sRI mWgt |
Gur Fateh ,
I have read the insertion of Mr. Bal which seems to be indication of some personal
revenge against Mr. Khosa . O do not know both of them personally but as a Reader I do
not like to encourage such attitude for the popularity of this News Paper . No body should
be allowed to bring the personal issues and comments in the columns which create media
pollution .
adsmangat |
AmndIp, knyfw |
Sat Sri Akal Dalbir Singh Jee
I am deeply touched by your views on sexual abuse of women and legal system. Yes, there
is need for these writings. I hope to see change in our legal system so that more cases
can come forward. We may never be in a position to put an end to sexual abuse but perhaps
reduce the number of cases.
I wish there are Punjabi fonts and I can write you my heart on this in Punjabi
Keep up the great work.
Kind Regards,
Amandeep |
srbjIq isMG |
26/10/03 26 akqUbr nUM cMzIgVH ivKy hoeI vrlz iswK
kfnPrMs ivc pfs kIqy gey mqy:
mqf nM[ 1: ivsLv iswK sMmyln cAur qKLq dy mflk, jugo jug atWl sRI gurU
gRMQ sfihb dI guirafeI nUM Zfh lfAux aqy iswK kOm dI ivlwKxqf nUM hwVpx leI iswKI dy
vYrIaF vwloN buwD aqy jYn DrmF dI qrjL `qy rcI jf cuwkI KLqrnfk aqy iGnfAuxI sfijLsL df
gMBIr noits lYNidaf iswK sMgqF nUM swdf idMdf hY ik Auh ies sfijLsL nUM burI qrHF nkfrx
leI, aqy mMd Bfvnf aDIn sRI gurU gRMQ df sLrIk pRcfrI jf rhy iksy hor pusqk nUM gurU gRMQ
sfihb dy mukfbly ivwc brdfsLq n krn .dsvyN pfqsLfh jI ny, dwsF pfqsLfhIaF dI joq kyvl aqy
kyvl sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM hI iswK pMQ df gurU Qfipaf hY, aqy pMQ pRvfnq iswK rihq
mirXfdf df vcn hY ik gurU gRMQ jI qul iksy hor pusqk nUM nhIN jfnxf.
sMmyln, ptny sfihb dy BfeI iekbfl isMG vwloN 'dsm
gRMQ' nUM "sMpUrx gurU" grdfn ky pMQ pRvfixq rihq mirXfdf dy ivroD ivwc, dsm
gurU dI hukm adUlI krn, gurU gRMQ sfihb ivruD sfijLs ivwc BfeIvflI krn aqy igafnI joigMdr
isMG vydFqI vWloN iksy iswKI-ivroDI guMmnfm lyKk dI gurU-inMdf BrpUr aqy gurmiq dI Gor
AulMGxf krn vflI pusqk "gur iblfs pf[CyvIN " aqy ies bfry gurmq ivroDI ilwKI
BUuimkf `c siqgurU jI dI hyTI krn vfly ivcfrF leI, sbMDq ivakqIaF dI iswK rihq mirXfdf
anusfr Xog suDfeI krn leI pMQ nUMNU bynqI krdf hY.
sMmyln bynqI krdf hY ik eysy sMdrB ivwc gurU KLflsf
pMQ qKLq ptnf sfihb, qKLq sRI hjLUr sfihb, dmdmI tksfl aqy hor aijhIaF sMsQfvF aqy zyiraF
nUM hdfieq kry ik ieh iswK rihq mirXfdf dI AulMGxf krky sRI gurU gRMQ jI quwl iksy hor
pusqk df pRkfsL krn df kukrm qurMq bMd kr dyx.
sMmyln sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI nUM bynqI krdf
hY ik Ausdy pRbMD hyT afAuNdy sfry gur-asQfnF ivwc, smyq drbfr sfihb, aMmRiRqsr qy akfl
qKq dy, pMQ pRvfixq iswK rihq mirXfdf nUM ibnf iksy dyrI dy pUrI qrHF lfgU kry aqy ijhVy
zyiraF qy sMsQfvF ivwc ieh mrXfdf lfgU nhIN AuhnF nUM ies mrXfdf nUM pUrI qrHF mMnx qy
lfgU krn leI qfVnf kIqI jfvy.
mqf nM[ 2 : awj df ivsLv iswK sMmyln, sRI akfl qKLq sfihb dy prm pfvn
swc nUM pRvfn krdf hoieaf, gurbfxI aqy pMQ pRvfixq rihq mirXfdf dI rOosLnI ivwc Ausdf
inrUpx ieAuN krdf hY:
mIrI pIrI dy eys qKLq nUM sRI gurU gRMQ aqy sRI gurU
KLflsf pMQ dI sMpUrx pRBuswqf sMpMn hoNd df pRgtfvf aqy jlOa jfxdf hY. akfl qKLq sfihb df
iewko iek mkswd eys pRqwK swc nUM pRcfrnf pRsfrnf mfqr hY . eys leI sRI gurU gRMQ jI dy
hukm anusfr KLflsf pMQ vloN Auprokq mksd dI pRfpqI leI gurmqy kIqy jfx dI pRMprf hI pMQ
pRvfixq hY. sRI akfl qKLq sfihb dy syvfdfr vloN ajyhy gurmiqaF nUM ivDIvq lfgU krnf sdf
qoN hI pMQ df nym irhf hY.
iewk mnuK vwloN jF pRbMDk kmytI mfqr vloN Qfpy aqy
Ausdy rihmokrm Auwqy nOkrI krdy, pMQk rihq mirXfdf nUM inkfrdy zyiraF aqy sMsQfvF dI Aupj
gRMQIaF dI afpxy vloN hukmnfmy jfrI krky, KLflsf pMQ nUM afpxy aDIn rwK ky vrqx/vycx dI
ieh sMmyln BrpUr inKyDI krdf hY.
sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy sMklp, ies dy srbrfh jF muK
syvfdfr dy ahudy aqy eys nfl juVy hor muWidaF bfry aMqm inrxf smuwcf pMQ, pMQk rIq muqfbk
srbwq Kflsf dI iewkqrqf ivwc kry.
pRvfixq iswK rihq mrXfdf nUM pUrI qrHF mMnx vflIaF
sMsfr Br dIaF iswK sMsQfvF dy pRqIinD hI ajyhy srbwq Kflsf ivwc ihwsf lYx. ajyhI iewkqRqf
hox qwk pMQ pRvfixq iswK rihq mrXfdf dI AulMGxF ivwc hoey sfry 'hukmnfmy' qy pMQ ivcoN
Cykx dy ahkfm muwZoN pMQk jugq ivruD jfx ky rwd kIqy mMny jfx. BivK ivwc sfry PYysly
gurmqy anusfr krn dI iprq pfeI jfvy aqy sRI akfl qKLq sfihb dI muhr hyT KLflsf pMQ gurmq
isDFqF dI AulMGxf nUM bMd krvfey.
mqf nM[ 3: ieh knvYnsLn pMQ pRvfixq rihq mirXfdf nUM mMnx vflIaF aqy
afpo afpxIaF sMsQfvF ivwc ies nUM lfgU krn vflIaF jwQybMdIaF dy numfieMidaF nUM sMpUrx
srbwq Kflsf jfxdI hY. ajyhIaF sfrIaF, sMsfr Br dIaF jwQybMdIaF qy sMsQfvF dy numfieMdy hI
srbwq Kflsf ivwc ihwsf lYx Xog hn.
srbwq Kflsf dy gurmiqwaF nUM pUrx qOr Auwqy lfgU krn
leI srbwq Kflsf df sRI akfl qKq sfihb Auwqy skwqryq lfjLmI hY jo ik srbwq Kflsf vloN cuwxy
hoey pMj ipafiraF vloN clfieaf jfvygf aqy inrMqr kfrjsLIl rhygf. sRI akfl qKq sfihb df muK
syvfdfr vI srbwq Kflsf vwloN Xog smyN leI nIXq kIqf jfvygf aqy Aus dy aiDkfrF df inrUpx vI
srbwq Kflsf hI krygf.
mqf nM[ 4: vrlz iswK knvYnsLn df 26 akqUbr nUM mohflI ivKy hoieaf ieh
ieiqhfsk smfgm, ijs ivwc Bfrq dy lgBg hr pRFq qoN, pMjfb dy hr ijLlyH qoN aqy dunIaF dy
bhuq sfry dysLF qoN af ky isMG-isMGxIaF iekwqr hoey, mihsUs krdf hY ik ieiqhfsk kfrnF dI
Et lY ky iswKI Auqy bRfhmxvfd df jo mulMmf cfVH idwqf igaf sI, Aus nUM Auqfrn df sLuB kfrj
muV qoN afrMB ho cuwkf hY. ieh AuhI kfrj hY jo 20vIN sdI dy sLurU ivc isMG sBf lihr dOrfn
sLurU hoieaf sI qy gurdvfrf pRbMD Auqy isafsI lokF df gLlbf mjLbUq hox dy nfl hI aDvfty
ruk igaf sI. knvYnsLn ivc hfjLr isMGF isMGxIaF dI rfey ivc, ijvyN isMG sBf lihr vyly, Aus
smyN gurdvfiraF Auqy kfbjL sLkqIaF ny gurdvfrf suDfr lihr df BrpUr ivroD kIqf sI, TIk Aus
qrHF hI awj vI bRfhmxvfd df jUlf iswKI dy isr AuqoN lfhux dy XqnF df vI iqwKf ivroD kIqf
jf irhf hY. knvYnsLn dy ivcfr anusfr, kYnyzf rihMdy lyKk gurbKLsL isMG kflf aPLgfnf vloN
ilKI pusqk lVI ' ibprn kI rIq qoN swc df mfrg' dy sfhmxy afAux mgroN ies kfrn ny qyjLI PVI
hY aqy iehI kfrn bixaf hY, akfl qKLq dy gRMQIaF vloN AunHF nUM pMQ `coN Cykx df. TIk iesy
qrHF hI, isMG sBf lihr dy bfnI pRo: gurmuK isMG nUM 1887 ivwc Aus smyN dy drbfr sfihb aqy
akfl qKLq dy gRMQIaf ny Cykx df mMd-kfrj kIqf sI ijs nUM rwd krn leI ivsLv iswK sMmyln nUM
1995 ivwc kdm cukxf ipaf sI. ijQy ieh knvYnsLn s: gurbKLsL isMG kflf aPLgfnf ivruD kIqI
geI kfrvfeI nUM mMdBfgI aqy gurmiq isDFqF dy Ault smJdI hY, AuQy nfl hI 10 akqUbr nMUu pMQ
dy swB qoN vwD siqkfry jFdy prcy 'spoksmYn' ivruD mqf pfs kr ky ies dy aYyzItr s[ joigMdr
isMG nUM akfl qKLq Auqy swdx sbMDI Drm pRcfr kmytI vloN kIqI isPLfrsL dI vI BrpUr inKyDI
krdI hY qy smJdI hY ik 'spoksmYn' ny ijs qrHF iswKI nUM bRfhmxvfd dy jUly hyToN kwZx dI
lihr df bulfrf bx ky, pMQ Aqy gurU pRqI afpxy PLrjLF nUM inBfAux dI pihl ivKfeI hY, Aus
qoN icV ky hI ies nUM afr ays ays dy Qwly lgIaF sLkqIaF ny afpxy guwsy df isLkfr bxfieaf
hY. ieh knvYnsLn 'spoksmYn' aqy Aus dy aYyzItr ivruD kIqI geI kfrvfeI dI inKyDI krdI hoeI,
ies dy pRbMDkF nUM XkIn idvfAuNdI hY ik 'spoksmYn' vloN pMQ dI kIqI jf rhI syvf dI sfrf
iswK jgq BrpUr pRsLMsf krdf hY aqy ies prcy ivruD kIqI geI hr kfrvfeI ivruD ies nfl zwt ky
KVf hovygf. ieh knvYnsLn pMQ dI cVHdI klf leI jUJx vfly syvkF pRqI sLRomxI kmytI aqy mhF
gRMQIaF dy hYNkVvfdI rveIey dI vI BrpUr inKyDI krdI hY ijs aDIn ig[ Bfg isMG nUM gLlq qOr
qy 1977 ivwc Cyikaf igaf; s: gurqyj isMG dI pRoPLYsr afP isiKjLm dI AupfDI vfps lYx dI
DmkI idwqI geI; sLRomxI KLflsf pMcfieq dy inhwQy qy puramn vrkrF dI drbfr sfihb dI hdUd
aMdr mfr kutfeI kIqI geI; zf: drsLn isMG (mYNbr Drm pRcfr kmytI) dI bFh mroVI geI aqy lMgr
bfry 1997 dy hukmnfmy aDIn Cy kYnyzIan iswKF (blvMq isMG igwl, jrnYl isMG BMzfl, sv[ qfrf
isMG hyar, ig[ hrkIrq isMG, , pRIq isMG sMDU aqy ksLmIr isMG DflIvfl) nUM Cyikaf igaf.
mqf nM[5: vrlz iswK knvYnsLn df ieh ieiqhfsk smfgm jo 26 akqUbr,2003
nUM mohflI ivKy hoieaf, ies gwl dI mMg krdf hY ik vIhvIN sdI dy sLurU ivc sRI akfl qKLq qy
juV ky, iswK pMQ ny afpxIaF BivwKI loVF pUrIaF krn leI sLRomxI akflI dl nF dI jo pMQk
pfrtI kfiem kIqI sI aqy Aus df pMQk KLfsf, pMQ qoN afigaf pRfpq kIqy ibnf, afpxy injI
ihwqF dI pUrqI leI, kuwJ lokF ny ijvyN bdl idwqf hY, ies Auqy sRI akfl qKLq Auqy juV ky,
KLflsf pMQ nUM muV qoN ivcfr krn df mOkf idwqf jfvy aqy ijhVy lok sRI akfl qKLq Auqy juVI
pMQ dI pRqIinD iekwqrqf dI afigaf pRfpq kIqy ibnF sLRomxI akflI dl nUM 'pMjfbI pfrtI' df
rUp dyx leI bijLwd hn, AunHF nUM sLRomxI akflI dl df nF vrqx qoN rok idqf jfey. sfry sMsfr
dy iswKF dI ieh pRqIinD knvYnsLn mihsUs krdI hY ik iswKF dy Dfrmk, rfjsI qy dUjy ihqF dI
rfKI leI sLRomxI akflI dl dI hoNd bhuq jLrUrI hY aqy ies dy pMQk KLfsy ivc qbdIlI krn df
hwk iksy nUM vI nhIN. ijhVy lok kfnUMn qoN zridaF jF hor iksy kfrn kr ky, sLRomxI akflI dl
df pMQk KLfsf kfiem rKxf afpxy leI hfnIkfrk smJdy hn, Auh bysLk afpxI koeI vKry nF vflI
'sYkulr' pfrtI bxf lYx pr sLRomxI akflI dl dI kfiemI ikAuNik sRI akfl qKLq sfihb Auqy juV
ky, pMQ ny kIqI sI,ies leI ies dy pMQk KLfsy nUM kfiem rKxf vI pMQ dI ijLMmyvfrI bxdI hY.
mqf nM[6: awj 26 akqUbr nUM mohflI ivKy hoeI vrlz iswK knvYnsLn dI ieh
ieiqhfsk iekwqrqf iswK pMQ nUM hokf dyNdI hY ik iswK afpxy jfn qoN ipafry gurDfmF df pRbMD
isafsqdfnF dy kbjLy hyToN kwZx leI qurq Auprfly sLurU kr dyx. knvYnsLn dy ivcfr ivc, Bfvy
mhMqF dy pRbMD hyT vI gurdvfrf pRbMD ivc bhuq vwzIaF KLrfbIaF af geIaF sn pr gurdvfrf cOxF
rfhIN gurdvfrf pRbMD Auqy kfbjL hoey lokF dy dOr ivc qF gurduvfrf pRbMD rsfql ivc clf igaf
hY, iswKI df pRcfr aqy ivkfs ruk igaf hY aqy gurmiq nUM gurdvfiraF ivcoN vI bydKLl kr idqf
igaf hY. jd qk cOxF rfhIN pRbMDk cuxn df islislf bMd nhIN huMdf, AudoN qk leI vI iswK pMQ
nUM Aucycy qOr qy XqnsLIl hoxf cfhIdf hY ik gurdvfrf pRbMD kyvl gurmiq dy DfrnI lokF dy
hwQF ivc idwqf jfvy aqy sLrfb, pYsy dy jLor nfl isafsI lok gurdvfrf pRbMD Auqy kfbjL nf ho
mqf nM[ 7: sMmyln PfsLIvfdI jmfq rfsLtRIaf svYm syvk sMG aqy Aus dIaF
sfQI jwQybMdIaF dy Gwt igxqI kOmF pRqI vqIry dI BrpUr inMdf krdf hoieaf mMg krdf hY ik Auh
ivlwKx iswK hoNd sbMDI afpxIaF nIqIaF ivwc suDfr ilafAux aqy vWKrI iswK hoNd nUM cxOqI dyx
df pUrf JUT iqafg dyx. ijwQy kOmI swdBfvnf vfly mfhOl nUM Zfh lwgygI, AuwQy asLFqI vfly
mfhOl df Pfiedf dysL dIaF dusLmx qfkqF nUM imly gf, aqy dysL iek vfrI Pyr asiQrqf vflI
siQqI ivwc jf skdf hY. |