gurU nwnk is~K soswietI |
30/01/03 smUhk rUp iv~c dunIAW Br dy swry dySW iv~c vsdy i~s~KW nUM bynqI
kIqI jWdI hY ik ijs ijs dyS iv~c srkwrI qOr qy ikrpwn Aqy dsqwr dI kMm aupr Aqy skUl i~vc
pVHweI vyly pwaux dI iejwjq hY,auhnW srkwrI dsqWvyjW dIAW Poto kwpIAW imhrbwnI krky
ieMtrnY~t qy cVHw id~qIAW jwx qW ik bwkI dy dySW dy is~K auhnW dI shwieqw nwl Awpo AwpxI
srkwr pwsoN ieho ijhI shUlq pwRpq kr skx [bhuiqAW dySW iv~c b~cy skUlW iv~c dsqwr jW ptkw
bMn ky nhIN jw skdy [mW-bwp nMU bVI muSkl dw swhmxw krnw pY irhw hY [isdkI mW-bwp qW koeI
h~l l~B hI lYNdy hn pr dUsry ivcwry jW qW kys ktvw idMdy hn jW iPr ip~Cy nUM vwl su~t ky
bicAW nMU skUl Byjdy hn[iesy qrHW ikrpwn dw mslw drpyS hY [jdoN pulIs ikqy cY~k kr lYNdI
hY qW auqrvw lYNdI hY [so jldI qoN jldI ies bynqI v~l iDAwn dyx dI ikrpwlqw krnI[
gurU nwnk is~K soswietI |
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw |
30/01/03 Dear readers as we
all aware of the death sentence of Prof.Davinderpal singh Bhullar,I wonder no readers have
said anything about this unjustified death sentence of Mr Singh,As in old days like our
heros like Sardar Bhagat singh,was killed by british with the conscent of the thanHindu
leaders,and now Mr Davinderpal singh bhullar going to kill with the consents of of Akali
leaders,Except S.Simernjit Singh Mann no other leaders raise any voice against this
unjustice,hereby I am requesting all the so called leaders,S.Blawant Singh
Ramoowalia,S.Parkash singh Badal,S.Jagmit singh Brar,to bring the case to parliament and
ask under what rule they handover the death sentence to Mr Bhullar as their own law saying
that death sentence not applied to accused unless victim in question got killed,
once again I request to everyone to send petition to President of india,so Mr singh can
get fair trial,
Inderjit Singh Rana(Calgary Canada) |
SmSyr isMG , PrWs |
27/01/03 vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ,
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh[
bwbw dIp isMG jI dy jnm idhwVy qy swirAW nMU l`K l`K
SmSyr isMG , PrWs |
rwjw iF`lo, pMjwb nOjvwn kl`b, hWg kWg |
Parnam sheeda nu on the Republic day
- From:Raja Dhillon & Punjab Youth Club(Hong Kong) |
hrimMdr isMG ig`l, AmrIkw |
Hi Editor Sahib
Thanks for publishing the story related to NRI's. Baltej Pannu is a serious writer and
is always writing on current problems with politics or with in the system. There is no
doubt about it, that any body or even NRI Sabha has done anything genuinly to understand
or to solve the problems of NRI's effectively. But I guess one name Balwant Singh
Ramoowalia member Minorty Comission and President of Lok Bhalai Party would be worth
mentioning in in dealing with problems at the Delhi airport, dealing with girls married to
NRI's and Punjabi boys rottening in different jails in various countries or for boys who
lost their lives in unknown waters. It may not be enough, but atleast a step toward right
direction? Is this is not responsibility of the writer to mention unbiased views about the
Chardi Kala.
Harminder Singh Gill
Union City, CA
pRBjoq isMG ig`l |
25/01/03 you guys are
running soo beautiful and pure punjabi site so if you don't mind you need to improve the
Saptahik Tasveer section bcoz they r so simple and meaning less
.this is just for the
improvement of the site
.upload photos showing and that spread the teaching of
punjabi culture so that our new generations living abroad get to know their culture ,
tradition and values
Prabhjot Singh Gill |
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivtzrlYNf |
24/01/03 sMpwdk jI,
quhwfw mnorQ pVHidAW hI AwpxI BwSw qy kuJ mwx ijhw hox
l`g pYNdw hY[ mn iv`c keI iksm dy svwl auT`dy hn ik AwKr pMjwbI dw ieh hwl ikE? fw.
gurimMdr kOr is`DU jI ny qW lwjvwb hI kr CifAw hY [ ieho ijhI pukwr qW byKufrW dy idlW
BI mom kr skdI hY[ BwvyN ieh lyK (rcnw) bhuq hI ivAMgmeI FMg nwl iliKAw igAw hY,
lyikn pVn qoN bwAd mn dI dSw mwXUsI vwlI hoxI suBwivk hI hyY[ fw. is`DU jI ies lyK leI
vDweI dy pwqr hn Aqy Aws krdy hW ik ieh ie`k lyK ilKky hI Awpxw Prz pUrw nW smJx, pYNfw
bhuq lMbw hY, pMjwbI BwSw iv`c D``VkdIAW ijMdW leI hor sm`grI dI loV hY[ ienW A``gy hor
syvw leI bynqI kIqI jWdI hY[
lyikn svwl jo qusIN bVI sdBwvnw nwl A`gy iljw rhy ho, pMjwbI
dI pMjwb iv`c hI ieh durdSw ikE? pwTkW vloN ies gMBIr ivSy bwry loVINdw swQ nhIN
id`qw igAw[ so ies AKbwr dy rozwnw pwTkW Aqy sUJvwn buDIjIvINAW dy duAwry bynqI hY peI hr
koeI Awpxy ivcwr ilKo ik ies BwSw dI sQIqI eynI gMBIr hox dy kI kwrx ho skdy hn? qy nwl hI
ikRpw krky Awpxy suJwA BI ilKo[ ikEik hr ie`k ibmwrI (muSikl) sulJwx qoN pihlW aus
dy kwrnW dw pqw lgwieAw jwxw bhuq jrUrI huMdw hY[ nhIN qW hnyry iv`c t`krW mwrky hI smW
brbwd huMdw jwvygw[ so AweIey swry rlky kwrxW dw pqw lgweIey, ies iv`c sMpwdk bldyv kMdolw
jI vI Swml hoxw cwhIdw hY qW jo svwlW dy nwl nwl, kwrx Aqy h`l l`Bx iv`c vI Awpxw
bhumu`lw Xogdwn pwaux[
myry muqwbk pMjwbI dI hIxqw dy hyT ilKy kwrx ho skdy
1. pMjwb dy AwriQ`k hwlwq,
2. BirS`TwcwrI rwjnIqI, pMjwb isiKAw ivBwg Aqy srkwrI
skUlW dw mwVw hwl,
3. APsrSwhI vloN dUjIAW BwSwvW mhwnqw (ikauik
aunW dI pbilk skUl dI pVHweI huMdI hY) Aqy pVy-ilKy hox dI inSwnI (lok idKwvw),
4. srkwrI skUlW dy pVy ividAwrQIAW dw DuMdlw Biv`K
(au`cIAW klwsW dIAW pVHweIAW Aksr AMgryjI iv`c),
5. pMjwbI dy Awpxy ivAwkrx Aqy SbdkoS dI Gwt,
6. pRdysI (dysI) pMjwbIAW vloN pMjwbI dI durvrqoN
(forW, ivMfoNAW, roVW Awidk dI vrqoN)[
so jdoN srkwrI skUlW dy pVHy Aqy pMjwbI (Awrts) dy
ifgrI pRwpq nOjvwnW in`jI jW srkwrI Kyqr iv`c sPlqw imlx l`g peI qW smJo pMjwb iv`c
isrP pMjwbI hI Kqrw nhIN rhygw sgoN bhuq swrIAW smwijk burweINAW ijvyN nOjvwn pIVHI
dw nSw, dhyz dI lwhnq, ikswnw vloN KudkSI, Awid dw BI AMq Awpxy Awp hI ho jwvygw[
Bu`lI cu`kI dw iKmW dw jwck hW[
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivtzrlYNf |
gurU nwnk is`K soswietI |
hIlw vsIlw
vIr isDU dmdmI dw lyK ij~Qy jwxkwrI BrpUr hY auQy ibnW
S~k idl nUM DU pwaux vwlw vI hY[ inlwm hox l~gy ipMf pMjwb dy ivc lyKk ny pMjwb dI inGrdI
hwlq dw ijkr bVy suc~jy FMg nwl kIqw hY [AwriQk hwlq dw sbMD rwjnIqk AvsQw nwl Aqu~t huMdw
hY [A~j dw inGwr BwrqI lokqMqr dw AslI mMUh-mhWdrw pyS krdw hY[ pr ies qrHW dUsirAW qy
dUSx-bwjI lwieAW vI muSkl dw h~l nhIN inkldw[ "audm A~gy l~CmI, p~Ky A~gy pOx"
dI khwvq Anuswr h~Q ihlwieAW hI kuJ bnxw hY[ ieh ie~k bhuq v~fI muihMm hY[ swry rl iml ky
Xogdwn pweIey qW kuJ vI AsMBv nhIN huMdw [ kuJ suJwA hn Swied kwrgr swbq ho skx:-
1. CotI ikswnI dI QW sWJI KyqI ArMBI jwvy[
2. KyqI nUM pMjwb dy pOx-pwxI Anuswr qrjIh id~qI jwvy,
Bwv cOlW dI pYdwvwr nMU isrP GrylU loV q~k hI sImq kr id~qw jwey[ ikauNik cOl grm Aqy
islHy jlvwXU dI Psl hox krky pMjwb leI bhuq mihMgI pYNdI hY[ nihrI jW jmIn ivclw pwxI ies
vwsqy kwPI nhIN hY[ so cOlW nMU vpwrk Psl vjoN kwSq krnw TIk nhIN hY[
3. sbjIAW dI kwSq nUM auqSwihq kIqw jwvy[ ies dI aupj
nUM prvwsI pMjwbIAW dI shwieqw nwl dusirAW dySW iv~c vyicAw jwvy[ ies nwl rujgwr dy swDn
pYdw hoxgy[ AsIN pMjwbI jykr bwhrly mulkW iv~c pSUAW dI , murgIAW dI , sUrW Awid dI dyK
Bwl kr skdy hW qW pMjwb iv~c rih ky Awpxy mW-bwp dy ipAwr dw AnMd mwxdy hoey ieh kMm ikauN
nhIN kr skWgy[
4. PlW dI kwSQ vDweI jwvy[ iehnW dw rs kFky bzwr iv~c
vyicAw jwvy[ PlW dI pYikMg dw kMm SurU krn nwl vI Awmdn Aqy rujgwr iv~c vwDw kIqw jw skdw
hY [
5. sYlwnI kyNdr Kohly jwx nwl Awmdn Aqy rujgwr iv~c
coKw vwDw ho skdw hY [ pr ieh sB kuJ krwmwqI FMg nwl nhIN hoxw[ ies vwsqy swDn jutwxy
pYxgy [ prvwsI pMjwbI jo AwpxI imhnq sdkw mwlo mwl ho cu~ky hn iehnW Coty pYmwny dy rujgwr
swDnW vwsqy pYsw jutw ky iehnW Awpxy vIrW dI m~dd kr skdy hn[
6. ies qoN ielwvw hor vI bhuq swry GrylU audXog hn
ijhnW dI m~dd nwl grIbI qoN Cutkwrw pwieAw jw skdw hY [ ijvyN fyArI Pwrm, Sihd Aqy rySm
dIAW m~KIAW pwlxw Awid[
is~DuU vIr jI kI qusIN ieho ijhI grWaUf iqAwr krn iv~c
mdd kr skdy ho ijs sdkw ieho ijhw kMm sihkwrI sBwvW duAwrw SurU ho skx [ jykr koeI
ipMf ieh pySkS kry ik AsIN ieh kMm krn leI iqAwr hW qW mwiek p~KoN pYsw lwaux vwsqy vI
koeI rihm idl inqr hI peygw[ g~l kMm SurU hox dI hY iPr bwkI rIso rIs ~gfI Awpy hI irV
pYNdI hY[
bynqI kIqI jWdI hY ik AwE iek~Ty ho ky ivcwrW krky ies
kMm nUM isry cVHw ky pMjwb nUM dunIAW iv~c nMbr iek qy lY AweIey [iesy iv~c hI swfI sB dI
ie~jq hY[ |
gurU nwnk is`K soswietI |
22/01/03 ienswP
BweI divMdr isMG dI PWsI dI Kbr bySk duKdweI hY pr ieh
is~KW dI gulwmI dI pRqIk
hY[jykr Ajy vI AsIN Awpxy Awp nUM bVI Swn nwl BwrqI AKvw ky auhnHW dIAW AMbYsIAW A~gy ros
mujwhry hI krI gey qW kuJ vI pwRpq nhIN hox l~gw [hux loV hY ie~kTy ho ky XOrpIAn
pwrlImYNt jW XU.A~Yn.E.iv~c jw ky duhweI pwaux dI [BwrqI rwStrpqI jW AMbYsIAW sB swfy
vwsqy byPjUl hn[iehnW qoN ienswP dI Aws krnW bVI v~fI mUrKqw hY [ |
jgdIS isMG, jrmnI |
20/01/03 is``K kOm leI bVI KuSI Aqy mwx vwlI gl hY ik Akwl q^q dy jQydwr
isMG sihbwn jI ny nwnkSwhI kYlMfr nMU pRvwngI idqI hY[ ijQyy is``K kOm dI v``KrI pihcwx hY
auQy i`````s`K kOm leI v``Kry kYMlfr dI vI jrUrq sI
jgdIS isMG, jrmnI |
rxvIr isMG shoqw, hWg kWg |
18/01/03 Dear Readers,
Sat Sari Akaal
In reference to Sardar Inderjeet Singh Rana's (Canada) praise of V.P.Singh's clean
image in an otherwise corrupt country, I would like to share some bitter experiences of
his regime. During the elections which sent Mr. V.P.Singh to power in central government-I
was a university student and campaigned heavily in Mr Singh's support primarily because of
two reasons:
1. He was the one who had blown the trumpet and revealed the Bofors Kickbacks during
Congress rule
2. He had vigorously campaigned to bring down the voting age from 21 years to 18 years
making all of us eligible to vote for the first time.
College going students were thus main supporters of his party and voted heavily to sway
the power away from Congress towards Janta Dal. Little did we realise that the dreams of
change are to be short-lived. Mr V.P.Singh's decision to implement Mandal Commission's
report (on reservation policy) was a slap on the face of all students. Opposition by
students was natural and swift.
Mr Singh who was considered a seasoned politician was however surrounded by cronies and
ultimately ordered the administration to use heavy handed tactics to clamp down on (till
then) peaceful student demonstrations which were at the time limited to New Delhi. Soon
the whole country was engulfed in fire, students retaliated by nationwide campus strikes
and finally included extreme measures such as self-immolation to get themselves heard. The
police was again given free hand to stop the students at any cost and the result was the
division of the whole Indian community in pro and anti reservation camps. The Bahujan
Samaj Party and the Communists were quick to take advantage of the situation and organized
pro-reservation rallies pitting the so called low castes against the supposedly high caste
General category. No one really understood that what we (the students of that time) were
demanding was:
1. The criteria for reservation to be economic rather than caste (for e.g. a poor
Jat/Brahmin/Baniya to also be considered for reservation rather than super rich low caste
2. The education (including books, uniform & other materials) should be provided free
to deserving low caste students but when applying for university places/jobs everyone to
gain access on merit.
Needless to say the calls were ignored. Lot of students died in police firings allover
India. Much to our joy Mr V.P.Singh's government came down but the issue is still dragging
on with various political parties cashing in on the vote bank of reservation class. The
general category students either had to pay hefty sums to the corrupt petty
officers/politicians to get on to the job ladder or simply leave the country for greener
pastures abroad.
Ranveer Singh Sahota
Hong Kong |
kyhr huiSAwrpurI |
18/01/03 I like the article
"sada manorth". God give you more power to write this kind of stuff. We are
sorry that we could not write in punjabi beacuse we do not have the font. |
pirqpwl isMG ibMdrw |
18/01/03 Nanak Shahi
It is indeed the most sensible news for the Sikh Jagat. This was a big ploy in the hands
of anti-Sikh elements to bequeath the Brahminical criteria to eliminate the autonomous
religiosity of the Sikhs. This is the first serious attempt to endow them, the Sikhs, an
independent identity. And we must confess that the credit for this magnanimous step
forward goes to Singh Sahib Bhai Joginder Singh Vedanti. His subtle and decelerated
attitude has mostly been misconstrued as his weakness in handling the situation,
including by the undersigned. But it is proving other way around and I hope he will, in
his own stride, definitely take proper steps to eliminate the inconsistencies being
implanted in the Sikh History and Scripture.
Jathedar Bhai Joginder Singh does deserves overwhelming congratulations from all the
Sikh Jagat and, I plead, all of us who have facility of Internet, will drop a few lines at
the following email to encourage Singh Sahib to move forward even more enthusiastically: sgpc@vsnl.com
Pritpal Singh Bindra |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
iek iGnwauxw skYNfl, 'gurdw kWf'
- blqyj pnUM
mu`K mMqrI AmirMdr isMG leI ie`k hor cunOqI [ gurdw
skYNfl [ ies kWf dI fUMGI jWc krvwauxI vI bhuq jrUrI hY qW ik mwsUm lokW dI ijMdgI nwl
iKlvwV krn vwly smwj ivroDI AnsrW nUM sKq qoN sKq sjw idqI jw sky [
ikqy Aijhw nw hovy ik rwjy dy cmcy hI ies kWf dy doiSAW
qoN mwl Ck jwx qy rwjy nUM glq slwh dy dyx , ijs nwl ksUrvwr fwktrW nUM sjw nw iml sky [
Aws krdy hW ik rwjw ies vwr vI sKqI nwl pyS Aw ky kWgrs dw Aks hor vI suDwrygw [
kuJ-kuJ ptVIey cVHn l`gI hY bwdl dl dI g`fI
-SMgwrw isMG Bu`lr
bwdl dI gufI cVwx ivc rwjy dw vI kuJ h`Q hY [ rwjw swry srkwrI qy nIm srkwrI mulwjmW nwl
pMgw lY irhw hY qy ies nwl swirAW ivc ros v`Ddw jw irhw hY [ ikswn v`K prySwn hn ijnW nUM
gMny dI AdwiegI Psl vycx qoN ie`k bwd vI nhIN hoeI, bhwnw ieh hY ik KMf imlW dI KMf nhIN
iv`k rhI [ ies ivc ikswnW dw kI ksUr hY ? ie`k pwsy KMf dy BMfwr Bry pey hn, dUjy pwsy ies
dI kImq bjwr ivc bhuq ijAwdw hY [ jy kImq G`t kr idqI jwvy qW KMf dI ivkrI v`D skdI hY [
auDr bwdl vI mOky dI qlwS ivc hY ik kdoN mOkw imly qy kWgrs dw qvw lgwieAw jw sky [ jy
ikqy tOhVw bwdl nwl iml jwvy qW hI kWgrs dw mukwblw kIqw jw skdw hY pr bwdl tOhVw ivcoN
koeI vI Jukxw nhIN cwhuMdw [ lokW nUM qW suDwr dI loV hY, koeI pwrtI vI kr ky ivKwey qy
swry ies dw svwgq krngy [
in`kU qy ik`kU
-jnmyjw isMG jOhl
ies in`kI khwxI ivc lyKk ny Gr ivc vwprI Gtnw ibAwn
kIqI hY jo ik ienswnI dirAw-idlI qy ipAwr dw sunyhw hY [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
sqivMdrjIq isMG |
17/01/03 siq sRI Ek`l
pM�jwbI ipAwirAw
hr roj qkrIbn iBRStwcwr bwryy pVHn bh�q imldw[
pr koeI Tos jW srl mwrg drSn isrP ilKqw rwhI inkldw idsdw nhI] swfw ieh suBwA bx igAw hY
ik k���D qy iliKAw pVHnw hI nhI[ soy Aml dI qw Aws hI nhI kIqI jw skdI[
nOjvwn pI�VI niSAw cH f��bdI jw rhI hY]
Agr AsI BivK leI iPkr m�d hNw qw s`cmuc Gro-GrI jw ky
rwbqw pyYdw krnw pvygw]
Few days back there was a news about Punjabi should be studied from first standard or
later, I am fully supported in views to start Punjabi from first stander, otherwise if we
can develop our own terminology in Science like Korea, Japan, Chinese.
Satwinder Jit Singh |
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw
pRclq lok AKwx ''sO iv`coN niVHnvyN
byeImwn iPr vI myrw Bwrq mhwn'' koeI AiqkQnI nhIN hY[
srvivAwpI iBRStwcwr dy bwvjUd ies mhwn dyS iv`c hwly vI
vI�pI� is�G vrgy sv`C rwjnIqIvwn, jrnilst hrI jYis�G dIAW no mweIlwrf vrgIAW KrIAW
KrIAW Aqy mOjUdw gvrnr jYkb swihb dy ivDwnk muKI vjoN rwj dy jnsDwrn nwl lgwqwr rwbqw r`Kx
dI rucI dyS dy g�Dly ho cu`ky inzwm bwry cyqnqw pYdw krdI hY Aqy ieQoN dy Awm nwgirk leI
Aws dI cmkdI ikrn vWg aus nUM ruSnwauNdI hY[
TIk hY ik ies dyS dy kroVW vwsI rozwnw AwpxIAW Dwrimk
rhurIqW inBwauNdy piv`qr pusqkW dw jwp vI krdy hn[ ies qoN ibnW AnykW svwmI swDUAW dy idn
rwq pRvcn dy bwvjUd smwj qyzI nwl ADogqI v`l vD irhw hY ijs dw kwrn pRq`K hY ik jo AsIN
pVHdy, srvx krdy jW krvwauNdy hW aus nUM AmlXog nhIN smJdy jW swfI kQnI Aqy krnI ieksur
nhIN hY Aqy swfy Aml swfy isDWq jW ivcwrW nwl iblkul myl nhIN KWdy[ dyS qy kOm jW jnihq
dIAW AsIN kyvl g`lW hI krdy hW Aml iv`c qW AsIN Awpo AwpxI ''mYN'' dw hI ivsQwr krn iv`c
l`gy hoey hW jW mU�h mulwhjy hI swfy leI srySt hn[ dUridRStI qW AsIN s`cmuc hI Awpxy Awp
qoN dUr kIqI hoeI hY[ ''ieh j`g im`Tw Aglw ikn if`Tw'' ieh hI swfw AmlXog mwrg drSn hY[ sB
qoN srl qy sOKw rwh Apxw ky AsIN sB qoN A`gy inkl jwx leI hI s�GrSSIl hW[
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
"sO ivcoN niVnvyN by-eImwn, iPr vI
myrw Bwrq mhwn"
ieh gl Bwrq qy pUrI FukdI hY ikauNik ie`Qy hr koeI
Awpxw aulU isDw kr irhw hY qy dyS pvy F`Ty KUh ivc[ ie`k byeImwn dUsry nUM JUTw kih irhw
hY [ nyqwvW ny vI lok BlweI dy AslI mu`dy C`f ky frwmybwjI krnI SurU kr idqI hY [ hr pwrtI
Awpxy Awp nUM dyS dI AslI syvwdwr pyS krn jw rhI hY pr hY ies dy ault [ hr pwrtI ivc guMfy
bdmwSW dw hI bolbwlw hY [ swry dyS nUM bwhrlIAW kMpnIAW nUM vycx qy quly hoey hn qy nW
idqw jw irhw hY, suDwrW dw [ hr pwrtI Awpxy rwj dy mOky qy v`D qoN v`D kmweI krnI cwhuMdI
hY ikauNik AglI vwr kursI imly jW nw imly, iks nUM pqw [ swry pwsy iBRStwcwr dw bolbwlw hY
[ iesy leI qW keI lok BwrqoN bwhr jwky imhnq krky kwmXwbI dIAW bulMdIAW CUh lYNdy hn[
ieMj lgdw hY ik Bwrq dw Biv`K hux bhu-rwStrI kMpnIAW dy
h`Q ivc jw irhw qy ieh gulwmI v`l pihlw kdm hovygw [
kOx krU XkIn
- joigMdr sMGyVw, ( knyfw )
Srwb swrIAW bImwrIAW dI jV hY pr iPr vI ies nUM smwjk
prvwngI imlI hoeI hY [ Srwb ny keI Gr brbwd kIqy , keIAW kolo jurm krvwey, keI PWsI cV gey
, pr Srwb dw dOr ausy qrW cldw jw irhw hY , ijs dw Pwiedw srkwrW qy v`fy v`fy vpwrI Grwxy
auTw rhy hn [ ies khwxI ivc vI AmrjIq Srwb dy nSy ivc Awpxy hI p`ky dosq dw kql krn lgdw
hY [
so loV hY ik ies burI Awdq qoN swry Cutkwrw pweIey qW
ik smwj ivc Amn qy SWqI nwl swry rih skx[
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw |
16/01/03 Dear Readers of
I want to share my views on social problems that our community faces every day, inside
and outside of India.
1) Dowery, And dowery Deaths, every day you can see this news in newspapers.
2) Murder of Unborn girls,
3) Abuse by spouse, inlaws of migrated bride or bridegroom.
4) Dispute between mother-in-law and daughter in law.
Dear Readers these are the four common problems, growing like plague in our communites,
first of all I am not a writer, and I am just ordinary human being saddened by these types
of news. I want to discuss these problems one by one.
Regarding dowery, in my view in old days as their was not custom to send girls to
school for education, so they were totally dependent on their husbands, than parent of
girls give her some household articles, so she may maintain her house; like few
bedding items, utensils etc.but that was the old story. Nnow these days girls are much
more educated than boys, and they can earn more than their husbands. So dowery in now a
days totally greediness's at the time of marriage girl should put condition forward that
she will marry to only boy who don't need dowery, and much more we should make social
momentum to condemn dowery. and our religious, political leaders should come forward to
educate the people. Our leaders, preachers only know how to fight for guru golak in
Gurdwaras. How shameful one of our Jathedar and his family is behind bars, for dowery
death of their daughter in-law
Secondly, murder of unborn baby girls. This also is one of the worst evils in our
community. No body should have the right to take any body's life, just because she is
girl. We are doing everything which we should not suppose to do according to gurbani, and
we have much double standards in our lives right from the birth till death, like I am not
treating my wife like I want my brother in law treat my sister, my mother not treat her
daughter in law, like she want her daughter treated by her in laws, like we male want to
have girl friends, but not like if our sisters have boy friends. I don't want my daughter
to have a boy friend, and don't mind if my son has.
Third, one like, when we bring bride or bridegroom from our native place we treat them
less than dog and cats. Dogs and cats are getting more love in this country than our
migrated, brother and sisters, from their spouse and in-laws, that we should also taught
in our temples, that we should behave with our family members like human being not like
dog and cats, I know many cases in this city of Calgary how treat their daughter-in-law's
like slaves. Like one showed in newly released Punjabi film 'ji aya nu'. It will be more
effective if our gurdwaras take this problems seriously never see any body preach about
these problems, only preach which suit to them to make more money. How we can be
gursikh, if we even don't know the value of human beings.
Last but not least, that dispute between mother-in-law and daughter in law,
According to me in most cases our elders are on fault, they not treat their
daughter-in-law's as they should treat as their own daughters, in some cases daughter in
law also not respect her mother in law as she respect her mother. Their are many like
Gurdish kaurs and many more living in worst (inhuman) conditions helpless can't do
anything. As part of efforts we start Punjab Youth club in Hong Kong And doing community
work from last three years, such as giving financial help back in Punjab to needy
especially for education.
In conclusion of this letter that I want to tell all our brother sisters, let us make
this world make heaven not hell, where every body feel happy .This is the only my dream.
With Warm Regds& love to everyone
Inderjit Singh Rana (Calgary Canada) |
rivMdr s kMudrw, XU ky |
It is very good right up. I hope everybody reads it and acts upon it.
Shame on those so called leaders who are blind to the facts all the way. |
lKivMdr isMG |
16/01/03 It is good to know
that Bhai Ranjit Singh has got married and can settle down with his family.This Gursikh
has sacrificed his youth for sikhi . He is the true sikh and not like politicians who have
no stand and are after money only. |
crnjIq gryvwl, vWiSgtn fI sI |
bhuq hI vDIAW LoK dI vDWeI hovy
crnjIq gryvWl
vWiSgtn fI sI |
gurdIS kOr, knyfw |
15/01/03 Hello Readers,
I wanted to share my experience of listening to Raj Ghuman (Local talented female
singer in Toronto) song "Rabba, hun mein aapni kismat aap likhangi". This song
came on the radio in my car, and every single word seemed to apply to me personally. I am
not sure if someone else has heard this song or not, maybe somebody living in Toronto will
relate to what I am talking about.
Surely, Punjabi Girls must take care of their own destiny, and not let a man decide for
you what your destiny is supposed to be. A man whom you care for a great deal, but who
does not even care about you. I have gone through an experience that I did not think I
would ever face in life. I have separated from my dear husband of 4.5 years after
witnessing physical and emontional abuse for over 3 years. I could not bear it anymore,
for my sake and especially for my daughters' sake. I don't want her to grow up thinking
that its ok for a man to treat a woman badly. If I had a son, I would teach him to treat
any woman in his life with utmost respect.
My intent is not to publicize my personal problems or to gain sympathy, but rather to
inform others that we must treat others as human beings and care deeply for each other.
Men should treat women fairly, and women should stand up for themselves.
Thanks to Raj Ghuman for this song and 5abi.com for allowing me to share my views.
Gurdish Kaur
Toronto, Canada |
rnjIq pMDyr |
14/01/03 It is well known
fact that RSS/BJP hate to see Punjabi language making any progress. Anybody having any
dobt has to just look at the history. Not issuing Visa to Pakistani writers will affect
only Punjabi and Urdu. All Punjabis should protest. Let Mr. Bajpayee (the great iterarian
come clean on this). it was only memebrs of RSS who wrote their mother language as Hindia
even though they use punjabi as their primary language. For an example go and see any RS
person in Ambala, Haryana.
it`kw--bwlIAw, nwrvy |
14/01/03 ipAwry sMpwidk jI,
AwstRylIAw dy iemIgrySn ivBwg vlo pMjwbI nMU kimauntI
drjw nw dyx bwry kwPI crcw ho rhI hY[ koeI Awpxy Gr iv`c kI kr irhw hY, jwnx qo pihlW ieh
jwnxw jrUrI hY ik swfy Awpxy Gr ivc kI ho irhw hY[ iksy dy Gr qo mqlb
"AwstRylIAw", Awpxy qo mqlb quhwfw Awpxw "pMjwb", A`j pMjwb dy hr
ipMf, ksby, Sihr ivc b`cy AMgryjI Aqy ihMdI nUM pihl idMdy hn[
mwpy Puly nhI smwaudy jdo b`cw ihMdI jW AMgryjI boldw
hY[ pr ies dy is`ty kI inklxgy swnUM sB nUM hI pqw hY[ pMjwbIAw dI mW bolI pMjWbI hY Aqy
pMjwbIAw dw Gr pMjWb[ vIro ! jdo Awpxy Gr iv`c hI AwpxI mW bolI nUM AsI Kud ivswr rhy hW
iPr AwstRylIAw qo AsI kI aumId kr skdy hW[ ieh sB socI smJI cwl hY jo swfy ivrsy nUM Gux
vWg Kw rhI hY[ mYnMU duK hY ik swifAw lIfrW Aqy Drm prcwr kmytIAW kol kursI ipCy lVx qo
bgYr hor kuJ vI nhI[
iKmW dw jwck,
nwrvy |
sqnwm isMG bwjvw, AstRylIAw |
13/01/03 ipAwry sMpwdk swihb,
ivcwrnXog: AstRylIAw
dy ie`mIgrySn ivBwg vloN Bwrq dIAW keI BwSwvW (bMgwlI, qYlgU, gujrwqI Aqy ihMdI Awid) nUM
"kimauintI BwSwvW" krwr id`qw igAw hY[ pr ies ilst iv`c pMjwbI dw nwm Swml nhI
hY[ ikauN? - (DMnvwd: inauzIlYNf qoN 5abi.com dw ie`k pwTk) dy sbMD iv`c mYN
kuJ AwpxI jwxkwrI ilK irhw hW:
iemIgrySn ivBwg vlooN ijhVIAW BwSwvW dI sUcI id`qI geI
hY, auh siklf mweIgrySn dy 5 nMbr hwsl krn leI hY[ ieh nMbr prwpq krn leI ibnYkwr dI
aucyrI is`iKAw (jwxI ky ifgrI) ies BwSw iv`c hoxI cwhIdI hY[ mweIgrySn hwisl krn leI
qkrIbx 115 nMbr hwsl krny pYNdy hn[ ijQoN qk gujrwqI Aqy qylgU dw sbMD hY ieh BwSwvW ies
sUcI ivc Swiml nhI hn[ vDyry jwxkwrI leI hyTly iMlMk dw pMnW 43 dyKo (http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/booklets/1119.pdf) hW ihMdI qy aurdU qoN ielwvw bMgwlI qy qwiml bolIAW jrUUr ies
sUcI ivc Swiml hn, ies dw kwrn ieh vI ho skdw hY ky iMhMdI Bwrq dI, aurdU pwiksqwn dI,
bMgwlI bMglw dyS dI qy qwiml SRI lMkw dI bolI hox krky Swiml kIqIAW geIAW hox[
2001 dI mrdm SumwrI Anuswr AwstRylIAw ivc pMjwbI boln
vwilAW dI igxqI 14893, ihMdI bolx vwilAW dI igxqI 47814, qy qwiml bolx vwilAW dI igxqI
24071 hY[ 1991 dy AMkiVAW Anuswr ihMdI bolx vwly 20105, qwiml bolx vwly 10884 Aqy pMjwbI
bolx vwilAW dw koeI vyrvw nhIN hY[ AwstRylIAw ivc pMjwbIAW dI igxqI ivc vDyry vwDw ipCly
dsW swlW ivc hI hoieAw hY[ bwkI swnUM sB nUM pqw hI hY ky AsIN AwpxI bolI bwry iknyN ku
sucyq hW[ qwiml BweIcwry dy 2 ryfIE stySNn cOvI GMty cldy hn, pr AsIN ies mwmly ivc Ajy
bhuq ip`Cy hW[
pMjwbI nUM skUlW ivc iek BwSw (LOTE) dy qOr qy lwgU krvwaux
leI swry pMjwbI BweIcwry vloN kwPI Xqn kIqy jw rhy hn ijnWH iv`c ihlj ifstirkt pMjwbI
soswietI isfnI qy vwihgurU ismrn soswietI dw Xogdwn bhuq mhqvpUrn hY[
bwkI, pMjwbI bolI nUM iemIgrySn dI sUcI ivc Swiml
krvwaux leI AsIN koiSS krWgy ky pMjwbI leI km kr rhIAW swrIAW sBwvW nUM ies bwry sucyq
kIqw jwvy qW ky smucy qOr qy koeI kdm cu`ikAw jw sky[ ies msly bwry sucyq krwaux leI
inaUjlYNf dy pwTk dw bhuq bhuq DMnvwd[
Aws krdw hW ky fw: gurimMdr is`DU jI dw lyK nw myry
b`ciVE ! nw swry pMjwbIAW dIAW A`KW jrUr KolyHgw[ swfy iek pRoPYsr AwpxI mW bolI nUM
sqkwr dyx leI Awpxy swien hmySW s. n. syvk ilK ky krdy sn nW ky AYs AYn syvk, ieh in`kIAW
in`kIAW glW hI swfI bolI dI cVHdI klw leI shweI ho skdIAW hn[
sqnwm isMG bwjvw |
jsbIr isMG |
13/01/03 ipAwry sMpwidk jI,
AMimRqsr iv`c hoey gurdw skYNfl iv`c fw. srIn dw nwm
Awaux qy bhuq du`K hoieAw [ fw. srIn ie`k jwxy pCwxy gurdw mwhr hn[ bhuq hI AmIr vI hn
[k`kV hspqwl bVw mihMgw hspqwl hY pr pMjwb Br qoN mrIzW dw ie`Qy qWqw b`Jw rihMdw hY [
Bwvy ik pihlW dI AKbwrI irport muqwbk ie`Qy ie`k mrIz nUM eyfz imilAw KuUn cvwaux dI vI
s`cI/JUTI Kbr l`gI sI pr k`kV hspqwl qy lokW dw ivSvwS bixAw irhw, ishrw fw. srIn vrgy
au`c kotI dy fwktrW dy isr qy hI sI[ hux Agr fwktr srIn dw nwm ies iv`c shI swbq huMdw hY
qW gurU swihb dy kQn v`l iPr iDAwn jWdw hY ik mwieAwDwrI bhuq hI AMnw qy bolw huMdw hY [
ieho ijhw nIc kMm krn qoN pihloN fw srIn jyo AMimRqsr iv`c hI dunIAW ivcly jwxy pCwxy mwhr
fw. dljIq isMG (A`KW dy mwhr) , fw. DMnvMq rwie (idmwgI mwhr) v`l vyKxw cwhidw sI jo mrIz
dI mwlI hwlwq muqwbk keI vwrI mmUlI kImqW qy vI ielwz krdy hn [ mrIz auhnW kol bMbeI qk dy
AwauNdy hn [ r`b imhr kry [
Awp dw SuBicMqk,
jsbIr isMG |
kulvMq isMG mukqsr (nwrvy) |
"nw myry bciVE! nw!!" lyK ivc lyKk ny bVy hI
suc`jy FMg nwl scweI pyS kIqI hY[ lyKk ny swry pMjwbI pVHn, suxn qy bolx vwilAW nUM iek
bVy hI ivAMgmeI FMg nwl vMgwr pweI hY qy m`q id`qI hY ik ikvyN AwpW swry AwpxI mW nUM
aujVnoN bcw skdy hW[ jy mW hI mr geI qW iksy ny g`l nwl nhIN lwauxw, iksy ny lorIAW nhIN
dyxIAw qy nW hI iksy ny su`ky poqiVAW qy suAwauxw hY[ pr mYnUM lyKk qy iek iglw hY ik nW
qoN ieh nhIN pqw lgdw ik ieh iek mrd hY jW AOrq[ vYsy vyiKAw jwvy qW mYN nw qoN kI lYxw
hY? qUM AMb cUp, igVk qoN dwxy lYxy hn! pr iPr vI nW smwj dw iek ih`sw hY[ ADUrw
ilKidAW-ilKidAW dUjI, qIjI pIVI q`k phuMcidAW-phuMcidAW ikqy mW vWgU is`DU vI Alop nw ho
jwvy[ ikqy g`l ieh qW nhIN "Avr aupdysY Awip n krY"[
AwstRylIAw dy iemIgRySn ivBwg v`loN pMjwbI nUM
kimaUintI BwSwvW ivc drjw nw dyxw: ies ivc swfI pMjwbIAW dI AwpxI kmzorI hY [ swfw ieh
suBwA bx igAw hY ik mYN ies kMm qoN kI lYxw hY Awpy ijsnUM loV hovygI kr lvygw [ sWJy bwby
nUM rox leI koeI iqAwr nhIN hY [ jdoN koeI vwh nw l`gy qW gurduAwirAW dIAW pRbMDk kmytIAW
qy ieljwm GV idMdy hW [ kmytIAW vI qW AsIN Awp hI cuxIAW hn [ ijho ijhy ibrqI vwly syvk
A`gy ilvWgy, auho ijhy hI auhnW ny kMm krny hn [ nwrvy ivc srkwr ny jdoN slybs dIAW nvIAW
ikqwbW CwpIAW qW aus ivc is`K Drm nW dw koeI vI A`Kr nhIN sI pr jsvMq isMG dI AxQ`k imhnq
qy gurduAwrw swihb dy suc`jy syvwdwrW dy vfmu`ly sihXog nwl ieh mslw iehnw BKw id`qw igAw
ik ieh mu`dw pwrlImYNt q`k phuMc igAw qy pwrlImYNt ivc ies qy spYSl bihs hoeI [ mOky dy
is`iKAw-mMqrI ny vwiedw kIqw ik jdoN vI AglI vwr slybs dIAW ikqwbW CpIAW qW is`K-Drm bwry
zrUr iliKAw jwvygw [ so zrUrq hY hr vkq kMn KVy krky r`Kx dI [ jwgx dI, cukMny rihx dI loV
smJo [ jo jo qusIN smJdy ho ik quhwfy mulk ivc nhIN hoieAw jW qusIN smJdy ho ik ieh ies
qrHW hoxw cwhIdw hY, ausdI sUcI iqAwr kro qy jut jwE [ hornW nwl sMprk kro [ swfy
Awly-duAwly ivc bVy hI sulJy hoey ienswn hn ijnHW qoN rwie leI jw skdI hY Aqy loV pYx qy
auhnW nUM nwl vI qoirAW jw skdw hY pr iek g`l Xwd r`iKE kMm auhI isry cVHygw, jo
hwaumy-rihq hovygw [
kulvMq isMG mukqsr (nwrvy) |
sMqoK isMG isfnI, AwstRylIAw |
ipAwry fw. kMdolw jIau
AwstRylIAw ivc 55 BwSwvW prvwnq hn ijnHW ivcoN iksy iek
dI jwxkwrI vwLy ivAkqI nUM, iemIgRySn vwsqy pMj puAwieMt imLdy hn; auhnW ivcoN pMjwbI dw
nW ilst ivc 39vW hY[ p`qr ilKx vwLw ies scweI qoN Axjwx hY[
vYsy AwstRylIAw ivc pMjwbI nUM iesdw bxdw h`k nhI imL
irhw[ iesdw ksUr kyvl qy kyvl pMjwbIAW dw Apxw hY[ mrdmSumwrI smy pMjwbI BwSw vwLy Kwny
ivc AwpxI BwSw pMjwbI nhI ilKwauNdy[ ikauN? kuJ-ku AwpW jwxdy hW[ kI ilKwauNdy hn? auhnW
dI Eho hI jwnx!
iek AMdwzy muqwbk, AwstRylIAw ivc cwLI qoN pMjwh hzwr
q`k is`KW dI hI AwbwdI hY pr mrdm SumwrI isrP nO-ku hzwr ny hI svIkwrI hY[ is`KW qoN
ielwvw hor vI pMjwbI keI guxW is`KW nwLoN vD igxqI ivc eyQy vsdy hn[
fw. gurimMdr isDU dw lyK Cwp ky qusIN pMjwbI ipAwirAW
dy kwLjy DUh ley hn[ myry v`loN gurimMdr horW nUM swbws dyxI[
sMqoK isMG, isfnI, AwstRylIAw |
jnmyjw isMG jOhl, Bwrq |
Gurminder sidhu has just said what everyone else is saying. recently at a high
level meeting same was the conclusion also. what we need to do is to make punjabi
compatible with other developed languages and not only cry. i think there should be a ban
for writing punjabi litrature for one year and all writers should work at ground level to
teach punjabi. because as the trend is in punjab. the written punjabi will die in 40 years
maximum( 2 generations).
janmeja johl
----------------------------------- |
13/01/03 lohVI beI lohVI
ijMnI mMgo QoVI
ikvyN AweI lohVI
vIry cVHy GoVI
imlU kI AYs lohVI
guV Skr qy irEVI
ikvyN mnweIey lohVI
DUxI lw idE idEVI
lohVI beI lohVI
ijMnI mMgo QoVI
jnmyjw isMG jOhl |
pwl isMG shoqw Aqy pirvwr sivtjrlYNf |
12/01/03 swry pMjwbIAW nUM lohVI dy iqauhwr dI
l``K l``K vDweI hovy jI !!!!!! pMjwbI kOm stwP nUM vI bhuq bhuq vDweI hovy jI !!!
pwl isMG shoqw Aqy pirvwr sivtjrlYNf |
kYptn isMG, ietlI |
12/01/03 HELLO HRU
myrw nwm kYptn isG hY [ mY ietlI ivc irh irhw hw [ myrw jnm ietlI ivc 05/02/1985[ swfw
swrw pirvwr ietlI ivc irhMdw hY [ mY Aj qk pMjwb nhI igAw pr quhwfI ivb nwl mYnMU pMjwb dy
hwl dw pqw lg jwdw hY [ Aj mY iphlI vwr pMjwbI ivc eImyl ilK irhw hY ikrpw krky jy koeI
glqI hovy qw plIj mwP krnw [
ikrpw krky myrI eImyl dw jvwb dyxw
siq sRI Akwl [ |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
nw myry b`ciVE ! nw !
- fw: gurimMdr (kOr) is`DU
ieh lyK ie`k Amu`l rcnw hY jo ik f`bI ivc sWB ky rKx
vwlI hY [ lyiKkw AOrq hox dy nwqy bhuq vDIAw qrIky nwl mW-rUpI nsIhqW dyx ivc kwmXwb rhI
hY [ mYN ies lyK nUM Cpw ky vMfx dw auprwlw krn jw irhw hW qW ik jo vIr BYx dI phuMc
ieMtrnYt qy nhIN, auh vI ies nUM pV sky [ myrI lyiKkw nUM bynqI hY ik ieh lyK swry pMjwbI
AKbwrW ivc Cpx leI ByijAw jwvy , nhIN qW mYN ies nUM Byjx dw ijMmw lYNdw hW (jy lyiKkw
AwigAw dyvy qW) [
ies lyK nUM ijauN ijauN pVI jwE, AMdroN cIs inkldI hY
ik kI ho igAw hY, ikauN nhIN AsIN socdy pMjwbI ivc pVx, socx qy ilKx nUM [ mYN pihlW vI
swry vIrW BYxW nUM bynqI kIqI hY ik 5AwbI.kwm nUM pqr ilKx ligAW qW pMjwbI dI vrqoN kr
ilAw kro, pr bhwnw ieh huMdw hY ik kI krIey jI swfy kol qW pMjwbI PONt nhIN hn, nwly
pMjwbI ivc ilKx dI kOx J`K mwry [ ikauNik AMgryjI dw mu`lmw swfy qy bhuq p`kw cVH cu`kw hY
qy ies nUM lwhux leI fW gurimMdr (kOr) is`DU vrgy lyK hI kMm Aw skdy hn [ ies dy nwl nwl
AsIN Gr ivc vI smW k`F ky pMjwbI ivc pVx, ilKx dw audm vI krIey [ swfy dyS nUM C`f ky bwkI
swry dyS AwpxI AwpxI BwSw ivc glbwq krn nUM qrjIh idMdy hn pr AsIN lwt swhb bnx leI
AMgryjI dw shwrw lYNdy hW, ieh hor kuJ nhIN sgoN gulwm mwniskqw dw nqIjw hY [
AsIN aus sB kuJ nUM pihl dyNdy hW jo AMgryj krdy hn pr
Awpxw ipCokV Bu`lI jw rhy hW qy jo 'siBAwcwr' pMjwbI tIvI cYnlW qy dyKx
nUM iml irhw hY aus nUM vyK ky isr Srm nwl Ju`k jWdw hY [ ikDr jw rhy hW qy ikDr swnUM
iljwieAw jw irhw hY [ b`icAW dI mwniskqw ies qrW dI ho geI hY ik aunW nUM AOKy pMjwbI Sbd
dw ArQ smJwaux leI AMgryjI Sbd dI audwhrx dyxI pYNdI hY ikauNik pMjwbI pVx leI isrP 10%
smW hI imldw hY [ kyvl pMjwbI ivSw hI hY ijQy pMjwbI dI vrqoN huMdI hY, bwkI sB kuC
AMgryjI ivc [
gurdws mwn TIk hI kihMdw hY :-
kI bxU dunIAW dw.......
scy pwqSwh vwihgurU jwxy....
pr Ajy vI sMBlx dw vylw hY , swry rl iml ky audm kro[
jy kr koeI pMjwbI bolx, ilKx qy pVx nUM p`CVI soc kihMdw hY qW aus nwl lVx dI jgwh ipAwr
nwl smJwE [ kI pqw quhwfy ipAwr nwl hI auh shI rsqy Aw jwvy qy AwpxI mW-bolI v`l mu`K kr
lvy [ pr sB qoN pihlW Awp pMjwbI nUM ipAwr kro [ Gr ivc pMjwbI AKbwr , rswly qy ikqwbW
ilAwE, b`icAW nUM pMjwbI pVx leI auqSwhq kro , pMjwbI ivc mukwbly krvwE [ iPr vyKo pMjwbI
dIAW ikvyN pON-bwrW huMdIAW hn [ ( vyKxw ikqy ieh iKAwl hI nW rih jwvy ) ]
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
gurdIS kOr, trWto, knyfw |
Dear Editor and Readers,
First I want to apologize for writing this letter in English, but I cannot download
Punjabi fonts on my work computer.
I am very impressed by Dr. Gurminder Sidhu's Essay on our mother-tongue Punjabi. It is
very well written, I am printing it and giving it to my family to read it. Living in
Canada, I feel that it is very important for children to learn Punjabi from the start. I
talk to my daughter in Punjabi and when she is old enough, she will learn to read and
write Punjabi as well. Children are quick learners and they adapt English very quickly in
school. My niece and nephew already speak, read and write Punjabi, they did not go to a
special Punjabi school, but my sister and mother taught them. So, I agree with the writer,
that it starts from home, its not teachers' or peers' fault that our youngsters don't want
to communicate in Punjabi.
Thanks a lot. I enjoy your website very much.
Gurdish Kaur
Toronto, Canada |
jgjIq sMDU, kYlIPornIAW |
ipAwry dosqo,
A~j swrw idn kMm qy ieMj lMiGAw ik kMnW iv~c ikDroN
ie~k vI bol pMjwbI dw nhIN ipAw[ ie~k do vwr bu~lHW qy koeI gIq gun-guxwieAw qy iPr Eh vI
poh dI b~dlI vWg ibnW vrHy lMG igAw[
bs ieMtrnY~t qy dosqW dy romn A~KrW c ilKy pMjwbI
sunyihAW nwl hI swrnw ipAw[
Bu~Kw kI Bwly copVIAW?
kdy kdy socdW, pMjwb c huMdy
.qy swrw idn
AwpxI bolI iv~c iklkwrIAW suxdy
Thwky mwrdy
.h~sdy qW pMjwbI c
qW pMjwbI c
roNidAW nUM vrwauNdy qW pMjwbI c
audwisAW nMU hswauNdy
qW pMjwbI c
KWdy pINdy, n~cdy t~pdy, ru~sdy mnwauNdy pMjwbI
swry pwsy pMjwbI hI huMdI
aumr pMjwbI mW dI god iv~c lMG
AsIN kI lYxW sI dUr AsmwnIN pYNdy ilSkwirAW qoN!
qy iPr jd gurimMdr jI dy lyK nw myry b`ciVE ! nw
! vrgIAW ivlkVHIAW pVH sux ky pMjwb dw A~j qy Blk swhmxy id~sdw hY qW klyzy iv~coN
ie~k lyr ijhI inkldI hY hwey r~bw! nw, ieMj n krIN!! qyrI AYfI v~fI zmIn qy swfw
Cotw ijhw pMjwb
vwsqw eI kdy iesdy dirAwvW coN pwxI n su~ky
iehdy pu~qW
DIAW dy idlW coN pMjwbI mW dw moh n cu~ky
.qy bwlW dIAW qoqlIAW zubwnW qoN pMjwbI
bolI dw Sihd n mu~ky!
A&zl rMDwvw ikqy ilKdw ey, kwS, myrIAW bwhvW iv~c
AYnW zor huMdw ik mYN kdy pMjwb dy toty n hox idMdw[ ikqy Aijhw n hovy A~j qoN hor qIh
swlW nMU AsIN vI AYhI khIey, kwS swfIAW klmW iv~c AYnW Asr huMdw, kwS swfy idlW iv~c
pMjwbI dw AYnW moh huMdw ik AsIN mOq dy mUMh AweI pMjwbI mW bolI nUM bcwA lYNdy[
rwvI k~Fy qrly, cnwb roeI jWdw ey[
sWBo vy! pMjwbIE, pMjwb KoeI jWdw ey[
jgjIq sMDU, kYlIPornIAW |
gurpwl sMDU, AstRylIAw |
11/01/03 I
wish to this opportunity to thank and appreciate Satinderpal Singh Kapoor's response to my
wiews abuot our leaders. I want to stress my point again, Satinderpal, that when I said
"I do not feel sorry for them"
That is exactly WHAT I meant that we are all responsible for having immoral , defunct,
corrupt and digraceful leaders and unless we masses replace them with the one's having
some meaningful understanding of the word DIGINITY the ship of our feelings will remain in
uncharted waters.
To add insult to injury our local leaders and would be leaders are more or less
following in the foot steps of their disgracfull masters at home. What hope we have?
Regards Gurpal sandhu Australia |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
11/01/03 EdoN myry dwqwr qlvwr cu`kI
- AhIr huiSAwrpuUrI
gurU goibMd isMG jI dy Avqwr smyN jnqw dI hwlq ies
kivqw ivc ibAwn kIqI hY qy gurU jI dI Awpxy aus dyS leI srbMs vwr idqw jo ik Aj aunW dI
swjI is`K kOm nUM mUl AiDkwr dyx leI AwnwkwnI kr irhw hY [ jnyaU dI riKAw leI idqw gurU
qyg bhwdr jI dw blIdwn vI ies dyS qy ie`k bhuq v`fw Aihswn hY [
siqgurU goibMd isMG jI
- jsbIr isMG
gurU goibMd isMG jI dy Avqwr gurpurb dy mOky qy gurU jI
dy jIvn dIAW swKIAW bhuq hI vDIAw qrIky nwl aunW dI ivcwrDwrw pRgtwauNdIAW hn [ kI mOjUdw
swry is`K ies ivcwrDwrw nUM Awpxy jIvn ivc smwaux dI koiSS krngy ? Aijhw krnw hI gurU jI
dw gurpurb mnwayux dw AslI mnorQ hovygw [
sYr dw suAwd
-is`DuU dmdmI
ies lyK ivc sYr krn qy ies dy PwieidAW bwry disAw igAw
hY [ sYr SurU krnI hI muSkl hY ikauNik svyry ibsqrw Cfxw kuJ AOKw lgdw hY pr sYr krn
auprMq jo qwjgI imldI hY aus dw koeI swnI nhIN [ so ies qoN pihlW ik fwktr sYr krn dI slwh
dyvy , swnUM Awp hI sYr SurU kr lYxI cwhIdI hY qW ik swfIAW 'bYtrIAW' dyr q`k cwrj rihx [
h`QIN qory s`jxW nUM
-slIm muh�md
ruipAw pYsw kmwaux leI ivdySW ivc jwx dI loV pihsUs
huMdI hY pr jwx ipCoN pirvwr dw ivCoVw Aish jwpdw hY ies bwry ies lyK ivc ijkr kIqw igAw
hY [ hvweI A`fy qy Awpxy pqI nUM ivdweI dyx AweI AOrq dI iviQAw idl-tuMbvI sI [ ies sB dy
bwvjUd grIbI dw mwirAw ienswn ivdyS jwx leI hr hIlw vrqdw hY qW ik auQy jw ky aus dw qy
pirvwr dw Biv`K rOSn ho sky [
-hrBjn hWs
pMjwbI iPlm 'jI AwieAW nUM' dy pwqr Gu`gI vWg ies khwxI ivc vI ivdyS jwx dy v`K v`K qrIky
dsy gey hn qy auQoN dI smwijk AvsQw ivc s`ky irSiqAW nUM vI keI vwr nzr-AMdwj kr idqw jWdw
hY, jo ik p`CmI smwj dI dyx hY ijs dI mwr qoN ivcwry pMjwbI vI nhIN bcy [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
inrml isMG Aqy swQI, swiepRs |
10/01/03 Vahiguru
ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh, in cyprus there are a lot of student's from india
(mostly from Punjab and Haryana). We celebreted the birthday of Guru Gobind Singh ji on
9th january 2003. Over 200 students participated and celebrated this occasion.
From 5am to 6pm there was pravah of gurubani at the occasion place. All these things
happened very smoothly. From 6pm to 10pm 'guru ka langer' was served. There is no
relegious place here of sikh's, but we think that you can publish our news in your
website and provide us encouragement. We are watching your website regularly, and hope you
will display this news on your website. thanking you,
yours obediently,
Nirmal Singh and students of Cyprus |
fw: gurimMdr is`DU, mohwlI, pMjwb |
10/01/03 siqkwrXog sMpwdk swihb!
5 ey bI AweI qy p`uiCAw jw irhw ieh svwl pqw nhIN ikMny
ku pMjwbIAW nUM hlUxw idMdw hY? kuJ ku nUM qW idMdw hI hoeygw? hr vwr iehnUM pVH ky Jtkw
ijhw qW l`gdw hI hY....pr kuJ pMjwbI pu`qW DIAW dIAW zmIrW qW gUVHI nINdy su`qIAW peIAW
ny[ jwgidAW isrW vwilAW nUM bhuq Xqn krny pYxgy iehnW nUM jgwaux leI...ie`k ingUxI ijhI koiSS mYN vI kIqI hY...BwvyN
ies dI qih q`k jwx leI bhuqy hr&W dw Awsrw lYxw ipAY...jy iehnUM pVH ky kuJ ku zmIrW
dy SISy qoN hI DUV lih sky ..auh Awpxy Awp dy rUbrU ho skx..Awpxy s`c dy rUbrU ho skx qW
Awpxw Xqn swriQk smJWgI[
kwS pMjwbI AwpxI mW nUM golI qoN rwxI bxw dyx....iesy
Ardws sihq
fw: gurimMdr is`DU, mohwlI, pMjwb |
jsivMdr isMG |
10/01/03 Bhai
Sahib Ji
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
In reference to Gurbilas Patshahi 6 book published under the seal of SGPC and putting a
ban in Oct 2000 which did not stop its sale from the SGPC and affiliate book stores, there
was no step taken by the Akal Takhat against any of the 14 rattans listed in the editorial
reference including Joginder Singh Vedanti. Why not? How could the caretekers of Guru
Nanak's panth not be questioned for their approval of this book which is in principle
against the teachings of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
Yet you dare to question the writings of Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana on what grounds.
Is this not one sided affair? The question is who questions the Jathedars for their
approval of Gurbilas Patshahi 6
as an essential text for the Sikhs.
Sikhi is for justice at all levels and if the status and sanctity of the Akal Takhat
has to be maintained there has to be fairness at all levels.
Put the 14 rattans listed in the Gurbilas Patshahi 6 book in front of the Akal Takhat
first. This would mean Joginder Singh Vedanti being a judge for himself in front of Sri
Guru Granth Sahib.
How can you be one sided? We will not let this happen. We will work towards getting
justice from the Sikh sangat and if this involves exposing you all through Gurbilas
Patshahi 6 so be it.
If this is Guru Nanak's Takhat and if SGPC has truth as a founding principle, then be
fair and live up to Guru Nanak's standard. It is a time for test for the Jathedars.
The truth will prevail. The letter from Vedanti Ji to KalaAfghana had no single
reference to where he went against the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
Maryada (principles) keeps the Akal Takhat alive not the Jathedars.
I know you all never reply. Why is that?
Guru Fateh
Panth Da Daas,
Jasvinder Singh |
s: s: BMgU |
10/01/03 By
staying away from the conference of all party on SYL of Badal faction shows where his
interests are? Badal is serving his masters well. We are waiting for the Punjabi
population to react and punish this most corrupt politician whose sole purpose is to
collect money by fair or foul means.
SSBhangoo |
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl sivtzrlYNf |
10/01/03 fw. bldyv kMdolw jI,
siq sRI Akwl, sB qo pihlW quhwfw DMnvwd jo qusW myry
vrgy quS ienswn nUM pMjwbI ilKx dI jwxkwrI
idqI[ Ajy Sbd kuMjI bwry vwkPIAq nW hox krky ilKx dI
rPqwr bhuq holI hY[ ies Coty ijhy Kq rwhIN quhwfw Aqy s. sqnwm isMG sMDU horW dw DMnvwd hY
ijMnW myrI pMjwbI PONt nUM sYt krn ivc bhuq mdd kIqI [ hux jrw AiBAws dI loV hY Aqy Aws
hYY ik QoVy smyN ivc Awp nUM lMbW Kq ilK skWgW[ jy pMjwbI ilKx leI koeI slwh dyxI cwhUMdy
hovo qW eI-myl kr skdy ho[
swry pwTk jnW nUM Aqy 5AwbI
Adwrw dI tIm nUM gurU goibMd isMG jI dy prkwS auqsv dIAW vDweINAW
DMnvwd swihq
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl sivs. |
siqMdrpwl isMG kpUr |
09/01/03 In
reply to Gurpal Sandhu's letter from Australia, I can only say that leaders are
reflective of the society they live in. Sikh leaders have not been sent by 'Akal
Purakh.' The only leader sent by Akal Purakh to lead the Sikhs was Guru Gobind
Singh. The elected leaders are mere mortals and only reflect the values of the
society they represent.
It is amazing how some people complain about the morals of the leaders, but when
the time comes for elections, they would shower them with the favors of their votes
and money. If a leader comes to UK, USA or Australia for that matter, I have seen
the perennial complainants bend over backwards to touch his feet. The fault does not
lie with the leaders, but with us (the masses - I would avoid the word Sangat). Once
we give them a boot, they will learn their lesson and either mend their ways or quit
pretending to be our leaders. It is time for the Sangat to rise up against such
leaders and tell them by voting against them that they do not represent us or our
sentiments. Let us all not be grouchy. Let us challenge them.
I hope, my above letter will inspire someone in Punjab to raise his/her voice against
the present crop of incompetent, corrupt and immoral leadership.
Thank you.
Satinderpal Singh Kapur, USA |
gurpwl sMDU, AstRylIAw |
09/01/03 Today
I sat for some time and read almost every letter posted in this section of this site.I
feel that all around the world there are some very genuine Sikhs having very genuine
frutrating and hurting feelings about which way we ara heading as a comminity at large.
We can all share their hurt and frustration but not feel sorry for them. One may ask
Why , because they fail to ask themselves hard questions.
And hard question is quality of our leaders.
1.Why our leaders names come out of white envelops .
2. Why sikh leaders behave like Mistresses to their politcal masters.
3.Why we still have a leader who stand accused of killing her daughter simply because she
loved a boy from her own village.
4.Why we had a leader who was suspected of killing their daughter-in-law and throwing her
5.Why we have a leader who was accused of getting rich by selling real estate belonging to
a Gurdwara.
6.Why we have a leader who was accused of getting rich by taking people overseas charging
them millions of rupees.
7.Why we have a leader who took artificial historical weapons and collected hundereds of
thousands dollers from unsuspecting SANGAT in western countries.
8.Why half of the BADAL govt M.P'S are locked up in jail.
9.Why we still have leaders in Golden Temple complex who manage the temple day time and
help their relatives at night to steal cars motorbikes and scooters of visiting Sangat.
Sorry my list is too long and I will be back.
Gurpal Sandhu Australia |
gurU nwnk dwqw bKS ley imSn, cMfIgVH |
09/01/03 Guru Nanak Data Baksh Lai Mission,
pwl isMG shoqw Aqy pirvwr sivtjrlYNf |
08/01/03 SRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy Avqwrpurb dI swry
is``K jgq nMU l``K l``K vDweI hovy jI !!
pwl isMG shoqw Aqy pirvwr sivtjrlYNf |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
08/01/03 DMn DMn SRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy jnm
idhwVy gurpurb qy swirAW pMjwbI vIrW qy BYxW nUM l`K l`K vDweI hovy jI [
s`cy pwqSwh swirAW qy imhr BirAw h`Q r`Kx ]
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [
hrimMdr isMG ig`l, kYlyPornIAw, AmrIkw |
07/01/03 Dear Editor Sahib
I would like to congratulate you for making this Punjabi portal so wonderful. This is
"The Best" of all portals I have seen or read so for. Your hand picked writers
do a thorough research on the articles. Like this one written by Sidhu Damdami is recent
example of top class journalism. He deserves a big applaud for his way of writing and
picking hot topics. He is really at the winning end. Please convey my heartiest wishes to
him. Our government agencies should take a note of the problems and try to find an
amicable solution for it.
Thank a lot and Gur Fateh.
Harminder Singh Gill
Union City, California, USA |
gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn, inaUzIlYNf |
07/01/03 hwl iv`c hI kuJ pwTkW dy p`qr pVH ik ieM\ l`igAw ik kuJ iviSAW
qy g`l A`gy qorxI bhuq zrUrI hY[
pihlI qW ieh ik pMjwb iv`c pMjwbI dw nukswn AMgryzI kr
rhI hY[ ieh g`l qW auhI hoeI ik koeI A`KW au`qy p`tI bMnHI hwQI dI pUC PVH ik ausnUM kuJ
d`s irhw hY qy koeI kMn jW suMf PVH ik kuJ hor[ AslI hwQI nUM koeI vI nhIN pCwx irhw[
AMgryzI nUM pihlI qoN lwgU krx dw PYslw qW isrP srkwrI skUlW qy lwgU hoxw hY jd ik injI
skUl qW pihlW hI AMgryzI pVHw rhy hn[ ienHW injI skUlW dIAW nrsrIAW-kyjIAW iv`c AMgryzI dy
nwl nwl ihMdI pVHweI jw rhI hY[ so pihlI jmwq iv`c phuMcx qoN pihlW hI b`cy do EprIAW
BwSwvW pVH rhy hn Aqy mwq BwSw pMjwbI dw nMbr bwAd iv`c AwauNdw hY[ ieho ijhI hwso-hIxI
hwlq Bwrq dy iksy hor sUby iv`c nhIN hY[ EprIAW BwSwvW qy auh vI do do[ A`j dy dunIAWvIN
hwlwq muqwibk swfw iks ie`k EprI BwSw nwl kMm srxw hY ies dw PYslw Awp dy h~Q hY[
dunIAW Br iv`c pMjwbI Aqy is`KW ny mwrHky vI mwry hn pr
A`j swfI pCwx bdysW iv`c bhuqw kr ky tYksI fRweIvrW v`joN hI huMdI hY[ ieh cIz qW hux
hwlIvu`f dIAW iPlmW vI swbq kr rhIAW hn[ AMgryzI iPlmW iv`c A`j k`l is~K tYksI fRweIvr Awm
hI nzr Aw jWdy hn[ pr nwl hI nwl mslw ieh vI auTdw hY ik bwlIvu`f dIAW iPlmW is`KW nUM
jokr jW BMf-mrwsI (muAwPI sihq ikauNik BMf-mrwsI Sbd dI vrqoN jwq rUp iv`c nw ho ik ikrdwr
rUp iv`c hY) dy rUp iv`c ikEN pyS krdIAW hn[ KOry ies krky ik Awpxy hI dyS iv`c Swied swfI
iehI pCwx hY[ AsIN qW kMnIN Gys v`tI ies nUM hI s`c jwx rhy hW[ ienHW mu`idAW dy keI hor
p`K vI ho skdy hn pr iek ieh vI hY ik ipCly iqMn cwr dhwikAW dOrwn swfy bu`DIjIvIAW ( kuJ
igxvyN imxvyN C`f ky) BwvyN auh K`by dyKdy sn jW iPr s`jy, jo kuJ aunHW nUM pMjwbI swihq
iv`c nhIN imilAW aus nUM imhnq krky AMgryzI iv`c jW koeI hor mUl rUp iv`c l`Bx dI bjwey
ihMdI dy clMq ijhy Anuvwd pVH ky swrdy rhy hn[
pMjwbI BwSw nUM AmIr bnwaux dw hMBlw iksy vI nhIN
iesy krky ieh A`j vI ihMdI dy nW qy jIB n`pI bYT jWdy
hn[ pMjwb dy pMjwbI AKbwrW dy kwmy KbrW dw Anuvwd krx l`gy AMgryzI dI bjwey ihMdI qoN krx
nUM isrP qrjIh hI nhIN idMdy sgoN ihMdI dy keI A`KrW dw pMjwbI Anuvwd krxw vI Bu`l jWdy hn
(ijvyN ik 'Adwlq/AdwlqI' vrgy tkswlI SbdW dI QW A`j k`l 'inAwly/inAwiek' pVHx nUM iml irhw
hY)[ iesy krky bwlIvu`f dIAW iPlmW swnUM is`KW nUM jokr jW BMf-mrwsI dy rUp iv`c Swied TIk
hI pyS krdIAW hn ikauNik AsIN mwq BwSw c`j nwl pVHI nhIN, ihMdI dw clMq ijhw hmkI qumkI
krx leI pVH ilAw qy AMgryzI swnUM AwauNdI nhIN[ so jokr qW AsIN Awp hI hW!
DMnvwd sihq[
gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn, inaUzIlYNf[ |
BuipMdr, inaUzIlYNf |
07/01/03 Dear editor sahib,
sat sari akal and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
I had been a teacher in India for about twenty one years. At first I ran my own model
school,then I worked as an S.S.mistress in J.C.T. Mills school, Phagwara.After some years
I was sellected as a Lecturer in punjabi . And after some years service as an Lec. now I
am in NewZealand From one year.During my teaching period I taught the children with full
zeal and dedication. I always tried to understand the psychology of the children.So till
now I reached the conclusion that the children have very sharp brain.They can learn
whatever we want to teach them.Only pestimistic people can think that they can not learn
two or three languages at atime. THEY CAN DO IF THEY ARE TAUGHT PROPERLY.
In my views Edu. Deptt. should start ENGLISH as a subject from the very begining .I
mean from First std .
Thankyou very much for bearing me from a long time.
Bhupinder. |
KIvw mwhI |
gurmyl isMG srW duAwrw iliKAw
"krqy kIAW bwqW" piVAw[ QoVy iv`c bhuq kuC iliKAw lyKk ny[ jy ikqy lyKk klm dy
ku`Fx nUM pMjwb 'c ivcr rhy sYNkVy swDW, inhMg jQybMdIAW,ikswn XUnIAnW dy mu`KIAW Awid dy
jIvn rUpI qMdUr ivc Pyr lYNdw qW aus dI klm nUM hor vI grmwieS imlxI sI[ km sy km pMjwb dy
lokW nUM pqw qW l`gxw cwhIdw hY ik jdoN irbYro klk`qw qoN pMjwb iv`c AwieAw qW iks qrW
klk`qw dw AkwlI lIfr pMjwb dI isAwsq ivc Acwnk auBirAw[
A`qvwd dw nwm lY ky AwpxI lIfrI cmkwaux vwlw kWgrsI XUQ
lIfr, ijs ny AwpxI pwrtI dI ipT iv`c vI Curw mwrn qoN gryj nhIN kIqw, nMU iks qrW zY`f
SRYxI dI su`riKAw imlI[ inhMg mu`KI AKvwayux vwilAW nMU nvInqm hiQAwr lY ky c`lx dI Ku`l
iks qrW imlI[
krqwrpur eyrIey nwl sMbDq kWgrsI lIfr dy AkwlI bwp nMU
ijsny pMjwb ivc Kwilsqwn dw nwArw lwieAw nUM srkwrI su`riKAw iks qrW imldI rhI[
pRoloqwrIAW dy muKIAW dw burzUAw jmwq dy nyqwvW nwl AMdroN iGau iKcVI hoxw[ jy ies sB kwsy
dI pVqwl kIqI jwvy qW pMjwb iv`c B-14 dI Gwt nhIN rihxI[ g`fw fyhIN kIqy bgYr hI Q`ly Fyr l`g jwxw
KIvw mwhI |
AmrjIq kOr |
06/01/03 mW-bolI
bolI ie~k swDn hY ijs rwhIN ivAkqI Awpxy hwv-Bwv
dUsirAW q~k phuuMcwaux dI koiSS krdw hY[ ivAkqI ijs bolI jW BwSw rwhIN Awpxy ivcwr cMgI
qrHW prgt kr skdw hY , auh ausdI AwpxI mW-boLI qoN bgYr hor koeI nhIN ho skdI[ so loV hY
mW-bolI dw ADwr mjbUq kIqw jwvy[ ieh qW hI ho skdw hY jykr b~cw KuS gvwr mhOl iv~c pVHy[
jykr b~cy aupr pihlI klws qoN hI vwDU boJ l~d id~qw jeygw qW auh AwpxI sKSIAq dw bhu-p~KI
ivkws nhIN kr skygw[ bdiksmqI hY ik A~j pMjwb iv~c AMgryjI dI Byf-cwl cl peI hY [ iek~ly
skUl dI pVHweI hoeI AMgryjI dy nwl b~cw ivksq ivAkqIqv dw mwlk nhIN ho skdw jdoN q~k aus
dI soc ivksq nhIN hoeygI [smwj iv~c auh iks nwl Awpxy ivcwr sWJy krygw? kI kMDW nwl auh
iek~lw bolygw? bolI auho hI kwmXwb huMdI hY jo Awm bol-cwl dI bolI hovy[
smJ nhIN Aw rhI ik dUsirAW dySW dIAW nklW krn ligAW
AsIN ieh ikauN Bu~l jWdy hW ik auhnW dySW ny a~cI qoN au~cI ividAw dyx dw pRbMD AwpxI
mW-bolI iv~c hI kIqw hoieAw hY, jdoN ik AsIN pMjwbI bolx l~igAW ies qrHW Srmdy hW ijvyN ik
ieh gYr BwSw hovy[ jdoN ik pMjwbI dunIAW dI ie~k AmIr bolI hY, ijsnUM ausdy vwrsW ny
AxgOilAW kr C~ifAw hY[
rhI g~l AMqr-rwStrI sWJ vwsqy AMgryjI is~Kx dI, jdoN
b~cw AwpxI bolI iv~c pVHygw qW auh sOiKAW hI AOKI qoN AOKI g~l nMU is~K ky Awpxy idmwg dw
ivkws kr skygw [ ivksq idmwg vwsqy koeI vI nvIN bolI is~KxI AOKI nhIN huMdI [ vjwie iesdy
ik aus au~pr bwlVI ijhI aumr iv~c by-loVw Bwr l~d ik iPr ikhw jwey ik c~l b~cw hux qUM
AMgryjI is~K ky AMgryjW vrgw ivhwr kr[ ieho ijhI Aws krnI bhuq mUrKqw hoeygI [ AMgryj dw
b~cw Ku~lHy mhOl iv~c Aswn qrIky nwl pVHweI krdw hY jdoN ik pMjwbI b~cw purwxy Gsy ipty
qrIky nwl Koqy dI qrHW l~idAw fr Bry mhOl iv~c pVHdw hY [ loV hY pVHweI dy ADuink qrIikAW
dI nkl krn dI nWik pihlI klws qoN AMgryjI Tosx dI[ |
AjY isMG |
06/01/03 Hi editor,
I watched a movie called holywood bolywood which is made in Toronto by the so called
renowned direc. Deppa Mehta.This is the second time after her previous movie 1947 she
again show the sikhs in distorted fashion.I came in canada 4 years ago and now i am
working in california as a software consultnat.After coming here i found that we punjabis
specially sikhs did a great progress in every damn field,it can be anything from transport
from buisness point of view and from education or from politics.They are very prosperous
and intelligent,i thinks that is the reason only we can see the first sikh as head of BC
and in USA I saw many of sikhs as Doctors.
Yes there is also lot of fighting between sikh community and still they are progressing
,Above all we have to choose a path which is good for our community.but i think this is a
very young religion and small in population wise too ,so we have to work in making this
perserve and not keep on fighting with eachother.There is same problem with jews there
also only nearly 20 plus million in world but they are controling the most of the wealth
of world they are everywhere in top position weather in media or anywhere else.Same thing
believe in quality not quantity.
So My main concern is that why not we can make our own movies which shows sikhs in real
truthfull way rather then always show them in negative way as most of these bolywood direc
do.We have resources money everything but no confidence,i think to make a movie like
"jee Ayon Noon" does'nt take much that is made by a sikh direc.
From bollywood direc point of views it look like there hidden agenda which a normal
person could'nt understand,that is just to make a minority religion obsolete in a
organized way.I think you have the media power use it for betterment of this small
community and to make a confidence in youth to see pride in themselves rather than showing
a sikh girl as badly as shown in "bollywood hollywood" by Deepa mehta right here
in Toronto the center of punjabis sikhs and tons of media power.Have confidence in
yourself we are capable of doing what we can,we have creativity and intelligence and we
are strong also phsically and mentally both which is must be.
I seen if there are gurdwaras controlled by sikh fundamentalist then there is hordes of
temple which are controlled by Vishwa hindu prishad who i judged preach more hate then
somebody alse.So be fair when condemming see both end.Be very carefull from this type of
media war just start making quality work do'nt demean others and make these type of films
and directors whose thinking is fanatic more public and awareness.If we compare population
wise we are 2.5% as compare to more than 80% of others and we progress a lot in
You can edit if you think so but please take a deep thought about it and share.
Make more progress in media it is a strong tool.
Ajay Singh. |
gulzwr isMG AMimRq, rYfINg XU ky |
06/01/03 fwktr bldyv kMdolw jI
nvyN swl dI l`K l`K vDweI hovy
gurU goibMd isMG jI dy Avqwr pUrb l`K l`K vDweI aunHW dy Purmwn qy pMQ nMU dwq bKSI geI sI
gulzwr isMG AMimRq
rYfIMg XU ky |
rwj BuipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
jnqw dw mwl hY, (ijs qrW vI) l`u`t skyN
(qW) qUM l`ut!- dlbIr isMG
lyKk ny pRDwn mMqrI qy aus dy mMqrI mMfl qy hor APsrW
duAwr kIqI jw rhI pYsy qy smyN dI brbwdI dw vDIAw qpsrw kIqw hY [ cmcwigrI sPlqw dw ie`k
mu`K swDn mMinAW jw irhw hY qy pRDwn mMqrI vI ies qoN nhIN bcy [ auh cmcI mwr ky nhIN ,
mrvw ky KuS huMdy hn , nhIN qW swry mMqrIAW nUM hvweI A`fy qy Awaux leI mnW kr skdy sn pr
nhIN [ jy auh ie`kly hI ivdweI lY lYx qW AKbwrW ivc C`pI aunW dI qsvIr nMU vyK ky jnqw kI
khygI ? ieho hI ik bwjpweI jI ie`kly hI ... [ iehI kwrn hY ik aunW dI Sohrq Pylwaux leI
swry mMqrI A`fy qy s`dy jWdy hn [ smyN dw kI hY , mMqrIAW ny qW PweIlW qy JrItW hI mwrnIAW
hn bwkI ihswb-ikqwb qW cldw hI rihMdw hY [ kMm krn nUM qW hyTlw stwP hI kwPI hY [
g`l qW ieh hY ik mMqrIAW dI igxqI ieqnI hY ik aunW dy
Krcy hI kr kr ky jnqw dw pYsw brbwd kIqw jw irhw hY [ kI nyqw cox qoN bwd Awpo Awpxy hlky
ivc jw ky lokW dy du`K drd nhIN vMfw skdy [ ies qrW krky auh lok BlweI ivc Xog ihsw pw
skdy hn [ pr mnu`KI kmjorI hY, AwpxI vwh vwh krwauxI qy iehI sB kuC leI keI qrW dy AfMbr
rcy jw rhy hn [ ijs leI swry inXm iC`ky qy tMgy jw rhy hn [
ikMnw cMgw hovy ik swfy nyqw lok idKwvy dI jgwh kuJ
AslI krm krky idKwaux , ijs nwl grIb dy pyt ivc rotI qy qn qy kpVw qy rihx leI mkwn dw
pRbMD ho sky [ pr ieh qW sB supnw hI lgdw hY [ hY koeI mweI dw lwl , jo Aijhw krky ivKw
sky [
rwj BuipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
pRBjoq isMG |
dear Dalbir Singh ji
Sat Sri Akal
Waheguru aap nu bahut lambi umar deve te tusi apni religion te society lai apne desh de
loka nu suchet karde raho
sanu tuhade te fakar hai
.jis tara tusi sajjan kumar
te vajpai di foreign tour bare likhya hai, eh ek bahut hi kori sachai hai
eh india
bahut hi gandi politics wich fasda ja reha hai
main vi punjab da rehan wala haan par
hun foreign wich haan
par tusi manyo, menu indian kehna ek gandi gaal naalo vi mara
lagda hai
menu jindagi wich ek hi maan hai ki main punjabi haan
.I m proud to be
india desh punjabian da nahi te na hi eh sade naal koi justice kar sakda
..SYL, buying Land in rajasthan, SYL water dispute and giving punishments to 84
riots responsible persons da faisla, aapa nu sidha sandesh hai ki asi indian
.and nor we want to be
.we love punjab and want to be punjabi
parmatma agey ardas karda haan ki parmatma sade punjab te punjabian nu aap apni mehar naal
chalave te koi esa leader deve jo Badal waang apna parvar na paaley te Captain waang
Congress da dependant na hove
parmatma asde te taras kare te sadi kom te tars
..aao waheguru agey apni kom di chardi kala lai ardas kariye..Parmatma sadi kom
te mehar kar
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh
tuhada shota veer
Prabhjot Singh |
inksn AOjlw, tWfw |
ArivMdr isMg bfvwl, sivtzrlYNf |
05/01/03 Dear Editor,
Sat siri akal ji, I'm a daily reader of your site, just because otherwise I haven't
other contact with punjabi and punjabies. So thank you for the great service offer to
"real punjabies" outside of Punjab. I like to write in Punjabi, but as I'm not a
computer expert, for me its a big problem to know HOW ? So please if you help me to
understand about?
Wishing you and your team new (christian )year 2003, a lot of satisfections. But when
we Punjabies start to celebrate our new year? This is a big question but I think this is
very important for the Punjabi comunity and for the sikhisim to celebrate our Purabs and
Gurpurabs in big style. As you know our childrens in foreign countries know very well
SANTA KLAUS and JEUSES. But they know little about GURU NANAK DEV JI. Someone may say this
is a job of parents, but realty is diffrent, if we celebrate our Guru Nanak Dev's birthday
in great celebrations each year, so childrens may learn automatically. And celebration of
Guru Nanak's birthday may bring gifts to the childrens, for them important is gifts not a
religious event. So please I expect, may whole comunity including your site advertise
enough for the next celebration of GURU GOBIND SINGH JI's birthday and then late Guru
Nanak Dev ji's birthday.
Thankyou for your time and great service offered arround the world to the punjabi
Arvinder Singh-Badwal, Switzerland |
tihl isMG brwV |
04/01/03 to 5abi.com ,
i wish u a very happy new year & thanks for doing a wonderful
service to punjabi maa boli.--jo maa boli nu bhul jawega, oh kakhan vangu rul jawega
tehal singh brar |
jsbIr isMG |
ipAwry sMpwidk jI,
blqyj pMnU ny id`lI Awidk QWvW qy hoey kqlyAwm bwry
sohxw lyK iliKAw hY [ pr sB qoN suhxI cIj lyKk v`loN id`qw igAw, ies dw isrlyK hY [ pMjwbI
dy Swier jnwb surjIq pwqr ny sohxy bol ilKy hn :
ies Adwlq iv`c bMdy ibrK ho gey,
PyYsly suxidAW-suxidAW s`uk gey [
mYN AwpxI pihlI ic`TI iv`c s`jx kumwr dw puils mukwblw
nw bxwaux bwry puils nUM koisAw sI [ieh ie`k glqI sI , qy mYN ies leI mwPI cwhuMdw hW [
mYN 'glq bdly glq' dw hmwieqI nhIN hW BwvyN auh s`jx kumwr hI ikauN nw hovy [ hr gunwhI
nUM sjw imlxI cwhIdI hY qy sjw leI ksv`tI ie`ko ijhI hovy [ v`K-v`K kysW iv`c v`Kry-v`Kry
imAwr Ajoky BwrqI rwm rwz dI AslIAq ibAwn krdy hn [ mYN auprokq glqI pwTkW nUM tuMbx leI
kIqI sI pr APsos nwl iLK irhw hW ik iksy vI pwTk ny huMgwrw nhIN id`qw[ hW 5abi.com ny ies lyK
nUM pRkwiSq krky m`l mwr leI hY [ DMnvwd hY Awpdw bhuq-bhuq [
hwl hI iv`c mYN knyfw rihMdy Awpxy dosq nwl tYlIPon qy
g`l kIqI sI, knyfw ivcly hwlwq bwry vI g`l c`lI [ aus ny mYnUM d`isAw ik ie`Qy ivcrdIAW
swrIAW pwrtIAW ie`ko ijhIAW hn, iksy iv`c koeI Prk nhIN [ l`gB`g swry hI gurmiq bwry
ijAwdw nhIN jwxdy [ dUjI pIVI dw gurduAwirAW ivclI lVweI nwl koeI sbMD nhIN hY [ieh swrIAW
bdmwSIAW dysI AMgryjW v`loN kIqIAW jw rhIAW hn [ iek duKdweI g`l jo ausny mYnUM d`sI ik
ipCly cwr-pMj mhIinAW durwn koeI 55 pMjwbI nOjvwn guMfw grdI (gYNg vwr) iv`c mwry gey hn [
b`cy nSy lY rhy hn qy v`fy-vfyry nSy vyc rhy hn [koeI vI gurduAwrw kmytI kuJ nhI kr rhI [ 5abi.com dy keI cMgy-cMgy
iLKwrI ijvyN blqyj jI , myjr mWgt Awidk knyfw nwl sbMD r`Kdy hn, nUM bynqI hY ik ies sbMDI
smgrI iek`TI krky, ies dy kwrx qy sMBwvq h`l bwry iLKx [ iLKwrI iksy vI kOm nUM syD dyx
iv`c mh`qvpUrx rol Adw kr skdy hn [ Swied koeI sux lvy [ vwihgurU imhr krn, s`cy idloN
koiSS krn qy TIk nqIjy inklxgy[
Awp dw SuBicMqk,
jsbIr isMG |
myjr isMG iQMd, vYnkUvr, kYnyfw |
04/01/03 mwxXog sMpwidk jI Aqy 5AwbI.km dy pwTk sihbwn jIa,
Awp jI dy AKbwr ny AxmulIAW syvwvW, ilKqW Aqy KbrW
rwhIN, pMjwbIAW dI izMdgI ivc jo Buimkw, swl 2002 ivc inBweI hY, hr qrIky nwl izMdgI dy hr
pihlU nMU swfy vrgy pwTkW Agy pyS kIqw hY, ieh iek bhuq hI loVINdw kdm hY[ ieh sB kuJ iek
cwnx munwry vWg roSnI dyx qul kMm sI[ Aws hY ik swl 2003 ivc iesqoN vI vDIAw ClWgW putdw
hoieAw pwTkW dI syvw krygw Aqy iek suc~jI izMdgI ijaux ivc m~ddgwr hovygw[
myry vloN Aqy myry pRIvwr dy hor mYNbrW vloN quhwnMU,
vIr dlbIr isMG jI, rwj BuipMdr isMG jI Aqy hor lyKkW Aqy pwTkW nMU nvyN swl dI l~K l~K
vDweI hovy[ vwihgurU, pRmwqmW swirAW nMU nvW swl qMdrusqIAW BrpUr,
KuSIAW KyiVAW BirAw, kwmXwbIAW lYky Awvy Aqy dunIAW ivc KuShwlI Aqy su~K SWqI lYky Awvy[
iehI myrI swirAW vwsqy idlI qmMnw hY[
myjr isMG iQMd, vYnkUvr, kYnyfw[ |
prdumn iF`lo |
Politics of dead people (Lashan di raj-neeti)
Baltej Pannu defined it nicely in his article, from last 50 years this type of politics
is power-full in India. At the time of congress governments, they used every religion for
their own purpose as if they are their pocket money, when ever they need fuel to run
governments or make governments, they fill it with blood and ran success-full govt. only
places where congress was not success-full they took their blood, states like Punjab,
J&K, Asam etc. From last few years BJB and Hindu activist start taking place in
national politics, so they also start their journey by putting one foot on Hinduism and
other on Muslims. Religion is only sensitive part of Indian culture that might affect
national politics.
Before Gujarat and Delhi, it was not uncommon riots in states like Bihar, UP etc; those
are poor states of India. Because they are poor and it was never unexpected riotes in
Bihar, U.P. etc. Why New Delhi and Gujarat riots get special attention, because it was not
expected from place where center controls India and a state where most of people are
business minded and running business very successfully, not in India, only gujarati's own
big business in US and other countries also.
Place like New Delhi where MP's from all over India, from different parties sit
together, few people start riots and no one able to control them, how we can think about
safety of any normal person in states like Gujarat. After riotes, a temple was attacked by
two men, within minutes, not in hours, within minutes forces control the situation and
kill them in temple and no riots, no attack on Muslims after temple attack.
Now two questions arise from this happening, how government forces took action within
minutes, governments was prepared for attack, why? How they know that there will be temple
attack, why there was no killing after temple attack, only because government don't want
any killing at that time, it was enough fuel for making Gujarat governments or army and
police forces were sleeping on beach of GOA at time after Godhra kand?
In politics it is not hidden to kill some one for votes.
It is big question for us because we are facing jokes like Sajjan Kumar cases. Delhi
victims will never get justice from Indian law, who played big role in freedom struggle
and in development of India. Sikh community is known as aware and brave community of India
how cum Gujrati's will think about justise in India? After 18 yrs if sajjan kumar, H K L
Bhagat etc. are hanged/relieved, in both cases its like a joke with sikhs in indian
history, Shame on indian law and order.
Thanks for your kind attention
Parduman Dhillon |
inksn AOjlw, tWfw |
isMG, PrWs |
03/01/03 sat sari akal
i wish a very happy new year to all 5abi readers and its all team keep going
mohinder singh
france |
gurimMdr is`DU, fw: bldyv isMG KYrw |
02/01/03 To:
baldevkandola ji&adara 5abi
ihnan fulan vang
hamesha khirhe rho
mahikdey rho
- gurmindersidhu &dr.baldevsingh khaira |
blivMdr isMG sMDU, SRImqI kirstIn isMG |
02/01/03 dunIAwN dy hr kony qy v`sy 5abi .com dy sUJvwn pwTkwN
nUM nvyN vryH dI l`K l`K vDweI hovy[
Balwinder Singh Sandhu,Mrs.Cristine Singh |
rvnIq kOr |
vIr blqyj pnUM swihb dy qwjw lyK ivc
aunHW 1984 dy dMigAW dy dosIAW pRqI suxweI sjw pRqI bhuq rMjogm dw iejhwr kIqw hY[Swied
ies pqrkwr vIr nUM Aijhy PYsly dI Aws nhIN sI[ies krky aunHW bhuq iglw kIqw hY[ swrIAW
pwrtIAW nUM vwrovwrI BMifAw hY[ bhuq cMgw iliKAw hY[ ienHW PYsilAW dy dUr drSI inklx vwly
nqIijAW pRqI vI SMkw jwihr kIqI hY[
pr swP qOr qy ieh nqIjw kFx qoN iJjk gey hn ik 1984 dw
kqlyAwm hovy jW gujrwq dw jW ieh AdwlqI PYsly hox, sunyhw ieho hY ik GtigxqIAW dy AiDkwr
ies dyS ivc bhuigxqI dy rihmo krm qy hn[jy swrIAW pwrtIAW doSI hn Aqy AdwlqW dy PYsly vI
SkI hn qW AsIN ilKwrI vI kMD qy iliKAw pVx qoN ienkwrI hox leI doSI hW[ihMdosqwn ivc Aj
jor Sor nwl lg rhy 'ihMdU rwStr' dy nwAry, ieqhws ivc kIqw jw irhw Pyr bdl Aqy gujrwq dy
cox nqIjy, spSt sunyhw smJx leI iksy 'bRyn srjrI' dI loV nhIN rihx idMdy[ Awaou dUijAw nUM
BMf ky hI Awpxw Prj pUrw nw smJIey sgoN GtigxqIAW dI spSt Avwj bxIey, ijs dI kI loV hY[
rvnIq kOr |
suKbIr Aqy suKdyv, AmrIkw |
01/01/03 sat shri
akaal ji
new year to all of you
sukhbir and sukhdev
from richmond . virginia usa |
AimRqpwl isMG rwey, inaUzIlYNf |
01/01/03 To: B S Kandola
Happy new Year
From:Amritpal Singh Rai Auckland
- Amritpal |
rijMdr isMG, bYljIAm |
01/01/03 Hello Everyone,
a s bwhrI, nvI id`lI |
01/01/03 Dear
Wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year 2003.
May this year bring peace and prosperity in your lives.
From all of us here at:
997A/9, Govindpuri, Kalkaji
New Delhi - 110019, India |
swihb jIq isMG, PrWs |
01/01/03 vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw
vwihgurU jI kI Pqih !!
f`by iv`c f`bw
f`by iv`c kyk[
hwlo mweI fIAr
hwpI inaU XIAr !!!
hor myry swry prvwr v`lo swry pMjwbIAW nMU nvy swl dIAW
vDweIAW[ |
pMjwbI siBAwcwr sBw, iSkwgo |
01/01/03 Punjabi
Cultural Society of Chicago (PCS) wishes you and your family a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful
and Prosperous New Year 2003. May all your efforts be rewarded and all your wishes come
true. |
BuipMdr isMG tWfw pRIvwr skorr nwrvy |
01/01/03 vIr jIE,
gurU Piqh pRvwn krnI[
AkwlpurK ieh vrW vI dUsry virAW dI qrW
sB jgq leI suKW-BirAw ilAwvy[
5AwbI.kOm-pRIvwr,qy sB Awpxy ivrsy,c syvw kr rhy,
mIfIAw,cVdI-klw ,c iesy qrW hI juitAw rhy [
swfy lIfrW nMU vwihgurU hor vI sumiq bKSy [
DMnvwd sihq
BuipMdr isMG tWfw pRIvwr skorr nwrvy |
Aimq im`qr, brnwlw |
01/01/03 Happy New Year To
You All
Let us Contribute something for the better future of Mankind -
With Good literature, Participation in struggle or thinking high at least
Amit Mitter
Editor - Vigyan jot |
gurimMdr kMdolw, knyfw |
01/01/03 Hi,
Hope that health, happiness, and good times ...greet you each day of the new year. All
the best to you and the family. Hope you were safe and partied it up last night.
Cheers! |
bljIq ig`l, AmrIkw |
01/01/03 Hello Everyone:
Here's wishing you and your families, Season's Greetings and Best wishes for the New
Year. May you find Joy, Health and Happiness during this holiday season and
throughout the New Year.
Best wishes and warm regards,
Baljit Gill
desijunction |
gurdIp isMG mMf, AmrIkw |
31/12/02 sat
shri akal to all happy new year 2003, good luck
gurdip singh mand richmond va usa |
siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYf |
31/12/02 lY siq SRI Akwl, kro guf bwey rqw hux muskrwau s~jxoN
suKI v~so, sdw h~so Kyfo, kro do hzwr do nUM ivdw s~jxoN[
swry sMswr nUM nvyN swl dIAW l~K l~K mubwrkW hox qy nvW
sB leI KuSIAW dy KyVy lY ky Awvy[
siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYf |
sRIinvws Awnn, AmrIkw |
31/12/02 Dear Baldev,
We wish you and your family a happy and wonderful new year 2003.
Srinivas Annam
Aksharamala Team |
f: t: P buks, ieMglYNf |
31/12/02May the New Year
2003 be prosperous, brings Good health, Wealth and much more for you
Happy New Year 2003
D.T.F. Publishers & Distributors
Birmingham U.K.
gurSrnjIq kOr, b s Kwlsw, jpwn |
31/12/02 Sat Siri Akal ji .
we see your site 5abi first time & we like that you give the katha of japji sahib
& we request you that please give also shabad kirtan in your site. We live in Japan
& here we watch only internet religion program& punjabi programms.
We wish to Happy New year 2003.Ok ji waheguru rakha ji waheguru ang sung ji.
B.S.Khalsa&Gursharan Jeet Kaur /Japan/Tokyo |
cwrlI gryvwl |
31/12/02 Happy New Year 2003 to Every One in 5abi World |
sqivMdr jIq isMG |
31/12/02 To: 5abi.com
Sat Shri Akal to All,
Success is Unlimited.
The World is Yours.
From: Satwinder Jit Singh |
gurbKS isMG, inauzIlYNf |
31/12/02 congratulation to
the editor, team of 5abi.com, writers and readers of 5abi.com on the eve of new year.
gurbax singh new zealand |
lilq mohn |
31/12/02 Respected Baldev Ji
All other Friends,
I wish you all a very prosperous and happy new year. May God bless us all.
Love Lalit |
rwjw iF`lo, hWg kWg |
31/12/02 To:5abi.com
& everyone ,
Happy New Year 2003
From:Raja Dhillon(Hong Kong) |
it`kw-bwlIAW, nwrvy |
31/12/02 myly ivc rOxk lweI Fol qy Fm`ikAW ny, vwro vwrI pYx jd
hr pwsy bolIAW,
ZolIAw dw lMbV vI m`Gy ipAw k`Fdw ey, drs�kw nw Br leIAw cWvW nwl JolIAw,
PYs�nw puSwkW hr pwsy s`q-rMgIAw ny, ipV ivc AweIAw sB rwxIAW qy golIAw,
gofy lwlI n`cy sBnw dy m`iQAw qy, nFIAW vI AweIAw jd bMn 2 tolIAw[
swfy smUHh pRIvwr vwlo,
5abi.com and 5abi.com dy pwTkW nUM nvy swl 2003 dIAW l`K 2 vDweIAw[
swfI r`b A`gy Ardws hY ik Adwrw 5abi.com. idn dugxI rwq cOgxI qr`kI kry[
nwrvy |
pwl isMG shoqw, mnjIq kOr,jspIRq isMG, ikrnpIRq kOr, ggnpIRq isMG |
31/12/02 swry pMjwbIAwN Aqy swry sMswr nUM nvyN swl 2003 dI l`K l`K vDweI
hovy jI!
pMjwbI kOm dI cVdI klw leI vwihgurU A`gy Ardws krdy hW!
pwl isMG shoqw, mnjIq kOr, jspIRq isMG, ikrnpIRq kOr,
ggnpIRq isMG |
nIqU sMDU, hWg kWg |
31/12/02 To: 5abi.com & Every One
Best of Luck
- From:Neetu Sandhu(Hong kong) |
j isMG, AmrIkw |
31/12/02 Dear Veer Panjwad Ji,
I like your sincere thoughts for the first time. In the coming New Year, while I like all the other
readers, writers and friends to share good wishes, let us do a little soul searching.
quite some time, www.5abi.com. has been a venue for us all ( worldwide) to read
literary items, Gurbani Katha, news and share views, free of charge. A few times I read pleas, from like minded friends to help this
wonderful Punjabi magazine financially. But ever since, not one person had the courage to
come out with a $ 100.00 or $ 50.00 donation.
While some people like to show off their vanity ( I am sure they know) by sending their
letters almost every day. And then they boast of being one of the
If you care to see a box on the right, second from the top that reads PATHKAN DA SEHYOG. you will see only one
donor from America, one from Austria, and rest from Australia. I
am one from them. I really request all of you to please pledge and send cheques to:
5abi Limited
3 Applecross Close,
Gorse Covert,
United Kingdom
Most papers nowadays thrive on Ads from these Babas and Peers, and Sayyads, selling CURES OF ALL
WORLDLY ILLS. We have always seen, the editor has a
self respect of not sending a general appeal. So it is our bounden duty, to realize
that his or his team's time ( in India) is not free. Let us feel responsible and not
UNGRATEFUL, if you care about
Punjab, and the Punjabi language.
Gurbani says AKIRT GHAN DI NAZAR..... Hope we all
J.Singh |
jsbIr isMG, AstRylIAw |
31/12/02 Dear editor,
Another year is passed as usually. Thousands killed by Indian Goveronment under the
name riots, encounters
still waiting for justice. Sajjan Kumar is acquited after 16 years. It was just an
eyewashing by the Indian Goveronment. "Justice delayed is justice denied."
Killers or alleged killers of Indra Gandhi, General Vadiya,Rajiv Gandhi were hanged even
after passing through so many courts and long procedures. How do we celebrate 1st day of
year 2003.
To protest against Sajjan Kumar's acquital, Sikhs worldwide should protest in a
democratic and religious manner on republic day by wearing black badges in republic day
celebrations. Republic Day is the day when
Indian constitution was instituted. Indian constitution has failed to address wrongs to
Sikhs. Killer of thousands of Sikhs in 1984 cannot be indicted. HKL Bhagat, Jagdish
Tytler & Sajjan Kumar all were acquited. Sikhs still have to be married under Hindu
Act, and pay tax under Hindu undivided Family Status. If India is a secular republic why
cannot word Hindu be changed with Indian or simply "Marriage Act" for marriage
and "Undivided Family" for tax purposes.
It is a shame that thousands of Sikh youths could be killed in fake police encounters.
Why cannot Sajjan Kumar be done away with by Indian police like Sikh youth.
The Jathedar of Akal Takhat should give a call to Sikhs to protest worldwide peacefully
on republic day. Indian Embassies worldwide should be targetted by reciting Kirtan
peacefully in front of them. Similarly Kirtan should be recited in front of DC's offices
throughout North India especially Haryana, Punjab and New Delhi. Black badges should be
worn in republic day celebrations by Sikhs.
Jasbir Singh |
pMjwbI st`fI srkl AwstRylIAw (isfnI) |
30/12/02 pMjwbI st`fI srkl AwstRylIAw (isfnI) vloN 5abi.com dy kwimAW nUM, lyKkW
nUM,Aqy smUh pwTkW nUM nvyN swl 2003 dIAW l`K l`K vDweIAW phuMcx jI[
r`b krky quhwnUM swirAW nUM ies swl iv`c
mnocwihAw AnMd pRwpq hovy Aqy byAMq auqSwh nwl pMjwbI jgq dI syvw krdy rho[ |
swbI soml, knyfw |
30/12/02 hi there, New year di lakh-lakh vadaie hove!!
saaby somal, surrey, Canada |
pirqpwl isMG ibMdrw, surjIq kOr ibMdrw, knyfw |
30/12/02 Happy New Year from
Pritpal Singh Bindra and Surjit Kaur Bindra
Comes the years two thousand and three,
May Satguru keep it trouble free.
Sometimes, have to pass through prickly walks,
But, may Almighty not give twisting calls.
May life-music not lapse into discarding notes,
And God may fulfil all our modes.
New Years may bring New Thoughts,
And let life extend without any rots.
(Based on greetings from Gyani Karnail Singh |
jsivMdr isMG brwV, inaUzIlYNf |
30/12/02 DEAR READERS,
BgvMq isMG pMjvwV, jpwn |
30/12/02 bhaji asi aap ji di
5abi.com bahutpasand karde han ji .guru ji aap ji te kirpa karnte ese
taran hi panth di seva da aap ji nu hor ball baksish karn. asi aap ji nu pura jogdan
devage ji .sade laik seva dasni ji.jis nal sikh kom da hor naam roshan ho sake ji.
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.
jogI iblgy vwlw, knyfw |
30/12/02 swry pMjwbIAW Aqy swry smu`cy jgq nvyN swl 2003
dIAW l`K-l`K vDweIAW[vwhygurU sB leI KuSIAW BirAw nvW swl b^Sy[
jogI iblgy vwlw (knyfw )
29/12/2002 |
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw |
30/12/02 Dear Editor
Sahib.Sait Sri Akal,
I wish you and your staff happy new year, and convey my best wishes to all the readers
of 5abi.com. I like to read more to Mr Amarjit singh Tanada, Bibi Anmol
Kaur of canda and Dr Ms Gurminder k Sidhu,thru your cloumn I would like to appriciate the
efforts of my fellow brothers of Punjab Youth club Hong Kong ,to help the needy brother
and sister in Punjab,and expect the same in coming new year,and would like to suggest all
my brother and sisters setteled in abroad to help the less fortunate peoples in punjab,by
providing them financial help and education to children.
once again best wishes for all.
Warm Regds
Inderjit singh Rana(Calgary Canada) |
sucw lohtIAw jrmnI |
29/12/02 Adwrw 5AwbI.kOm Aqy smUh pwTkgx nUM nvyN swl dI l`K l`K vDweI
Wishing You A Happy New Year!
sucw lohtIAw jrmnI |
nvqyj isMG Atvwl, hWg kWg |
29/12/02 Dear
Dr. Kandola
We wish you a magical New Year and may all your dreams come true this special year.
Best Regards.
NAvtej Singh Atwal
Punjab Youth Club, Hong Kong |
rwj BuipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
' hor bweI jI , kI hwl cwl hY ?'
" TIk AY "
' kI g`l , h`Q kuJ TMfw TMfw lg irAw ey '
" bs Xwr, 2 ku idn mMjy qy ipAw irAw vW "
h`Q imlwauxw........ ie`k siBAk qrIkw, dUsry nUM jI
AwieAW kihx dw qy Awpxw ipAwr jqwaux dw [ lyKk ny v`K v`K qrW nwl h`Q imlwaux dy qrIky d`s
ky kmwl hI kr idqI [ 'rwjnIqk h`Q imlwauxw ' qy ' hQylI nUM aupr jW Q`ly kr ky imlwauxw'
ie`k nvIN jwxkwrI hY jo ik pihlW pqw nhIN sI [
ie`k gl jo h`Q nw imlwaux dI , auh hY jW qW Aglw AwpxI
hYNkVbwjI ivKw irhw hY qy jW aus nUM h`Q dI soj hY jW auh hweIjYinkqw ivc ijAwdw ivSvwS
r`Kdw hY [ pr ieh sB iks qrW jwixAw jwvy ? ies qoN ielwvw jdoN koeI aumr ivc v`fw jW ruqby
ivc v`fw ivAkqI swhmxy hovy qW dono h`Q joV ky Piqh bulwA dyxI cwhIdI hY [ pr jy Aglw aumr
ivc Cotw hovy qy ruqby ivc v`fw qW iPr ? ies bwry lyKk cu`p hY , Swied Agly lyK ivc ies qy
cwnxw pw sky [
bwkI pwTk ies bwry AwpxI rwey Byjx dI Kycl krn qW bhuq
vDIAw hovygw [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
gurmIq isMG hysitMgz, inaUzIlYNf |
27/12/02 siqkwrXog sMpwidk swihb jI,
mIfIey dI mh`qqw nUM iDAwn ivc r`KidAW hoieAW hmySW hI
koiSS kIqI geI hY ik sQwink p`Dr aupr is`KI dI koeI g`l SurU kIqI jwvy[ iesy ivcwr dw sdkw
AsIN lokl AMgryzI A^bwr hOks by tUfy nwl rwbqw kwiem kIqw [
11 sqMbr nUM AmrIkw ivc vrqy Bwxy dy duKI Aqy pIVq lokW
nwl APsos Aqy hmdrdI pRgt krn Aqy ies duKdweI Gtnw dI inMdw krn leI dws, gurduAwrw swihb
dI pRbMDk kmytI dy mu`K syvwdwr sR: svrn isMG jI Aqy ^zwncI bljIq isMG jI A^bwr dy
d&qr phuMcy Aqy AYfItr nwl mulwkwq kIqI[ A^bwr dy sMpwdk ny pihlw iehI suAwl kIqw, Are you Hindu? qW
ausnUM sMKyp ivc is`K Drm bwry jwxkwrI id`qI[ Hawkes
Bay Today dy 15 sqMbr dy AMk dy m`uK pMny aupr ijQy
bwkI crcW vloN A&sos pRgt kIqw igAw auQy nwl hI is`K suswietI vloN pRgt kIqy A&sos
dy Sbd Cwpy gey[
auprMq 5 nvMbr 2001 nUM tI vI ONE dy cYnl aupr 10-12
imMt dw pRogrwm pRswirq kIqw igAw jo ik isrP inrol hysitMgz gurduAwrw swihb dw irkwrf
krvwieAw igAw sI[
auprMq RADIO
KIDNAPPERS AM1431 aupr hr Su`krvwr nUM Swm dy 7.00
to 8.00 q`k gurbwxI kIrqn, FwfI vwrW, Dwrimk gIq, pMjwbI ^brW Aqy b`icAW leI Dwrimk
pRSonqrI dw pRogrwm SurU kIqw igAw [ ieh progrwm vI gurduAwrw swihb hysitMgz vloN SurU
kIqw igAw [ pr kuJ lokW dI eIrKw kwrn ieh bMd krnw ipAw [ izAwdw ilKxw kuQW hovygw[
vwihgurU ny imhr kIqI qW dws Biv`K ivc in`jI qOr qy ies pRogrwm nUM iPr SurU krygw[
auprMq 3 nvMbr 2001 nUM Hawkes Bay Today dy irportr dy
sihXog nwl pUrw Pu`l pyz dw AwrtIkl is`K Drm Aqy ivcwrDwrw bwry CipAw [
ienHW koiSSW dw sdkw hI Hawkes Bay Today dy irportr ny
Awpxy qOr qy 3rd June, 2002 nUM dwVHI bwry lyK iliKAw ijs ivc hysitMgz invwsI sR: gurcrn
isMG qoN ielwvw A^bwr dy sMpwdk lUeIs pwierf, grIn MP
Nandor Tanczos, igzbrn invwsI irkI cYpnn, nypIAr
imaUzISIAn bolo ikMg, tYrwfyl invwsI noiel, Aqy nypIAr imaUzISIAn sonI ikMg dIAW dwVHIAW
vwlIAW qsvIrW CwpIAW[
auprMq huxy hI guru nwnk dyv jI mhwrwj dy pRkwS auqsv
vyly A^bwr ivc News Item CpvweI Aqy 26th Novembr dy AMk dy mu`K pMny dy auprly kwrnr ivc AoklYNf qoN Awey
AKMfpwTI BweI kSmIrw isMG jI dI Poto vI CwpI geI [
pr sMpwdk swihb jI ieqnw hI kw&I nhIN hY, hor vI
rl-imlky hMBly mwrn dI loV hY qwik gurU nwnk pwqSwh jI dy pwvn piv`qr isDWqW Aqy isiKAwvW
nUM dunIAW ivc rOSn kr skIey[ gurU pwqSwh jI imhr krn Aqy swnUM swirAW nUM sum`q b^SS krn
qwik lok suKIey pRlok suhyly kr skIey[
Bu`lW-cu`kW leI i^mW cwhuMdw hoieAw,
DMnvwd sihq,
gurmIq isMG hysitMgz[ |
fw: gurimMdr is`DU |
27/12/02 To: baldev kandola
iehnan fulan vang hamesha khirey te mahikde raho
dr.gurminder sidhu
dr.baldev singh khaira
- dr.gurminder sidhu |
fw: jsbIr isMG kMg, AmrIkw |
26/12/02 Recent acquittal by
Delhi court of Sajjan Kumar, a former Congress MP has opened old wounds of victims of
events of 1984 and has pained all justice loving people of India. Mr. Sajjan Kumar was one
of the main accused of anti Sikh Massacre of 1984 after Mrs. Indira Gandhis
assassination. The persons clearly responsible for the pogrom had been acquitted. First,
it was former Parliamentary minister HKL Bhagat, then Jadish Tytler and, Now Sajjan Kumar.
The government did not plead these cases properly, which resulted in acquittals on
technical grounds. This decision has shocked Sikhs and other justice loving people
worldwide. According to recent report in The Tribune (Chandigarh) there are 5000 plus
widows in Delhi alone. According to Mr. Ramesh Thapar, editor of Seminar, estimated the
loss of Sikhs life in Delhi as between 6000-8000. Further details and eye witness accounts
are well documented in a report, Who are the Guilty by citizens for democracy
(this report was brought out by retired Indian jurists and intellectuals but it was banned
by then Congress government in center). Not to mention tremendous economical loss and
faith in judicial system.
Few weeks ago persons indirectly responsible for attack on Indian parliament were
awarded death sentences by Delhi court for their suspected part in conspiracy. One lady
was awarded jail term just to teach her a lesson so other people will not dare to
participate or give moral support to this kind of act of terrorism. There was no clear cut
evidence for her direct involvement but she was awarded punishment in the interest of
National. But similar consideration was not given in punishing perpetuators of murderers
of thousands of innocent civilians in Nations capital. So far Indian state has
failed to bring any one else to justice for these murders.
We all know that that some misguided Americans tried to take law in their own hands by
killing innocent south Asian and others after incident of September 11, 2001. American
authorities immediately arrested those people and killer of Balbir Singh Sodhi has already
been given punishment. City of Mesa, Arizona has built a memorial to honor Balbir. Every
thing was done to lend a healing hand to families of those victims. Sikhs are still
waiting for healing hand from Indian state even after 18 years. Many governments have
changed since then but victims of 1984 are still looking for justice and healing hand.
Jasbir Singh Kang MD
Yuba City, California