square2-slices1_r2_c1.gif (15071 bytes)
square2-slices1_r3_c1.gif (2016 bytes)

quhwfy ivcwrW dw suAwgq hY... swnUM ilKo            

square2-slices1_r4_c1.gif (3518 bytes)

siqkwrXog sMsd sd`s sRI blvMq isMG rwmUvwlIAw nUM
bYljIAm prvwsIAw vloN KulHw Kq

ramuwalia_bs-60.jpg (2828 bytes)

rwmUvwlIAw jI,

AsI Awp jI dy iDAwn ivc bYlzIAm ivc rih rhy prvwsIAwN dIAW mUSklwN ilAauxw cwhudy hW[

kI Awp ieh muSklW hl kr skdy ho ikauik ieQy dI AMbYsI bhuq lokwN nUM pwsport ieSU nhI krdI lok ivcwry Awpny vqn nUM jwx leI bhuq auqwvly hn keI qW pYsy dy ky pwsport lY lYdy hn pr swry lok pYsy nhI dy skdy[ kI Awp ieh hl kF skdy ho[ ies icTI ivc AsIN ieqnw ku hI ilK rhy hW[ Awp jI dy juvwb ivc hOr vI ieQo dy hlwqW bwry ilKWgy[ sMpwdk jI ies Kbr nUM AwpnI sweIt qy lw ky DMnvwdI bxwauxw jI[

DMnvwd sihq
Awp jI dy auqr dI aufIk ivc bYlzIAm dy duKI prvwsI[

BgvMq isMG, jwpwn

kdy mwr ijMdVIey nI sog- glI dw Pyrw
- dlbIr isMG


wahe guru ji ka khalsa wahe guru ji ki fateh

bhai sahib ji aaj asi bhai sahib bhai dalbir saingh ji da likhiya "kade mar jinddiye ni .....sog gali vich fera" asi padiya ji . bhai sahib ji ne jo likhiya hai sab sach hai ji mere khud paddn vele akhan sejal hoiyan ji . kio ke bhai sahib ji ne bade dunge vechar likhe han ji
aapna ne hi chaddhikala nu sarap bna ditta hai ji .par gurusahib ji ne ta var hi ditta si . aapan es chaddikala nu var hi rehan deiye ji . aapan khud eni sikhi kamaiye ke aapan nu chaddikala var dise ji. das nimana hai ji bhul ho sakdi hai ji .bhul bkshish karni ji ....

wehe guru ji ka khalsa wahe guru ji ki fateh ji das
bhagwant singh panjwar japan

ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivs

vid-tit1_ratan_140v3.jpg (5679 bytes)



ieh jo qusW pMjwbI isK`x leI sPw SurU kIqw hY, ieh pRMSSwXog hY[ ieh QoVw vifAW bicAW leI kwPI lwhyvMd swbq hovygw[ kI qusIN jW hor pwTk CoitAW bicAW 4-6 swl dI aumr vwilAW leI vI kuJ Xqn kr skdy ho?

CoitAW iv`c pMjwbI pVn Aqy bolx dI ru`cI pYdw krnI sOKI hY jykr aunwW dI bwhrly dySW muqwibk didatic material dy nwlmd`d kIqI jwvy[

iFloN swihb dw DMnvwd ijMnW ihmq krky pMjwbI ƒ cwhvwnw q`k phuMcwaux dI koiSS kIqI hY, lyikn ksr hux pMjwbI isK`x dy cwhvwnW dI hY[

dlbIr isMG jI dI vipsI dw svwgq hY, Aws hY ieh ievyN hI cuBvyN Aqy scweI Bry lyKW nwl pwTkW Ajokw pMjwb dI ijMdgI bwry jwxkwrI krvwaNdy rhxgy[


ipRsIpl bwjvw jI dy lyK jwxkwrI BrpUr hn, pwTkW ƒ bynqI hY ik sB s`jx Awpxy ivcwr Byjx dI Kycl krn qW jo ies smwijk ivSy qy ishqmMd ivcwr-vtWdrw kIqw jw sky[ ies mksd leI sMpwdk jI ny ivSyS sPw "ivcwr mMc" BI SurU kIqw hY qW jo AsIN sB Awpxy AMdr DuKidAW m`silAW ƒ hornW nwl sWJw krky AjokIAW muSiklW ƒ h`l kr skIey[

DMnvwd sihq,
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivs

guirMdrjIq 'gurI', knyfw

vid-tit1_ratan_140v3.jpg (5679 bytes)


Sat Sri Akal,
The Panjabi Pathmala is a great Panjabi Learning environment 5abi.com has provided. Your efforts and Mr Dhillon's invaluable contribution in this regard is adorable. Let us let neaveau learners know about this

Gurinderjit 'Guri',

blkwr isMG bwjvw, knyfw


Dear Kandola sh and Kmeelu ji,

I remember the whole story of my association with shah pur and salana very   vividly. I am still linked with shah pur as my chacha's grand children are there. At that time my class fellows of my sixth class were Teja singh, Chaman lal and the third's name was perhaps Shangara singh, not sure.i will write that story but before that I want to have some introduction about my friend  addressed above- kmeelu alias kuldip singh meelu. Please try to give his address at the earliest so that we may correspond. I  have very very sweet and nostalgic memories about salana and the surrounding area. this time when i will go to india i will definitely pay a visit to that place so that i may comlete my that part of biography 'khabal di pand'.

yours truly,
bs bajwa

jsbIr isMG

110303_nabha-bibian(jasbir).jpg (23626 bytes)11/03/03

Famous Sikh Ballad singers (Nabhe Wallian Bibian) performing at 626th birthday celebration of Shir Guru Ravi Das birthday in Sacramento.

Large number Sikhs joined people from other faiths birthday anniversary of Shiri Guru Ravi Dass.

Sri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha of Sacramento (Rio Linda) celebrated 626th birthday with great devotion on March 9th. According to Shri Jaswinder Lal Banga, chairman of this organization (916-796-5003) event was attended by 5000 devotees. Representatives from all major Sikh Gurdwaras were honored at this event. Free langar was served to all attendees.

Picture by Jasbir Singh


sMjog ivjog
krnYl isMG igAwnI – i&lwfYl&IAw


sMjog ivjog
krnYl isMG igAwnI - i&lwfYl&IAw

siqkwrXog dosqo,

igAwnI jI dI ilKI khwxI pVI, pVHn qy Xwd AwieAw…AwrsI ny bhuq smW pihlW iek nwvl piVHAw sI 'sur-sWJ' jsvMq isMG kMvl dw iliKAw hoieAw[ aus ikqwb ivcoN iek iPkrw mYMnUM kdy nhIN Bulygw[ aus iPkry dw mqlb kuS ies qrW sI ik," ijs iksy dy nsIb ivc AsPl ieSk huMdw hY auh lok BwgW vwly huMdy hn." …AlHV aumry jd ies bwry soicAw qW ligAw ik, swrI aumr vwsqy iek DuKdw drd sIny ivc lY ky izMdgI Swied iSv dI kivqw vWgr lgdI hovygI.

pr dosqo, smW isKw idMdw hY ik ikqwbW qy AslI izMdgI ivc AYNnW Prk huMdw hY ijMnw ik mihbUbw qy pqnI ivc[

siqkwrXog igAwnI jI, AwKIr ivc quhwnUM ilK irhW ik quhwfI ilKI hoeI khwxI bhuq vDIAw sI, pr kwS …!! ieh isrP khwxI hI huMdI , bhuq duK hoieAw jwx ky ik ieh iek hkIkq hY[
DMnvwd sihq,

pMjwb vwsI


pMjwb dI rUh :-- vIr pRBjoq isMG dy ihrdy iv~coN pMjwb vwsqy inklIAW AwhW aus dy Awpxy vqn ipAwr dIAW sUck hn, jo ik ie~k s~cy su~cy ienswn iv~c jrUr hI hoxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ AsIN pMjwbI jykr pMjwb qy mwx nhIN krWgy qW iPr hor iks aupr kr skdy hW[byS~k AwpxI imhnq sdkw AsIN prdySW iv~c Dn dOlq dy mwlk bx jWdy hW pr sB qoN pihLW AsIN ies KUn psIyny nMU pMjwb iv~c Gr bxwaux vwsqy hI vrqdy hW[ikauN? jwhr hY ik pMjwbI hox dy nwqy swfy Dur AMdr ie~k qwr Awpxy Asly nwl juVI hoeI hY ijs dy tu~tx nwl AsIN cknWcUr ho jWdy hW[ieh ie~k At~l scweI hY[ie~k kvI dy bol vwr vwr Xwd Aw rhy hn:---

Gr suMdr bxw --------isMGw,

lwvWgy iPr dIvwnW nMU[

GrW nUM muV muV Awvxgy,

ijhVy gey ny dUr jpwnW nUM[

jykr AsIN AwpxI sOVI soc nUM QoVHw KulHw kr ky socIey qW ieh koeI AOKI g~l nhIN ik AsIN AwpxI mwq-BUmI nUM~ kvI dI soc dw AslI jwmW nW pvw skIey[ jykr soicAw jwey qW pMjwb iv~c iks cIj dI Gwt hY ? isrP eyky dI [sulJI hoeI AgvweI dI[A~j jy vwsI Aqy prvwsI pMjwbI AwpxI gPlq BrI qy lwlcI ibrqI dw iqAwg krky pMjwb dI qr~kI nUM Awpxy h~QW iv~c lY lvy qW idnW iv~c ies dI kwieAW klp ho skdI hY[iPr iksdw jIA krygw iehnW mulkW iv~c Awky Xogqw dy huMidAW suMidAW mjdUrI krn ,nwly ivqkirAW dw iSkwr hox[b~DnI kOm qy ie~k vIr ny bVw ivAMgmeI lyK lwieAw hY ik “pMjwb Ku~l igAw”,pVH ik bVw mn duKI hoieAw ik ieh pMjwb iks ny KolxW hY ?

“jI AwieAW nMU” iPlm iv~c hIro dy bol ikMnw s~c Awpxy iv~c sMBwlI bYTy hn ik “AsIN AwpxI im~tI dI KuSbo vI nwl hI lY jWdy hW ijs im~tI iv~c AsIN pYdw hoey huMdy hW”[ieh KuSbo jwxy Axjwxy swfy suBw iv~c CupI huMdI hY[

iksy ny ikhw hY “ ijsdI koTI dwxy, ausdy kmly vI isAwxy” A~j pMjwb iv~c rujgwr dy swDn pYdw ho jwx qW ieh rul rhI jvwnI sMBwlI jw skdI hY[ijs nwl prdysI pMjwbI nUM vI prdySW iv~c siqkwr dI njr nwl dyiKAw jwx l~gygw[hux ieh pCmI lok smJdy hn ik AsIN pqw nhIN ikMny ku isAwxy hW ik aunqI dIAW isKrW Cuh rhy hW ,Aqy ieh qIsrI dunIAW dy lok swnMU svrg smJ ky hr ivMgy tyFy FMg Apxw ky swfI Srn iv~c Aw rhy hn[jdoN ik ieh iblkul glq hY [AsIN AwpxIAW gPlqW krky AwpxW rwj Bwg gvw ky dr dr dIAW TokrW Kw rhy hW [AwE eyky dw sbUq idMdy hoey pMjwb nUM Awpxy KUn psIny dI kmweI nwl isMj ky ies aujVy bwg nMU muV hrw Brw bxw deIey[eysy iv~c hI Swn hY [ies ieMtrnY~t dy rwhIN ie~k nvw ivSw sUrU krIey ik pMjwb nUM ikvy KuShwl Aqy sMudr bxwieAw jw skdw hY[Aqy iehnW suJwvW nNMU AmlI rUp dyx dI koiSs krIey[ieh kMm isrP prvwsI pMjwbIAW dw hI nhIN sgoN pMjwb AMdr rih rhy hr pMjwb vwsI dw hY[

AKIr iv~c bynqI hY ik jo kuJ ieMtrnY~t aupr iLiKAw jwdw hY auh smUhk rUp iv~c hMudw hY,iksy vI ie~k ivAkqI nUM inSwnW nhIN bxwieAw jWdw[so koeI vI sjx ieh nW jwxy ik Swied mYnMU muKwiqb krky iliKAw igAw hY [iehnW ilKqW rwhIN mksd isrP suDwr krn q~k hI huMdw hY nW ik ivAkqIgq rUp iv~c iksy dy idl nUM duKI krnW hMudw hY[ jy kr kuJ cMgw l~gy qW Apxw lYxw cwhIdw hY, nhIN qW AxgOilAW kr dyxw auicq hY[ Awps iv~c lVweI JgVw krky qMg idlI, sOVI soc Aqy G~t smJ dw ivKwvw nhIN krnW cwhIdw[

vloN pMjwb vwsI

AwrsI(iek Alock)


siqkwrXog bwjvw swihb,

myry pqr dw jvwb dyx leI bhuq bhuq DMnvwd. mY jo kuJ vI iliKAw sI , Eh quhwfy nhI , quhwfI khwxI dy pwqrNW bwry soc ky iliKAw sI.

pMjwbI ivc pihlI vwr ilK irhw hwN , AglI vwr lMbw ilKx dI koiSS krWgW. bhuq muSkl nwL ies mihPl c idvwny imldy hn, pr Aws krdW hW ik 5jwbI fwt kwm dy XqnW sdkw imldy rihxgy.
AwrsI(iek Alock)

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw

kuC qW mUMho boldw
- hrBjn hWs, knyfw  


kuC qW mUMho boldw (hrBjn hWs, knyfw)

khwxI bhuq psMd AweI[ ^ws krky AOrq (rwxI) pwqr[ ieh bhuq cMgI g`l hY ik qusIN kuJ ^ws g`lW v`l iDAwn idvwaux leI g`lW ƒ motw kr idMdy ho ijvyN ies khwxI ivc:

"TMfI rwK nUM PUkW mwr ky mGwaux dI koiSS kIqI qW mMUh eI kwLy hoxgy“

"irSqw auhI huMdw, jIhnUM smwj kbUly“

keI vwr k`ly khwxI nwm qoN ieh pqw lgxW muSkl ho jWdw hY ik khwxI iks ivSy qy ilKI geI hY[ jy ho sky qW khwxI nwm nwl ivSW vI iliKAw kro[ ies nwl iek ^ws ivSy ivc idlcspI r`Kx vwly pwTk dw iDAwn khwxI v`l dvwieAw jw skdw hY[

DMnvwd sMpwdk jI Aqy lyKk jI dw[

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw

hrkMvljIq igl


eyho jhy vwkyAwq huMdy rihxgy jd qk AsIN lok nhIN socdy ik cuixAw jwx vwlw bMdw/bMdI Xog hY jW nhIN, ieh itpxI kr dyxw ik jy 33% rwKvIAW sItW ho jwx qW kI hovygw, swfy nyqWvW dI AxpVHqw nUM drswauNdw hY ikauNky Swied aus ivDwiek nUM ikrn bydI, AimRqw pRIqm qy jW Pyr klpnw cwvlw qy (AnykW hor) vrgIAW sulJIAW, slIkydwr, aucy ikrdwr vwlIAW SKSIAqW bwry jwxkwrI nhIN.auP swfy rwjnIqkW dI hwlq ikMnI qrsXog hY
hrkMvljIq igl

birMdr isMG

060303_amritsar-ghatna1_100.jpg (5078 bytes)ik`Dr nUM lY jwxgIAW ieh GtnwvW 
- blqyj pnUM 



sorry as i don't have punjabi font in my computer, tuhada lekh pariya jis wich tusi GURDWARA sahib de complex wich hoyi DANG soti bare likhya,,,,chalo changa hai sab nu eh wi pata lagna chahida hai par mere satkaryog veer ji yan bajurgo menu ik gaal eh wi daso ke tusi likhya ke sade guru sahiban ne sanu ik stage te ya ik platform te khara kitta par tuhade jinne wi lekh mai pare hun is una wich menu kade wi BALTEJ SINGH nahi dikhayi ditta, hamesha hi BALTEJ pannu disda hai,,,samjh nahi aayi ke tusi ik pase ta equality di gala karde ho te dasde ho ke sikh dharm ida da hai par naal hi duje pase tusi aap hi aapne name age SINGH laga ke khush nahi te duji gaal bahut khusi hai ke apan aje wi aapne dharm bare sochde han te uh gal wi sach hai ke jado tan DARBAR sahib si udo tak ta thik si jado to golden tample ho giya ,,,par menu eh wi daso ke tusi inni samjh rakhde ho tan tusi hi kyon nahi age aa ke chanan munara bannan di kosish karde

ya tuhanu lagda hai ke sirf likh den naal tuhadi jimedari khtm ho jandi hai te nale jis din aapan sare sikh ban gaye veer ji us din aha chote mote role te ape hi band ho jange kyon ke udo nu sade leader sahiban nu sanu jwab dena pena hai ,,hun te assi wi kinna ku GURU te wishwash karde han eh sanu sab nu pata hai, jai galt likh ditta howe ta muafi chaunda han par ik gal jarror hai veer ji sanu sikh banan di lor hai sab to pehlan

ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivs


ipRMsIpl bwjvw jI,

ies iv`c koeI S`k vwlI g`l nhIN ik quhwfy ilKy lyK knyfw vwsI pMjwbI kmaUntI dIAW smwijk muSiklW Aqy burweINAW ƒ shI Aqy smu`cy rUp iv`c ibAwn krdy hn[ bhuq swry lyKk ies pMjwbIAqw dIAW burweIAW ƒ khwxIAW dy rUp iv`c pyS krdy hn, ijMnW iv`coN myjr mWgt jI mYƒ ijAwdw psMd hn[ lyikn svwl ieh hY ik kI ieMnW burweIAW dw h`l vI hY? ienW ƒ T`l pwaux leI swfy pMjwbI ivdvwn kI kr rhy hn?

pihly lyK iv`c qusW knyfw dI gMBIr ijMdgI ƒ “B`jdIAW kwrW” iv`c ibAwn kIqw, qy iPr “bwibAW dIAW mjl`sW” iv`c pVyilKy bjurgW dI ijdMgI ƒ KuShwlw rUp iv`c ibAwinAw, s`DrW dIAW DUxIAW iv`c pMjwbIAW dI knyfw leI qWG, nvIAW AweIAW kuVIAW dI durdSw Aqy bzurgW dw knyfw dy mhOl iv`c imlvrq nw hox dI muSikl, Awpxy ipMf jW swQIAW dw hyrvw, Awid... qy myry svwl suBwivk hn_

1. knyfw jW hor bwhrly dySW ƒ pMjwbIAW dI iK`c ikauN?

ik`qy ieh qW nhIN peI ijhVw bwhr ƒ jWdw hY muVdw hI nhIN (bzurgW smyq), auQy jrUr kuJ vDIAw hoaU, ikauM nW AsIN BI l`KW rupeIey KrcIey qy bwhr “sY`t” hoeIey?

Ayn Awr AweIAW dw pMjwb PyrI dorwn nklI ilSk-puSk dw Asr Aqy bwibAW dIAW knyfw dI irhwieS bwry g`pW auQ`y dy duKI mnW qy ikvyN Asr krngIAW?

2. ie`k lyK iv`c bwby bVy KuS hn ijvyN koeI qklIP hI nhIN huMdI, Aqy dUjy lyK iv`c bwibAW ƒ ieMnW swry du`KW ny ikvyN Gyr ilAw?

kI swfy ieh knyfIAn bzurg AwpxI ijMdgI nrk rUp iv`c, kxk ƒ l`gy Fory vWg, rMk bxky, j`dI jwiedwdW (vsqUAW) dw AnMd mwnx qoM ibnW hI ies DrqI qoN kUc kr jwxgy?

3.kI swry bzurg pirvwr iv`c rihky KuS hn? aunW dw pirvwr BI (nUMh smyq)?

Svwl hor BI bhuq hn, lyikn quhwƒ ijAwdw qklIP nhIN dyxw cwhuMdw[ myrw Awpxw ivSvwS hY ik bzurgW ƒ au`Qy rihxw cwhIdw hY ij`Qy auh Awqmk qOr qy su`KI hox nw ik srIrk su`K Kwqr AwpxIAW Awqmk KuSIAW dw Gwx kr dyx[

So bwby vlYqI BeIey nw bxn, sgo Awpxy dyS iv`c rwjy bxn Aqy hornW leI ie`k audwhrn bxn[ bwjvw jI, jdoN bzurg imswl bxky, Awpxy dyS, Awpxy ipMf prqx l`g pey qW smJo, quhwfy ilKy lyKW dIAW burweIAW kwPI h`d q`k h`l ho jwxgIAW[ bwhrly dySW ƒ iK`c Gt jwvygI, kuVIAW Aqy muMfy bwhrlI ilSk puSk dy iSkwr nhIN hoxgy, bwibAW dIAW mjlsW pihlW vWg Awpxy ipMf iv`c lgxgIAW Aqy bwhr vsdy jvwnW dIAW AwriQk muSiklW BI G`t jwxgIAW, hux qW irSqydwr sponsr krn aunW ƒ sYt krn qoN hI ivhl nhIN imldI[ iesy krky mwieAw dI doV l`gI hoeI hY[

iKmW dw jwck,
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivs

blkwr isMG bwjvw, knyfw


siqkwrXog 5AwbI dy pwTko,

myry lyKW qy quhwfy q`psry mYNnUM v`fmu`lI KuSI qy cuxOqI vI dyNdy hn[ienHW qoN mYNnUM auqSwh imldw hY Aqy mYN hor sqrk hoky il`Kdw hW[

ieh pUrw s`c nhIN ik mwlI ny hI bwg bwhr lwieAw sI[ keI g`lW mwlI dy v`soN bwhr huMdIAW hn ijvyN mOsm[ mYN kdI vI iksy qy AwpxI g`l jW PYslw Tosx dy h`k ivc nhIN[ dlIl nwl ij`qx dI zrUr koiSS krdw hW[ lMmI khwxI CotI - sMjog v`s myry iek lVky dw irSqw ieMglYNf ho igAw[ dUjy nUM myrI pMjwb hI sY`t krn dI ie`Cw sI[ iek idn ivcwrW kridAW aus ny ikhw," fYfI Awpxy leI myrw iPaUcr qy nw Krwb kro…[" ieh suxidAW hI mYN ikhw," bytw! go eyhY`f, koeI mwpw Awpxy b`cy dw kdI nukswn krky KuS nhIN huMdw, aus dI byhqrI leI cMgw eI socdy hn…A`Cw! …koeI g`l nhIN…ij`Qy qusIN au`Qy AsIN[" so dosqo hoeI nw v`soN bwhrI g`l[qy ij`Qy b`cy auQy bwg qy iPr auQy hI mwlI[

'KulHw fulHw mwhOl cMgw nw l`gxw' swfy bzurgW dw Awm iek ivcwr hY[ kuJ hor qrHW vI socdy hoxgy[ ho s`kdw hY myry in`jI ivcwr vI hor hI hox[ pr ieh nw Bu`lIey ik bUty vI DrqI qy jlvwXU dI qwsIr qy KmIr Anusr vDdy P`ldy hn[ mwlI aunHW nUM Fwlx dI koiSS qW krdy hn pr cuigrdy dI rihql BwrU ho jWdI hY[ ieh Xwd r`Kxw cwhIdI hY ik mwlI ny qW bUitAW dI r`iKAw qy pwlx posx hI krnw huMdw hY[ mwlI byrI dy bIj coN AMb pYdw nhIN kr s`kdw, cMgy byr qy AMb hI pYdw krn dI aus dI koiSS huMdI hY[

aumId hY A`gly lyKW rwhIN quhwfy hor SMky dUUr kr s`kWgw[ pr koiSS hI hY[ socW sO Pu`lW vWg huMdIAW hn[ sB nUM AwpxI g`l kihx dw pUrw h`k hY[

gurdIS jI, quhwnUM myry lyK dI aufIk hY qW mYNnUM vI quhwfy huMgwry dI qIbr aumId qy is`k hY[

ieSivMdr jI, jy qusIN QoVw hor iDAwn nwl muV pVHo qW vyKogy ik ies qy myrI cMgI tkor hY[ pr muMifAW vwly ik`isAW qy ikqy iPr ivsQwr nwl zrUr il`KWgw[ bhuq qjrbw qy AiDAYn vI hY[

qusIN myry pirvwr bwry pu`iCAw hY[ mYNnUM koeI ieqrwz nhIN[ qusIN vI myry hI ho, mYNnUM ies dw mwx hY[ vYsy myry do pu`qr hI hn qy aunHW ny hI mYNnUM spwnsr kIqw sI[ dovyN hI kYnyfw hn[ nyk qy pUry AwigAwkwr hn[

rMDwvw swihb, qusIN myry ivcwrW dI pRoVqw kridAW dlIl vI id`qI hY[ DMnvwdI hW[

AwKIr ivc Awpxw iek idRV ivSvwS quhwfy sB nwl sWJw krnw cwhuMdw hW[' iSS dI AsPlqw AiDAwpk dI AsPlqw hI huMdI hY[' ausy qrHW hI ijvyN ' b`cy smisAw b`cy nhIN huMdy, mwpy smisAw mwpy huMdy hn['

bwkI ivcwr Awpo Awpxy, sB nUM mubwrk[

blkwr isMG bwjvw

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq

060303_amritsar-ghatna1_100.jpg (5078 bytes)ik`Dr nUM lY jwxgIAW ieh GtnwvW 
- blqyj pnUM 


ik`Dr nUM lY jwxgIAW ieh GtnwvW
- blqyj pnUM

ies lyK ny is`K mnW keI ivc suAwl pYdw kr idqy hn ik is`K Drm dw rwjnIqIkrx jo ho irhw hY , kI ieh TIk hY ? myry Anuswr ieh iblkul glq hY qy hux vI SRI Akwl qKq swihb qy SRomxI kmytI nUM rwjnIqI qoN dUr r`iKAw jwvy qW ik Biv`K ivc hor koeI Ax-suKWvI Gtnw nW vwpr sky [ ies mMdBwgI Gtnw jo ik SRomxI kmytI dy pirsr ivc hoeI hY, ny ieh idKw idqw hY ik is`KI dy AsUlW qy pihrw nhIN idqw jw irhw [

AOrq nUM syvw krn dw mOkw dyxw cwhIdw hY ( isvwey kuJ idn mWhvwrI dy idnW dy) , pr kuJ glq Ansr Aijhw hox ivc Kll pw rhy hn qy ies smisAw nUM vDw rhy hn [ Kwlsw pMcwieq qy SRomxI kmytI dy mulwjmW ivc tkrwE qy lVweI hoxI Ap-Sgn hY [ kI ies nUM twilAw jw skdw sI ? jI hW , jy smyN isr bfUMgr swhb qy vydWqI jI ies ivc dKl dyNdy [

soD: ieh vIfIE idKwey jwx dw PYslw isrP sMpwdk dw hY[ jo vwpirAw auh swrI dunIAw dy swhmxy hY[ kI s`c Cupwauxw hI "s`cy is`K" dI pirBwSw hY?

bwkI ies lyK nwl vIfIE idKwey jwx ip`Cy lyKk dI kI mnSw hY , ies bwry qW auh hI ds skdw hY [ kI ies nUM Awpxw J`gw Awp cukxw nhIN ikhw jw skdw ( jy kr lyKk ie`k s`cw is`K hY ) [

jo mrjI hovy kWgrs qy r.s.s. vwly bhuq KuS hoxgy , hox vI ikauN nW, iehI kuJ qW auh cwhuMdy hn [ bwdl qy tOhVw swhb hux ikQy hn ? aunW nUM Aijhy mOky qy kuJ socxw cwhIdw hY [

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [

krnYl isMG, AmrIkw


Dear Lalit Ji,

Thanks for your impartial views about my text. Your words of encouragement and appreciation will give me strength to keep writing. If you have lately been introduced to my writings, I would like to point out to following list of some more of my stories ( 9 altogether) published earlier by www.5abi.com . These could be easily traced back in the archives.

4.imksf klcr
5.roSn Awrw
9.AzlW dy irSqy

Most of these are from my two published anthologies titled

"vsloN auryH" Aqy "ikrwey dI ku`K"
hopefully available in any library in India or abroad.
Or thru Dr. Kandola the Editor of www.5abi.com. If you have any problem finding them, let me hear from you.

My next collection, titled rUhW dy myly will hit the press soon.

Happy readings. I will however be looking forward to your constructive comments as you expressed in your current letter.

Karnail Singh

rivMMdr isMG kuMdrw, kvYNtrI, XU:ky:


070303_kundra1.jpg (58115 bytes)

pRBjoq isMG


It’s a difficult time for our Punjab. Everything is going wrong for our Punjab now. Center policy of not taking Punjab's problems seriously is effecting one side and on the otherside the Haryana's demand of SYL bowing down the backbone of Punjab. In 1947 division, Punjab gets divided into two parts. One goes to Pakistan and other in India. And then Center Govt showing their hatred, divide Punjab to three states( Haryana and himachal). Now they wants to take our waters from us.
Our problems not only stops here, even our Punjab leaders showed no interest in these cases. I don't know where these GREEDY and MEAN leaders will rule, if these policies against goes on and succeed against us . ITS TIME TO WAKE UP. Its time to move up from our personel interests bcoz once we lost punjab, then how we will feel proud to be Punjabi.
Its punjab where we were born, and we have responsibilities towards our motherland too , as we perform towards our family. So brothers, feel the pain of your motherland. Its now or never. Our Gurus said that " our first responsibility is towards our family to protect, love and feed. but equally we are responsible for our people ( the people of our motherland. Our people are in pain now. Our farming gets effected, our young generations in Punjab are not getting jobs and moving towards drugs. Lets do something BROTHERS. Get up now with shoulder to shoulder to protect our roots, otherwise we will be very much LATE
your brother
Prabhjot Singh

lilq mohn

sMjog ivjog
krnYl isMG igAwnI – i&lwfYl&IAw


Respected Editor sahib and Readers,
SANJOG VIJOG written by Sardar Karnail singh Ji .

What a beautiful story.

Many of my friends read this story and told me their different views.

Their views forced me to write my thoughts about this story. What I am saying you might not agree and that is what I believe in I know every body has different opinion

And I do respect their opinions. Now here is mine.

Start reading this story thousands of thoughts goes through your mind. What is going to happen? What next to which direction this story is heading? And beautiful ending though sad!

We are from a culture where it is hard to see a girl and a boy as friends. Sardar Karnail singh Ji never gave any direct hint in his story that Gudi and Rajinder are going to have any affair like lovers, even then when you read this story you feel like at the end they will get-together until you come across the fact that Rajinder is married.

And on the other hand what Raninder thinks about the relation developing between Gudi and Harjeet makes you think that Hrjeet might be a bad element here that have not told Gudi the whole truth about his life. (How come a boy who is younger to a girl says yes to marry her). And at the end this was a whole story about unlucky Gudi who got a nice friend Rajinder.

I think this story tells us many things. A nice bond between family members after all that is why Gudi was in USA to support her family. Respect for mother that is why Rajinder says that I will do any thing to make my mother happy. When we come across these feelings we feel at home we feel like that is what we are.

But on the other hand when we come across the other things like why cannot Rajinder and Gudi be good friends. Why cannot a boy of younger age propose to marry a girl who is older to him? I think here we need little improvement now. We can be sisters and brothers we can be husband and wife then why cannot a boy and a girl be friends. The only thing was that at one point when we read the story we feel there were some feelings in both Gudi and Rajinder. Then I will say that it is normal this was not lust or some thing bad. And if you think you will find that this is also given by us as we don’t allow a relation of friendship in boys and girls.

Just for clarification.

( Here I don’t mean boyfriend and girlfriend in American or European way, what I mean is pure friends like we Indians are with each other as boys and girls. In these countries also they have this pure relation and they just say friends not boyfriend or girlfriend so what I meant is friends.)

any way already I have said enough and many of my friends might have started to feel why I am writing this all boring story. I just want to say that we need to improve and we should always in the nice way. I liked this story and I hope if you read it you will like it too. It is very nice give it a try. I am sorry if I have said any thing wrong.

Sardar Karnail singh Ji You have written a marvelous story.

Yours truly,

krnYl isMG, AmrIkw


AwdrxIX rwj BUipMdr isMG jI,

khwxI sMjog ivjog nUM iDAwn pUrvk pVH ky it`pxI krn leI bhuq bhuq DMnvwd[

ijvyN Awp ny suJwv id`qw hY, i&lmW ivc qW roz eyhI vyKx ivc AwauNdw hY, ik khwxI dy AMq ivc lVky lVkI iek`Ty kr id`qy jWdy ny[ pr jIvn dw XQwrQ hmySw ieMj nhI huMdw[

dr Asl ieh rcnw iek s`cI Gtnw qy AwDwirq hY[ ieh duKdweI Gtnw jo iqMn vrHy phlW inaUXwrk ivc iksy nwl vwprI, A`j vI iek BwrqI nwrI dy ivl`Kx cirqr vwlI auh bIbI, Awpxy jobn dI isKr qy ho ky vI, Awpxw mwnisk sMquln nhI sMBwl skI[ Aqy iksy hor irSqy bwry inrxw nhI lY skI[
snyh sihq,
krnYl isMG

iek Alock


Respected Principal Bajwa Sahib,

In answer to Rajesh Jalota and Arvinder's question ,"

pVHy il`Ky izMdgI dy AwKrI pVw qy pRvwsI ikauN bxdy hn? " you wrote that its hard for parents to stay away from their kids and grand kids. ..( bzurg Awpxy poqy poqIAW dI rOxk ivc rihMdw bwg ivc mwlI vWg ivcrdw mihsUs krdw h)
dont you think that mwlI is the one who put the bwg in canada..as far as i know in our culture the kids dont decide that they are going to settle in canada or whatsoever...parents are the one who are always looking in the matrimonials to get their kids married in canada...so bwg is not the one to be blamed even for the ,,'bzurgW nUM eyQy dw KulHw fulHw mwhOl cMgw nhIN l`gdw[ ies nUM auh lu`cI lPMgI rihql hI kihMdy hn[ this is the mwlI who is trying to grow itby c Jonw
gustaakhi maaf.
iek Alock

ZurdIS kOr, torwNtO, kYnyfw


srdwr bwjvw dw s`DrW dIAW DUxIAW (Bwg 2) lyK bhuq hI vDIAw sI[Agly lyK dw ieMqzwr rhygw[

ZurdIS kOr
torwNtO, kYnyfw

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq

sMjog ivjog
krnYl isMG igAwnI – i&lwfYl&IAw


sMjog ivjog
krnYl isMG igAwnI – i&lwfYl&IAw

ies khwxI ivc igAwnI jI ny bhuq hI ijAwdw sMvydnSIl pwqrW nUM idKwieAw hY jo ik vyKx ivc G`t hI AwauNdw hY [

ikMnw cMgw huMdw jy kr khwxI dy AMq ivc nwiek qy nwiekw dy ivAwh dI rsm pUrI krvw idqI jWdI [

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [

ieSivMdrpwl svwdI

280203_sadhran_100.jpg (3627 bytes)s`DrW dIAW DUxIAW (Bwg 1)
- ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw


Respected B.S Bajwa Sahib,

Sat Shri Akal, This is first time i'm writing any letter to 5abi.com although i'm reding this paper everyday.

I read your story "Sadran Di Dunee" Part-1, it is good to know about life in canada, but sir you only emphasised on girl side , i mean you said boys go from canada and get married with young and educated girls and then don't care about them and try treat them as  a slave. I'm wondering if you are going to talk about second side of this as well in your next part. That is about the girls who get married to handsome and educated boys in india and treat them as salves. We all r talking about boys, do you know how many girls go to India every year to get handsome and educated boys??? I think boys do have the same story as the girls do. I wanna ask you a question that - Do you live with your son or daughter in Canada?? I mean who sponsored you- your son or your daughter?? I'm sorry to ask this but i think you don't mind to answer this.

Please do reply.
your's youngerone
Ishwinderpal Svadi
Have a nice day.

ikrpwl isMG pMnUM, Bwrq


ipAwry sMpwdk jI,

mYN A`j k`lH pitAwly, pMjwb iv`c hW[ kI 5AwbI rwhIN Awpxy pwTkW nUM ieh d`sx dI ikrpwlqw krogy ik jy iksy pMjwbI nUM pMjwbI PONtW, jW AwhmuKI bdlwE Awid dI muPq syvw dI loV hovy qW auh myry nwl sMprk kr lvy[ mYN Awpxy vwloN aus sm`isAw nUM sr krn dw hr sMBv Xqn krWgw.

Awp jI dw DMnvwdI,

ikrpwl isMG pMnUM
Pon: 175-2217623, 9813070720

ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivs


ipR. bwjvw jI,

qusW jo ieh khwxI, mwP krnw lVIvwr lyK, SurU kIqw hY, l`gdw hY swƒ knyfw bwry pVHn ƒ kwPI kuJ dyvygw[ quhwfI ieh ilKq iblku`l shI qsvIr pyS kr rhI hY[ so Aws krdw hW iesy qrW AglI ilKq BI igAwn BrpUr hovygI Aqy AsIN ieMqjwr iv`c su`k rhy hW ik Aglw lyK iks qrW dw sIn pyS krygw?

AsIN idloN DMnvwdI hW jo qusIN ihMmq krky Aqy Awpxw vfmulw smW k`Fky 5AwbI dy pwTkW ƒ knyfw dI AslI ijMdgI bwry jwxkwrI dy rhy ho[
Awdr sihq,
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivs

blkwr isMG bwjvw, knyfw

280203_sadhran_100.jpg (3627 bytes)s`DrW dIAW DUxIAW (Bwg 1)
- ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw


ipAwry pwTko,

myry AwrtIkl dI iek glqI myry iek suihrd pwTk rMDwvw (XU AYs ey) horW ny myry iDAwn ivc ilAWdI hY[ myry idqy iek AKwx ivc 'twhlI su`kI ' iliKAw igAw hY[ ies dI QW qy 'twhlI ig`lI ' hoxw cwhIdw sI[ drusqI krnvwly dw bhuq DMnvwdI hW qy glqI leI iKmW dw Xwck hW[

ies dI drusqI rMDwvw swihb mYNnUM myrI in`jI eI myl qy ic`TI Byjky kIqI hY[ pwTkW nUM ies qoN pYdw hoeI muSkl dw mYNnUM bhuq APsos hY[

blkwr isMG bwjvw

fw: rwjyS jlotw, AstRylIAw


Respected Principal B.S. Bajwa,

Thanks a lot for your answer. I fully understand why our elders wish to settle abroad, especially whose children are living here permanently. This is always an advantage to have elderly with us. I myself feel and would like that our own parents should come and live with us. As you would have read in my letter that having parents around is an advantage also. But on the top of that it is our duty to look after them and give them respect and attention at the stage when they need us the most.

While reading your letter I felt that may be you would have felt odd or bad about asking question about earning dollars as well as taking pension. I did not mean to hurt any one, but asked owing to my experience here with some people who had behaved quite strongly. If I have hurt you or any other readers of this elite site then I should apologise. But I feel very proud of all my elders who despite facing many odds at foreign lands are still working hard ( to help themself as well as their families).
Kind regards!
Brisbane, Australia

rnjIq, hWg kWg


Sat Shri Akal Jee

I would like to know how can i and where can i order the punjabi news paper (Ajit Newspaper) i live in Hong Kong Kindly pls suggest.

Thanks very much

blijMdr lylnw, knyfw

240203_sharam_100.gif (6687 bytes)"Srm ienko mgr AwqI nhIN"?
 - blqyj pnUM 


This article is right on right time, he always say & write on right time. keep it up Baltej.

good luck
Baljinder Lialna

gurdIS kOr, knyfw

280203_sadhran_100.jpg (3627 bytes)s`DrW dIAW DUxIAW (Bwg 1)
- ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw


Sat Sri Akal to Editor, Mr. Bajwa and 5abi.com readers,

I really liked Mr. Bajwa's article on the lifestyles and problems of Punjabis living in Canada. I can relate to most of the content in his article, since I myself live in Toronto area of Canada as well. I totally agree with the latter part of his article, where he is talking about the problems Punjabi girls have to face in their everyday life.

But, Uncleji, I totally disagree with your comment that vYsy vI AOrqW ivc mrdW dy mukwbly Awqm ivSvwS dI Gwt huMdI hY, when it comes to getting a driving license. I can tell you that Punjabi women can be better drivers, especially if have not driven a car in India, and they learn to drive a car for the first time with a set of rules. Whereas, a man has driven most of his life in India without any set of rules, but now has to learn rules to drive and follow them properly in order to avoid a hefty traffic fine and/or higher insurance. Confidence levels in a woman can vary from time to time, she can be very confident at one point in her life and feel totally
helpless and confused at other times. I did not like this comment, please avoid such if possible.

I would like to write in Punjabi fonts, but I am not used to typing Punjabi fluently yet, I am working on it.

Gurdish Kaur
Toronto, Canada

jgdIS isMG jrmnI


vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh

ib``tw jI Sukr hyY ik qusI iekly hI A``qvwd leI gMBIr ho koeI vI isAwsI pwrtI A``qvwd leI gMBIr nhI ib``tw jI jykr vyiKAW jwvy qW kwgrs pwrtI hI A``qvwd dI AslI pwlxhwrI hY ieh dsx dI ikrpwlqw krnI ik 1984 iv``c ijhVy lokw ny is``Kw nMU SirAwm mwirAW ik auh s``iqAwvwdI sn kwgrsI lIfr ijhnw aup``r doS sn swry Bwrq iv``c iqMn idn Kws krky id``lI iv``c Bgq ,jgdIS, sjn vrgy lIfrw ny dMgWkwrIAW dI AgvweI kIqI qy is``Kw dIAW jwiedwdw nMU A``qy is``Kw nMU swiVAw ieQy hI bs nhI DIAW BYxW nMU byiejq kIqw nMny muMny bicAW nMU mwvW qo Koh ky swhmxy mwirAW ik quhwfI nzr iv``c A``qvwd hY ?

jykr ieh A``qvwd sI iPr qUsI ies A``qvwd ivru``D Awvwz ikau nhI bulMd kIqI 1984 dy dMigAW vyly quhwfI kwgrs pwrtI ny sB kwgrsIAw dy mMUh bMd kIqy sn Sukr kro qusI 1984 dy dMigAw smy AwpxI koTI iv``c Cupky byTY hovogy jykr qUsI aus smy id``lI dI iksy sVk qy huMdy qw Swied qusI vI iksy dMigAwkwrI dI BIV dy h``Q lg jwdy qw bwkI is``Kw vwgMU quhwnMU vI swV dyxw sI iPr pqw lgdw ik Asl A``qvwdI kox hn kwgrsI jw AkwlI jykr bMb Dmwky c mrn vwilAW nUM s``cI SrDWjlI pRo: Bu``lr nMU PWsI lgky hY qw 1984 dy swry doSIAw nMU Aqy kwgrsI lIfr Bgq , jgdIS ,sjn nMU vI PWsI lgy qw hI 1984 dy dMigAW iv``c ShId hox vwly swry is``Kw nUM s``cI SrDWjlI hovygI[

jgdIS isMG jrmnI

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw

240203_sharam_100.gif (6687 bytes)"Srm ienko mgr AwqI nhIN"?
 - blqyj pnUM 


vYsy qW 5AwbI.kOm dI tIm dy swry hI kwmy AwpxW AwpxW kMm bhuq hI vDIAw Aqy sMprUn FMg nwl kr rhy hn, pr mYƒ jo ies vwr jo g`l bhuq psMd AweI, auh hY "Srm ienko mgr AwqI nhIN“ lyK dI mu`K qsvIr[ so ijsny vI ieh qsvIr bxweI hY jW qsvIrW nwl CyV-CwV krdw hY, aus dw bhuq bhuq DMnvwd krdw hW[ bwkI lyKW dIAW qsvIrW vI bhuq FukvIAW huMdIAW hn[


ikRkt pRymIAW vloN PzUl dw ip`t -isAwpw
ivnIq nwrwiex

ikRkt pRymIAW vloN PzUl dw ip`t –isAwpw (ivnIq nwrwiex)

mYN lyKk dy ivcwrW nwl pUrw sihmq hW[ ikauNik myry Awpxy injI qjrby Anuswr, mYN jdoN Cu`tI qy pMjwb igAw sI qW Bwrq ivc Bwrq Aqy vYst ieMfIz dy mYc cl rhy sn[ vYsy qW pRdys ivc rihx krky cwr-pMj swl kdy ikRkt mYc dyiKAw nhIN sI, zrUrq hI nhIN peI[ pr pMjwb dy mwhOl (Awly duAwly) ny myry AMdrly ikRkt BUq ƒ muV jgw id`qw Aqy mnorMjn dw iekoN iek swDn swrI swrI idhwVI ikRkt mYc dyKxW, bx ky rih igAw[ hYrwnI dI g`l hY ik hux iPr pRdys ivc Aw ky myrw ieh ikRkt BUq Awpxy Awp KUMjy lg ky bih igAw hY[ bs ^brW ivc sux leIdw hY ik Bwrq ij`q igAw jW hwr igAw[ koeI ^ws idlcspI nhIN[

pMjwb ivc vI hr pwsy b`cy nOjvwn bs ikRkt Kyfdy hI nzr Awey[ ieQoN q`k ik skUl dy Putbwl mYdwn ivc vI ikRkt hI KyfI jWdI hY[ iqMn fMfy ijhy g`f ley jW ie`tW lw leIAW Aqy iek QwpI ijhI lY leI, iek gYNd, qy bs ho gey SurU..... koeI sicn bx igAw qy koeI gWgulI.... ieQoN q`k ik tYksI cwlk vI, ijs idn Bwrq dy ikRkt mYc tIvI qy AwauxW huMdw hY, svwrIAW ƒ nWh krky Gr bih mYc dyKdy hn jW g`fIAW ivc hI tIvI r`Ky huMdy hn[

so, bwkIey v`fIAW v`fIAW kMpnIAW vloN AwpxW mwl vycx leI pRcwr hI ieMnw kIqw jWdw hY ik Awm ivAkqI dy vs dw rog nhIN ik ienHW dy c`krivaU ivc nw Ps sky[ bs "ikRkt hI ikRkt“ ho jWdI hY[

Kyf ƒ Kyf dy rUp ivc lYxW cwhIdw hY nw ik jMg dy rUp ivc[ pr Bwrq bwry kI khIey, bs iehI "myrw Bwrq mhwn“[

KYNr, bhuq icr pihlW mYN iek lyK piVHAw sI ijs ivc lyKk ny ikRkt ieiqhws, ikRkt Aqy Putbwl Kyf ivc AMqr Aqy XUrp ivc ikRkt nwloN Putbwl Kyf izAwdw mShUr ikauN hY?, pwTkW dI jwxkwrI leI lyK sMKyp rUp ivc swJW krnw cwhWgw[ Putbwl Kyf dyKx leI lgpg do GMty lgdy hn, jd ik ikRkt ivc nqIjy leI swrw swrw idn ieMqzwr krnw pYNdw hY, Putbwl ivc swry iKfwrIAW dI doV lgdI hY Aqy srIrk ksrq huMdI hY (jo iek Kyf dw mksd huMdw hY), jd ik ikRkt ivc izAwdwqr iqMn-cwr iKfwrI hI dOVdy hn, bwkIAW ƒ AwpxI bwrI jW mOky dI aufIk krnI pYNdI hY[ ........ so, mu`kdI g`l tweIm pws krn leI ikRkt KyfxW jW dyKxW TIk hY, pr bwkI g`lW ivc ieh Pu`tbwl Kyf nwloN ip`Cy hY[

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw

rivMdr s: kuMdrw, XU: ky:

mYnUM igxI imQI swijS ADIn lwihAw: pRo. mnjIq isMG


ies hmwm iv`c swry nMgy, ikhVw iks qoN prdw r`Ky[
ikhVw iks dI AxK vMgwry, AwpxI AxK nUM sWB ky r`Ky]

rivMdr s: kuMdrw, XU: ky:

blkwr isMG bwjvw


ipAwr rwjyS jlotw qy ArivMdr jI,

bhuq hI KuSI hoeI hY ik qusIN myry AwrtIkl pVHky kuJ ikMqU auTwey hn[

quhwfw pihlw pRSn hY pVHy il`Ky izMdgI dy AwKrI pVw qy pRvwsI ikauN bxdy hn?

mYN ijMnHI vI Awpxy dosqW nwl g`l bwq kIqI hY aus 'coN jo smu`cI g`l inkldI hY auh ieh hI hY ik izMdgI dy ip`Cly pihr b`icAW qoN Al`g rihxw koeI sOKw kMm nhIN[ bMdw iek smwjk jIv hY[ aus nUM iek`lqw iek rog mihsUs huMdI hY[ kihMdy hn 'mUl nwloN ivAwj ipAwrw' huMdw hY[ bzurg Awpxy poqy poqIAW dI rOxk ivc rihMdw bwg ivc mwlI vWg ivcrdw mihsUs krdw hY[ QoVw aus siQ`qI nUM ic`qvo ij`Qy iek bzurg joVI ie`klI hI Awpxy mkwn ivc bYTI hY[ Awps ivc QoVI bhuqI g`l bwq qoN ibnW cu`p hI vrqI hoeI hY[ p`dvI qoN mukq hoey koloN auh ijhVy kdI dr Gsw dyNdy huMdy sI aus kolON ieauN lMG jWdy hn ijvyN kih rhy hox 'hux Awny vwlI QW qy bYTw eyN '[ lok grzW nwl b`Dy huMdy hn[ ies qrHW smwijk cuigrdy qoN bMdw k`itAw ijhw mihsUs krdw hY[ Awpxy pirvwr 'c bYTw BrpUr l`gdw hY[ eyQy b`icAW leI kuJ cMgw mwhOl isrjdw hY qy in`ky moty kMm krdw mwx mihsUs krdw hY[ bzurg qW bYTy hI pirvwr leI gUVHI CW huMdy hn[ hor ivsQwr quhwnUM myry AwrtIklW coN iml jweygw[ ieh pRSn bVw mh`vpUrn hY[ ies qy mYN bhuq kuJ il`iKAw hY[ smyN smyN 5AwbI nUM mYN ieh il`KqW Byjdw irhw krWgw[

dUjw, fwlrW nUM j`Py mwrno nw h`tx vwlI g`l hY[ auh glq hY [ kyvl qy kyvl inrI qmHW qy sbr sMqoK dI Gwt hY[ 'ibn sMqoK nw koeI rwjy' sB qy Fu`kdI hY[ kIVI vI Cy mhIny dwxy iek`Ty kr iPr Awrwm nwl Cy mhIny KWdI hY[ jy bMdw 60 swl kmweI krky nhIN r`ijAw qW smJo auh BuKW dw mirAw hY, loVW dw nhIN[ vYsy hr iek AwdmI keI vwrI koeI mjbUrI vI ho s`kdI hY[

CyqI hI ies sbMD ivc iek AwrtIkl ByjWgw[

DMnvwd sihq,
blkwr isMG bwjvw

fw: lKbIr isMG, AmrIkw


We discovered your site, rather, recently. We are so impressed. You have our congratulations and best of wishes.
Lakhbir Singh (Dr.)
California, USA

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq

240203_sharam_100.gif (6687 bytes)"Srm ienko mgr AwqI nhIN"?
  - blqyj pnUM 


"Srm ienko mgr AwqI nhIN"?
- blqyj pnUM

pMnU swhb ny ies lyK ivc keIAW dy idlW dIAW bwqW il`K idqIAW hn [ hr gl mOky qy FukdI hY [

ieh nyqw qW jo kuJ krdy hn aus ip`Cy soc iehI huMdI hY ik ieh krn nwl aunW nUM ikMnIAW votW imldIAW hn qy ivroDI iDr nUM ies nwl ikMnw nukswn huMdw hY , jnqw pvy F`Ty KUh ivc [ iPr ieh kihMdy iPrdy hn ik AsIN qW jI lok syvw krdy hW, ho ies dy ault irhw hY [ AYvyN qy nhIN bjurg kihMdy ik ies nwloN qW AMgryj cMgy sn , ienswP qW krdy sn, glq nUM glq qy TIk nUM TIk ikhw jWdw sI qy FukvIN sjw idqI jWdI sI [ ieko gl mwVI sI ik gulwmI dw jUlw swfy gl sI [ pr ies AjwdI nwloN qW auh gulwmI sO drjy cMgI ijs ivc iBRStwcwr dw nwm inSwn nhIN qy doSIAW nUM bKiSAw nhIN sI jWdw [

AzwdI jnqw nUM nhIN, iehnW byeImwnW qy iBRSt lIfrW nUM imlI hY jo ik Kul ky srkwr qy jnqw dI lu`t kr rhy hn qy iPr vI ienW dw vwl vI ivMgw nhIN ho irhw [ gl ieh hY ik jy ie`k pwrtI kursI qy kwbz huMdI hY qW auh dUsirAW dw iKAwl rKdI hY ,ikauNik kl nUM dUsrI pwrtI ny vI qW BwjI moVnI huMdI hY [

hr roj nvW SoSw qy AKbwrW dI vI cWdI hY [ ijs idn qVk BVk vwlI Kbr AwauNdI hY, ausy idn AKbwr dI syl v`D jWdI hY [ hr koeI Awpxw aulU isDw kr irhw hY qy gl swrI pYsy qy mukdI hY , rwh BwvyN koeI vI hovy , ikMnW glq vI ikauN nw hovy [

auh idn dUr nhIN jdoN swfy dyS qy bwhrlIAW kMpnIAW ( iblkul eIst ieMfIAW kMpnI vWg ) kwbj ho jwx qy ie`k vwr iPr Bwrq dy ieiqhws ivc iPr gulwmI dw dOr SurU ho jwvygw [

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [

s: s: mWgt, knyfw








fw: rjyS jlotw, AstRylIAw

180203_dollar-babe_100.jpg (4615 bytes)fwlr JwVdy bwibAW dIAW mjlsW - ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw


Dear Mr. Editor,

Once I want to thank Principal Bajwa for his excellent articles, the first I read B~jdIAW kwrW ivc guAwcy lok
is about busy schedules in Foreign lands in quest to earn more and more, in which Principal Bajwa have rightly suggested we younger immigrants or NRIs to devote time to own kids as well as to listen and respect elders. This is true we are running in a foolish race to earn more and more, but still it seems that we are loosing this race while neglecting our family and many values which have sustained our culture back at home.
Regarding second article of Mr. Bajwa, about our elderly at Canada. I want to congratulate Mr. Bajwa for writing such an article which has reflected the common human nature. The way he has described the daily discussions among his friends at work is so natural and truthful, which indicate our elderly are equally interesting and humorous as the younger generation. But they have more wisdom than us.

But I shall agree with Arvinder Singh Badwal's question about double income too. For the question what I think is that, although our elderly are retired from good positions at home and receiving pensions too, but once they have decided to live in foreign land where despite all materialistic comforts they still want some common friendly circle in which they can entertain themself as well as become more independent, financially ( definitely the pension at home is equivalent to one week's expenditure here).

But it will be good if Principal Bajwa can give the answer for Arvinder Singh's question.

Can I also ask from where to procure the book ( HUM HINDU NAHIN, written by Kahan Singh Nabha) which Shri Pabla has mentioned in his letter.

Now 5abi. com has lots of articles on current affairs and literature which take lots of time to read it, but I should congratulate all contributors as well as team of 5abi. com for their consistent efforts to serve our mother tongue Punjabi.

Rajesh Jalota

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw


jIvn klw jW jIvn jWc jW jIvn iks qrHW bqIq kIqw jwvy?

(1) gurUbwxI Anuswr:

nwm jpo, ikrq kro, vMf Cko[

kwm, kroD, loB, moh, AhMkwr, inMdw, cuglI, eIrKw Aqy JUT qoN bcoN[

srb`q dw Blw mMgo[

(2) kuJ hor g`lW:

Awps 'c muskrw ky imlxw, iek-dUsry dI pRsMsw krnI, im`Tw bolxw, dUsirAW nwl hmdrdI r`Kxw

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw

hrivMdr bIr kOr


Sat Sri Akaal Ji,

<Smile> What a wonderful site!!!! Thank you so much for your effort!!! The poems are so great that I can't stop water from eyes. THANK YOU! Waheguru aap nu hor bal-uddam deve taan jo tussi PUNJABI dee sewa es taraan hee karde raho.

With Regards,
HarvinderBir Kaur

ArivMdr isMG bfvwl sivs

180203_dollar-babe_100.jpg (4615 bytes)fwlr JwVdy bwibAW dIAW mjlsW - ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw


ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw jI,

Awp dw lyK piVAw, lyK QoVw lMbw hox krky ivSyS smW k`Fx dI loV peI qW jo qs`lI nwl swrw lyK ieko bwr piVAw jw sky [ ies ƒ jy h`fbIqI ikhw jwvy qW Swied TIk rhygw[ sB qON pihlW quhwfw DMnvwd jo qusW pMjwbI bzurgW - mwP krnw vfyirAW - dI knyfw dI ijMdgI bwry cwnxw pwieAw[

lyK pVidAW keI qrW dy svwl mn iv`c au`T rhy hn, AwiKr pMjwb dy pVy ilKy sUJvwn, ivdvwnW ƒ AwpxI ijMdgI dy AwKIrly pVwA i`vc pRvwsI ikEN hoxw ipAw? ijvyN qusW lyK iv`c ijkr kIqw hY ik swry quhwfy kMm dy swQI grYjUeyt jW au`cpDrI nOkrIAW qoN syvw mukq hn Aqy swirAW ƒ pYnSn BI l`gI hoeI hYN, qy iPr dUr durwfy bYTky Awpxy ipMf, Awpxy swQ, AwpxI SwnoSOkq ƒ JUrn dw kI kwrx ho skdw hY? swrI dunIAW iv`c pYnSn dw mqlb "buVypy dw Awrwm" dy nW nwl jwixAw jwdw hY[ qW jo mnu`K AwpxIAW rihMdIAW KwihSW, mMn mrjIAW, jwxI mOjW kr sky, iehkwƒn(soc) swfy bzurgW qy lwgU ikEN nhIN huMdI? ieh pYnSn l`gx qON bwAd BI fwlrW ƒ jPy mwrn qON ikEN nhIN htdy? Awpxy dyS iv`c rwjy, lyikn dUjy dyS iv`c rMk bxnW ikEN psMd krdy hn? kI ieh mjlsW Awpxy ipMf, Sihr jW ielwky iv`c nhIN l`g skdIAW? byrIAW dy byr ijAwdw im`Ty hn jW fwlr?

bwjvw jI, myrI aumr quhwQO A`DI hY[ au`pr ilKy svwl koeI tIkw-itp`xI nhIN, sgo ie`k ibdyS iv`c rihMdy jvwn ƒ AwpxW Bi`vK smJx iv`c shweI ho skdw hY[ quhwfy ijhy ivdvwnW dy bhumu`lw ivcwrW dI nOjvwn pIVI ƒ AqI loV hY[ bzurgW dIAW A`j dIAW muSiklW, jvwnW dIAW k`l dIAW muSiklW hn, ijMnW dw h`l A`j dy bzurgW dy h`Q hY[ so ikRpw krky Awpxy Aqy hor swQIAW dy dySI Aqy ivdySI qzribAW ƒ lyK jW khwxI dy rUp iv`c pwTkW q`k Ap`Vdw kro jI[

Bu`l cu`k dw iKmW dw jwck hW[
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl sivs

blkwr isMG bwjvw, knyfw


5AwbI dy suihrd pwTko,

bdySW ivc pMjwbI bolI qy BweIcwry dy pyRmIAW nUM iek bhuq hI srl qy sOKw sMcwr mwiDAm dyky 5AwbI p`qRkw (Awn lweIn) dI dyx dI ijMnHI vI isPq krIey QoVHI hY[ glob qy PYly vIrW qy BYxW q`k mYN AwpxI ilKq qy sunyhw phuMcw s`ikAw hW qW ieh ies mwiDAm rwhIN hI sMBv hoieAw hY[

lyKk pwTkW qoN imly huMgwry nwl hI KuS ho jWdw hY Aqy hor lgn nwl il`Kdw hY[ mwx mihsUs krdw hY ik aus nUM huMgwrw iml irhw hY[ khwxI nUM jy huMgwrw imldw rhy qW sunwaux vwlw hor cyqn hoky suxwaudw hY[

vIr mKx isMG rMDwvw - fYtrwiet XU AYs ey, hrdIp isMG mwn - AwstRIAw, suKpwl vIr isMG - kuvYq qy bIbI AmrprIq kor horW sB ny myry lyKW nUM slwihAw hY qy vDweI id`qI hY[ bhuq bhuq DMnvwd[ quhwfy suJwvW dw vI bhuq irxI hW Aqy A`gy qoN ienHW Anuswr ilKq ivc soD vI krWgw[

rMDwvw swihb ny myrIAW pusqkW pVHn dI ie`Cw pRgt kIqI hY[

bIbI AmrprIq ny p`uiCAw hY ik 'jIvn iek vpwr' dw Bwv qW auh smJ gey hn pr 'klw' ikvyN hoeI[ mYNnUM KuSI hY ik qusIN bhuq hI vDIAw qy GoKvW svwl pu`iCAw hY[ qusIN vpwr vwlI g`l dI bhuq TIk ivAwiKAw kIqI hY[ quhwfI sUJ qy smJ bVI spSt hY[

klw (Awrt) dw sbMD jIvn dIAW sdIvI kdrW - scweI, cMigAweI qy suMdrqw nwl hMudw hY[ ieh kdrW kwl rihq hn[ kl vI auic`q sn qy A`j vI pRvwn hn[ vpwrI dI iek kdr huMdI hY pYsw jW lwB[ kihMdy ny iksy AprwD ivc iek vpwrI nUM mOq dI szw ho geI[ auhnUM pu`iCAw igAw golI nwl qYNnUM mwirAw jwey jW r`sy nwl Pwhw dy ky[ ies dunIAW qoN auhnUM pqw sI auh jw irhw hY, swrw DMn dOlq aus dy iksy kMm nhIN[ iPr vI vpwrI soc nUM b`Dw kihMdw, " ijs qrIky nwl mYNnUM koeI lwB huMdw hovy "[

dUjy pwsy klwqimk jIvn jwc vwlw izMdgI nUM mwieAw jW pdwrQW dI igxqI dI QW guxW BrpUr jIaUx nUM qrjIh dyNdw hY[ aus ny ieh s`c Apnw ilAw hoieAw hY ik 'bMdw Kwx qy kmwaux leI hI nhIN jIaUNdw, auh jIaUx leI KWdw qy kmwauNdw hY' qW jo auh izMdgI ivc koeI nyk lIhW pw jwey[ ijhVw pirvwr pRym ipAwr nwl ivcrdw hY, dUijAW dy kMm AwauNdw hY, scweI qy c`ldw hY Aqy nyk kmweI nwl sbr sMqoK vwlw BrpUr jIvn ijauNdw hY auh smJo lvo ies jIvn dI klw is`iKAw hoieAw hY[ gurbwxI ny qW bMdy nUM bhuq hI srl isDWq id`qy hoey hn - ibn sMqoK nw koie rwjy qy s`cy mwrg c`lidAW ausq`q kry jhwn, s`coN aury sB ko aupr s`c Awcwr[ ienHW qy Aml kridAW AsIN Awpxy Awp hI jIvn dI klw is`K jWdy hW[ kyvl AwpxI haumY, lwlcW, qy Bu`KW qy kwbU pwauxw pYxw hY[ ies vwsqy idRV ierwdw bhuq zrUrI hY[ ijs dy jIvn coN shu`px, s`c qy cMigAweI irSmW C`fdI hovy auh jIvn dw klwkwr hY[

ieh p`qr lMmw ho irhw hY[ ies qy hor bhuq kuJ ikhw jw skdw hY[ ienHW g`lW nwl hI, AmrprIq jI, qusIN jIvn klw hY smJ jwvogy[ quhwfy suJwvW qy pRSnW dI hmySw aufIkvwn hW[ 5AwbI nUM Awpxy lyK vI Byjdw irhw krWgw[

iek vwrI iPr sB pwTkW dy huMgwry qy hONsly dw DMnvwdI hW[

blkwr isMG bwjvw

dyv mwroky

190203_himachal_100.jpg (4664 bytes)ihmwcl cox muihMm: ivkws qy kudrqI sroqW dI rwKI cwhuMdy hn lok 
- hrI jYisMG  


it is very bad part of indian politics, politicians are the kings in india.There is no where democracy in india, they are just blood suckers.

Dec Maroke

m`Kn isMG rMDwvw

180203_dollar-babe_100.jpg (4615 bytes)fwlr JwVdy bwibAW dIAW mjlsW - ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw


lyK piVHAw cMgw l`gw[ Cwpx leI DMnvwd[ ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw nUM bhuq bhuq vDweI hovy[

m`Kn isMG rMDwvw
Detroit, USA

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw

180203_dollar-babe_100.jpg (4615 bytes)fwlr JwVdy bwibAW dIAW mjlsW - ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw


fwlr JwVdy bwibAW dIAW mjlsW (ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw)

lyK ivclI sm`grI ƒ jy khwxI dw rUp id`qw jWdw qW izAwdw idlcsp hoxI sI[

hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw

jgpwl isMG il`t, knyfw

050203_neelon-show1_100.jpg (4162 bytes)kmljIq nIloN vloN krvwey gey b`icAW dy pRogrwm 'rMg pMjwb dy' dy ny Aijhw rMg bMinAw ik torWto dy drSk kIly gey' - myjr mWgt, trWto 
neelon-show-100jpg.jpg (4231 bytes)trWto (knyfw) ivKy kmljIq nIloN vloN pyS kIqy gey pRogrwm "rMg pMjwb dy" dIAW kuJ JlkIAW  qsvIrW: iekbwl mwhl


Respected Editor

We thank you for posting News of Kamaljeet Neelon's show reports & photographs on your web site .

Media should promote this kind of artists, who educate our future(children) of the original punjabi culture and SIKH religion.

Thank You very much.

Jagpal Singh Litt

Surrey ,CANADA

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq

DuMMd dy aus pwr
-rwijMdr kOr 

DuMMd dy aus pwr
-rwijMdr kOr

kI AsIN AwpxI ijMdgI ivc kdI iksy nUM hswaux dw auprwlw kIqw hY ? Swied hI kIqw hovy pr ies khwxI ivcly pwqr jo kihx nUM bu`Fw ikhw jWdw hY pr id`l dw jvwn hY jo ik Awpxy gm C`pw ky dUijAW dy idlW ivc hwsy dIAW PuhwrW mwrn ivc dyr nhIN lgwauNdw [ jy koeI aus dy du`K ivc Jwkx dI koiSS krdw hY qW auh aus nUM hwsy dI bukl ivc lpyt lYNdw hY [

lyiKkw ieh suc`jI khwxI ilKx leI vDweI dI h`kdwr hY [

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [

AmrprIq kOr

300103_kaaran_100.jpg (4155 bytes)B~jdIAW kwrW ivc guAwcy lok
- ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw


B~jdIAW kwrW iv~c guAwcy lok

ieh lyK bhuq pweydwr lyK hY [lyKk nUM bynqI hY ik ieho ijhy hor lyK ilKx dw auprwlw kIqw jwey qW ik pMjwbI BweIcwrw jo ik mwieAwjwl iv~c Ps ky lIhoN l`Q igAW hY muV Awny vwlI QW qy Aw sky[ ie~k g~l jo ipRMsIpl swihb ny lyK iv~c ilKI hY, bhuq jcI hY ik ----

“ jIvn ie~k klw sI AsIN is~KI nW,jIvn ie~k vpwr sI,AsIN is~K ilAw[”

ipRMsIpl swihb jIvn ie~k vpwr hY, smJ iv~c AwauNdw hY ikauNik joVIAW j~g QoVIAW nrV vQyry”Anuswr j~g iv~c ipAwr bhuq G~t dyKx nUM

imldw hY jdoN ik hr irSqw hI vpwrk hY iksy dy kMm Aw gey qW vwh vwh, nhIN qW qMU kOx mYN kOx[pr jIvx ie~k klw hY ieh smJ iv~c nhIN Aw irhw[ kI qusIN ies aupr hor ivsQwr sihq cwnxw pwaux dI Kycl kroNgy[ho skdw hY bhuq swry Awp dy d~sy hoey qrIky nUM Apnwky Awpxy jIvx nMU klwmeI FMg nwl ijaux dI jugqI is~K lYx[

AmrprIq kOr

Syr isMG PrWs


vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ,
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh ..

dws Syr isMG PrWs vloN :
smUh is`K sMgq nMU sMq bwbw jrnYl isMG jI Kwlsw iBMfrw vwilAw dy jnm qy vDweIAw pyS krdy hw .
Aqy sMqw vlO d`sy mwrg qy c`l ky Awpxy Gr rwj krygw KLwlsw dy sMklp qy jlxY leI Xwd qwjw krdy hw [
Aqy nwl hI DMn DMn gurU hir rwey swihb jI dy jnm purb dIAw sB sMgqw nMU bhuq bhuq vDweIAw jwdIAw hn jI .

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ,
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh .

q s pwblw, XU: ky:


Dear Editor,

One publication must be mentioned, however, HUM HINDU NAHIN, we are not Hindus, by Kahan Singh Nabha. He wrote to admonish Sikhs who "although they regard themselves as Sikhs of the Khalsa accept the Hindu religion".He continued:

This book is restricted to the difference between Hindu tradition and the Khalsa because our brethren are already aware that they do not belong to other religions. This much they know,yet they mistakenly regard the Khalsa as a Hindu sect.I am confident that my erring brethren will return to their own tradition when they read this book. Realizing that they are indeed the children of Guru Nanak and of all the Ten Gurus they will stand forth as members of the Khalsa, firmly convinced that we are not HINDUS.

Clearly the issue is one of identity and the survival of Sikhism. Bhai Kahn Singh ends ironically, after assembling his arguments, mainly in the form of proof texts:

Our country will flourish when people of all religions are loyal to their own traditions yet willing to accept other religions as members of the same family, when they recognize that harming one means harming the nation, and when religious differences are no longer an occasion of discord'

For many Sikhs, intermarriage between Hindus and Sikhs of the same got is still preferable to a Sikh marriage between different ones. " Roto Beti Da Sang" remains a popular saying,  meaning Hindus and Sikhs eat together and intermarry", and another commonly heard expressions is "Hindu Sikh Bhai Bhai". Hindus and Sikhs are brother.

Sikhism's relationship with Hinduism has been of a rather different kind. Guru Nanak and his successors never denounced Hinduism as such.True, they were strong in their condemnation of a caste system which left many people, ( NOW IN 20TH CENTURY OUR GURUDUARA NAMED JATAN DA GURUDUARA, TARKHANAN DA GURUDUARA, CHAMARAN DA AND BALMIKI GURUDUARA) the untouchables, without spiritual hope, of the low regard for women, and the concepts of purity and pollution which provided the rational for these aspects of the religion. Above all they were critical of the Brahmins who might be said to have operated the system. Yet one cannot find passages in their compositions which state explicitly or imply that Hinduism is a false path which leads no where, or that Sikh way has replaced it. Sikh traditions which is respectful of all faith.

In a part of our evening hymn, Sodar Rahiras, there is a section by Guru Gobind Singh known as Benati Chaupai. Two lines from it are relevant to the present discussion. They read:






ipCly p`qr 1 2 3 4

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bjfS[ dryji   ljVP~ dvt]!

(c)199-2002, 5abi

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