square2-slices1_r2_c1.gif (15071 bytes)
square2-slices1_r3_c1.gif (2016 bytes)

quhwfy ivcwrW dw suAwgq hY... swnUM ilKo            

square2-slices1_r4_c1.gif (3518 bytes)

iek pwTk, inaUzIlYNf

050903_madrassa1_100.jpg (5094 bytes)Awp-bIqI
mdr`sw mwDo rwm vwlw 
- pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl, kYnyfw


Dear Sir,

The autobiographical essay titled, 'Madrassa Madhoram Wala' by Prof. Pritam Singh Grewal indeed recreates the golden era which is no more in the education. The teachers like Madhoram left a lasting impression on the younger minds.

I would imagine that there are still talented and educated teachers around in the schools. The commercialization has, however, debased every aspect of life, including the sacred field of learning and education.

Let us look for the living Madhorams!

abc, New Zealand

srvjIq isMG


prm isqkfr Xog igafnI joigMdr isMG vydFqI jI,
vfih gurU jI kf Kflsf
vfih gurU jI kI PLqih,

pMj isMG sfihbfn dI 4 sqMbr nMU sRI akfl qKq sfihb ivKy hoeI iekwqrqf ivc afp jI vwlo ptnf sfihb dI pRbMDk kmytI dy sfbkf pRDfn aqy sLRRomxI kmytI mYNbr s: mihMdr isMG rumfxf nMU qnKfhIaf krfr idqf igaf hY. ikAik mihMdr isMG rumfxf ny dsm gRMQ bfry crcf CyV ik afp jI vwlo jfrI kIqy, 14 meI 2000 vfly hukmnfmy dI AulgMGxf kIqI hY.

afp jI ny ieh hukmnfmf, gurbKs isMG kflf aPgfnf dI ikqfb "bicwqr nftk gurbfxI dI ksvwtI qy" Cpx (meI 1999) ipCo hoeI crcf krky jfrI kIqf sI qF jo ies ikqfb df dUjf Bfg "cirqR pKXfn" nf Cp sky. afp jI nUM pqf sI ik Aus ikqfb ivc kI iliKaf hoieaf hY ikAuik Aus df KrVf afp jI pfs puhc cuwkf sI.

inmrqf sihq bynqI hY ik ieh hukmnfmf isrP AUnHf vfsqy hI hY jo dsm gRMQ dI aslIaq nMU pysL krdy hn jf ik qusI dsm gRMQ bfry hr iksm dI crcf bMd kIqI sI?

jy ieh hukmnfmf isrP AuhnF vfsqy hI hY jo aoKqI dsm gRMQ nUM gurU sfihb dI ikrq nhI mndy qF ieh byiensfPI hY. jy afp jI ny hr iksm dI crcf bMd kIqI sI qF idwlI vfly ivrsf isMG dy iKlfP kfrvfeI ikAu nhI kIqI geI? ijs ny afp jI dy hukmnfmy dI AulgMGxf krky akqUbr 2002 dy ivc bYb sfiet bxfeI sI ( http://www.dasamgranth.org ).  2002 ivc ieglYz invfsI hrijMdr isMG kMvl ny ikqfb "dsmysL bfxI drpx" ilKI hY ijs dy pRksLk "vYWlivsL pbilsrjL" pI pI 5 mOrIaf aYnklyv pIqm purf, idwlI- 110088 hn. huxy huxy iek hor pusqk CpI hY, "sRI dsm gRMQ sfihb - dsmysL-ikRq pRmfixkqf" ijs dy lyKk qy pRkfsLk hn amrjIq isMG Kosf aqy ipRMtr Bf:cqr isMG jIvn isMG, bjLfr mfeI syvF, aMimRqsr hn. kI ieh afp jI vlo jfrI hukmnfvy dI AulGxf nhI hY ?.
siqkfr Xog vydfqI jI kI sfry dosLIaf iKlfP ieko jyhI kfrvfeI nhI hoxI cfhIdI ? sMq vIr isMG mwdoky dy ibafn vfry afp jI dy kI ivcfr hn jI?.

siqkfr Xog vydfqI jI afp jI dy ibafn anusfr srvjoq isMG svwdI ny muafPInfmf Byj ik ieh spwsLt kIqf hY ik myrf gurbKLsL isMG kflfPgfnf nfl koeI sbMD nhI hY. Aus sbMD ivwc inmrqf sihq bynqI hY ik Aus pwqr nMU aKvfrf ivwc CpvfAux dI ikRpflqf krnI jI . dfs nMU qF zr hY ik jy ikqy srvjoq isMG svwdI ny ieh ibafn dy idwqf ik mY muafPI nhI mMgI qF ikqy aKvfrf vfly ieh hI nF ilK dyx ik jQydfr df ieh ibafn vI JUTf.
hoeIaf Bulf leI iKmf krnf jI
siqkfr sihq
srvjIq isMG

crnjIq isG bl, knyfw


The Editor,
My friend sarbjit Singh sent me Amarjit Singh Khosa's letter/article dated 9 Sept. '03 with your weekly's name at the header. Mr. Khosa who, perhaps because of his maternal uncle President Balwant Singh Gill, apparently fraternizes with the so-called moderate Sikh Sangat of the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara, Surrey, Canada is evidently aligned with the proponents of the so-called Dasam Granth i.e. Gurcharnjit Singh Lamba, Tarlochan Singh Nahal, Sadh Virsa Singh and his turncoat devotee Rattan Singh Jaggi, et al who are all aligned with the Sikh orthodox or sectarian factions. Some advertently or inadvertently lend support to RRS zealots' intrigue to promote Dasam Granth that portrays Sikh Gurus as Hindu Avatars, Idolaters, Wizards, reclusive mendicants, etc.

In his diatribe Amarjit Singh opinionates that the malady starting with Gyani Bhag Singh, Prin. Habhajan Singh missionary College Ludhiana, Prin. Habhajan Singh Chandigarh, Gyani Surjeet Singh Missionary and some other enemies of the Panth, has now reached S. Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana and Prof. Gurtej Singh. Obviously according to Amajit Singh Khosa, the malady afflicting the above-mentioned scholars/writers whom he considers enemies of Sikh Panth is criticism of erotic and mythical Dasam Granth and the authenticity of its writer/s. Amarjit Singh Khosa asks, (1) 'how could the diabolical split personality of
Dasam Granth critiques Singh Nidhan and Chakraview (?) writer Prof. Gurtej Singh and at one time prodigy of Sirdar Kapoor Singh, a Dasam Granth's proponent remain hidden'? Amarjit Singh Khosa insinuates that Prof. Gurtej Singh is an ungrateful for relapse of his faith in his mentor or Guru's Sirdar Kapoor Singh. He further says 'we do not understand whether Prof. Gurtej Singh was stupid when he advocated Dasam Granth; or now when he criticizes it'. Only Prof. Gurtej Singh can respond to Amarjit Singh Khosa's invective accusations.

To keep my missive concise, instead of writing a critique on Amarjit Singh Khosa's letter/article, I humbly request Amarjit Singh Khosa and his ilk to read my article on Dasam Granth published on my Website www.sikhsundesh.net. May be he would like to do me the honor of including my humble name in the list of the Dasam Granth's critics whom he considers enemies of Sikh Panth.
A rationalist Sikh
Charnjit Singh Bal

sRImqI A isMG


This so-called dasam granth is not even a granth but a slapping together of puranic myths (braj in gurmukhi script - quite clearly stated). It is more in keeping with the puranic/kabbalisitc ideology and theory of creation and a split God who is unable to tend to or even create its creation without creating other creatures to do it for him. This is a direct contradiction of the Akal Purukh of Sikhi. Some extensive sexist literature and elaborate kavita of the kind indulged in by darbari kavis of rajas with their far-fetched tales. (khalsa having dropped from Shiva's prayer mat!). There is an ocassional red herring thrown in to make it seem compatible to gurmatt - but it is just window dressing. Anyone who has read this stuff is repulsed and nauseated by it. This is the anti-literature of Guru Granth sahib, even worse than the hindalia granth, and successor to it nevertheless, with a view to undermine the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

This evolved from a few pages to the granth of the present day, to be set up as a rival and to subvert the philosophy of Guru Granth sahib. Most people have not bothered to read it, or have chosen to pull a few paragraphs/stanzas that suit their purpose to mislead. This is despite the fact that it is clearly a very shoddy job of putting together a credible granth - that can remotely rival any previous literature compiled - let alone Guru Granth sahib.

My request is to read the avtaras and the charitopakhyan to the females of your household and then decide if one would think this is in any way shape or form to be even worthy of keeping in the vicinity of their sons, daughters and parents. Here we have some wise one trying to put it in gurdwaras and indulge in bhang parsads and the most un-khlasa like behaviour, in order to justify this supposed granth, which so has no mention of khandae di pahul/Amrit ceremony (so far) With the increase in literacy this is not going to be hidden like the misdeeds perpetuated in the 18th century. Once any one reads this stuff, it will be exposed. No amount of hiding behind Jaap sahib is going to help.

Granths may come and go, but for the sikh there is only One - The Guru Granth Sahib, the container of the Divine knowledge. The shenanigans of other created and time limited gods and goddesses are of no importance to us. The pages after pages of viles of women cannot be justified even if they were matched with viles of men like Chandu and Gangu, these kinds of perversions make for granths to be read in brothels not Gurdwaras. Let the mythology and eroticism - meant for baser instincts be revered by those who have no intention of moving above it be their self-created shackles and tall tales of imaginary beings, and those who want some spirtual uplift and advancement in their lives will automatically seek Guru Granth Sahib - our mentor and Shabad Guru. No amount of coercion is going to make us accept parallel granths or literature at par with the one given in written shape by our Guru sahiban.

If it is knowledge we seek, it is all in there- including the basis for khandae di pahul/ Amrit/khalsa. Those who seek find it as promised and those who flounder running in circles trying to find justification for their misdeeds by trumping up granths are just deluding themselves. We can only pray for bibek budhi to actually open up and read the 1430 pages in front of us. Things would not have come to this if we has been reading even one
stanza daily and contemplating and imbibing it. We would have known any misleading literature at a glance - but our so-called maryades of akhand paths by hired pathis, kathas by hired kathakars and kritans by hired kirtanyas has resulted in our not knowing or misinterpreting our second-hand knowledge of our Treasure - resulting in granths galore in the names of our Guru Sahiban, because the khalsa of today is too busy promoting himself and has no time to listen to his Guru, the Guru Granth Sahib, and seeks to justify his bhang parsads form other literatures deeming them at par with the one ACTUALLY given to us by our Gurus.

Those individuals have spoken up against this mass subversion of our faith in Guru Granth sahib in form of spurious literatures are the true and few khalsa - because theirs is courage that made them stand up against all odds and at the cost of their personal and intellectual safety to reiterate what every Sikh should have. We have only one Granth and that is the Guru Granth. Least we can do is to declare loudly, above the din created by vested interests and their RSS swamis - there is no other Granth for us but Guru Granth.

Koor nikhutae nankaa orakh sach raheen....

Mrs A Singh

pirqpwl isMG ibMdrw, knyfw


Dear Charanjit Jee,

Thanks for visiting my WebPage at <www.bindra.net> I have also gone through the contents of your splendid website too. It is indeed very impressive. I also appreciate your thought expressed in your posting to 5Abi. Most of the so called protagonists of Dasam Granth I came across, have confessed that they never went through the contents and are led to believe it to be the creation of Dasam Patshah. They are just made to believe it as another sacred book of the Sikhs. The aim of the anti-Sikh element is to dilute the teachings and philosophy of AGGS. When would hour highest seat of clergy see through with intellectual vision?

Keep up the good work,
With regards,
Pritpal Singh Bindra

q s pwblw, brqwnIAw


I visited Bhagwan Sai Baba Kingdom in 1996. It takes three hours from Banglore to Reach the destination PUTAPARTHI by Taxi. During my journey I asked Taxi driver opinion about Sai Baba. His reply didn’t surprise me, he said this Sai Baba is for rich people, minister, and foreigners only not for poor people.

Politician : Most corrupted like congress ex.Prime Minister Narsimha Rao visited him for blessings, and President of India Giani Zail Singh too, who was silent during 1984 atrocities with Sikhs in Delhi , he was drinking innocent sikh blood in Rashrapati Bhawan . After independence congress party leaders Nehru, Indra, Giani Zail Singh used dirty tactics of British to Divide and Rule in Punjab on the name of Language and demarcation of states.This people are responsible for communual riots and murders of 20 thousands sikh youth on the name of extremism. Sai Baba is simply serving the status quo, that is why he is respected by the status quo.He is simply in the service of rotten society. Of course rotten society respect him. And this is something to be understood: society respects only those saints or Bhagwan who are agents --- agents who help the society to continue as it is , agents of establishment.

Hospital & Colleges : I visited this place and I start to think a man who has looked deep in to the misery of man, a man who is really so full of compassion that he wants to help , to be of some help to the suffering community. And the suffering humanity is not helped by creating more Hospitals or by making more people educated under rotten system. The rotten society has to be destroyed completely; only then can a new society be created. Renovation is not going to help. We have been renovating the same old ruins for centuries. We have to create new society. Let us bring new human being. Let us give birth to something new, a new mind, a new consciousness.

Sai Baba Magic: One more point to be understood… It happens that when for the first a meditator attains to some Psychic Energy, some psychic power, the tendency, a natural tendency, is to exhibit it. And if he exhibits , sooner or later he will lose the power .Then a great problem arise: he cannot do it now, but now he has respectability. He is worshipped and people expect him to do miracles. Now what is he going to do ? He will have to turn to magic, he will have to start learning tricks, to maintain his prestige.That’s what happened to Bhagwan Satya Sai Baba. The first things that had done were real, the first few experiments that they had done were not phony. But then the energy disappears. And by that time you have become famous, and people start gathering, foolish and ignorant people and they expect you, and your whole ego depends on your exhibition. Now the only possible alternative is to learn magic tricks so that you can go on maintaining your prestige. If you brag, sooner or later you will become a victim of magical tricks. You will have to learn and deceive people

There is no heaven and there is no hell. They are not geographical, they are part of our psychology. They are psychological. To live a life of spontaneity ,truth and beauty is to live in heaven. To live a life of hypocrisy, lies and compromises, to live according to others is to live in hell. If life is lived in its totality, Sai Baba and priest is not needed at all. If you are okay as you are , if life is beautiful as it is , what is the need for a priest or Sai Baba.


hrjIq isMG jgrwEN


Dear Editor,

WaheGuru ji Khalsa !!
WaheGuru ji Fateh !!

The article written by Mr. Amarjit Singh Khosa, dated 04/09/03., is very commendable. I wish him abound success & pray that more of similar kind of articles be produced & distributed to increase the readers awareness.

Harjit Singh Jagraon.

ivrk kmljIq isMG, spyn


Sat sri Akal,

I am from Spain.I have seen the web -- www.welcometoindia.com.
In this web U go to see The Golden Temple.In The history of The Golden Temple ,there is written that before the BLUE star opration The Golden Temple was misused by terrorist .
Everyone (Punjabies) know that Blue Opration was wrongh.
indra`s action was wrongh.
Please see this web and also send emails to that web and ask him not to write like this.
Sat sri akal

lKivMdr isMG is`DU, pMjwb, Bwrq


Bus bhaji chakee chalo fatte te punjabien di beh ja beh ja karva deo dunia which .Kade kade gurudwarian deian larhian bare vee lekhia karo ji.Ehna noon vee koaie aqal deo ji

Lakhvinder Singh Sidhu
Punjab India

siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYNf


isfnI dy hwkI pRymI vIrW dw p~qr pV ky auhnW dw jugrwj pRqI ipAwr dyK ky bVI KuSI hoeI hY[ swrI dunIAW iv~c hI hwkI pRymIAW ny jugrwj dy jKmI hox dw APsos mnwieAW hY[

jugrwj isMG qy swfw hIrw hY, AYsw hIrw hY ky ijs vrgw hIrw hor koeI dunIAW qy nhI hY[

auh jrUr TIk ho jwvygw ikauNik bhuq vIrW dIAW ArdwsW hn qy Ardws kdI ivArQ nhI jWdI[
Awau swry rl ky Akwl purK A~gy Ardws krIey ky swfw hIrw jldI TIk ho ky pMjwbIAW dw nwm rOSn kry[

bljIq isMG sMDU

050903_madrassa1_100.jpg (5094 bytes)Awp-bIqI
mdr`sw mwDo rwm vwlw 
- pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl, kYnyfw


Very good article

Baljit Singh Sandhu
Stockton California U.S.A

isfnI dy hwkI pRymI

hwkI iKfwrI jugrwj isMG sVk hwdsy ivc P`tV 04 sqMbr 2003


ipAwry sMpwdk jI

BwrqI hwkI iKfwrI jugrwj isMG dI iek sVk hwdsy dOrwn gMBIr zKmI ho jwx dI Kbr pVH ky gihrw d`uK hoieAw[ jugrwj pihlW XUnIAr qy iPr sInIAr hwkI tIm iv`c pYnltI kwrnr mwihr dy qor qy auBirAw hY[ iesy swl jUn dy SurU iv`c isfnI iv`c iqMn dySW dIAW tImW iv`c Kyfy gey mYcW dOrwn jugrwj dI Kyf dyKn dw mOkw imilAw, Pwienl mYc iv`c BwrqI tIm vloN pihlw gol jugrwj ny pYnltI kwrnr duAwrw krky Bwrq dw Kwqw KoilAw qy swrI tIm dI vDIAw kwr gujwrI sdkw BwrqI tIm 5-3 nwl jyqU rhI[ isfnI iv`c riMhMdy pMjwbI hwkI pRymIAW leI ieh ij`q iek` lMbI AOV Kqm hox vWg sI, Aqy mYc Kqm hox qoN do GMty bwAd vI gBrU BMgVw pwaunoN nhIN sI ht rhy[ jugrwj vDIAw Pu`l bYk, pYnltI kwrnr mwihr qoN ielwvw bhuq KuSidl Aqy sbr vwlw iKfwrI hY[ AsIN swry hwkI pRymI jugrwj dI ishqXwbI dI duAw krdy hW qy Aws krdy hW ky jldI hI auh iPr mYdwn iv`c Awpxy zOhr idKwvygw[

isfnI dy hwkI pRymI

mnijMdr isMG AwstRylIAW


Dear Editor

The letter written by Mr Khosa is very educative and demonstrates his knowledge of the Gurbani and Sikh history, but the tone and un-respectful words do not fit to the contents of the subject. The derogatory remarks about the people who may be wrong or right do not deserve any appreciation rather has decreased the weightage of his argument. I request if it can be taken into consideration.]

Guru Fatah

Manjinder Singh
Sydney Australia

primMdr isMG "f`lw", mONtrIAl, kYnyfw


ieh PYslw iek qrPw iks qrW ho skdw hY
ieh qW aumr dI h`d krky kIqw igAw hY[
kI quhwnUM mnjIq isMG klk`qy qoN ibnHw
koeI hor is`K nhIN idsdw ijsdI aumr Aqy Xogqw SromxI kmytI dw jnrl sk`qr bxn dy Xog hovy[

primMdr isMG "f`lw"

husn lVoAw bMgw


030903_TIYAN2_Husan Laroya1_450.jpg (69153 bytes)
XUbw istI, AmrIkw, ivc qIAW dw mylw (qsvIr: husn lVoAw bMgw)

is`K sMgq, PRImONt, kYlyPornIAw


we saw the excellent pictures of gurudwara sahib. we r really apprecate ur services to the sikh communtiy.
sikh sagat fremont  cali4nia usa
guru fateh

AmrjIq isMG Kosw


gurqyj isMG ikhVw???

‘dsm gRMQ dw CoCw sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dI Swn dwgI krn dw Xqn’ jdoN ieh lyK sqMbr,2000 ivc piVHAw qW mn ivc ivcwr AwieAw ik ieh pqw nhIN ikhVw nvW gurqyj isMG pYdw hoieAw hY?, ikauNik sR.gurqyj isMG AweI.ey.AYs.,nYSnl pRoPYsr AwP is`iKzm,jo ik isrdwr kpUr isMG jI dy bVy nzdIk rhy hn, qy ijMnHW dI iek pusqk ‘c`kRivhU” (ieMgilS) BI pVHI hoeI hY, Aqy bVy mwx nwl auh Awpxy Awp nUM isrdwr kpUr isMG jI qoN bwAd aunHW dIAw lIhW qy c`lx vwly hox krky mwx mihsUs krdy hn, ieh auh nhIN ho skdy[

kwrn ieh hY, ik isrdwr kpUr isMG jI swrI aumr ‘sRI dsm gRMQ swihb’ dy h`k ivc ilKdy rhy hn, Aqy aunHW ny SRo.gu.pR.k. v`loN pRkwSq hox vwlyy ‘gurmq pRkwS’ ivc lyK ‘ik`sw rUp kOr dw’ ilKky pRo.rwmpRkwS isMG AYm.ey.AYl-AYl. bI. Aqy aus vrgy keI hor piVHAW iliKAW dy Brm BulyKy dUr kIqy hn[aunHW dI AwpxI pusqk ‘Sikhism An Oecumenical Religion’ pM:198-99 aupr jdoN auh AMimRq sMcwr dI ivDI d`sdy hn qW swP iliKAw hY- pMjW ipAwirAW v`loN pMj bwxIAW jpu, jwp, svYXy, bynqI cOpeI Aqy AwnMd swihb (pihlIAW pMj qy AwKrI iek pauVI) pVHIAW jWdIAW hn[aunHW nUM ies g`l dw BlI BWq pqw sI ik jwp, svYXy, bynqI cOpeI Awid ieh bwxIAW gurU gRMQ swihb ivc nhIN, sgoN dsm gRMQ ivcoN leIAW geIAW hn, Aqy ieh gurU goibMd isMG jI dI rcnw hY[dsmgRMQ ivcoN ‘vwr sRI BgOqI jI kI’ Ardws dw AMgryzI ivc qrzumw pM:213 aupr kIqw hoieAw imldw hY[iesdy nwl hI inqnym dIAW bwxIAW ivc BI jpu qoN bwAd jwp, ‘sRwvg suD’ vwly ds svYXY Aqy rihrws ivc bynqI cOpeI ‘hmrI krhu hwiQ dY r`Cw’, svYXw ‘pwie ghy jb qy qumry…’Aqy dohrw ‘sgl duAwr ko Cwif kY…’ieh BI dsm gRMQ ivcoN leIAW dsmyS bwxIAW hn[iesy pusqk dy pM:150 aupr ‘Aru isKhoN Apuny hI mn ko’ cMfI cirqR ivcoN, pM:161 aupr ‘dyhurw msIq soeI’ Akwl ausqq ivcoN, pM:189 aupr ‘jb Awv kI AauD indwn bny’ cMfI cirqR ivcoN Aqy pM: 193 aupr ‘cUM kwr Az hmh hIlqy’ zPrnwmw ivcoN hvwly id`qy dyKy jw skdy hn[

isrdwr kpUr isMG ny AwpxI pusqk ‘bhu ivsqwr’ ivc dsm gRMQ ivcly lyK Pqh nwmw bwry pM:63 qoN 74 q`k bVy ivsqwr nwl iliKAw hY[aunHW dI iek hor pusqk ‘spq isRMg’ dI BUimkw ies qrHW SurU huuMdI hY-“gurU goibMd isMG ny AwpxI iek A-smwpq jIvn kQw ilKI hY, bicqR nwtk[aus ivc Awpxy ipCly jIvn bwry ikhw hY:- Ab mY AwpxI kQw bKwno…qihM hm AiDk qp`isAw swDI]” ‘puMdRIk’ nwm dI pusqk isrdwr swihb jI dI iek bhuq hI mh`qvpUrx dyx hY[ausdy pM:140 aupr iliKAw hY-ieho rudR-dyv hV`pw-s`iBAqw dy DrmWSW qoN pRBwvq hoky ipCoN mhW-dyv qy sdw-iSv bx igAw hY[swFy iqMn hzwr vrHy ipCoN gurU goibMd isMG jI ny pihlI vwr ieh nukqw smiJAw qy ikMqU kIqw:_

mhWdyv ko kihq sdw isv]inrMkwr kw cInq nih iBv](cOpeI)

hux iek hor pusqk ‘isMG nwd’ pVHn nUM imlI qW jwx pCwx vwly pM:11 qy iesdy ilKwrI sR.gurqyj isMG d`sdy hn ik “iek smyN BweI swihb isrdwr kpUr isMG ny Kud aunHW izMmyN ieh syvw lweI sI, ik kdI is`K isDWq dw p`lw nhIN C`fxw]”

sR.gurqyj isMG dy ‘isMG nwd’ dy pM:93 aupr: “rihq mirXwdw sMbMDI mYN prcy ivc ieh iliKAw hY, ik SRomxI kmytI v`loN CwpI rihq hI Asl pMQk rihq hY[ies ivc vwDw Gwtw locx vwly aus duSmx dy h`QW ivc Kyf rhy hn, jo ieh AwK irhw hY, ik guris`KI dI koeI qihSudw rihq nhIN Aqy AmUmn is`K iesnUM bdldy Awey hn]” ieQy gurqyj isMG is`K rihq mirXwdw, sRI Akwl qKq swihb Aqy ‘gurU-pMQ’ nUM pUrI qrHW smripq hY, ijvyN ik hr guris`K nUM hoxw cwhIdw hY[iPr pM:150 aupr ilKdy hn –“ij`Qy dUsry DrmW ivc mukqI pRwpqI dy hor Anyk swDn hn, auQy Kwlsy leI prm purK ivc AByd hox dw ie`ko ie`k rwh ieho hY ik auh DrmI purS dy Awqimk ivkws Aqy duinAwvI KuSI ivc ivGn pwaux vwlIAW AinAWkwrI SkqIAW nwl inrMqr Xu`D krdw rhy[ gurU goibMd isMG jI dy Aim`t vwk- ‘DMn jIE iqh ko jg mY muK qy hir ic`q mY juD ibcwry] ’dy ieho Bwv hn”[ieh lweInW dsm gRMQ AMdr gurU goibMd isMG ricq ‘ikRSnwvqwr’ pM:570 aupr AMikq hn[

‘isMG nwd’ dy pM:223 aupr sR. gurqyj isMG ilKdy hn –“pihlW gurU gRMQ swihb ivc KVg lPz keI vwrI vriqAw igAw hY[ie`Qy Aqy Dwrimk lihrW dy ieiqhws ivc ikRpwn dw smwn AwrQk ieh Sbd ‘Drm dy s`cy su`cy igAwn’ jW ‘Dwrimk PlsPy dy AMqRIv Bwv’ leI hI vriqAw igAw hY[dsvyN pwqSwh dy ‘jY qygM’ vwly Sbd ivc vI qyg dw ieho ArQ hY”[ieh Sbd ‘Kg KMf ibhMfM Kl dl KMfM qoN surU hoky mm pRiqpwrx jY qygM’ qy Awky smwpqI huuMdI hY, Aqy ieh BI dsmgRMQ ivc bicqR nwtk dy SurU dw iqRBMgI CMd pM:39 aupr drz hY[

iPr sR.gurqyj isMG dy ‘isMG nwd’ dy pM:224 aupr drz hY ik–“eysy Bwvnw ADIn dsvyN pwqSwh PurmwayNdy hn, ik KVg dw kwT (h`Q jW mu`Tw) h`Q ivcoN C`fx vwly (pRwDInW) nUM KVg dI Dwr DOx qy sihxI pYNdI hY”[ieh dsm gRMQ dy cirqRopwKXwn vwly cirqR nM:297,31-1 pM: 1247 aupr drz, Aqy ies qrHW hY-KVg hwQ ijin qjhu KVgDwrw sho]

sR.gurqyj isMG dI pusqk ‘c`kRivhU’ dy pM:143 aupr isrdwr kpUr isMG dI h`Q ilKq dI Poto kwpI, jo ik aunHW nUM ‘nYSnl pRoPYsr AwP isiKiesm’ dI srvu`c pdvI imlx smyN dI spIc (iviKXwn) hY, ausnUM auh vwihgurU jI kI Pqih] qoN SurU krky ‘myru kro iqRx qy muih jwih grIb invwj n dUsr qo so]’ (bicqR nwtk) Aqy pM:147 aupr ‘DIrj Dwm bnwie iehY qn buiD su dIpk ijau auijAwry]’(ikRSnwvqwr dw AwKrI sYXw) vwlIAW lweInW, jo ik dsm gRMQ ivcoN hn,AwpxI ilKq dI pRoVqw leI vrqdy hn,ijvyN ik hr pMQk guris`K dw Drm hY[

‘dsm gRMQ dw CoCw…’vwly lyK ivc ies gurqyj isMG ny koeI nvIN qW nhIN, pr bxw suAwr ky auhI lkIr ip`tI hY, ik 18vIN sdI dy A`D q`k ies gRMQ dI hoNd nhIN sI, dUjw iesnUM pRmwixq is`K Drm gRMQ vjoN svIkwr nhIN kIqw jw skdw, qIjw iesnUM gurU goibMd isMG jI ny gurU gRMQ swihb ilKdy smyN nwl Swml ikauN nhIN kIqw, Aqy cOQw auhI ik ies ivc nwnk nwm Cwp dI vrqoN ikauN nhIN kIqI[ Bwg isMG AMbwlw, ipRM.hirBjn isMG cMfIgVH, ipRM.hirBjn isMG is`K imSnrI kwlj luiDAwxw,ig.surjIq isMG imSnrI id`lI, Aqy ku`J hor pMQ doKIAW ivcoN lMGdI hoeI hux ieh bImwrI gurbKS isMG kwlwAPgwnw Aqy ies gurqyj isMG qy Aw phuMcI hY[ ieMnHW Aqy ies qrHW dIAW hor Fu`crW dy juvwb pMQk ivdvwnW v`loN bhuq vyrI id`qy jw cu`ky hn[Aksr imlIAW hoeIAW syvwvW dw mu`l vI qW is`KI nUM FwA lwky hI qwirAw jw skdw hY[‘dsm gRMQ dw CoCw…’ vwly lyK dIAW hor tUk mwqr ies qrHW hn:_

“ieh kihxw glq nhIN hovygw, ik ieh swry dw swrw kWf iksy SYqwn idmwg dI GwVq hY[dsm gRMQ dI auqpqI qy ivkws bwry bVI GoK krky nqIjy k`Fy hn, jo hux keI pusqkW (APgwny vwlIAW?) ivc Aw cu`ky hn[ ies pRsMg ivc bu`DI qoN s`KxI iek kwrvweI 1896-97eI: ivc kIqI geI sI[iek Awm, pr AigAwnqw qy AwDwirq Dwrnw ies gRMQ nUM dsvyN gurU swihb nwl joVdI sI[ jwgq joq gurU dy nwl iksy hor gRMQ; BwvyN auh dsvyN gurU dw hI ikauN nw iliKAw hovy, dw pRkwS byAdbI hY[ Aqy ies sMbMD ivc dsvyN gurU swihb v`loN kIqy gey hukmW dI aulMGxw hY[cricq cMfI cirqR qy keI p`KW qoN ikMqU kIqw jw skdw hY[ cOpeI, cirqRopwKXwn dw hI ih`sw hY, ijs nUM svwrQ ih`qW qoN pRyrq lok hI gurU swihb dI rcnw mMndy hn[ krIb s`qr ku pMinAW bwry koeI bhuqw vwd ivvwd nhIN hY, ijMnHW nUM dsvyN gurU dy nwm nwl joiVAw jw skdw hY[ gurU gRMQ swihb qy dsm gRMQ dy s`qr pMinAw ivc drz Akwl purK ikRpwlU, jnm mrn qoN mukq, in`Gw Aqy mwqw ipqw vWg ipAwr qy snyh krn vwlw hY, jdoN ik bwkI dsm gRMQ dw mhWkwl KUn dw ipAwsw, byikrk, koJw qy Awm hI v`fIAW lVweIAW lVn qy l`KW kroVW lokW nUM kql krn vwlw hY[ieh dyh Dwrn krdw hY, Aqy AwpxI hr dyh ivc iehnUM KUn dI holI KyfidAW ivKwieAw igAw hY[ ku`J inhMg sMprdwvW hiQAwrW dI AwrwDnw krdIAw hn,pr ies AwrwDn dw gurU gRMQ swihb dy drSn nwl koeI sMbMD nhIN hY[gurU gMRQ swihb Anuswr hiQAwr Aijhy aucy sdwcwr vwly XoDy hI cu`k skdy hn, ijhVy Akwl purK,scweI Aqy mnu`KI kilAwx pRqI pUrI qrW smripq hox[hiQAwr Awpxy Awp ivc koeI pIr nhIN hn, qy nW hI pUjw dI vsq hn[ijhVI vI cIz sdwcwr qoN s`KxI hY,haumY ivc rMgI hoeI hY jW Akwl purK dy hukm qoN bwhr hY,auh gurU dy bcn Anuswr siqkwrXog nhIN hY[hiQAwr qW nwdr Swh, AbdwlIAW, cMgyz KwnW Aqy ihtlrW dy swDn vI huMdy hn, so ieh g`l insicq hI hY, ik dsm gRMQ, gurU swihb dIAW isiKAWvW qoN kohW dUr hY[gurU gRMQ swihb dy hr pMny ivcoN ipAwr dI vrKw huuMdI hY,Aqy dsm gRMQ dy ies ivcwr ADIn ih`sy ivcoN ihMsw fu`lH fu`lH pYNdI hY[  s`cI g`l qW ieh hY ik dsm gRMQ dy bhuqy ih`sy dw ie`ko ie`k mMqv isv Aqy ausdI sMgxI cMfI nUM mhWkwl dy sB qoN v`D SkqISwlI AvqwrW vjoN sQwipq krnw hY[ Aihswn PrwmoSI Aqy mUrKqw dI isKr qoN ielwvw ieh mnu`K zwqI dy prm AwdRS dsvyN gurU dI ArS CUMhdI Swn nUM dwgI krn dw Gor kmIxw Xqn vI hY[cirqRopwKXwn vrgIAW ASlIl ilKqW nUM pYgMbrW dy auqrwiDkwrI dy nW nwl joVnIAW cMd qy Qu`kx dy brwbr hY”[

hux dyK lvo ijhVIAW g`lW ieh ilKwrI A`j ilK irhw hY, aus bwry nW qW gurU sihbwn dy smyN vwly is`KW nUM qy nW hI ‘is`K rihq mirXwdw’ bnwaux vwlI swrI kmytI nUM pqw sI, ijsnUM bnwaux leI audoN qyrW swl qoN aupr smW l`igAw[isrdwr kpUr isMG,d`Kx v`loN is`K sjy nMd isMG, drSn isMG PyrUmwn Aqy aus qoN pihlW ho cu`ky jW hux vI iksy vI guris`K, ivdvwn, jW mhWpurS jo ik pUrn is`KI rihq ivc rih ky jIvn bqIq kr gey/rhy hn, auh dsm gRMQ, in`qnym, AMimRq sMcwr, Ardws, ds gurU sihbwn eyk joq, sRI gurU gRMQ swihb, Dur kI bwxI, SSqrDwrI hoxw, srb`q dw Blw mMgxw, Bwxy ivc jIvn ijauxw Awid sB g`lW qoN Anjwx sn/hn[auh sB AkloN KwlI sn/hn[gurU dy lV l`g ky BI aunHW nUM koeI soJI nhIN sI/hY[so ieh bVy Aihm nukqy hn, ijs krky isrdwr kpUr isMG jI Aqy sR.gurqyj isMG ‘isMG nwd’ qy ‘c`kRivhU’ vwly Aqy ies ‘dsm gRMQ dw CoCw…’ vwly gurqyj isMG dw vKryvW bVw hYrwnIjnk, SMky BrpUr, kmInqw dI h`d qoN pwr huMdw hoieAw ikvyN gu`Jw rih skdw hY?

hux BI ieh GuMfI auvyN hI AVI peI hoeI hY, ik iek gurqyj isMG, isrdwr kpUr isMG dw mu`deI hY[iek sR.gurqyj isMG ‘c`kRivhU’ qy ‘isMG nwd’ dw ilKwrI hY[iek gurqyj isMG ‘dsm-gRMQ dw CoCw’lyK ilK irhw hY[ieh sB Al`g Al`g hn,jW ie`ko dy keI mKOty hn[iek hoxw qW AsMBv l`gdw hY[ienHW dy Al`g Al`g hox ivc hI pMQ dI BlweI hY[gurU BlI kry!AsIN qW isrdwr kpUr isMG vwly gurqyj isMG dy DVy dy hwmI hW,jo ik gurU-pMQk DVw hY[

r`b nW kry jy ieh ieko hY,- qW iesdw isrdwr kpUr isMG jI dy inktvrqI hoxw iDRg hY[isrdwr kpUr isMG dy kihx krky iesny is`KI dw p`lw qW nhIN C`ifAw, pr isDWq sB C`f id`qy hn[Awpxy gurU jW ausqwd qy XkIn nW krn jW S`k krn vwly nUM ‘AikRqGx’ ikhw jWdw hY, qy iesdw shI srUp BweI gurdws jI dI iek vwr ‘md ivic irDw pwieky’ ivc dyiKAw jw skdw hY[iPr ijhVI g`l Ajy k`l AwpxI pusqk ivc khI hY, A`j ausdw hI KMfn kr irhw hY[hux iesdI AkldwnI ivc iksy ny ku`J izAwdw hI mwiek JurlU Pyr id`qw l`gdw hY[swnUM qW pqw nhIN ieh audoN byvkUP sI jW iPr hux[ies g`l dw inrxw iksy dUsry qoN krwaux dI bzwie Kud hI kry qW byhqr hY[

AmrjIq isMG Kosw

drSn isMG, qlvMfI BMgyrIAW


Respected Friends,

Thanks a lot for creating Excellent Punjabi site for our community.
I hope, this site is beneficial for those who are not who are hating the culture of Punjab (some punjabi also)

Convey my regards those who helps to prepare and support to complete this noble task.

With regards,
Darshan Singh
Talwandi Bhangerian

sMqoK isMG

Bwrq dI Awm BwSw ‘ihMdusqwnI’ hI hoxI cwhIdI hY - KuSvMq isMG


s. KuSvMq isMG dy iehnW ivcwrW nwL mY sihmq hW[ SurU ivc pqw nhI ikauN ihMdusqwnI 'rwj-r`bW' ny ikauN nhI ieh rwh ApnwieAw qy byloVy Krc, KycL qy ibArQ hI vsIly vrq vrq ky, ipCly pcvMjw swlW qoN BwrqI jnqw nUM iek AijhI BwSw nUM Goty lwaux ivc auLJweI riKAw jw irhw hY jo ik swfy vwsqy AMgRyzI nwLoN vI vD AOKI mihsUs ho rhI hY[

sMqoK isMG

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq 

myrw pwiksqwn
- suKdyv is`DU


pwiksqwn dw jnm hoieAw.....pr keI inrdoSW dy kql.....keI loBIAW ny lutmwr kIqI..........jo ik Drm dy burky pihn ky Drm dI rwKI dy bhwny ivc ....mn mrjIAW krdy rhy [

Awm lok ies lut mwr qoN dUr Awpxw Awp bcw ky cl rhy sn ..[

iehI sB kuJ A`j dy Bwrq ivc duhrwieAw jw irhw hY [ Drm dI AwV ivc dMgy krwey jw rhy hn....rwjsI lwhw K`itAw jw irhw hY ......Awm jnqw ies dI sjw Bugq rhI hY [ pr iPr vI Awm ivAkqI Awpxy Drm ivc prp`k hox ivc XqnSIl hY .......[

1947 dI lu`t-mwr ivc keI Bu`Ky....r`j gey....qy....keI r`jy.....Bu`Ky rihx leI mjbUr kr idqy gey [

keIAW dy Gr aujV gey ....qy...keIAW dy v`s gey......[

Awpxw Awp nMU bcwaux leI keIAW ny Awpxy kys kql krvw idqy .......AimRqDwrI bwby ny DIAW dI jwn bcwaux leI kys ktw 'qy [ pr lyKk dI kI mjbUrI sI kys ktwaux dI.....ies bwry swry jwnxw cwhuxgy .........[

is`KW ny pihlW imhnq kr ky 'bwr' vswieAw.....qy iPr ieDr riPAUjI bx ky Awey qy iPr Awpxy pYrW qy KVy ho gey.....ieh sB kuJ aunW dI hf-qoV imhnq dw sdkw hI ho sikAw [

1947 qy 1984 vrgy duKdwiek GlUGwry dubwrw nW vwprn....iehI swfI swirAw dI vwihgurU A`gy Ardws hY [

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq 

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq

150803_hond-paani1_100.jpg (4169 bytes)kI AglIAW pIVHIAW AwpxI hoNd brkrwr r`K skxgIAW?
- g`jxvwlw suKim�dr



ieh AwvwjW hoxgIAW,Awaux vwly smyN ivc, swirAw dy kMnW ivc ; pr pwxI nhIN hovygw [ ies sB kuJ nUM rokx leI auprokq lyK bhuq A`Cy FMg nwl smJw irhw hY , ijs nUM swry smJ lYx aupMrq Awpo Awpxy eyrIey ivc lwgU krn [ hux auh smW nhIN rih igAw ik ...pwxI dw kI ey...vwDU ipAw ey ...ijMnW mrjI vrq lE [ pwxI dI sMBwl bwkI kudrqI soimAW qoN ijAwdw krnI cwhIdI hY [

gurbwxI ivc vI iliKAw hY :

" pihlw pwxI jIau hY ijq hirAw sB koie "

so pwxI dI loV hvw dI loV qoN dUsry nMbr qy hY [ jy pwxI hY qW ijMdgI KUbsUrq hY nhIN qW hr pwsy vIrwngI Cw jweygI [

hvw vI dUiSq ho rhI hY qy pwxI vI [
K`itAw kI ?
iks vwsqy ?
sOKI ijMdgI ijaUx vwsqy ?

pr ijAwdw pYsw kmwaux dy ckr ivc ijMdgI dy mUl sroq hI dUiSq ho gey qW ijMdgI ikvyN clygI ?
A`j ienW svwlW dw jvwb iksy kol nhIN [ jy hY vI qW " hoaU pry ....." kih ky twl idqw jWdw hY [ pr Awaux vwlIAW pIVIAW ies dy nqIjy bhuq burI qrW BugqxgIAW qy ies sB leI hor koeI nhIN, AsIN hI ijmyNvwr hovWgy [

so swry rl iml ky ies bwry ivcwr krIey [ Awpxy ipMfW, m`hilAw, SihrW ivc " pwxI bcwE kmytI " bxweIey [ hPqwvwr, mhInwvwr mIitMgW kIqIAW jwx, ijnW ivc pwxI bcwaux dy auprwly kIqy jwx [ Swied ies qrw krn nwl AsIN AwpxI qy Awaux vwlI pIVI dI kuJ byhqrI kr skIey [

rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [

jsvMq isMG, lMfn

080803_uddam1_dalbir_100.jpg (3804 bytes)au~dm A`gy l`CmI ...jy r`b ny eynw vI kMm nhIN krnw qW hor aus nUM rgV ky PoVy auqy lwauxw hY? - dlbIr isMG
140803_mera-pak0_100.jpg (3849 bytes)myrw pwiksqwn - ijnHW ieh swrw kihr isr qy J`ilAw hY, A`KIN dyiKAw hY aunHW dy idl qy kI guzrdI hY[ - suKdyv is`DU


ipafry sMpfdk jI

do mfarky dy lyK hn dlbIr isG df qy isDU jI df.   d[s[ vflf idmfg dI qrjLmfnI krdf hY – TrMHmy nfl iliKaf hoieaf qy iswDU vflf idl dI gl krdf hY-kivqf vrgf[ eys kihr df Gfv sLfied kdy vI nhIN jfxf- Gwto Gt iqn –cfr pusLqF qF jrUr nhIN jfdF lgdf[ dlbIr isMG nfl keI bMdt sihmq nhIN huMdy. afpxf afpxf ivcfr hMudf hY[

kI asIN iehnF gwlF qoN sbk vI isWKdy hF? lLgdf hY nhIN sgoN EhI glqIaF muV krI jFdy hn[

jsvMq isMG lMzn

Bjn isMG AOjlw, XUbw istI (kYlIPornIAw)


ijvyN isAwxy kihMdy hn “sO h~Q r~sw, isry qy gMF”, SmSyr isMG hurW bVy suc~jy qrIky nwl AwpxI mW bolI dy chyiqAW dy mnw dI g~l kIqI hY [ jy koeI ieh smJ irhw hY ik swfy lIfr pMjwb Aqy pMjwbI dw kuJ svwr dyxgy, igrJW dy AwlHixAW ‘coN mws dI botI Bwlx dy brwbr hY [ AzwdI qW iehnw lIfrW nUM imlI hY, jo vqn qy mr-imtx vwilAW dy isvy qy rotIAW pkw ky Kw rhy hn [ Awm jnqw qW mwqr ByfW vwg hY ijhnw qoN hr swl iksy nw iksy aun lwh ky lY jwxI hY [

Bjn isMG AOjlw
XUbw istI (kYlIPornIAw)

sMdIp isMG cwhl, AmrIkw


Hello All,

Sorry for not writing in punjabi coz i dont have the font but i am 101% satisfied with Shamsher Singh florida regarding his comments on Dalbir singh Article.Hats off to Dalbir singh And to shamsher singh.......

Sandeep Chahal

SmSyr isMG - &lOrIfw AmrIkw

080803_uddam1_dalbir_100.jpg (3804 bytes)au~dm A`gy l`CmI ...jy r`b ny eynw vI kMm nhIN krnw qW hor aus nUM rgV ky PoVy auqy lwauxw hY? - dlbIr isMG


sihpwTk jno[

kuJ idnW qoN l`sI irVkI jw rhI hY eys lyK bwry, ijs rwhIN dlbIr isMG jI ny is`K pMQ dy iBRStcwr ivc il`bVy, Aqy mihz AwpxIAW kursIAW nwl icMbVy nyqwvW dy pwj auGwVn bwry ivsQwr sihq iliKAw hY[

moFy qy hl pMjwlI r`KI ABnyqrI nrgs dI qsvIr, kyvl ikrswxI nUM drswaux qoN isvw mYnUM qW ies lyK nwl myl KWdI iblkul nhI lgdI[

KYr g`l swfy iek pwTk v`loN lyKk 'qy Zlq lWCx lgwx bwry hY[ ijs ny Awpxy Kq ivc

"Who are you? Or should I say are you a Jatt?" etc

ilK ky dlbIr isMG nUM CuitAwxw cwihAw hY[

ij`QoN q`k mYN smJ sikAw hW, dlbIr isMG ny AWpxy klipq ikrdwr murwrI dw nwm lY ky is`KW dI v`fI kmzorI 'zwq pwq' qy iek ivAMg k`sx dI koiSS kIqI hY[ pRMqU lyK dy AwKrI pYry ivc auhnW ny murwrI dy nwl AsihmqI jqw ky rxjIq pMDyr horW dI cuxOqI nUM nkwirAw hY[

aus ny vlI Aihd bwry d`s ky ieh vI sO-&I-sdI s`c dI pySIn-goeI kr idqI hY, ik ijhVIAW ByfW ny Srwb qy A&Im dy g`Py C`k ky cwr idn hirAwxy dI &wrm dI mihmwnI mwx ky votW vycIAW hn, Aswfy vyNhidAW vyNhidAW AsIN swry lokW ny iksy nw iksy lwlc kwrn, pMjwb dw rwj-Bwg Es pMQ dy g`dwr dy muMfy dI JolI Pyr pw dyxw hY[

bwdl nUM, SihrI is`K votW bwry qW pqw hY ik auhnW nUM ausdI eImwndwrI qy iblkul ivSwvws nhI hY[ aus kol ies vyly rwj Bwg qW hY nhI[ hux qW aus ny do hI pYNqry vrqxy hn[ pRWq dy bhu igxqI ikrswxW ( j`tW ) nUM pyNfU Brw kih ky, Aqy pMQ drdIAW nUM pMQ Kqry ivc hY, dw nwhrw lw ky[

iek dilq bfUMgr nUM, iek mohry vWg vrq ky mqlb pUrw hox qy iqRskwr dyx bwry dlbIr isMG ny ilK ky koeI Zlq g`l nhI kIqI[ is`K jgq dIAW A`KW KolHIAW hn[

tOhry nUM Awpxy mrn iknwry bYTy nUM kursI dI eynI lwlsw hY, ik BwvyN aus koloN quirAw vI nw jWdw hovy, mrn qoNN pihlW SromxI kmytI dw qwj ausdy m`Qy zrUr hoxw cwhIdY[ jy auh s`c mu`c isK kOm leI suihrd huMdw qy Awpxy iksy nyk lY&tInYNt nUM auh kursI dyx dI kurbwnI krdw, qW is`K kOm dIAW A`KW ivc vDyry Awdr lY skdw[

sMq jrnYl isMG qoN Akwl qKq Awzwd krwaux vyly, blU-stwr dy hmly vkq vI eyhy B`dr purS ihMdusqwnI hukmrwnW nwl swz bwz krdy rhy[ hux Pyr auhnW hI hukmrwnW dy BweI vwlW nUM muV ky g`dI qy ibTwx leI bwdl nwl j`PIAW pY geIAW hn[ nw bwdl ny pMjwb jW pMQ dw kuJ svwirAw hY, nw tOhry ny, nw suKbIr ny kuJ svwrnw hY[ Awm jnqw Aqy bu`DI jIvI hYrwn ho ky iek dUjy dy mUMh v`l q`kdy rihxgy[

dlbIr isMG horW nUM iek suJwau hY, ik auhnW dy ikrdwr dw nwm murwrI dI QW lihxw isMG jW bwbw bohV vrgw koeI hor Fu`kvW nwm vrqx qW eys s`Q dy Awm pwTkW nUM koeI auzr nW hovy[

SmSyr isMG - &lOrIfw AmrIkw

srvjIq isMG


pfTk pRvfr nMU siq sRI akfl .

amrjIq isMG Kosf jI df pwqr piVaf Aus ivcNo myry AuhnF iek do svflF dy jvfb imlyy ijhVy svfl mY vIr kMvl jI nMU pwuCy sn. Kosf jI afp jI df buhq-buhq DMnvfd ik afp jI ny nMdyV ivKy gurU goibMd isMG jI dy pRlok -ipafnf krn vfry jfxkfrI dy ky vIr hrijdMr isMG kMvl dI , bfbf ajypfl isMG vflI iQAUrI nMU JWUTI sfbq kr idWqI hY.

afp jI dy bcn ik , "dsm-gRMQ bysLwk anMdpur sfihb hI alwg alwg poQIaf ivc iqafr ho cWukf sI, pr anMdpur sfihb Cwzx smyN iesdf bhuq ihwsf srsf ndI dI Byt cVH igaf sI". ies sbMD ivc bynqI hY ik jdo guru goibMd isMG jI ny guru gRMQ sfihb jI bIV nMU iqafr krvfieaf sI Aus smyN jF Aus qo ipCoN,jo afp jI dy muqfvk vI Cy swq sfl df smF sI , kI guru jI aKoqI dsm gRMQ nMU iqafr nhI sI krvf skdy?. Kosf jI ieh ikvyN ho skdf ik gurU jI ny gur gwdI qF idWqI hovy , 'inrMkfrI igafn meI bfxI' nMU, aqy afpxI klm nfl iliKaf hovy ieqhfs aqy imiQhfs ?.

Kosf jI ieqhfs ivc iskMdr vfry qf hr iksy ny kuJ nF kuJ qF piVaf hI hY aqy dsm gRMQ ivc vI iskMdr df ijkr hY ,jo afp jI ny jrUr piVaf hovygf, hux ieh dso ik ,kI dsm gMRQ ivc iskMdr vfry drj jfxkfrI bfkI dunIaF ivwc iskMdr vfry AuplwBd jfxkfrI dy nfl myl KfdI hY ? ies ivco ikhVf ieqhfs TIk hY dsm gMRQ vflf jF bfkI dunIaf df ?.

imiQhfs vfry bynqI ik qusI guru gMRQ sfihb jI dI bfxI ivco koeI vI sLbd Byj skdy ho dfs Aus dI ivafiKaf krygf, AupRMq sRI dsm gRMQ sfihb jI ivco sLbd mY Byjfgf Aus dI ivafiKaf afp jI krogy , jo vI PYslf pfTk krngy dfs nMU mnjUr hovygf
hoeIaf BwulF leI iKmf krnf jI
afp jI dy pwqr dI AuzIk ivc
srvjIq isMG

rxjIq pMDyr


Shri Dalbir Singh Ji,

Who are you? Or should I say are you a Jatt Sikh or something else. Whatever Badal is he is I don't think it has anything to do with he being Jatt Sikh or not. If you pay so much attention to caste, I would appreciate if you tell what is the one you belong to. I like to read what you like but would like to advise, don't get lost is casts and cummunities. Focuss on issues not personalities. Thanks.


jsbIr isMG

080803_uddam1_dalbir_100.jpg (3804 bytes)au~dm A`gy l`CmI ...jy r`b ny eynw vI kMm nhIN krnw qW hor aus nUM rgV ky PoVy auqy lwauxw hY? - dlbIr isMG


Dear editor,

Heading of Dalbir Singh's article is unwanted. As such article contains some good matter. Sikh religion as propagated by Guru Nanak beleives in Chardi Kala. A person should always be in Chardi Kala. One should
think like ,I lost one eye. Thank God atleast one is safe. There are many blind people. God is always kind. I am talking about people who developed love with God.

An other objection I have here is regarding the mentioning of 'Operation Blue Star'. Such a shameful event of history and a so called rational writer is saying it an operation. Was it an operation? or an attack on sikh nation by Hindu ruler. The brahamns of Hindu reign could not produce one suicide bomber to kill Sant Jarnail Singh jee but can lost nearly a thousand of their mercernaries. Army gathered innocent people killed them with their arms. Did not provide them food and water for many days. They did whatever they could to their enemy sikh nation. All this so called operations was favored by communists(so called rationlists). A writer of the height of Dalbir should be shameful while labelling it an operation.

I would like to suggest few eye opening readings:

Diary De Panney by Harbir Singh Bhanwar
Nerio Dithe sant Jarnail Singh by Dalbir Singh[a farmer communist].

What Mr Pabla said is applicable to him only. Sikhi is based on three concepts:
1. Naam Jappo (Remember him allthe time)
2.Dharam di Kirat Karna.
3. Vaand Shakna
God is sarab sanjha. In his only presence good or deeds are judged without any label.

Jasbir Singh

gurqyj isMG vYilMgtn inaUzIlYNf

080803_uddam1_dalbir_100.jpg (3804 bytes)au~dm A`gy l`CmI ...jy r`b ny eynw vI kMm nhIN krnw qW hor aus nUM rgV ky PoVy auqy lwauxw hY? - dlbIr isMG


au~dm A`gy l`CmI pVH ik mn iv`c iek iKAwl AwieAw ik bdysW ivc nvyN Awey keI lok FweI kwlmW dw Pwrm Brx leI vI ieDr auDr gyVy k`Fdy iPrxgy[ ieh lok aus mwniskqw dy DwrxI huMdy hn ijnHW r`b ƒ rgV ky gofy qy lwauxw huMdw hY[ ies mwniskqw ƒ Kqm krx dI koiSS qW gurU nwnk dyv jI qoN hI SurU ho geI sI[ hQly vYb sweIt au~qy pwTkW dIAW ic`TIAW pVH ky pqw l`gdw hY ik auh ies mwniskqw dy iSkwr nhIN hn[ Aijhw lyK BwvyN ik`fw vI vDIAw ikEN nw hovy hQly vYb sweIt dI s~Q dy imAwr nwl myl nhIN KWdw[ iesy krky Aijhy lyK auqy crcw vI auswrU nhIN ho skdI[ lyKk hwly vI iqMn hzwr swl purwxI soc au~qy inSwnw lw irhw hY jd ik bhuqy pwTk 'pRgqIvwdI' isK soc dy DwrxI hn[

DMnvwd sihq
gurqyj isMG vYilMgtn inaUzIlYNf

siqMdr isMG suswxw, iSkwgo

080803_uddam1_dalbir_100.jpg (3804 bytes)au~dm A`gy l`CmI ...jy r`b ny eynw vI kMm nhIN krnw qW hor aus nUM rgV ky PoVy auqy lwauxw hY? - dlbIr isMG


MR. Dalbir Singh

BwjI ip~Cly do iqMn lyKW ivc qusIN KwlI l~sI irVk rhy ho, l~gdw quhwfy kol SbdW dw mswlw mu`k igAw , ies leI c~ly kwrqUs vWg kuJ vI ilKI jw rhy ho [ qusIN s`cy mhWpurS dI sMgq kro, auh quhwnUM vDIAw qrIky nwl smJw skxgy ik kI r~b AoKy vyly PoVy qy lox vwlI cIz hY [ swfw is~KW dw qW r~b hI gurU nwnk hY [ kI qusIN ikqy Awpxy pwlxhwr nUM gwlI qW nhI dy rhy ? zrw socxw !!!!!!!!!

siqMdr isMG suswxw ( iSkwgo )

q pwblw, XU ky

080803_uddam1_dalbir_100.jpg (3804 bytes)au~dm A`gy l`CmI ...jy r`b ny eynw vI kMm nhIN krnw qW hor aus nUM rgV ky PoVy auqy lwauxw hY? - dlbIr isMG


I read mostly all Mr. Satbir Singh articles, he is very shrewd and progressive writer. This article is very well composed and he knows of one virtue, and that is awareness.

Mr.Inder Singh Rana mentioned in his letter, dated .08.08.2003. that it seems to me he does not believe in GOD.

I think God is not necessary for a religious person, because GOD is an unproved hypothesis, and a religious person cannot accept anything unproved. He can accept only that which he feels.

What do we all feel ? the breathing, the heart beat... the existence breaths in and out, the existence goes on giving us our life every moment.

But we have never looked at the trees, flowers their fragrance and beauty, and we have never thought that they are divine. They are really the only GOD that exists.

The whole existence is full of GODLINESS. If we are full of religiousness, the whole existence simultaneously  becomes full of Godliness. To me , this is what religion is.

If religiousness spreads all over the world, religions will fade away, and it will be a tremendous blessing to humanity when man is simply man, neither Hindu, Sikh, nor Mohammedan and Christian. These demarcations, these divisions have been the cause of thousands of wars all through history. If you look back at the history of man, you cannot resist the temptation to say that we have lived in the past in an insane way. In the name of Mandir, Guruduara, Masjid and Churches, in the name of ideologies which have no evidence at all, people have been killing each other. Religions have been parasites exploiting people,enslaving people, forcing people to believe. And all beliefs are against intelligence.

In our so called secular Democracy after independence , how Sikhs can forget atrocities in 1984 by Congress party in Delhi, and recently in Gujarat By Hindus against Muslim ? There is more corruption in India than anywhere else. This is very strange. this is Gandian corruption, very religious, very pious, and the people who are doing it are very trained, disciplined to be servants of people

religion should not be a dead organization, but a kind of religiousness, a quality which includes truthfulness, sincerity, naturalness, a deep let- go with the cosmos, a loving heart. a friendliness towards the whole. For these no holy scriptures are needed.

I always found all in one in Mr.Dalbir Singh articles , very knolwedgeful and well composed . My best wishes to him.


ieMdr isMG rwxw

080803_uddam1_dalbir_100.jpg (3804 bytes)au~dm A`gy l`CmI ...jy r`b ny eynw vI kMm nhIN krnw qW hor aus nUM rgV ky PoVy auqy lwauxw hY? - dlbIr isMG


i want to know that what does writer think about god? it seems to me that he does not believe in god.

inder singh rana.

AmrjIq isMG Kosw



swihb sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy jIvn v`l Jwq mwirAW iek Aiq mh`qv pUrn JwkI swP ids AwauNdI hY, jdoN auhnW ny AMimRq sMcwr smyN gurU qoN cylw bnx dw kOqk kIqw[ sMswrI p`Dr aupr iksy BI Drm jW iPrky ivc ies qrWH dI g`l kdy nhIN hoeI sI, jdoN koeI gurU AwpxI guirAweI Awpxy pMQ prsqIAW ivc qbdIl kr dyvy, Aqy Awpxy Awp nUM aunHW dw cylw hox dw SryAwm AYlwn kry[ pMj ipAwirAW nUM AMimRq Ckw ky aunHW pwsoN Awp AMimRq dI dwq pRwpq krn leI iqAwr hoxw, ies qoN v`fw cmqkwr A`j q`k nhIN hoieAw[

ieQoN q`k sI sPr SrIrk (sMswrI) guirAweI dw, ijs leI AwnMdpur swihb ivc auprokq guxW vwly Kwlsy nUM nwmjd kIqw igAw[ Awqimk (inrMkwrI) guirAweI Ajy gurU pws hI sI[ gurU gRMQ swihb sMpUrn krky ies smyN qoN qkrIbn s`q swl bwAd nMdyV ivKy gurU goibMd isMG jI ny pRlok ipAwnw krn qoN pihlW inrMkwrI (Awqimk) guirAweI, rsmI qOr pur, gurU gRMQ swihb jI nUM AYlwx kIqw, byS`k 'Sbd-gur'U dw isDWq gurU nwnk dyv jI qoN hI pRc`lq sI[ gurU gRMQ Aqy iesdI qwibAw pMQ[ SrIr gurU-pMQ, AwqmW gurU-gRMQ[ iesy leI pUjw Akwl dI, dIdwr Kwlsy dw, pRcw (pRcwvw) Sbd dw, is`KI dy pRmu`K isDWqW ivcoN hY[

isrdwr kpUr isMG dy SbdW ivc "Awid simAW qoN swfy dyS dI pRMprw ivc kQw kQnI nUM doNh BwgW ivc vMifAw hoieAw hY- 1.pRBUsMihqw qy 2.suihdR sMihqw[ vyd pRBUsMihqw hn Aqy purwx pUrvvqR, bIq cu`kIAW kQw khwxIAW, suihdR-sMihqw hn[ vyd auh hn ijnHW dw ivSw-vsqU iqMn kwl sqX hY, qy ies leI vyd ivcwr pRBU AwigAw dw drzw r`Kdy hn[ suihdR sMihqw dw idSw-vsqU vwsqivk sqX nhIN hY, ies leI auh im`qr, dosq dy nyk slwh mSvry dy qu`l hY, ijs nUM suxn ivcwrn nwl lwB pRwpq huMdw hY"[hux iesy ivcwr nUM smJ ky A`gy c`lo[

dsm-gRMQ swihb nUM guirAweI bwry jo pRSn auTwieAw jWdw hY, aus bwry hkIkq ieh hY, ik (Kwlsw mihmw Aqy zPrnwmw C`f ky) dsm-gRMQ byS`k AwnMdpur swihb hI Al`g Al`g poQIAW ivc iqAwr ho cu`kw sI, pr AwnMdpur swihb C`fx smyN iesdw bhuqw ih`sw srsw ndI dI Bytw cVH igAw[ cMgy BwgW nUM ies gRMQ dIAW poQIAW dy ayuqwry gurU dy is`KW kol mOjUd sn[iesnUM gurU goibMd isMG jI dy mgroN BweI mnI isMG jI ny poQIAW iek`qR krky sMpwdnw kIqI[ gurU gRMQ swihb jI ivc isrP Aqy inrol 'inrMkwrI "igAwn-meI" bwxI' hY[ inrsMdyh dsm gRMQ swihb gurU goibMd isMG jI rcnw hY, pr dsm gRMQ swihb ivc igAwn meI bwxI dy nwl nwl 'sMswrI "Xu`D-meI" bwxI' Aqy ieiqhws imiQhws imSrq hY[sMswr dy dUsry Drm gRMQW dy mukwbly isrP gurU gRMQ swihb jI hI iek Aijhw gRMQ hY, ijs ivc ieiqhws imiQhws dw vrnx nhIN, isvwey sMkyq mwqR qoN[iehI iek kwrn hY ik swry sMswr ivc Agr gRMQ nUM gurqw pRwpq hY, qW auh isrP gurU gRMQ swihb jI hI hn[guirAweI qRY-kwl s`q nUM hI pRwpq ho skdI hY, ieiqhws jW imiQhws nUM nhIN[dsm gRMQ bwry Kwlsw pMQ ny jo isDWq bxwieAw hY, ik dsm gRMQ ivcoN ieMnI bwxI (jwpu, sYXY, cOpeI )qW is`K dw in`qnym hY, ausqoN bwAd ausdI AwpxI koiSS qy audm hY, koeI ijMnW mrjI pVH lvy, sMswrk (Xu`D-meI)igAwn dy vwDy leI[

sMswr ivc hmySw qbdIlI huMdI rihxI hY, iesy leI gurU jI dy nwmjd kIqy 'gurU-pMQ' jI nUM hr Fu`kvIN qbdIlI krn dw h`k pRwpq hY[ inrMkwrI (Awqimk) siQqI srbkwl, srbdyS qbdIl nhIN huMdI[ies krky hI gurU gRMQ swihb jI nUM 'Dur kI bwxI' Aqy 'sdYv s`q' mMinAW jWdw hY[ies ivc koeI qbdIlI ho hI nhIN skdI[hux gurU jI dy vroswey gurU-pMQ ny jo vI sunihrI AsUl gurU-gRMQ swihb jI nUM mu`K r`K ky GVy hn, aunHW nUM mMnxw hr guris`K dw Prz hY[Bu`l cu`k leI Kwlsw bKSxhwr hY[

SRI Akwl purK ky bcn isau pRgitE pMQ mhwn[gRMQ-pMQ grU mwnIeyN qwry skl kulwn[

AmrjIq isMG Kosw

sqnwm isMG cwhl


ipAwry s.Bjn isMG jI, sq sRI Akwl jI

AwpjI dw pqr bhuq vDIAW sI[  mYnUM pMjwbI tweIp nhI krnI AWdI koiSS kr irhW hW jI[ quhwfI hwQI vwlI gl bhuq vDIAw lgI jI[

sqnwm isMG cwhl

mnjIq isMG cwiqRk, moNtrIAl, kynyfw


siqkwrXog fw. Bldyv jI[
siq sRI Akwl!

dws Awp jI dw ihrdy dI FUMgweI qoN D~nvwdI hY, Awp jI ny myrIAwN kuJ rcnwvwN rwNhI mYnUN Suihrd pwTkwN dy ru-bruh kIqw[

mYN ivSyS krky irxI hwN kMvljIq kOr jI dw, ijnHw ny AwpxI rcnwqmk smIkSw dvwrw kwv-klw idAwN kuJ sUKm rmzw vl myrw iDAwn idvwieAw, auhnw dw hr suJwa isr m~Qy[

myrw ipCokV ihMdI swihq nwl vDyry irhw hY, ies krky ihMdI Sbdw dI Brmwr suBwivk hY[

kMvl jI nUM icqR A~Cw l~gw, D~nvwd[ icqRkwrI myrw ik~qw hY, PotogRwPI myrI audr-pUrqI dw swDn qy kivqw hY myrI rUh dI ^urwk[

myrI kivqw pwTkNw dI crcw dw ivSw bixANw, myry leI ienw hI kwPI hY[ BivK ivc, kivqw dI lMbweI, ivSY-vsqU, SbdwvlI, kyNdribNdU Aqy iek-swrqw vl ^ws iDAwn rK~x dw Xqn krwNgw[

pwTkwN dI rcnwqmk Awlocnw dI aUfIk ivc,
mnjIq isMG cwiqRk, moNtrIAl, kynyfw

siqMdr isMG jsvwl, nwrvy

pwiksqwnI POj vI Bwrq nwl im`qrqw cwhuMdI hY
kuldIp neIAr




jsvMq isMG, AmrIkw

p5a_100.jpg (4056 bytes)AprwDIAW nwl ieMJ nijTdI hY AmrIkn puils - sqnwm isMG cwhl


Gur Fateh

I went through all the articles about American Police written by Satnam Singh Chahal. I also read the comments of your reader Bhajan Singh California. First of all, I would like to appreciate the efforts of Satnam Singh Chahal for writing these articles. One can imagine how much effort he put to write these articles.

Secondly, we should also admit that our social and political envoirement is not equal to the environment of the United States. There are several honest police officers in the Punjab Police but they are also helpless to do any kind of Karishma in this dirty system. We can only pray for the better system. Thank you once again for serving the community.

Jaswant Singh New York U.S.A

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Awpxy ivcwr swnUM ilKo

(c)199-2003, 5abi

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