s: s: mWgt, knyfw |
24/02/03 RESPECTED
fw: rjyS jlotw, AstRylIAw |
Dear Mr. Editor,
Once I want to thank Principal Bajwa for his excellent articles, the first I read B~jdIAW kwrW ivc guAwcy lok
is about busy schedules in Foreign lands in quest to earn more and more, in which
Principal Bajwa have rightly suggested we younger immigrants or NRIs to devote time to own
kids as well as to listen and respect elders. This is true we are running in a foolish
race to earn more and more, but still it seems that we are loosing this race while
neglecting our family and many values which have sustained our culture back at home.
Regarding second article of Mr. Bajwa, about our elderly at Canada. I want to congratulate
Mr. Bajwa for writing such an article which has reflected the common human nature. The way
he has described the daily discussions among his friends at work is so natural and
truthful, which indicate our elderly are equally interesting and humorous as the younger
generation. But they have more wisdom than us.
But I shall agree with Arvinder Singh Badwal's question about double income too. For
the question what I think is that, although our elderly are retired from good positions at
home and receiving pensions too, but once they have decided to live in foreign land where
despite all materialistic comforts they still want some common friendly circle in which
they can entertain themself as well as become more independent, financially ( definitely
the pension at home is equivalent to one week's expenditure here).
But it will be good if Principal Bajwa can give the answer for Arvinder Singh's
Can I also ask from where to procure the book ( HUM HINDU NAHIN, written by Kahan Singh
Nabha) which Shri Pabla has mentioned in his letter.
Now 5abi. com has lots of articles on current affairs and literature which take lots of
time to read it, but I should congratulate all contributors as well as team of 5abi. com
for their consistent efforts to serve our mother tongue Punjabi.
Rajesh Jalota |
hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw |
22/02/03 jIvn klw jW jIvn jWc jW jIvn iks qrHW bqIq kIqw jwvy?
(1) gurUbwxI Anuswr:
nwm jpo, ikrq kro, vMf Cko[
kwm, kroD, loB, moh, AhMkwr, inMdw, cuglI, eIrKw Aqy
JUT qoN bcoN[
srb`q dw Blw mMgo[
(2) kuJ hor g`lW:
Awps 'c muskrw ky imlxw, iek-dUsry dI pRsMsw krnI,
im`Tw bolxw, dUsirAW nwl hmdrdI r`Kxw
hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw |
hrivMdr bIr kOr |
22/02/03 Sat Sri Akaal Ji,
<Smile> What a wonderful site!!!! Thank you so much for your effort!!! The poems
are so great that I can't stop water from eyes. THANK YOU! Waheguru aap nu hor bal-uddam
deve taan jo tussi PUNJABI dee sewa es taraan hee karde raho.
With Regards,
HarvinderBir Kaur |
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl sivs |
ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw jI,
Awp dw lyK piVAw, lyK QoVw lMbw hox krky ivSyS smW k`Fx
dI loV peI qW jo qs`lI nwl swrw lyK ieko bwr piVAw jw sky [ ies jy h`fbIqI ikhw
jwvy qW Swied TIk rhygw[ sB qON pihlW quhwfw DMnvwd jo qusW pMjwbI bzurgW - mwP krnw
vfyirAW - dI knyfw dI ijMdgI bwry cwnxw pwieAw[
lyK pVidAW keI qrW dy svwl mn iv`c au`T rhy hn, AwiKr
pMjwb dy pVy ilKy sUJvwn, ivdvwnW AwpxI ijMdgI dy AwKIrly pVwA i`vc pRvwsI ikEN
hoxw ipAw? ijvyN qusW lyK iv`c ijkr kIqw hY ik swry quhwfy kMm dy swQI grYjUeyt jW
au`cpDrI nOkrIAW qoN syvw mukq hn Aqy swirAW pYnSn BI l`gI hoeI hYN, qy iPr dUr
durwfy bYTky Awpxy ipMf, Awpxy swQ, AwpxI SwnoSOkq JUrn dw kI kwrx ho skdw hY? swrI
dunIAW iv`c pYnSn dw mqlb "buVypy dw Awrwm" dy nW nwl jwixAw jwdw hY[ qW jo
mnu`K AwpxIAW rihMdIAW KwihSW, mMn mrjIAW, jwxI mOjW kr sky, iehkwn(soc) swfy bzurgW
qy lwgU ikEN nhIN huMdI? ieh pYnSn l`gx qON bwAd BI fwlrW jPy mwrn qON ikEN nhIN
htdy? Awpxy dyS iv`c rwjy, lyikn dUjy dyS iv`c rMk bxnW ikEN psMd krdy hn? kI ieh mjlsW
Awpxy ipMf, Sihr jW ielwky iv`c nhIN l`g skdIAW? byrIAW dy byr ijAwdw im`Ty hn jW fwlr?
bwjvw jI, myrI aumr quhwQO A`DI hY[ au`pr ilKy svwl
koeI tIkw-itp`xI nhIN, sgo ie`k ibdyS iv`c rihMdy jvwn AwpxW Bi`vK smJx iv`c shweI
ho skdw hY[ quhwfy ijhy ivdvwnW dy bhumu`lw ivcwrW dI nOjvwn pIVI AqI loV hY[
bzurgW dIAW A`j dIAW muSiklW, jvwnW dIAW k`l dIAW muSiklW hn, ijMnW dw h`l A`j dy bzurgW
dy h`Q hY[ so ikRpw krky Awpxy Aqy hor swQIAW dy dySI Aqy ivdySI qzribAW lyK jW
khwxI dy rUp iv`c pwTkW q`k Ap`Vdw kro jI[
Bu`l cu`k dw iKmW dw jwck hW[
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl sivs |
blkwr isMG bwjvw, knyfw |
21/02/03 5AwbI dy suihrd pwTko,
bdySW ivc pMjwbI bolI qy BweIcwry dy pyRmIAW nUM iek
bhuq hI srl qy sOKw sMcwr mwiDAm dyky 5AwbI p`qRkw (Awn lweIn) dI dyx dI ijMnHI vI isPq
krIey QoVHI hY[ glob qy PYly vIrW qy BYxW q`k mYN AwpxI ilKq qy sunyhw phuMcw s`ikAw hW qW
ieh ies mwiDAm rwhIN hI sMBv hoieAw hY[
lyKk pwTkW qoN imly huMgwry nwl hI KuS ho jWdw hY Aqy
hor lgn nwl il`Kdw hY[ mwx mihsUs krdw hY ik aus nUM huMgwrw iml irhw hY[ khwxI nUM jy
huMgwrw imldw rhy qW sunwaux vwlw hor cyqn hoky suxwaudw hY[
vIr mKx isMG rMDwvw - fYtrwiet XU AYs ey, hrdIp isMG
mwn - AwstRIAw, suKpwl vIr isMG - kuvYq qy bIbI AmrprIq kor horW sB ny myry lyKW nUM
slwihAw hY qy vDweI id`qI hY[ bhuq bhuq DMnvwd[ quhwfy suJwvW dw vI bhuq irxI hW Aqy A`gy
qoN ienHW Anuswr ilKq ivc soD vI krWgw[
rMDwvw swihb ny myrIAW pusqkW pVHn dI ie`Cw pRgt kIqI
bIbI AmrprIq ny p`uiCAw hY ik 'jIvn iek vpwr' dw Bwv qW
auh smJ gey hn pr 'klw' ikvyN hoeI[ mYNnUM KuSI hY ik qusIN bhuq hI vDIAw qy GoKvW svwl
pu`iCAw hY[ qusIN vpwr vwlI g`l dI bhuq TIk ivAwiKAw kIqI hY[ quhwfI sUJ qy smJ bVI spSt
klw (Awrt) dw sbMD jIvn dIAW sdIvI kdrW - scweI,
cMigAweI qy suMdrqw nwl hMudw hY[ ieh kdrW kwl rihq hn[ kl vI auic`q sn qy A`j vI pRvwn
hn[ vpwrI dI iek kdr huMdI hY pYsw jW lwB[ kihMdy ny iksy AprwD ivc iek vpwrI nUM mOq dI
szw ho geI[ auhnUM pu`iCAw igAw golI nwl qYNnUM mwirAw jwey jW r`sy nwl Pwhw dy ky[ ies
dunIAW qoN auhnUM pqw sI auh jw irhw hY, swrw DMn dOlq aus dy iksy kMm nhIN[ iPr vI vpwrI
soc nUM b`Dw kihMdw, " ijs qrIky nwl mYNnUM koeI lwB huMdw hovy "[
dUjy pwsy klwqimk jIvn jwc vwlw izMdgI nUM mwieAw jW
pdwrQW dI igxqI dI QW guxW BrpUr jIaUx nUM qrjIh dyNdw hY[ aus ny ieh s`c Apnw ilAw hoieAw
hY ik 'bMdw Kwx qy kmwaux leI hI nhIN jIaUNdw, auh jIaUx leI KWdw qy kmwauNdw hY' qW jo
auh izMdgI ivc koeI nyk lIhW pw jwey[ ijhVw pirvwr pRym ipAwr nwl ivcrdw hY, dUijAW dy kMm
AwauNdw hY, scweI qy c`ldw hY Aqy nyk kmweI nwl sbr sMqoK vwlw BrpUr jIvn ijauNdw hY auh
smJo lvo ies jIvn dI klw is`iKAw hoieAw hY[ gurbwxI ny qW bMdy nUM bhuq hI srl isDWq id`qy
hoey hn - ibn sMqoK nw koie rwjy qy s`cy mwrg c`lidAW ausq`q kry jhwn, s`coN aury sB ko
aupr s`c Awcwr[ ienHW qy Aml kridAW AsIN Awpxy Awp hI jIvn dI klw is`K jWdy hW[ kyvl AwpxI
haumY, lwlcW, qy Bu`KW qy kwbU pwauxw pYxw hY[ ies vwsqy idRV ierwdw bhuq zrUrI hY[ ijs dy
jIvn coN shu`px, s`c qy cMigAweI irSmW C`fdI hovy auh jIvn dw klwkwr hY[
ieh p`qr lMmw ho irhw hY[ ies qy hor bhuq kuJ ikhw jw
skdw hY[ ienHW g`lW nwl hI, AmrprIq jI, qusIN jIvn klw hY smJ jwvogy[ quhwfy suJwvW qy
pRSnW dI hmySw aufIkvwn hW[ 5AwbI nUM Awpxy lyK vI Byjdw irhw krWgw[
iek vwrI iPr sB pwTkW dy huMgwry qy hONsly dw DMnvwdI
blkwr isMG bwjvw
20/02/03 |
dyv mwroky |
it is very bad part of indian politics, politicians are the kings in
india.There is no where democracy in india, they are just blood suckers.
Dec Maroke |
m`Kn isMG rMDwvw |
lyK piVHAw cMgw l`gw[ Cwpx leI DMnvwd[
ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw nUM bhuq bhuq vDweI hovy[
m`Kn isMG rMDwvw
Detroit, USA |
hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw |
fwlr JwVdy bwibAW dIAW mjlsW
(ipRMsIpl bI AYs bwjvw)
lyK ivclI sm`grI jy khwxI dw rUp id`qw jWdw qW
izAwdw idlcsp hoxI sI[
hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw |
isMG il`t, knyfw |
Respected Editor
We thank you for posting News of Kamaljeet Neelon's show reports & photographs on
your web site .
Media should promote this kind of artists, who educate our future(children) of the
original punjabi culture and SIKH religion.
Thank You very much.
Jagpal Singh Litt
Surrey ,CANADA |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
DuMMd dy aus pwr
-rwijMdr kOr
kI AsIN AwpxI ijMdgI ivc kdI iksy nUM hswaux dw auprwlw
kIqw hY ? Swied hI kIqw hovy pr ies khwxI ivcly pwqr jo kihx nUM bu`Fw ikhw jWdw hY pr
id`l dw jvwn hY jo ik Awpxy gm C`pw ky dUijAW dy idlW ivc hwsy dIAW PuhwrW mwrn ivc dyr
nhIN lgwauNdw [ jy koeI aus dy du`K ivc Jwkx dI koiSS krdw hY qW auh aus nUM hwsy dI bukl
ivc lpyt lYNdw hY [
lyiKkw ieh suc`jI khwxI ilKx leI vDweI dI h`kdwr hY [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
AmrprIq kOr |
B~jdIAW kwrW iv~c guAwcy lok
ieh lyK bhuq pweydwr lyK hY [lyKk nUM bynqI hY ik ieho
ijhy hor lyK ilKx dw auprwlw kIqw jwey qW ik pMjwbI BweIcwrw jo ik mwieAwjwl iv~c Ps ky
lIhoN l`Q igAW hY muV Awny vwlI QW qy Aw sky[ ie~k g~l jo ipRMsIpl swihb ny lyK iv~c ilKI
hY, bhuq jcI hY ik ----
jIvn ie~k klw sI AsIN is~KI nW,jIvn ie~k vpwr
sI,AsIN is~K ilAw[
ipRMsIpl swihb jIvn ie~k vpwr hY, smJ iv~c AwauNdw hY
ikauNik joVIAW j~g QoVIAW nrV vQyryAnuswr j~g iv~c ipAwr bhuq G~t dyKx nUM
imldw hY jdoN ik hr irSqw hI vpwrk hY iksy dy kMm Aw
gey qW vwh vwh, nhIN qW qMU kOx mYN kOx[pr jIvx ie~k klw hY ieh smJ iv~c nhIN Aw irhw[ kI
qusIN ies aupr hor ivsQwr sihq cwnxw pwaux dI Kycl kroNgy[ho skdw hY bhuq swry Awp dy d~sy
hoey qrIky nUM Apnwky Awpxy jIvx nMU klwmeI FMg nwl ijaux dI jugqI is~K lYx[
AmrprIq kOr |
Syr isMG PrWs |
15/02/03 vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ,
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh ..
dws Syr isMG PrWs vloN :
smUh is`K sMgq nMU sMq bwbw jrnYl isMG jI Kwlsw iBMfrw vwilAw dy jnm qy vDweIAw pyS krdy
hw .
Aqy sMqw vlO d`sy mwrg qy c`l ky Awpxy Gr rwj krygw KLwlsw dy sMklp qy jlxY leI Xwd qwjw
krdy hw [
Aqy nwl hI DMn DMn gurU hir rwey swihb jI dy jnm purb dIAw sB sMgqw nMU bhuq bhuq vDweIAw
jwdIAw hn jI .
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ,
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh . |
q s pwblw, XU: ky: |
15/02/03 Dear Editor,
One publication must be mentioned, however, HUM HINDU NAHIN, we are not Hindus, by
Kahan Singh Nabha. He wrote to admonish Sikhs who "although they regard themselves as
Sikhs of the Khalsa accept the Hindu religion".He continued:
This book is restricted to the difference between Hindu tradition and the Khalsa
because our brethren are already aware that they do not belong to other religions. This
much they know,yet they mistakenly regard the Khalsa as a Hindu sect.I am confident that
my erring brethren will return to their own tradition when they read this book. Realizing
that they are indeed the children of Guru Nanak and of all the Ten Gurus they will stand
forth as members of the Khalsa, firmly convinced that we are not HINDUS.
Clearly the issue is one of identity and the survival of Sikhism. Bhai Kahn Singh ends
ironically, after assembling his arguments, mainly in the form of proof texts:
Our country will flourish when people of all religions are loyal to their own
traditions yet willing to accept other religions as members of the same family, when they
recognize that harming one means harming the nation, and when religious differences are no
longer an occasion of discord'
For many Sikhs, intermarriage between Hindus and Sikhs of the same got
is still preferable to a Sikh marriage between different ones. " Roto Beti Da
Sang" remains a popular saying, meaning Hindus and Sikhs eat together and
intermarry", and another commonly heard expressions is "Hindu Sikh Bhai
Bhai". Hindus and Sikhs are brother.
Sikhism's relationship with Hinduism has been of a rather different kind. Guru Nanak
and his successors never denounced Hinduism as such.True, they were strong in their
condemnation of a caste system which left many people, ( NOW IN 20TH CENTURY OUR GURUDUARA
untouchables, without spiritual hope, of the low regard for women, and the concepts of
purity and pollution which provided the rational for these aspects of the religion. Above
all they were critical of the Brahmins who might be said to have operated the system. Yet
one cannot find passages in their compositions which state explicitly or imply that
Hinduism is a false path which leads no where, or that Sikh way has replaced it. Sikh
traditions which is respectful of all faith.
In a part of our evening hymn, Sodar Rahiras, there is a section by Guru Gobind Singh
known as Benati Chaupai. Two lines from it are relevant to the present discussion. They
jiqMdrpwl isMG DwlIvwl, knyfw |
14/02/03 hi, i am from bc
canada. my name is Jatinder Pal Singh Dhaliwal. I didnt see Mr Dalbir Singh .where is he
in these days.
ipAwry DwlIvwl jI, dlbIr isMG nUM
Xwd krn leI DMnvwd[ auh ikqy nhI gey[ ipCly ku`J mhIinAW qoN aunHW dI ingwh kmzor ho rhI
sI ijs krky fwktr dI slwh nwl aunHW nUM AprySn krwauxw ipAw hY[ swfI vwihgurU A`gy Ardws
hY ik auh jldI TIk ho ky swfy leI iPr ilKxw SurU krn[ |
- sMpwdk
hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw |
so, mYN vI AwpxI kwr rok ky ipMRsIpl bI AY~s bwjvw jI
dw lyK "B~jdIAW kwrW ivc guAwcy lok piVHAw[ iek vwrI nhIN, sgoN do-iqMn vwrI[
lyKk ny bhuq hI vDIAw Aqy suc`jy FMg nwl ies lyK ivc pRvwsI izMdgI dI shI qsvIr pyS kIqI
lyK ivc Awpy svwl krny Aqy iPr Awpy auhnHW dy jvwb vI
dyxy Aqy kwivk pMkqIAW lyK dI sMprUnqw drswauNdy hn[ AwiKrly iqMn pYirAw ivc lyKk ny Awpxy
kImqI suJwvW nwl qW kmwl hI kr id`qI[ bwkIey ies lyK pVH ky socx dI loV hY ik AsIN
AwpxI jIvn kwr ikvyN clw rhy hW[ so, mu`kdI g`l ieh lyK sWBxXog Aqy Awp pVHn Aqy horW
pVHwaux dy Xog hY[
ies sB leI lyKk mYN AwstrIAw qoN vDweI Byjdw hW
Aqy DMnvwd krdw hW[ aumId hY ik lyKk Biv`K ivc vI kuJ zrUrI iviSAW bwry lyKW rwhIN Awpxy
kImqI ivcwr sWJy krdw rhygw[
sMpwdk Aqy 5AwbI.kOm dI tIm vI vDweI dy pwqr hn, ijnHW
lyK leI ieMnI FukvIAW qsvIrW lweIAW[
bynqI hY ik ij`Qy rwjnIqI bwry cwr-cwr pMj-pMj lyKkW dy
lyK 5AwbI.kOm qy l`gdy hn, auQy Awm jIvn sMbDI lyK G`toN G`t mhIny ivc iek-do zrUr lwieAw
hrdIp isMG mwn, AwstrIAw |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
iek ^q klpnw nUM
- jnmyjw isMG jOhl
jOhl swhb dI ie`k hor SrDWjlI jo ik ie`k Amr BwrqI dy
nW hY, jdoN ik Bwrq ivc keI klpnw vrgIAW jwnW dw jMmx qoN pihlW hI Bog pw idqw jWdw hY [
kolMbIAw hwdsy qoN Bwrq nUM vI sbk is`Kx dI loV
- hrI jYisMG
kolMbIAw hwdsy qoN AmrIkI qW kuJ is`K lYxgy pr BwrqI qW
Ajy 22 im`g jhwj gvw ky vI nhIN kuJ is`K sky [ pqw nhIN hor ikMny im`g dy pwieltW dIAW
jwnW gvw ky jwrj PrnWfyj dI Awqmw jwgygI ?
pMjwb dw fUMGw huMdw CyvW dirAw
- blqyj pnUM
pMjwb dy pMj dirAw qW vMfy gey, pr CyvW dirAw mlo mlI
pMjwb ivc Awx viVAw[ pqw nhIN kI ho igAw pMjwbIAW dI m`q nUM [ ijDr vyKo , koeI nw koeI
nSw kIqw jw irhw hY [ swry smwgmW ivc, BwvyN auh pirvwrk hox jW srkwrI, Srwb nUM prvwngI
iml cu`kI hY [ ijhVw Srwb nhIN pINdw, aus nUM vI keI qrW dy vlyvyN pw pw ky nwl rlwaux dI
koiSS kIqI jWdI hY , ijvyN ik :-
1. " ijny Srwb nhIN pIqI, auhdI vI koeI ijMdgI
iehnW nUM ieh puCo ik Srwb pI ky qW iehnW SrwbIAW ny
AwpxI ijMdgI qbwh kr leI hoeI hY qy hux dUijAW dIAW ijMdgIAW ip`Cy ikauN h`Q Do ky pey
hoey hn ?
2. " jo Srwb nhIN pIdw, auh vI koeI mrd
BweI swhb, Srwb pI ky in`q lVweIAW, kql qy ryp vrgIAW
GtnwvW huMdIAW hn [ SrwbI nwlIAW sVkW qy pey dyKy gey hn, ij`Qy kuqy, iblIAW auhnW dy mUMh
ctdy Awm dyKy jWdy hn [ kI ieh hI mrdwngI hY , jy hY qW ieh auhnW nUM hI
3. " Srwb pIx nwl AMdrly kIVy mr jWdy hn
kIVy qW mrn nW mrn pr SrwbI zrUr keI qrW dIAW bImwrIAW
shyVdy hoey,mr jWdy hn , jo ik pirvwr vwilAW leI Axigxq muSklW dw kwrn bxdy hn [
4. " Srwb pIx nwl smwijk Gyrw v`Ddw hY
Srwb nhIN, ivAgqIgq KUbIAW nwl smwijk Gyrw v`Ddw hY, jo
ik hr SrwbI ivc nhIN huMdIAW [
5. " Srwb AMimRq hY ............."
Srwb AMimRq nhIN , ie`k zihr hY , jo ik bhuq swry
pirvwrW nUM Kqm kr cu`kw hY qy auh pirvwr rotI tu`k KwxoN vI gey gujry hn [ keI jvwnIAW
ies dI Bytw cV c`ukIAW hn [ pqw nhIN kdoN q`k ieh Srwb ( Sr + Awb, XwnI ik Srwrq nwl BirAw
pwxI ) hor kuJ nhIN , isrP Srwrq nwl BirAw pwxI hY jo ik pI ky cMgy dI QW, mMdy kMm hI
suJdy hn [
iehI hwl bwkI niSAW dw hY [
nSy b`cy ikauN krdy hn ? ies dw kwrn mwipAw vloN nSy
krny jW b`icAw dw glq sMgq ivc pY jwxw huMdw hY [ b`icAW dy dosq vI nSw krn qy PokI vwh
vwh krdy hn qW ik b`cw smJy ik auh pqw nhIN ikMnw 'mhwn' kMm kr irhw hY , jo ik bwAd ivc
pqw lgdw hY ik auh glq rwh qy cl irhw hY [ so swry mwipAW nUM pihlW Awp Srwb C`f dyxI
cwhIdI hY qy b`icAw dw smu`cw mwrg-drSn krnw cwhIdw hY qW ik auh iksy dI c`uk Awid ivc Aw
ky Srwb dw syvn nW krn lg pYx [
ies sB qoN aupr swry vIrW BYxW nUM gurU dy lV lg ky
AMimRq sMcwr kr lYxw cwhIdw hY qW ik auhnW dw qy auhnW dy b`icAW dw Srwb vrgI kurIqI qoN
bcw ho sky [
vwihgurU sB qy imhr kry [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
jsivMdr isMG, lMfn |
13/02/03 Hello,
First of all I thank you for doing a very big favour to our panjabi community by
putting 5abi.com on line. I go to your website everyday. I specially liked 'Katha JapuJi
Sahib' by Giani Sant Singh Maskeen ji.
Thanks a lot
Jaswinder Singh (London) |
ieMdr isMG |
Kalpna ne bahot wada kam kita hai !!!
Kalpna chawla ta mahan hai !!!!
Sanoo kalpna te Maine hai !!
Inder singh !!! |
lvdIp isMG, spyn |
11/02/03 hello
i am lovedeep singh from spain.i like your newspaper very much.
itNkw-bwlIAW, nwrvy |
10/02/03 siqkwr Xog sMpwdk jI,
gurU Piqh pRvwn hovy,
jgdIS isMG jI jrmnI dw Kq jo ik R.S.S.dy muKI Sudrsn nUM shI juvwb
hY, pV ky mn nUM bhuq SwqI imlI, aumId hY ik BivK ivc vI r.s.s nUM Aijhy jvwb imldy
rihxgy, kuJ idn hoey hn BweI gurmIq isMG horw dw Kq pVn nUM imilAw, dys prdys ivc auhnw
iliKAw ik hirmMdr swihb AMdr AOrqw nMU kIrqn vwly pwsy bYTx dI iejwzq nhI,
2, AOrqw nMU drbwr swihb vwly pivqr AsQwn nMU AimRq
vyly Dox dI vI iejwzq nhI,
3 gurU swihbwn nMU jdo son pwlkI ivc iljwieAw jwdW hY,
hjwrw SrdwlU ies smy pivqr pwlkI nMU moFw dyx leI kqwrW ivc KVy hMudy hn, pr AOrqw nMU ies
pwvn rsm ivc Swml hOx dI AwigAw nhI,
jykr ieh sB kuJ scweI hY qW ikQy hn swfy gurU dy Sbd.
so ikau mMdw AwKIAY.........
jW iPr
mwxs kI jwiq...
mY bhuq DMnvwdI hovwgW jykr koeI myrw vIr ies bwry QoVw
Kul ky jvwb dy sky ,ik ieh sB ikau kIqw jwdw hY,
Bul cuk dI mwPI,
itNkw-bwlIAW, nwrvy |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
klpnw cwvlw dI ismRqI ivc
(BrUx-Gwq dy sMklp hyqU)
- krnYl isMG igAwnI- i&lwfYl&IAw
ies kivqw ivc klpnw dI AwV ivc BrUx hiqAw dI inKyDI
kIqI geI hY jo ik slwhuxXog hY [ klpnw ny bhuq qyj qrIky nwl ijMdgI jIvI , ijvyN pRmwqmw
ny aus leI G`t aumr hI ilKI hoeI sI [ so ieqnI CotI aumr ivc klpnw ny AwpxIAW klpnwvW nUM
pw ilAw qy swnUM sdw leI ivdw kih geI [
klpnw dI mOq Stl dI murmMq ivc gVbVI vI smJI jw rhI hY
[ nwsw dy aunW ieMjInIArW nUM bdl idqw igAw , ijnW ny murmMq dw bjt vDwaux leI bynqI kIqI
sI qy bjt dI ktOqI 7 AmulIAW jwnW dI mOq dw kwrn bxI [ iknW cMgw huMdw ik shI mOky qy Stl
dI loVINdI murmMq kIqI jWdI qy ieh hwdsw twilAw jw skdw sI [ kI AmrIkn srkwr Stl ivc mwry
gey swieMsdwnW dy pirvwrW nUM FukvW muAwvjw dyvygI ? bySk ieh muAwvjw aunW dI Gwt pUrI
nhIN kr skdw , pr iPr vI kuJ ku Awsrw qW dyvygw hI [
kOmWqrI/ivSv mW bolI idvs
21 PrvrI nUM mnwey jw rhy mW-bolI idvs ivc swry
pMjwbIAW nUM v`D cV ky ihsw lYxw cwhIdw hY qy ies mOky swry sONh Kwx ik AwpxI qy Awpxy
bicAW dI ijMdgI Br mW-bolI ivc syvw krngy, ies dy nwl nwl AWFIAW-guAWFIAW nUM ies bwry
pryrnw dyxgy qW ik ieh idvs shI qOr qy Cwp swfy idlW ivc Cf ky jwey [ sMswr Br dy lok Awpo
AwpxI mW-bolI dI kdr krdy hn pr pMjwbIAW leI pMjwbI ivc kMm krnw ie`k pCVyvW ijhw lgdw hY
jo ik hor kuJ nhIN shI soc dI Gwt hI hY [
so AwE doglw px Cfdy hoey AsIN swry pMjwbI nwl juVIey
qy SurU ivc AwpsI eI-myl jW pqr ivhwr AMgryjI dI QW pMjwbI ivc hI krIey [
vwihgurU sB qy imhr kry [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
suKpwlvIr iMsMG |
No, game is still on d way. The present culprit was an essential part
of the game for the last 12 years whose justification is no more needed now in this dirty
play. The monkey among cats had distributed ( and disrtibuting ) successfully d black
water. However both d cats understood long back, but one has been under direct grip &
other under indirect (loud speaker of d monkey) grip. Now better to say time is over for
the cats to get rid of the monkey untill d last piece of bread.
So, The game will be on untill the last sip of black water.
Sukhpal Vir Singh |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
06/02/03 jgdIS isMG jrmnI dy pqr dy sMdrB ivc mYN kihxw cwhuMdw hW ik
ienW Awr Awr AYs vwilAW ny qW sONh Kw r`KI hY ik koeI vI mOkw KwlI nhIN jwx dyxw jdoN is`K
Drm dI hoNd nUM koeI vMgwr nw pweI jwvy pr ienW dw mUMh qoV jvwb vI dyxw bxdw hY ijs
Anuswr jgdIS isMG jrmnI dw pqr bhuq Fukdw hY [
sudrSn jI ny ihMdUAW dw is`KW qy glbw pwaux dI koiSS
kIqI hY ijs ivc auh kdI vI kwmXwb nhIN ho skdy, pr Aijhw auh bwr bwr krdy hn, krngy qy
krdy rihxgy [ aunW nUM ieh jwx lYxw cwhIdw hY ik is`K ie`k v`K qy ivlKx kOm hY, ijs ivc
koeI vI imlgoBw nhIN kIqw jw skdw [ so aunW nUM cwhIdw hY iks is`K Drm bwry AjIb AjIb
ibAwn dyx dI jgwh auh Awpxy Drm bwry kuJ socx qW ik ies ivclIAW kmIAW dUr kIqIAW jw skx [
is`K sMgq nUM vI Aijhy by-isr pYr vwly ibAwnW bwry sKq
pRqI-ikirAw Awpo Awpxy nyVly AKbwrW ivc dyxI cwhIdI hY qW ik bwkI lok ies bwry jwgrq ho
skx [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
fw: sqivMdr s mwn, AmrIkw |
06/02/03 Dear Writer,
I read your article about the polite situation /phase through which our own Tung (Mother
Language) in which we started learning 1st word when our own maternal mother gave swings
in her warmst hands with full love. The only root cause of this problem is the influence
of western culture on our Punjab & Punjabis' in and out of the country. Who else is
responsible is our Folk singers who have no love for the oldies(Punjabi songs) . It is the
denudation of our culture & society as a whole.
Last but not the least, we need to blame ourselves who have gone astray from our holy
scriptures which tells us how to live life like a warrier in the battlefield. That
battlefield is our own mind. Guru Nanak Dev ji says ' Man Jette Jag Jeet"
Like to read more articles like this one so that we can bring our next generation back
on track,
Sat Shri Akal ji.
DR. Satwinder S.Mann |
suKpwlvIr isMG, kuvYq |
Dear Bajwa Sahib,
I feel your mind is running more fast than your cars, as you have sucessfully made a halt
to the minds of their drivers.
We also here in arabs are the patients of the same illness. Even we are earning good
money, having nice bank balance, full tanks of pertols, best cloths to wear, best thing to
eat, best moovies to watch ..... but, but we had lost our culture. ( I think for ever )
You people ( canadians / americans ) looks like more helpless.
Anyway, accept my conratulations to keep us reminding about our real goal of life rather
than to get lost in this materialised world.
Sukhpal Vir Singh - Kuwait |
siqnwm isMG (sivtzrlYNf) |
04/02/03 vwikAw hI iksy ny TIk hI ikhw hY ky isKW nUM sB kuJ Kqm hox qoN
bwAd hI smJ AwauNdI hY[
ijs qrW iek vwr kuJ lutyry bYNk lutx pY gey auhnW ny
pihlW iek ihMdU Brw dy golI mwr ky aus dI h~iqAw kr idqI, iesy pRkwr bwAd iv~c iek
muslmwn Brw dI h~iqAw kr idqI, iPr lutyirAW ny AwpxI bMdUk dI nok ie~k srdwr v~l
isDI kIqI, b~s nok isDI huMidAW hIN srdwr jI boly, Brwvo mYnUM pihlW golI nW mwro blik
myry pMj s~q GsuMn mwro, srdwr jI dI ieCw muqwbk lutyirAW AYsw hI kIqw b~s iPr kI sI jd
pMj GsuMn srdwr jI dy v~j gey srdwr jI ny AwpxI bukl ivcoN ipsqOl k~iFAw qy swry lutyry
icq kr idqy[ bYNk dy krmcwrIAW qy bwkI lokW ny srdwr jI nUM puiCAw ky isMG swihb jI ieh
kMm pihlW hI kr idMdy ieh bydoS lokW dI jwn bc jWdI, pr srdwr jI kihx l~gy ky swnUM bwAd
hI pqw lgdw hY, mYMnU myry pMj s~q GsuMn v~jx qoN bwAd hI smJ AweI hY[
so swfy bfUMgr swihb jI dw vI kuJ AYsw hI hwl hY, jd
ibl kilMtn AmrIkw dw pRDwn sI qd qy qusW auhnUM AMimRqsr bulwieAw nhI, swrw Pwiedw dujIAW
stytW vwly lY gey qy hux kilMtn koloN kI lYxw hY[kilMtn qy hux c~ly kwrqUs dy brwbr hY[ies
krky bfUMgr sihb smW dyK ky c~lo A~j k~l ausy dw hI vkq hY jo smW dyK ky c~ldw hY[
BulW dI iKmW[
siqnwm isMG(sivtzrlYNf) |
inrvYru isMG AimRqsrIAw, knyfw |
04/02/03 siqkwr Xog sMpwdk jIau
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh
quhwfI ieh vYbsweIt buhq hI cMgI hY [ ies qo bhuq kuJ
is~Kx imldw hY[
inrvYru isMG AimRqsrIAw, knyfw |
mihMdr isMG |
sat sari akal
it is big shock ,but kalpana died like a hero .she will stay always a big example for
our indian young girls.condolences to chawla family ,all the indian community in the world
share their pain
mohinder singh |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
04/02/03 klpnw cwvlw,
qYnUM slwm,
qyry qy sm`ucy Bwrq nUM hmySw mwx rhygw [
kwS ! qUM ijMdw rihMdI qy bhuq kuC hor kr ivKwauNdI !
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
gurSrn jIq kOr jwpwn |
04/02/03 gurU Pqih jI AwpjI dI ieh swiet swnMU bhuq hI cMgI lgdI hY scy
pwqSwh AwpjI nMU cVdI klW bKSy.
gurSrn jIq kOr jwpwn. |
jgdIS isMG jrmnI |
03/02/03 siqkwr Xog
sMpwdk jIau
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh
Awr AYs`` AYs`` dy mu``KI vlo idqw
ibAwn ik is``K ihMdUAW dw ihsw hn sudrSn jI qusI is``K ieiqhws nMU pUrI qrHw piVHAW hI
nw hm ihMdU n muslmwn (BYrau
m: 5, pMnw 1136)
is``K ie``k vK``rI kOm hY ,is``KW dw AwpxW ieiqhws hY,
is``KW dW AwpxW klcr hY Aqy rIqI rvwj, bolI vI vK``rI hY[ is``K nw ihMdU hn nw ihMdUAW dw
inrxw :- gurmiq Aqy ihMdUmq
1. mMglwcrn
is``KW dw
ihMduAW dw
< siqgur pRSwid]
EAM, sRI gxYSwX nmh
2. imlx vyly
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ]
rwm rwm Aqy nmsqy
vwihgurU jI kI Pqih ]
3. Drm gMRQ
sRI gurU gMRQ swihb jI]
4. mMdr
5.pUjn dI idSw
cwry idSW iekswr
pUrb vl
6. ieSnwn
AMimRq vyly
sUrj cVHn vyly
7. sMskwr :
AMimRq Ckxw
jnyaU Aqy mUMfn
8.ivvwh :
cwr lwvw (Pyry )
sq Pyry AgnI duAwly
sRI gurU gMQ dy duAwly
9. idn iqaUhwr :
jnm AStmI ,rwmnomI Awidk
10. pRSwid Bytw
kVwh pRSwid
cUrmw, l`fU ,Pl Awidkw
sudrSn jI, is`Kw dI AwpxI vK`rI pihCwx hY[ glq ibAwn
bwjI nw kro[ is`K ieiqhws nMU cMgI qrHw pVo [ is`Kw dy jnm qo ly ky mrn q`k dy sMskwr
vK`ry hn[ jykr iPr vI pqw nw lgy qw ikrpw krky is`K ieiqhws dy ivdvwn BweI kwhn isMG jI
nwBw vwilAW dI ikqwb jrUr pVHnw [
ikqwb dw nwm hY hm ihMdU nhI [ hjwrw sbuq hn bs quhwnMU
isrP aupr il`Ky 10 hI gurmiq dy sbUq kwPI hn[
jgdIS isMG jrmnI |
fw:gurimMdr is`D, (pMjwb), Bwrq |
02/02/03 klpnw cwvlw dI duKdweI ^br byh`d audws krn vwlI hY..s`c qW ieh
hY ik ausy vyly mYN AwpxI bytI idldIp nUM d`s rhI sI ik iksy ny bxnw hY qW klpnw cwvlw
vrgw bxy...ausy vyly dUjy kmry iv`c l`gy tI vI qoN ies mwVy hwdsy dI knso ijhI AweI qW
AsIN Ptw Pt au`T ky aDr geIAW..pihlW qW AsIN sMnwty ijhy iv`c Aw geIAW..iPr idldIp
bolI.."mMmI hux kI kihMdy E?"
mYN ikhw,"Xyh jwn qo AwnI jwnI hY, ies jwn kI koeI bwq nhIN
ijs Dj sy koeI mkql myN gXw ,vo Swn slwmq rihqI hY"
byS`k Swier ny eyfw ^UbsUrq iSAr iksy hor sMdrB iv`c iliKAw hovy pr ijhVI Swn nwl auh geI
hY aus 'qy swnUM ,swry Bwrq nUM mwx hY byS`k AsIN hMJUAW nwl iB`jy pey hW[
fw:gurimMdr is`D, (pMjwb), Bwrq |
suKivMdr, AstRylIAw |
31/01/03 Hello All
Sikhs are legally allowed to wear Kirpan. Please see the Legislation. Thanks for Bawa
Singh Ji.
Sukhvinder |
jsdIp kOr ig`l, XU: ky: |
31/01/03 hello editor sahib,
i have looked through your website. it 's really amazing!!! i'm from leicester in the
uk. i am in school at the moment in my punjabi class. there are 25 students in my panjabi
class!! we are all doing our GCSE's this year in panjabi. i enjoyed your stories on Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.we are all presently going on your website. we are learning about media
in panjabi. our teacher told us about your website!!! i think you should put abit more
information on what happens to the sikhs and why they are killed evey day. E.G the fact
that murders of many sikh were freed by the indian government and sonia gandhi had a
party, which is a direct stab in the back of the sikh faith!!! our people and youth should
be informed about these types of news.. our youth now adays should be educated about our
past and they should be proud of their religion and their language. i hope what i have
said does not affend anyone. this week i'm startin a class on sikh history, thanks to the
help of my panjabi teacher, Mrs Kaur! i hope it will be sucessful.
To The Grace Of The Guru
with love
jasdeep kaur gill |
gurU nwnk is~K soswietI |
30/01/03 smUhk rUp iv~c dunIAW Br dy swry dySW iv~c vsdy i~s~KW nUM bynqI
kIqI jWdI hY ik ijs ijs dyS iv~c srkwrI qOr qy ikrpwn Aqy dsqwr dI kMm aupr Aqy skUl i~vc
pVHweI vyly pwaux dI iejwjq hY,auhnW srkwrI dsqWvyjW dIAW Poto kwpIAW imhrbwnI krky
ieMtrnY~t qy cVHw id~qIAW jwx qW ik bwkI dy dySW dy is~K auhnW dI shwieqw nwl Awpo AwpxI
srkwr pwsoN ieho ijhI shUlq pwRpq kr skx [bhuiqAW dySW iv~c b~cy skUlW iv~c dsqwr jW ptkw
bMn ky nhIN jw skdy [mW-bwp nMU bVI muSkl dw swhmxw krnw pY irhw hY [isdkI mW-bwp qW koeI
h~l l~B hI lYNdy hn pr dUsry ivcwry jW qW kys ktvw idMdy hn jW iPr ip~Cy nUM vwl su~t ky
bicAW nMU skUl Byjdy hn[iesy qrHW ikrpwn dw mslw drpyS hY [jdoN pulIs ikqy cY~k kr lYNdI
hY qW auqrvw lYNdI hY [so jldI qoN jldI ies bynqI v~l iDAwn dyx dI ikrpwlqw krnI[
gurU nwnk is~K soswietI |
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw |
30/01/03 Dear readers as we
all aware of the death sentence of Prof.Davinderpal singh Bhullar,I wonder no readers have
said anything about this unjustified death sentence of Mr Singh,As in old days like our
heros like Sardar Bhagat singh,was killed by british with the conscent of the thanHindu
leaders,and now Mr Davinderpal singh bhullar going to kill with the consents of of Akali
leaders,Except S.Simernjit Singh Mann no other leaders raise any voice against this
unjustice,hereby I am requesting all the so called leaders,S.Blawant Singh
Ramoowalia,S.Parkash singh Badal,S.Jagmit singh Brar,to bring the case to parliament and
ask under what rule they handover the death sentence to Mr Bhullar as their own law saying
that death sentence not applied to accused unless victim in question got killed,
once again I request to everyone to send petition to President of india,so Mr singh can
get fair trial,
Inderjit Singh Rana(Calgary Canada) |
SmSyr isMG , PrWs |
27/01/03vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ,
vwihgurU jI kI Piqh[
bwbw dIp isMG jI dy jnm idhwVy qy swirAW nMU l`K l`K
SmSyr isMG , PrWs |
rwjw iF`lo, pMjwb nOjvwn kl`b, hWg kWg |
Parnam sheeda nu on the Republic day
- From:Raja Dhillon & Punjab Youth Club(Hong Kong) |
hrimMdr isMG ig`l, AmrIkw |
Hi Editor Sahib
Thanks for publishing the story related to NRI's. Baltej Pannu is a serious writer and
is always writing on current problems with politics or with in the system. There is no
doubt about it, that any body or even NRI Sabha has done anything genuinly to understand
or to solve the problems of NRI's effectively. But I guess one name Balwant Singh
Ramoowalia member Minorty Comission and President of Lok Bhalai Party would be worth
mentioning in in dealing with problems at the Delhi airport, dealing with girls married to
NRI's and Punjabi boys rottening in different jails in various countries or for boys who
lost their lives in unknown waters. It may not be enough, but atleast a step toward right
direction? Is this is not responsibility of the writer to mention unbiased views about the
Chardi Kala.
Harminder Singh Gill
Union City, CA
pRBjoq isMG ig`l |
25/01/03 you guys are
running soo beautiful and pure punjabi site so if you don't mind you need to improve the
Saptahik Tasveer section bcoz they r so simple and meaning less
.this is just for the
improvement of the site
.upload photos showing and that spread the teaching of
punjabi culture so that our new generations living abroad get to know their culture ,
tradition and values
Prabhjot Singh Gill |
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivtzrlYNf |
24/01/03 sMpwdk jI,
quhwfw mnorQ pVHidAW hI AwpxI BwSw qy kuJ mwx ijhw hox
l`g pYNdw hY[ mn iv`c keI iksm dy svwl auT`dy hn ik AwKr pMjwbI dw ieh hwl ikE? fw.
gurimMdr kOr is`DU jI ny qW lwjvwb hI kr CifAw hY [ ieho ijhI pukwr qW byKufrW dy idlW
BI mom kr skdI hY[ BwvyN ieh lyK (rcnw) bhuq hI ivAMgmeI FMg nwl iliKAw igAw hY,
lyikn pVn qoN bwAd mn dI dSw mwXUsI vwlI hoxI suBwivk hI hyY[ fw. is`DU jI ies lyK leI
vDweI dy pwqr hn Aqy Aws krdy hW ik ieh ie`k lyK ilKky hI Awpxw Prz pUrw nW smJx, pYNfw
bhuq lMbw hY, pMjwbI BwSw iv`c D``VkdIAW ijMdW leI hor sm`grI dI loV hY[ ienW A``gy hor
syvw leI bynqI kIqI jWdI hY[
lyikn svwl jo qusIN bVI sdBwvnw nwl A`gy iljw rhy ho, pMjwbI
dI pMjwb iv`c hI ieh durdSw ikE? pwTkW vloN ies gMBIr ivSy bwry loVINdw swQ nhIN
id`qw igAw[ so ies AKbwr dy rozwnw pwTkW Aqy sUJvwn buDIjIvINAW dy duAwry bynqI hY peI hr
koeI Awpxy ivcwr ilKo ik ies BwSw dI sQIqI eynI gMBIr hox dy kI kwrx ho skdy hn? qy nwl hI
ikRpw krky Awpxy suJwA BI ilKo[ ikEik hr ie`k ibmwrI (muSikl) sulJwx qoN pihlW aus
dy kwrnW dw pqw lgwieAw jwxw bhuq jrUrI huMdw hY[ nhIN qW hnyry iv`c t`krW mwrky hI smW
brbwd huMdw jwvygw[ so AweIey swry rlky kwrxW dw pqw lgweIey, ies iv`c sMpwdk bldyv kMdolw
jI vI Swml hoxw cwhIdw hY qW jo svwlW dy nwl nwl, kwrx Aqy h`l l`Bx iv`c vI Awpxw
bhumu`lw Xogdwn pwaux[
myry muqwbk pMjwbI dI hIxqw dy hyT ilKy kwrx ho skdy
1. pMjwb dy AwriQ`k hwlwq,
2. BirS`TwcwrI rwjnIqI, pMjwb isiKAw ivBwg Aqy srkwrI
skUlW dw mwVw hwl,
3. APsrSwhI vloN dUjIAW BwSwvW mhwnqw (ikauik
aunW dI pbilk skUl dI pVHweI huMdI hY) Aqy pVy-ilKy hox dI inSwnI (lok idKwvw),
4. srkwrI skUlW dy pVy ividAwrQIAW dw DuMdlw Biv`K
(au`cIAW klwsW dIAW pVHweIAW Aksr AMgryjI iv`c),
5. pMjwbI dy Awpxy ivAwkrx Aqy SbdkoS dI Gwt,
6. pRdysI (dysI) pMjwbIAW vloN pMjwbI dI durvrqoN
(forW, ivMfoNAW, roVW Awidk dI vrqoN)[
so jdoN srkwrI skUlW dy pVHy Aqy pMjwbI (Awrts) dy
ifgrI pRwpq nOjvwnW in`jI jW srkwrI Kyqr iv`c sPlqw imlx l`g peI qW smJo pMjwb iv`c
isrP pMjwbI hI Kqrw nhIN rhygw sgoN bhuq swrIAW smwijk burweINAW ijvyN nOjvwn pIVHI
dw nSw, dhyz dI lwhnq, ikswnw vloN KudkSI, Awid dw BI AMq Awpxy Awp hI ho jwvygw[
Bu`lI cu`kI dw iKmW dw jwck hW[
ArivMdr isMG bfvwl, sivtzrlYNf |
gurU nwnk is`K soswietI |
hIlw vsIlw
vIr isDU dmdmI dw lyK ij~Qy jwxkwrI BrpUr hY auQy ibnW
S~k idl nUM DU pwaux vwlw vI hY[ inlwm hox l~gy ipMf pMjwb dy ivc lyKk ny pMjwb dI inGrdI
hwlq dw ijkr bVy suc~jy FMg nwl kIqw hY [AwriQk hwlq dw sbMD rwjnIqk AvsQw nwl Aqu~t huMdw
hY [A~j dw inGwr BwrqI lokqMqr dw AslI mMUh-mhWdrw pyS krdw hY[ pr ies qrHW dUsirAW qy
dUSx-bwjI lwieAW vI muSkl dw h~l nhIN inkldw[ "audm A~gy l~CmI, p~Ky A~gy pOx"
dI khwvq Anuswr h~Q ihlwieAW hI kuJ bnxw hY[ ieh ie~k bhuq v~fI muihMm hY[ swry rl iml ky
Xogdwn pweIey qW kuJ vI AsMBv nhIN huMdw [ kuJ suJwA hn Swied kwrgr swbq ho skx:-
1. CotI ikswnI dI QW sWJI KyqI ArMBI jwvy[
2. KyqI nUM pMjwb dy pOx-pwxI Anuswr qrjIh id~qI jwvy,
Bwv cOlW dI pYdwvwr nMU isrP GrylU loV q~k hI sImq kr id~qw jwey[ ikauNik cOl grm Aqy
islHy jlvwXU dI Psl hox krky pMjwb leI bhuq mihMgI pYNdI hY[ nihrI jW jmIn ivclw pwxI ies
vwsqy kwPI nhIN hY[ so cOlW nMU vpwrk Psl vjoN kwSq krnw TIk nhIN hY[
3. sbjIAW dI kwSq nUM auqSwihq kIqw jwvy[ ies dI aupj
nUM prvwsI pMjwbIAW dI shwieqw nwl dusirAW dySW iv~c vyicAw jwvy[ ies nwl rujgwr dy swDn
pYdw hoxgy[ AsIN pMjwbI jykr bwhrly mulkW iv~c pSUAW dI , murgIAW dI , sUrW Awid dI dyK
Bwl kr skdy hW qW pMjwb iv~c rih ky Awpxy mW-bwp dy ipAwr dw AnMd mwxdy hoey ieh kMm ikauN
nhIN kr skWgy[
4. PlW dI kwSQ vDweI jwvy[ iehnW dw rs kFky bzwr iv~c
vyicAw jwvy[ PlW dI pYikMg dw kMm SurU krn nwl vI Awmdn Aqy rujgwr iv~c vwDw kIqw jw skdw
hY [
5. sYlwnI kyNdr Kohly jwx nwl Awmdn Aqy rujgwr iv~c
coKw vwDw ho skdw hY [ pr ieh sB kuJ krwmwqI FMg nwl nhIN hoxw[ ies vwsqy swDn jutwxy
pYxgy [ prvwsI pMjwbI jo AwpxI imhnq sdkw mwlo mwl ho cu~ky hn iehnW Coty pYmwny dy rujgwr
swDnW vwsqy pYsw jutw ky iehnW Awpxy vIrW dI m~dd kr skdy hn[
6. ies qoN ielwvw hor vI bhuq swry GrylU audXog hn
ijhnW dI m~dd nwl grIbI qoN Cutkwrw pwieAw jw skdw hY [ ijvyN fyArI Pwrm, Sihd Aqy rySm
dIAW m~KIAW pwlxw Awid[
is~DuU vIr jI kI qusIN ieho ijhI grWaUf iqAwr krn iv~c
mdd kr skdy ho ijs sdkw ieho ijhw kMm sihkwrI sBwvW duAwrw SurU ho skx [ jykr koeI
ipMf ieh pySkS kry ik AsIN ieh kMm krn leI iqAwr hW qW mwiek p~KoN pYsw lwaux vwsqy vI
koeI rihm idl inqr hI peygw[ g~l kMm SurU hox dI hY iPr bwkI rIso rIs ~gfI Awpy hI irV
pYNdI hY[
bynqI kIqI jWdI hY ik AwE iek~Ty ho ky ivcwrW krky ies
kMm nUM isry cVHw ky pMjwb nUM dunIAW iv~c nMbr iek qy lY AweIey [iesy iv~c hI swfI sB dI
ie~jq hY[ |
gurU nwnk is`K soswietI |
22/01/03 ienswP
BweI divMdr isMG dI PWsI dI Kbr bySk duKdweI hY pr ieh
is~KW dI gulwmI dI pRqIk
hY[jykr Ajy vI AsIN Awpxy Awp nUM bVI Swn nwl BwrqI AKvw ky auhnHW dIAW AMbYsIAW A~gy ros
mujwhry hI krI gey qW kuJ vI pwRpq nhIN hox l~gw [hux loV hY ie~kTy ho ky XOrpIAn
pwrlImYNt jW XU.A~Yn.E.iv~c jw ky duhweI pwaux dI [BwrqI rwStrpqI jW AMbYsIAW sB swfy
vwsqy byPjUl hn[iehnW qoN ienswP dI Aws krnW bVI v~fI mUrKqw hY [ |
jgdIS isMG, jrmnI |
20/01/03 is``K kOm leI bVI KuSI Aqy mwx vwlI gl hY ik Akwl q^q dy jQydwr
isMG sihbwn jI ny nwnkSwhI kYlMfr nMU pRvwngI idqI hY[ ijQyy is``K kOm dI v``KrI pihcwx hY
auQy i`````s`K kOm leI v``Kry kYMlfr dI vI jrUrq sI
jgdIS isMG, jrmnI |
rxvIr isMG shoqw, hWg kWg |
18/01/03 Dear Readers,
Sat Sari Akaal
In reference to Sardar Inderjeet Singh Rana's (Canada) praise of V.P.Singh's clean
image in an otherwise corrupt country, I would like to share some bitter experiences of
his regime. During the elections which sent Mr. V.P.Singh to power in central government-I
was a university student and campaigned heavily in Mr Singh's support primarily because of
two reasons:
1. He was the one who had blown the trumpet and revealed the Bofors Kickbacks during
Congress rule
2. He had vigorously campaigned to bring down the voting age from 21 years to 18 years
making all of us eligible to vote for the first time.
College going students were thus main supporters of his party and voted heavily to sway
the power away from Congress towards Janta Dal. Little did we realise that the dreams of
change are to be short-lived. Mr V.P.Singh's decision to implement Mandal Commission's
report (on reservation policy) was a slap on the face of all students. Opposition by
students was natural and swift.
Mr Singh who was considered a seasoned politician was however surrounded by cronies and
ultimately ordered the administration to use heavy handed tactics to clamp down on (till
then) peaceful student demonstrations which were at the time limited to New Delhi. Soon
the whole country was engulfed in fire, students retaliated by nationwide campus strikes
and finally included extreme measures such as self-immolation to get themselves heard. The
police was again given free hand to stop the students at any cost and the result was the
division of the whole Indian community in pro and anti reservation camps. The Bahujan
Samaj Party and the Communists were quick to take advantage of the situation and organized
pro-reservation rallies pitting the so called low castes against the supposedly high caste
General category. No one really understood that what we (the students of that time) were
demanding was:
1. The criteria for reservation to be economic rather than caste (for e.g. a poor
Jat/Brahmin/Baniya to also be considered for reservation rather than super rich low caste
2. The education (including books, uniform & other materials) should be provided free
to deserving low caste students but when applying for university places/jobs everyone to
gain access on merit.
Needless to say the calls were ignored. Lot of students died in police firings allover
India. Much to our joy Mr V.P.Singh's government came down but the issue is still dragging
on with various political parties cashing in on the vote bank of reservation class. The
general category students either had to pay hefty sums to the corrupt petty
officers/politicians to get on to the job ladder or simply leave the country for greener
pastures abroad.
Ranveer Singh Sahota
Hong Kong |
kyhr huiSAwrpurI |
18/01/03 I like the article
"sada manorth". God give you more power to write this kind of stuff. We are
sorry that we could not write in punjabi beacuse we do not have the font. |
pirqpwl isMG ibMdrw |
18/01/03 Nanak Shahi
It is indeed the most sensible news for the Sikh Jagat. This was a big ploy in the hands
of anti-Sikh elements to bequeath the Brahminical criteria to eliminate the autonomous
religiosity of the Sikhs. This is the first serious attempt to endow them, the Sikhs, an
independent identity. And we must confess that the credit for this magnanimous step
forward goes to Singh Sahib Bhai Joginder Singh Vedanti. His subtle and decelerated
attitude has mostly been misconstrued as his weakness in handling the situation,
including by the undersigned. But it is proving other way around and I hope he will, in
his own stride, definitely take proper steps to eliminate the inconsistencies being
implanted in the Sikh History and Scripture.
Jathedar Bhai Joginder Singh does deserves overwhelming congratulations from all the
Sikh Jagat and, I plead, all of us who have facility of Internet, will drop a few lines at
the following email to encourage Singh Sahib to move forward even more enthusiastically: sgpc@vsnl.com
Pritpal Singh Bindra |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
iek iGnwauxw skYNfl, 'gurdw kWf'
- blqyj pnUM
mu`K mMqrI AmirMdr isMG leI ie`k hor cunOqI [ gurdw
skYNfl [ ies kWf dI fUMGI jWc krvwauxI vI bhuq jrUrI hY qW ik mwsUm lokW dI ijMdgI nwl
iKlvwV krn vwly smwj ivroDI AnsrW nUM sKq qoN sKq sjw idqI jw sky [
ikqy Aijhw nw hovy ik rwjy dy cmcy hI ies kWf dy doiSAW
qoN mwl Ck jwx qy rwjy nUM glq slwh dy dyx , ijs nwl ksUrvwr fwktrW nUM sjw nw iml sky [
Aws krdy hW ik rwjw ies vwr vI sKqI nwl pyS Aw ky kWgrs dw Aks hor vI suDwrygw [
kuJ-kuJ ptVIey cVHn l`gI hY bwdl dl dI g`fI
-SMgwrw isMG Bu`lr
bwdl dI gufI cVwx ivc rwjy dw vI kuJ h`Q hY [ rwjw swry srkwrI qy nIm srkwrI mulwjmW nwl
pMgw lY irhw hY qy ies nwl swirAW ivc ros v`Ddw jw irhw hY [ ikswn v`K prySwn hn ijnW nUM
gMny dI AdwiegI Psl vycx qoN ie`k bwd vI nhIN hoeI, bhwnw ieh hY ik KMf imlW dI KMf nhIN
iv`k rhI [ ies ivc ikswnW dw kI ksUr hY ? ie`k pwsy KMf dy BMfwr Bry pey hn, dUjy pwsy ies
dI kImq bjwr ivc bhuq ijAwdw hY [ jy kImq G`t kr idqI jwvy qW KMf dI ivkrI v`D skdI hY [
auDr bwdl vI mOky dI qlwS ivc hY ik kdoN mOkw imly qy kWgrs dw qvw lgwieAw jw sky [ jy
ikqy tOhVw bwdl nwl iml jwvy qW hI kWgrs dw mukwblw kIqw jw skdw hY pr bwdl tOhVw ivcoN
koeI vI Jukxw nhIN cwhuMdw [ lokW nUM qW suDwr dI loV hY, koeI pwrtI vI kr ky ivKwey qy
swry ies dw svwgq krngy [
in`kU qy ik`kU
-jnmyjw isMG jOhl
ies in`kI khwxI ivc lyKk ny Gr ivc vwprI Gtnw ibAwn
kIqI hY jo ik ienswnI dirAw-idlI qy ipAwr dw sunyhw hY [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
sqivMdrjIq isMG |
17/01/03 siq sRI Ek`l
pM�jwbI ipAwirAw
hr roj qkrIbn iBRStwcwr bwryy pVHn bh�q imldw[
pr koeI Tos jW srl mwrg drSn isrP ilKqw rwhI inkldw idsdw nhI] swfw ieh suBwA bx igAw hY
ik k���D qy iliKAw pVHnw hI nhI[ soy Aml dI qw Aws hI nhI kIqI jw skdI[
nOjvwn pI�VI niSAw cH f��bdI jw rhI hY]
Agr AsI BivK leI iPkr m�d hNw qw s`cmuc Gro-GrI jw ky
rwbqw pyYdw krnw pvygw]
Few days back there was a news about Punjabi should be studied from first standard or
later, I am fully supported in views to start Punjabi from first stander, otherwise if we
can develop our own terminology in Science like Korea, Japan, Chinese.
Satwinder Jit Singh |
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw
pRclq lok AKwx ''sO iv`coN niVHnvyN
byeImwn iPr vI myrw Bwrq mhwn'' koeI AiqkQnI nhIN hY[
srvivAwpI iBRStwcwr dy bwvjUd ies mhwn dyS iv`c hwly vI
vI�pI� is�G vrgy sv`C rwjnIqIvwn, jrnilst hrI jYis�G dIAW no mweIlwrf vrgIAW KrIAW
KrIAW Aqy mOjUdw gvrnr jYkb swihb dy ivDwnk muKI vjoN rwj dy jnsDwrn nwl lgwqwr rwbqw r`Kx
dI rucI dyS dy g�Dly ho cu`ky inzwm bwry cyqnqw pYdw krdI hY Aqy ieQoN dy Awm nwgirk leI
Aws dI cmkdI ikrn vWg aus nUM ruSnwauNdI hY[
TIk hY ik ies dyS dy kroVW vwsI rozwnw AwpxIAW Dwrimk
rhurIqW inBwauNdy piv`qr pusqkW dw jwp vI krdy hn[ ies qoN ibnW AnykW svwmI swDUAW dy idn
rwq pRvcn dy bwvjUd smwj qyzI nwl ADogqI v`l vD irhw hY ijs dw kwrn pRq`K hY ik jo AsIN
pVHdy, srvx krdy jW krvwauNdy hW aus nUM AmlXog nhIN smJdy jW swfI kQnI Aqy krnI ieksur
nhIN hY Aqy swfy Aml swfy isDWq jW ivcwrW nwl iblkul myl nhIN KWdy[ dyS qy kOm jW jnihq
dIAW AsIN kyvl g`lW hI krdy hW Aml iv`c qW AsIN Awpo AwpxI ''mYN'' dw hI ivsQwr krn iv`c
l`gy hoey hW jW mU�h mulwhjy hI swfy leI srySt hn[ dUridRStI qW AsIN s`cmuc hI Awpxy Awp
qoN dUr kIqI hoeI hY[ ''ieh j`g im`Tw Aglw ikn if`Tw'' ieh hI swfw AmlXog mwrg drSn hY[ sB
qoN srl qy sOKw rwh Apxw ky AsIN sB qoN A`gy inkl jwx leI hI s�GrSSIl hW[
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
"sO ivcoN niVnvyN by-eImwn, iPr vI
myrw Bwrq mhwn"
ieh gl Bwrq qy pUrI FukdI hY ikauNik ie`Qy hr koeI
Awpxw aulU isDw kr irhw hY qy dyS pvy F`Ty KUh ivc[ ie`k byeImwn dUsry nUM JUTw kih irhw
hY [ nyqwvW ny vI lok BlweI dy AslI mu`dy C`f ky frwmybwjI krnI SurU kr idqI hY [ hr pwrtI
Awpxy Awp nUM dyS dI AslI syvwdwr pyS krn jw rhI hY pr hY ies dy ault [ hr pwrtI ivc guMfy
bdmwSW dw hI bolbwlw hY [ swry dyS nUM bwhrlIAW kMpnIAW nUM vycx qy quly hoey hn qy nW
idqw jw irhw hY, suDwrW dw [ hr pwrtI Awpxy rwj dy mOky qy v`D qoN v`D kmweI krnI cwhuMdI
hY ikauNik AglI vwr kursI imly jW nw imly, iks nUM pqw [ swry pwsy iBRStwcwr dw bolbwlw hY
[ iesy leI qW keI lok BwrqoN bwhr jwky imhnq krky kwmXwbI dIAW bulMdIAW CUh lYNdy hn[
ieMj lgdw hY ik Bwrq dw Biv`K hux bhu-rwStrI kMpnIAW dy
h`Q ivc jw irhw qy ieh gulwmI v`l pihlw kdm hovygw [
kOx krU XkIn
- joigMdr sMGyVw, ( knyfw )
Srwb swrIAW bImwrIAW dI jV hY pr iPr vI ies nUM smwjk
prvwngI imlI hoeI hY [ Srwb ny keI Gr brbwd kIqy , keIAW kolo jurm krvwey, keI PWsI cV gey
, pr Srwb dw dOr ausy qrW cldw jw irhw hY , ijs dw Pwiedw srkwrW qy v`fy v`fy vpwrI Grwxy
auTw rhy hn [ ies khwxI ivc vI AmrjIq Srwb dy nSy ivc Awpxy hI p`ky dosq dw kql krn lgdw
hY [
so loV hY ik ies burI Awdq qoN swry Cutkwrw pweIey qW
ik smwj ivc Amn qy SWqI nwl swry rih skx[
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
ieMdrjIq isMG rwxw, knyfw |
16/01/03 Dear Readers of
I want to share my views on social problems that our community faces every day, inside
and outside of India.
1) Dowery, And dowery Deaths, every day you can see this news in newspapers.
2) Murder of Unborn girls,
3) Abuse by spouse, inlaws of migrated bride or bridegroom.
4) Dispute between mother-in-law and daughter in law.
Dear Readers these are the four common problems, growing like plague in our communites,
first of all I am not a writer, and I am just ordinary human being saddened by these types
of news. I want to discuss these problems one by one.
Regarding dowery, in my view in old days as their was not custom to send girls to
school for education, so they were totally dependent on their husbands, than parent of
girls give her some household articles, so she may maintain her house; like few
bedding items, utensils etc.but that was the old story. Nnow these days girls are much
more educated than boys, and they can earn more than their husbands. So dowery in now a
days totally greediness's at the time of marriage girl should put condition forward that
she will marry to only boy who don't need dowery, and much more we should make social
momentum to condemn dowery. and our religious, political leaders should come forward to
educate the people. Our leaders, preachers only know how to fight for guru golak in
Gurdwaras. How shameful one of our Jathedar and his family is behind bars, for dowery
death of their daughter in-law
Secondly, murder of unborn baby girls. This also is one of the worst evils in our
community. No body should have the right to take any body's life, just because she is
girl. We are doing everything which we should not suppose to do according to gurbani, and
we have much double standards in our lives right from the birth till death, like I am not
treating my wife like I want my brother in law treat my sister, my mother not treat her
daughter in law, like she want her daughter treated by her in laws, like we male want to
have girl friends, but not like if our sisters have boy friends. I don't want my daughter
to have a boy friend, and don't mind if my son has.
Third, one like, when we bring bride or bridegroom from our native place we treat them
less than dog and cats. Dogs and cats are getting more love in this country than our
migrated, brother and sisters, from their spouse and in-laws, that we should also taught
in our temples, that we should behave with our family members like human being not like
dog and cats, I know many cases in this city of Calgary how treat their daughter-in-law's
like slaves. Like one showed in newly released Punjabi film 'ji aya nu'. It will be more
effective if our gurdwaras take this problems seriously never see any body preach about
these problems, only preach which suit to them to make more money. How we can be
gursikh, if we even don't know the value of human beings.
Last but not least, that dispute between mother-in-law and daughter in law,
According to me in most cases our elders are on fault, they not treat their
daughter-in-law's as they should treat as their own daughters, in some cases daughter in
law also not respect her mother in law as she respect her mother. Their are many like
Gurdish kaurs and many more living in worst (inhuman) conditions helpless can't do
anything. As part of efforts we start Punjab Youth club in Hong Kong And doing community
work from last three years, such as giving financial help back in Punjab to needy
especially for education.
In conclusion of this letter that I want to tell all our brother sisters, let us make
this world make heaven not hell, where every body feel happy .This is the only my dream.
With Warm Regds& love to everyone
Inderjit Singh Rana (Calgary Canada) |
rivMdr s kMudrw, XU ky |
It is very good right up. I hope everybody reads it and acts upon it.
Shame on those so called leaders who are blind to the facts all the way. |