square2-slices1_r2_c1.gif (15071 bytes)
square2-slices1_r3_c1.gif (2016 bytes)

quhwfy ivcwrW dw suAwgq hY... swnUM ilKo            

square2-slices1_r4_c1.gif (3518 bytes)

jgdIS isMG AwstRylIAw


Sat Sri Akal,

After reading all stories about the episode relating to Daler Mehndi, the only appropriate word I can say is "Mera Bharat Mahan"


Jagdish Singh

krnYl isMG igAwnI, AmrIkw


AwdrxIX pwTk jno,

kw&I smW pihlW vI mYN ies qrW dI ApIl kIqI sI; www.5abi.com koeI iqMn ku swlW qoN swry sMswr dy pMjwbIAW pRqI inSkwm syvw ivc srgrm hY[ Swied hI, mYN kdy auhnW dy pRbMDkW v`loN koeI mwiek mdd leI koeI it`pxI pVHI hovy[ ies Adwry dy pRbMDkw nwl sdBwv qoN isvw myrI koeI ivSyS nyVqw nhI hY[

AwpW swry hI hr roz, hyT ilKy iviSAW bwry ( FREE) jwxkwrI dw AwnMd mwxdy hW[

rozwnW KbrW
igAwn / ivigAWn
gurbwxI kQw / kIrqn
BwSw dy msly,
Platform for discussing world affairs.

Awm Adwry, ies p`Dr dy pricAW nUM clwx leI pMfqW, seIdW, bwibAW, svwmIAW dy lMmy lMmy ieSiqhwr k`F ky kmweIAw krdy hn[

sB nUM pqw hY ik cMgI p`Dr dy pMjwbI AKbwr dw swlwnw cMdw 100 fwlr jW ies dy brwbr rwSI qW huMdw hI hY[ BwvyN BwrqI pwTk / lyKk vI A`j dy zmwny ivc AwriQk p`KoN pUrI qrW smr`Q hn[ AYpr ijhVy lok AmrIkw, kYnyfw, XU.ky, XUrp, AwstrylIAw, mlwieAw, isMGwpur, dubeI, Awid qoN Awpxy lyK ( mhInw- mhInw) Cpvw ky AwpxI kIrqI ivc vwDw kr rhy hn, auhnW nUM kdy kdweIN pMjwbI BwSw dy pRswr ihq, kuJ qW shwieqw vjoN Byjxw auhnW dw nYqk &rz bxdw hY[ ies qoN v`D qW AsIN iek Swm dy prvwrk DINNER / TIP qy hI Krc idMdy hW[

hr h&qy Drm sQwnW 'qy jdoN jweIdw hY, qW mhwrwj jI nUM SrDw ByNt krnw hr pRwxI dw rUhwnI jzbw huMdY[ lykn (AjokI irvwieq Anuswr) l`gy h`Q, styj 'qy bYTw bulwrw BwvyN iksy vI p`Dr dw nw hovy, pr lok ivKwvy vjoN AsIN Awpxy v`loN 10, 15 fwlr/pONf dI dkSxw dy ky, dunIAW dIAW nzrW ivc siqkwr pYdw krdy hW[(nhI qW Sbd ByNt qW pRsMg suxn aupRWq, prcwrk dI Xogqw/rockqw Anuswr hI Xog mMnI jWdI hY[)

pMjwbI BwSw, ijs dI jwxkwrI hI swnUM Apxy au`cy s`ucy AiDAwqmk swihq nwl joVdI hY, aus pRqI hr pwTk dI vI auqnI hI izMmyydwrI bxdI hY[

AwSw krdw hW, iehnW SbdW ivc koeI injI svwrQ nw smJdy hoey, Awp sMpwdk jI nUM mwiek shwieqw leI zrUr phuMc krogy[

muK pMny dy au~opr, s`jy h`Q 'qy pwTkW dw sihXog dy ^wny ivc iehnW iqMn swlW (36 mhIinAW) ivc mYN kyvl 19 nwm hI pVyH hn[ qusIN Awp hI AMdwzw lgw lvo, ik AwpW iek sMswr p`Dr dy (pMjwbI s`Q) prcy nUM mwnx vyly ikMny ku suihrd hW[ So please....!

krnYl isMG igAwnI


091003_sahib-singh_khosa1_100.jpg (3999 bytes)pRo.swihb isMG jI (fI.ilt.)--dsmyS-bwxI bwry
- AmrjIq isMG Kosw


This is an attempt to use professor SAHIB SINGH JI's name for own advantage. People who are opposing these writings did call Professor Sahib Singh NASTIK as well when he translated GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI and did try their best to stop that translation from being published.

srvn isMG FMfw, knyfw

131003_zuban-sambhal1_100.jpg (4634 bytes)zubwn sMBwl ky bolo pMjwbI - Swm nUM jlMDr dUrdrSn qoN ikswnW vwsqy pRogrwm Aw irhw sI ... - ABY isMG


Dear Editor,


I read the article by S. Abhay Singh with great interest. It points out the need for simplicity in the Punjabi as well as the Hindi language so that a lay-man could grasp the meaning of a word, phrase or sentence easily. We should not be concerned with the origin of a word. But we should try to use simple words which are easily understood by the addressed person(s). The language which is liberal in adopting popular words of other languages flourishes and becomes more popular with masses.

Thank you S. Abhay Singh for writing a beautiful article on the much needed topic and thank you 5abi.com for providing a wonderful service to our mother-tongue PUNJABI. Keep it up!

Sarwan Singh Dhanda, Canada

sMqoK isMG, AwstRylIAw


bhuq hI DMnvwd s. hrbIr isMG jIau

mY Awp jI dI ivdvqw, klmI SkqI qy jwxkwrI dw keI swlW qoN kwiel hW[ Awp jI ilKq 1984 dIAW GtnwvW sMbMDI fwierI vI aucycI AMimRqsr qoN ilAw ky pVHI sI qy myry pws hY[ smy smy Awp vloN ilKy jWdy lyK vI pricAW ivc Cpdy pVHdw rihMdw hW qy pRsMsk ivcwr r`Kdw hW[ myrw ic`TI ilKx dw kdwicq mMqv Awp dI ivdvqw qy S`k krnw nhI sI blik fw. mhIp isMG horW dy Awp qoN iblkul v`Kry ivcwr vyK ky kyvl SMkw inivrqI hI myrw mMqv sI[

BwrqI sYnw v`loN pRkwSq rswlw 'bwqcIq' ivc AMimRqDwrI isMGW bwry CipAw sI jo qusW izkr kIqw hY[ ausdI Poto kwpI myry pws Ajy vI ikqy peI hoeI hY[

myry iKAwl ivc aus smy dy gvrnr v`loN jwrI srkulr vI rIkwrf ivcoN pRwpq kIqw jw skdw hY iksy rIsrc skwlr v`loN Xqn krky[

hux q`k myry vI ivcwr ies sbjYkt bwry EhI hn jo Awp jI dy hn[ iesdw kwrn Swied swfy jwxkwrI dy soimAW dw iek hoxw hovy qy jW Pyr hor vI iesdy kuJ kwrn hox[ SMkw qW kyvl fw. mhIp isMG jI dy ivcwrW krky ipAw hY jo ik myry idmwg ivc icrokxI bx cu`kI, mhwqmw gWDI dI qsvIr qoN auLt mYnUM jwpy[

iek vwrI Pyr myrI ic`TI dw jvwb dyx leI SukrIAw[

Awp dI ivdvqw, lyKxI, jwxkwrI dw, qy ies swry kuJ nUM cMgI Xogqw qy bybwkI nwL prgt kr skx dI ilAwkq dw sdw hI pRsMsk,
sMqoK isMG

hrbIr isMG BMvr, luiDAwxw

031003_gandhi-mahatma-sikh1_100.jpg (4025 bytes)

mhwqmw gWDI Aqy is`K- hrbIr isMG BMvr
kI soc sI gWDI jI dI is`KW bwry?- fw. mhIp isMG



myry lyK "mhwqmw gWDI qy is`K" bwry SpStIkrn

sMpwdk jI,

srdwr sMqoK isMG AwstRylIAw ny myry Aqy fw.mhIp isMG dy mhwqmw gWDI bwry lyKW qy Apxy ivcwr pRgt kIqy hn[ aunHW myry lyK coN gvrnr pMjwb vloN 8 AkqUbr nUM Byjy gey aus srkulr bwry izkr kridAw ies dI pRmwixkqw qy Sk kIqw hY ijs ivc ifptI kinSnrW nUM ikhw  igAw sI ik "Sikhs as a community are a lawless people and a menace to the law abiding Hindus in the Province…. "

mYN ies srkulr bwry kyvl s.kpUr isMG dI pusqk 'swcI swKI' coN hI nhIN, sgoN pMjwb qy is`KW bwry ilKIAW geIAW hor AnykW pusqkW ivc vI piVHAw hY[ keI A^bwrW ivc ies dw izkr huMdw irhw hY, jy kr Zlq huMdw qW rwj Bvn vloN ies dw KMfn kIqw jwxw sI, pr nhIN kIqw igAw[lok sMprk ivBwg dw muK kMm srkwr bwry iksy vI ikMqU pRMqU jW SMky vwlI ^br jW il^q dI kilpMg sMbMDq ivBwg jW AiDkwrI nUM Byjxw huMdw hY[ hr gvrnr pws Apxw iek lok sMprk APsr vI huMdw hY, pr hwly qk ies srkulr dw KMfx nhIN kIqw igAw[

s.kpUr isMG iek zumyvwr AweI.sI.AYs. AiDkwrI sn, aunHW dI ilKq dw noits nw ilAw jwey, ieh ho nhIN skdw[ aunHw dy iksy swQI qy smkwlI ifptI kimSnr ny vI ies nUM cYlMj nhIN kIqw[ ilKq Zlq huMdI, aunHW qy mwnhwnI dw mukMdmw vI ho skdw sI[ swkw nIlw qwrw ipCoN BwrqI POj dy AiDkwrIAW vloN POj nUM iek Ajyhw hI srkulr ByijAw igAw sI ijs ivc ikhw igAw sI ik hr AMimRqDwrI is`K iek AiqvwdI hY, aus qy nzr rKI jwey[ ies dw vI hwly qk iksy ny KMfn nhIN kIqw[

fw: mhIp isMG dy lyK bwry mYN kuJ nhIN kih skdw, Apxy bwry pUrI zumyvwrI nwl kih skdw hW ik mYN hr q`Q dw hvwlw iksy nw iksy pusqk coN ilAw hY[ mYN fw. sMgq isMG dI pusqk " ieiqhws 'c is`K" ( The Sikhs in history ) dw hvwlw idqw hY, bhuq q`Q ies pusqk coN vI ley hn[ fw.sMgq isMG ny hr q`Q bwry pusqk jW A^bwr dy iksy AMk dw imqIAW sihq hvwlw idqw hY[ swkw nIlw qwrw ipCoN pMjwb qy is`K Drm bwry AnykW hI pusqkW AweIAW hn jo DVw DV iv`k rhIAW hn[ mYnUM pVHx dI bImwrI hY qy lgpg hr pusqk iek p`qrkwr dI nzr nwl pVHI hY[ mYN Kud pMjwb dy isAwsI, Dwrimk, smwijk qy AwriQk hwlwq bwry iqMn pusqkW ilKIAW hn, Drm Xu`D morcy bwry iek pusqk ilK irhw hW, hr mhIny A^bwrW qy mYgzInW ivc myry lyK Cpdy rihMdy hn[ AwpxI p`qrkwrI dw bhuqw smW mYN AMimRqsr ivKy ibqwieAw hY[ cMfIgVH pMjwb dI kyvl pRswisk (Administrative ) rwjDwnI hY, pMjwb dI Dwrimk, rwjniqk, smwijk qy AwriQk rwjDwnI AMimRqsr hY[ pMjwb dy swry swry isAwsI lIfrW qy is`KW dy Dwrimk lIfrW nUM bhuq hI nyiVEN ho ky vyiKAw qy smiJAw hY[ bqOr p`qrkwr AnykW hI GtxwvW dw cSmdId gvwh hW qy A^bwrW leI k`vr kIqIAw hn, jo hux ieiqhws dw ih`sw bx geIAW hn[ pMjwbI XnIvristI pitAwlw ny mYQoN fw.hrbMs isMG ricq "iensweIklopIifAw AwP isi^zm" ( Encyclopeadia of Sikhism ) dI C`p rhI nvIN AYfISn leI swkw nIlw qwrw qy lgpg pMj hzwr Sbdw dI " AYNtrI" ( Entry ) ilKvweI hY, ijs dI "vYitMg" ( Vetting ) 2 jUn 1984 qk AMimRqsr dy ifptI kimSnr rhy s. gurdyv isMG brwV ny kIqI hY[

iek hor s`jx ny s.blvMq isMG rwmUvwlIAw, jo myry vI im`qr hn, nUM dUjy lIfrW vrgw lIfr kihx qy ikMqU pRMqU kIqw hY[ mYN sRI rwmUvlIAW nUM iek swDwrx AkwlI vrkr qoN iek pRmuK AkwlI lIfr, AYm.pI. bxidAW, Drm Xu`D morcy dw spoksmYn bxidAW, AkwlI dl nUM bydwvw dy ky mwrksI AwgU kwmryf hrikSn isMG surjIq dy nyVy jWidAw, kOmI Gt igxqI kimSn dw vweIs-cyArmYn bxidAw qy kwmryf surjIq sdkw kyNdrI mMqrI mMfl ivc Swiml huMidAW qy lok BlweI pwrtI giTq kridAw bhuq nyVy qoN dyiKAw hY[

hrbIr isMG BMvr, luiDAwxw

AwqmjIq isMG

280903_punjabiay1_100.jpg (3197 bytes)pMjwbIey zubwny nI rkwny… kI pMjwbI ivigAwn Aqy  qknwlojI dy Ajoky Xu`g ivc pCVH rhI hY?
- gurmIq is�G is`DU


Dear Sir,

Mr. Gurmeet Singh Sidhu in this well thought -out article has rightly pointed out that Punjabi though one of the most important languages in the world, remains till now most undeveloped language. He has tried to analyse different factors which impaired this language to grow as a potent medium of education, political communiucation and multi- disciplinary approach to global diversity. At home,there is an immediate need to develop Punjabi as a medium of instruction at different levels and also devise ways and means to study its rich literature in an objective and systamatic manner. Since it is being taught as a second language in many countries, there is a strong need to prepare suitable materials to teach it in a competent and efficient manner.
Atamjit Singh

SmSyr isMG - &lOrIfw

250903_pun-pun_100.jpg (4348 bytes)pMjwb 'coN 'pMjwb' ikr igAw hY - pMjwb Dwrimk, isAwsI Aqy nYiqk qOr 'qy grk igAw hY[
- iekbwl rwmUvwlIAw, knyfw


AwdrxIX pwTk jnoN,

Xuvk lyKk iekbwl rwmUvwlIAw dw A`KW KolHx vwlw lyK, A`Kw ig`lIAW qW krdw hY[ pr A&sos ik eyny idnW ivc, kyvl iek pwTk ny hI aus bwry kyvl pRsMsw krky hI g`l rihx id`qI hY[ nwl ieh vI ilK id`qw hY ik blvMq isMG rwmUvwlIAw vI dUsry BirSt lIfrW vrgw iek lIfr hY[

mYN blvMq isMG horW nUM ivAkqI qOr qy qW nhI jwxdw, AYpr auhnW v`loN jo lok- BlweI dy kMmW dw izkr pVHn ivc AwauNdw hY, jwpdw hY ik auhnW ijhw lIfr is`K kOm nUM shI syD dy skdw hY[ jy auh mYNbr pwrlImYNt Aqy lok BlweI vzIr rhy hn, qW is`K kOMm ikEN nhI auhnW jhy inSkwm AwgU nUM cux ky bwdl tOhry dI juMflI qoN jn swDwrn nUM mukq krwauNdI[

myrI jwcy ies s`Q ivc bu~DI jIvI hI Aksr Awpxw Xogdwn pwauNdy hn[ myrI Awp sBnw A`gy bynqI hY ik kyvl Awpxw nwm Cpwky , vwh vwh K`tx dI QW koeI qW eyfI sMkt vwlI siQqI bwry sIrIAs huMgwrw Bry[ eys cuxOqI nUM ieh nhI smJxw cwhIdw ik A`g bgwny Gr l`gI hY, AwpW nUM kI? AwpW qW, ieMglYNf, kYnyfw, AstrylIAw, AmrIkw Awid ivc phuMc gey hW[

nhI qW AglI vwrIN Pyr suKbIr bwdl vrgw hor BirSt bMdw Pyr cI& minstr bx ky swfy rhy shy KIsy KwlI krn Aw g`jy gw[ qy Awm ikswn nUM idhwVI vI nsIb nhI hoxI[

jy kr AmirMdr isMG v`loN iv`FI muihMm dy ivruD bwdl tOhrw, pMQk sMkt d`s ky Boly Bwly ikswnw nUM ryl g`fIAW hyT mrn leI JOk rhy hn, kOx jwxy bYNkW lu`tx qy Amn SWqI BMg krn ip`Cy iksdI h`lwSyrI hY[ pihlW vI qW eyhnw B`dr purSw ny hI pMjwb dI jvwnI dw Gwx krvwieAw sI[

dUsrI g`l blvMq rwmUvwlIAw horW leI vI iek suJwv hY[ rwjnIqI ivc ieh Xug ikENik do pwrtI isstm nUM Endorse krdw jwpdw hY, auhnW nUM s`qw ivc Awaux leI Awpxy lok BlweI pRogrwm nUM lYky iksy nw iksy mwnXqw pRwpq pwrtI nwl g`T joV krnw pvygw[ nhI qW swfy swDwrn Intellect dy votr ( ijhVy Bu`kI/ boql / notW dI g`fI ' dI BwSw hI smJdy hn) auhnW dw mu`l nhI pw skxgy[ qy lok BlweI pwrtI, byrMg hI zmwnq zbq krw ky bYT jwvygI[

AwSw krdw hW iekbwl rwmUvwlIAw dy ies inSkwm hoky nUM BrvW huMgwrw id`qw jwvy Aqy Agly idnW ivc www.5abi.com rwhIN, pMjwb nUM bcwx leI koeI gMBIr Xojnw AwrMB kIqI jwvy[

SmSyr isMG - &lOrIfw

hrbIr isMG BMvr, Bwrq

250903_pun-pun_100.jpg (4348 bytes)pMjwb 'coN 'pMjwb' ikr igAw hY - pMjwb Dwrimk, isAwsI Aqy nYiqk qOr 'qy grk igAw hY[
- iekbwl rwmUvwlIAw, knyfw


iekbwl rwmUvwlIAw ny pMjwb dI shI qsvIr pyS kIqI
sMpwdk jI,

ApxI pMjwb PyrI qoN kYnyfw vwps jw ky iekbwl rwmUvwlIAw ny "pMjwb coN pMjwb ikr igAw" isrlyK hyT bhuq hI suhxw lyK iliKAw hY[ aunHW Aj dy pMjwb dI shI qsvIr pyS kIqI hY Aqy ku`jy ivc smUMdr bMd kr idqw hY[ rwmUvwlIAw dI klm nUM myrw slwm[ myry vloN aunHW nUM v`DweI phuMcw idE[

aunHW ny pMjwb dy lyKkW, p`qrkwrW qy bu`DjIvI vrg nUM iek inhorw idqw hY ik pMjwb dI hr p`KoN in`GrdI hwlq bwry nhIN ilKdy[ ieh TIk hY ik bhuqy lyKk, p`qrkwr , bu`DIjIvI A`KW mIt ky jW cu`p kr ky bYTy hn qy kuJ iek mOkwpRsq qy ivkwaU vI hn, pr AnykW hI lyKk, p`qrkwr qy bu~DIjIvI pMjwb dI ies in~GrdI hwlq qy brbwdI qy lIfrW dIAW krqUqW bwry bhuq kuJ ilK rhy hn jo ie`Dr pMjwb dy A^bwrW qy irswilAW ivc C`pdw vI rihMdw hY[ tI.vI. cYnlW qy vI crcw huMdI rihMdI hY[ ieh iek hkIkq hY ik pMjwb pws iek vI suihrd qy dUrdrSI lIfr nhIN hY, lgpg swry lIfr mOkwpRsq, in`jI qy sOVI isAwsq krn vwly , BweI BqIjwvwd qy pirvwr dy ih`q dyKx vwly hn [ sRI rwmUvwlIAw dy lIfr vIr srdwr blvMq isMG rwmUvwlIAw, jo myry im`qr vI hn, vI dUjy lIfrW vrgy hI lIfr hn[ aunHW prvwsI lwiVAW h`QoN pIVq DIAW dI zrUr f`t ky m`dd kIqI hY Aqy idlI hvweI A`fy qy muswPrw dI huMdI lu`t Ksu`t nUM TlH pweI hY[

hrbIr isMG BMvr

DrmvIr nwgpwl, PrWs


Respected Sir,

I am living in Paris France and I have a kidny stone in my right side. and The doctor wanted from the the Date of birth certifiace attestation from the indian embessy of paris.When I request for the same to the councllor Mr. Josh., he say to me that you are a Terrorist of Punjab and the Tehar Jail in Delhi Plus is waiting for me. Sir, I am really Social worker of Rajpura Punjab India and I have blood donation 6 times to the helpless peoples threw by the lions club and giants group of Rajpura International. I am in bad pain conditon now Please published my this meri awaj suno

I will be thankful to you
Dharamvir Nagpal

sMqoK isMG, AwstRylIAw


031003_gandhi-mahatma-sikh1_100.jpg (4025 bytes)

mhwqmw gWDI Aqy is`K- hrbIr isMG BMvr
kI soc sI gWDI jI dI is`KW bwry?- fw. mhIp isMG



is`K hwly SrnwrQI kYNpW ivc rul rhy sn qy auh sMBly vI nhIN sn ik pUrbI pMjwb dy gvrnr cMdU lwl iqRvydI ny 10 AkqUbr 1947 nUM swry ifptI kimSnrw nUM iek srkulr ByijAW, jo ies qrW sI:-
Sikhs as a community are a lawless people and are a menace to the law abiding Hindus in the Province. Deputy Commissioners should take special measures against them." ("is`K jrwiem pySw lok hn jo pRWq dy sWqI-psMd ihMdUAW leI ^qrw hn[ aunHw ivru`D auicq kdm cuky jwx[")

s. hrbIr isMG BMvr jI horW ny Awpxy ies lyK ivc jo aupRokq hvwlw idqw hY, ieh is~K pwTk qy pMQk drd r`Kx vwLy s`jx ipCly keI dhwikAW qoN pVHdy Aqy suxdy Aw rhy hn[ s. kpUr isMG jI AweI. sI. AYs. dI pdvI Aqy fI. sI. dI nOkrI dw Ku`s jwxw vI ies srkulr nwL joiVAw jWdw suxdy Aw rhy hW[ iesdy auLt ieh ivcwr vI kuJ s`jxW qoN suxn nUM imiLAw hY ik nhI jI ieh AYvyN suxI-suxweI g`l hY[ ies iv`c s`cweI koeI nhI[

kI is`K pwTkW nUM sbUqW sihq s`cweI koeI ivdvwn muh`eIAw krvw skdw hY[

ies qoN ielwvw eysy lyK qoN Aglw lyK jo ik pRisD is`K ivdvwn, s. mhIp isMG jI horW dw iliKAw hoieAw CipAw hY, auh iblkul auLtI qsvIr pyS krdw hY ausdy, jo ik dhwikAW qoN hI, myry vrgy jwxkwrI r`Kx ivc idlcspI r`Kx vwLy pwTkW dy izhn ivc, m. gWDI bwry aukrI hoeI hY[

kI ieh dovyN ivdvwn AwpxI ivdvqw dI suc`jI vrqoN krdy hoey Awm pwTkW q`k s`cweI pucwaux dw aupRwlw krngy?

Aws hY ik dovyN suGV ivdvwn, ijnHW dI ivdvqw dI myry idl ivc bVI kdr hY, AwpxI ivdvqw nUM,  pwTkW dy 'BMbLBUsy' ivc vwDw krn leI nhI vrqxgy[

s`cI roSnI dI pRwpqI dI Aws ivc,

sMqoK isMG, AwstRylIAw

jsbIr isMG

031003_gandhi-mahatma-sikh1_100.jpg (4025 bytes)

mhwqmw gWDI Aqy is`K- hrbIr isMG BMvr
kI soc sI gWDI jI dI is`KW bwry?- fw. mhIp isMG


Dear editor,

Thanks for publishing a nice article by Harbir Singh Bhanvar.

Mr. Mohan Daas Karam Chand Gandhi was something different from inside. Nothing is bad being Hindu but what criteria he followed to describe Sikhs as Hindu. We beleive in Oneness, no caste system, No Fasts, No Tilk, No Sacrifice, No Sati, No Gita, No Mahabharat, No Ramayana, No Rama Charitra Mans, No special power to priest class. How can people say him Mahatama. He was a great Hindu Leader for Hindus. As sikhs our leaders like Master Tara Singh etc were less sincere, emotional and many more. Hindus and Sikhs are like nail and flesh why not Hindus and Moslims. We were living together since centuries. Why the Moslims were Maleshhas, why untouchables etc. The followers of Mr. Gandhi have to answer these questions.Thanks.
Jasbir Singh

hrbIr isMG BMvr


Anyk ichry bynkwb krdI hY i&lm hvweyN

pMjwb sm`isAw ivSyS kr ky nvMbr 84 dy dNigAw bwry bxI i&lm hvweyN Ajkl pMjwb Aqy keI hor sUibAW dy isnymw GrW ivc idKweI jw rhI hY[kWgrs dI ihmwieq nwl cl rhI muPqI srkwr ny jMmU kSmIr ivc ies auqy pwbMdI lgw idqI geI hY jdoN ik muMbeI qy ibhwr ivc vI ies qy hwl dI GVI rok lgw idqI geI hY[pMjwb kWgrs dy keI dukI iqkI iksm dy lIfr ies auqy pMjwb ivc pwbMdI lgwaux dI mMg kr rhy hn jdoN ik AkwlI Awm pMwjwbIAW nUM ieh iPlm dyKx leI pRyrnw dy rhy hn[

ies iPlm ivc koeI vI Ajyhw BVkwaU sIn jW fwielwg nhI ijs kwrn ies auqy pwbMdI lgweI jwey[ieh iksy Drm jW iPrky jW prtI dy iKlwP vI kUJ nhIN kihMdI[nvMbr 84 dy dMgy idKwey gey hn,pr ijs vihSIAwxw FMg qy dirMdgI nwl ieh dMgy krvwey gey,auh nhI idKwey[ieqnI ku mwV DwV qW Awm ihMdI iPLmW ivc huMdI hI hY[ieh iek hkIkq hY ik dMgy kWgrs pwrtI ny rwjIv gWDI dI Sih auqy Xojnwb`D qrIky nwl krvwey gey ,pr iPlm ivc ikqy kWgrs dw nW jW iksy lIfr dw nNW jW hulIAW nhIN idKwieAw igAw[cor kI dwVHI my iqnkw-dy AKwx Anuswr kWgrs nUM Apxy AMdr dw cor frw irhw hY[kwS iPlm ivc ky.AYl. Bgq,s`jn kumwr,jgdIS tweItlr vrigAW dy ichr idKwey jWdy Aqy rwjIv gWDI dw ienHW dMgAW nUM jwez Tihrwaux vwlw ibAWn " jdoN koeI v`fw dr`Kq igrdw hY qW DrqI ihldI hY" vI ikqy idKwieAw jWdw[

Awm is`KW nUM ies iPlm qy KUS nhI hoxw cwhIdw,ies ivc isK lIfrW qy kiQq KwVKUAw dy ichry vI nMgy kIqy gey hn[ijs qrHw ibnw NnW ley kWgrs nUM bynkwb kIqw igAw hY, ausy qrHW iBMfrWvwly nUM ieh kih ky bynkwb kIqw igAw hY ik pUjw Aqy SwqI dy kyNdr sRI drbwr swihb qoN nPrq qy ihMsw dw prcwr ho irhw sI Aqy jdoN hiQAwrW dy Bry tr`k drbwr swihb jw rhy sn,srkwr ny aus smyN ikEN kuJ nhI kIqw[

LokW vloN ApxIAW injI duSmxIAW k`Fx, zmInW jiedwdW Awid dy AwpsI JgiVAw leI KwVUAw dI mdd lYxI,jW KwVkUAW vloN ijs Gr jw ky pnwh lYxI qy Bojn Kwxw,aunHW dIAW DIAW BYxW dI bypqI krn bwry vI ies iPlm ivc bhuq cMgy FMg nwl drswieAw igAw hY[ ieh Swied pihlI ihMdI iPLm hY ijs ivc pwiksqwn dI bdnwm KuPIAw eyjMsI AweI.AYs. AweI. dw is`Dw nNW lY ky hI pMjwb ivc Aiqvwd nUM bVwvw dyx bwry hI nhIN drswieAw igAw sgoN milk nW dy iek pwqr nUM is`Dy qor qy pMjwb ivc ihMdUAW nUM mwrn qy Kwilsqwn dI pwpqI vwsqy lihr clwaux bwry disAw igAw hY[

AkwlIAW dw vI pMjwb sm`isAw pYdw krn ivc kwPI rol hY,pr auNnHW dy ikrdwr dw prdwPwS nhIN kIqw igAw[KwVkUAW vloN iek gurduAwry AMdr sMq lOgOvwl nUM golI mwr ky ShId krn bwry iek sIn hY[smucy qOr qy ieh iPlm pMjwb dy sMqwp bwry Awqm-icMqn krn leI iek cMgw Xqn hY[

hrbMs lwl, AmrIkw


Sikh Scholars Present Jap Ji of Guru Nanak

Sikh scholars from India, USA, and Canada spoke on the doctrines contained in Jap ji of Guru Nanak in a 2 days long conference in Montreal.

The Institute for Understanding Sikhism (IUS) held the Third International IUS Seminar 2003 on September 20, 2004 in the auditorium of the Western Laval High School, Laval, Quebec, Canada. This was the third in the series of the seminars being arranged by the IUS towards the Celebration of Quadricentennial of Compilation of the Aad Guru Granth Sahib.

The First International Seminar in 2001 was on: GURDWARA: History, Meaning and Functions of Gurdwara. The Second International Seminar in 2002 was on: Sabd Guru, Conscience and Consciousness. The third seminar in this series was on Doctrine of Guru Nanak in JAP.

In this seminar the scholars from USA, India, and Canada deliberated on different topics directly related to the Doctrines of Guru Nanak in JAP incorporated in the Aad Guru Granth Sahib.

Dr Harinder Singh Ahluwalia, President, Info-Electronics Systems Inc., Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, declared the seminar open. IUS motto Sabd, Vidya vichari ta parupkari, was recited by S Satnam Singh and his associates of the Gurdwara Sahib Quebec before starting the seminar. Dr Parminder Singh Chahal, and Mr Jaspal Singh Ahluwalia successfully handled the stage and timing. Dr Balbir Singh Sahni, welcomed the delegates. Contributions of the IUS during the last five years of its existence were presented by Prof Devinder Singh Chahal, President, IUS.

hrbIr isMG BMvr


Dear Sir,

Just now,I happened to visi your website.It is very interesting.
Harbir Singh Bhanwer

dwrw iSkwgo


ijs qrw kwPI smW pihlw mnI rqnm dI iPlm "bMby" AweI sI jo ihMdU,muslmwnw dy ivckwr hoey dMgy Aw qy Awdrq sI [ ies hI qrw AmIqoj mwn dI iPlm "hvwey" hY jo is`K qy 1984 ivc vrqy kihr dI khwxI hY[ AmIqoj ny ieh iPlm bxw ky iek ieqhwsk kMm kIqw hY[ id`lI ivc vrqy kihr vwry keIAw ny bhuq kuJ suixAw sI hux auhnw nUM dyK dw mokw imlygw[ AmIqoj mwn nUM mY iek hI suJw dyxw cohdw hW ky Agr ieh iPlm isrP id`lI dy hI dMgy Aw vwry huMdI qw bhuq hI vDIAw g`l hoxI sI [ pMjwb dy KwVkUvwd vwlI storI iek v`KrI iPlm ivc pyS krdy qW TIk rihxI sI[ ieh myrI rwey hY ho skdw koeI myry nwl sihmq hovy jw koeI nw.. .. dyK dy Aw beI ies iPlm nUM dyK ky bwkI pMjwbI (sMnI , DrimMdr, gurdws mwn, ) jo iPlm lweIn ivc hn auhnw nUM pMjwbIAw(is~KW) dw iknw ko drd audw hY qy auh aux vwly smy ivc kI krdy hn[

dwrw iSkwgo

srvn isMG FMfw, knyfw

280903_punjabiay1_100.jpg (3197 bytes)pMjwbIey zubwny nI rkwny… kI pMjwbI ivigAwn Aqy  qknwlojI dy Ajoky Xu`g ivc pCVH rhI hY?
- gurmIq is�G is`DU


Dear Editor,


S. Gurmeet Singh Sidhu has rightfully pointed out the pressing need for using the Punjabi language in all areas of business, office, entertainment etc. I have seen Urdu writers using English words in addition to Persian words quite successfully. Why can't Punjabi use Urdu, Hindi and English technical words if none exists in Punjabi itself. We all use words like hotel, motel, cinema, computer, printer, T.V., car, bus, telephone, garage, workshop, elevator, chalk, blackboard, fax (short for facsimile), photo, money order, cassette, video, digital, tax etc. in oral speech and written text in Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi. I have seen the use of such words in literature as well.
We have to start using Punjabi instead of English, Hindi or Urdu. Government of Punjab should provide a lead in this matter.

Use of script is not a problem. In the Western Punjab (Pakistan) they are using Arabic
script to write Punjabi quite successfully. I have used the Roman script to write Punjabi in the heading of this e-mail. Similarly, one can write English, Hindi or Urdu language in Gurmukhi script also.

Above thoughts are submitted for starting a discussion on the topic.

Lastly, the right margin of "Punjabie Zubane Nee Rakane" is too tight and a printout thereof is missing quite a bit of text. Surfers to your website would appreciate your kind attention to this aspect. Thanking you for the service you are providing to our mother tongue PUNJABI.

Sarwan Singh Dhanda, Canada

smIp isMG gumtwlw, AmrIkw


Press Release: Carol Lay Apologizes to the Sikh Community for Inappropriate Cartoon  September 26, 2003

The UNITED SIKHS' campaign has been successful in persuading Carol Lay to apologize for her inappropriate cartoons depicting Sikhs. In a climate where Sikhs are becoming the increasing focus of backlash attacks, many Sikhs found the cartoons not only offensive, but potentially dangerous. Nearly three thousand people and several Sikh organizations signed and supported the online petition started by UNITED SIKHS which read, in part, "We believe your reference to the Sikh gentleman in the AP photo as "Randy Bin Laden" was not only distasteful but simply dangerous and possibly life threatening for innocent Sikh men in turbans. Such gross misinformation within the media leads only to cause more confusion and negative sentiment towards innocent people." In realizing her mistake, Ms. Lay has taken down the two cartoons, "Foto Funnies" and "Field Guide to Turbans" from her website. UNITED SIKHS thanks the community and all other Sikh activist groups, websites, and email groups who helped support and endorse the petition and its subsequent action.

In her apology, Ms. Lay mentioned that some people have sent her "obscene and vicious hate mail…threatening [her] safety and livelihood." UNITED SIKHS condemns such action as it believes in finding peaceful ways to resolving issues. Hate mail and threats are not only anti-Sikh behavior, but it continues the cycle of misunderstanding and miscommunication. We therefore request and expect all Sikhs to be considerate and respectful in all forms of communication.

Ms. Carol Lay's apology can be viewed at http://www.unitedsikhs.org/petitions/rights/apology.htm

For further information, please contact:
Gurtej Singh at gurtej.singh@unitedsikhs.org or taskforce@unitedsikhs.org

UNITED SIKHS is a coalition of organizations and individuals, with an unwavering commitment to civic service and social progress on behalf of the common good. UNITED SIKHS fulfills its mission by informing, educating and uplifting fellow beings by participating in cross-cultural and political exchanges. We at UNITED SIKHS believe that the development of societies can be made possible by socially conscious and active groups of people who make a commitment to humanity.

bhwdr isMG mwihl, XU: ky:

2970903_ramoowalia-bedford2_250.jpg (17179 bytes)27/09/03

pMjwb dI juAwnI brbwdI dy kMFy - rwmUvwlIAw

'pMjwb dI juAwnI A`j pUrI qrHw brbwdI dy kMFy aupr KVI hY[ pMjwb dy lIfrW iv`c coxW vyly nSy vrqx dI iprq ny pMjwb dI juAwnI nUM pUrI qrHw qbwh kr id`qw hY[ Aqy bwkI dI ksr trYvl eyjMtW ny pUrI kr id`qI hY[ A`j pMjwb dw hr Gr eyjMtW h`QoN lu`itAw jw irhw hY'[ ieh ivcwr lok BlweI pwrtI dy kOmI pRDwn blvMq isMG rwmUvwlIAw ny bYfPorf ivKy pRis`D ibjnsmYn AjIq isMG grcw dy gRih ivKy khy[ ies mOky aupr bhuq swry pMjwbI pwrtI dy lweIP mYNbr bxy Aqy rwmUvwlIAw nUM sihXog dw Brosw id`qw[

bhwdr isMG mwihl, jQybMDk sk`qr, lok BlweI pwrtI
XU ky

srvn isMG FMfw, knyfw

rwjsI FMMg dI cox pRxwlI qoN mukq hox gurDwmW dy pRbMD
- mhIp isMG


Dear Editor,


Yesterday, I read the abovementioned article by S. Maheep Singh at your famous website. It provides a thorough analysis of the problems the Sikh community faces today in managing the affairs of their religion. I recommend very strongly that a copy of this article may be placed before the World Sikh Convention being held at Chandigarh on October 26, 2003 for their consideration.

Many thanks to S. Maheep Singh for timely writing of this article. Thanks to 5abi.com for providing such a website. May God bless you all!

Sarwan Singh Dhanda, Canada

inrml isMG AOlK


Respected sir,

we visit ur site all of its contents has un-measureable price, each picture has more atraction from previous one, we can not define in words.

i want some pictures of Mahapurkh (sikh Sants) like

1 baba ishar singh ji
2. Baba atar singh ji,
3, baba karnail singh ji kaliyan wale

to be their in 5abi site so lot of thanks


(Nirmal Singh Aulakh)

sMqoK isMG, AwstRylIAw

210903_teeja-badal_100.jpg (5706 bytes)in`Gr gey pMjwb dI muV-auswrI leI 'qIjy rwjsI bdl' dI loV
blvMq isMG rwmUvwlIAw, kOmI pRDwn, lok BlweI pwrtI


vwh Eie bweI blvMq isMAW, vIh pugw qI ik ieh kuJ d`s ky!

ieauN l`gdw ey ik ijvyN myry Awpxy AMdr dI Awvwz nUM hI s. blvMq isMG jI ny A`KrW dw rUp idqw hovy!

bVy hI icrW qoN mY iek, pMjwb ivclI irSvq nwL myrw ikvyN qy kdoN kdoN vwh ipAw, bwry iek ArtIkl ilKx dIAW dlIlW GVdw Aw irhw hW pr hmySW hI, A`j dw kMm klH qy C`fx dI BYVI Awdq dw AwdI hox kwrn ies kMm nUM lmkweI hI Aw irhw hW[ hux CyqI hI mY Awpxw qj`rbw, igAwnI zYl isMG jI dI cI& minstrI qoN lY ky s. bwdl, s. drbwrw isMG, iPr s. bwdl, qy hux kYptn dy rwj q`k, ikvyN iblkul srl qy sO &I sdI jwiej kMmW leI KuAwrIAW qy AwKr irSvqW rwhI kMm hox dy vyrivAW dw vrnx krWgw[ CyqI hI audm krn dw Xqn krWgw nhI qy fr hY ik ikqy myry nwL vI aus CVy rih gey qwey vwLI hI nw ho jwvy; ijsny BqIijAW dy ies svwl, "qwieAw qUM ivAwh ikauN nhI krvwieAw?" dw auqr, "AYvyN GOL ijhI hI ho geI BqIj!" dy ky BqIijAW dI qs`lI krvwaux dw As&l ijhw Xqn kIqw sI[

bweI blvMq isMG dw iek purwxw imqr hox dw dwAvydwr
sMqoK isMG

jgpwl, knyfw


AYfItr swihb,

ipCly vIrvwr srHI (kYnyfw) iv`c dsqwr bMnHx dw mukwblw hoieAw jo ik sR. hrijMdr isMG iQMd (ryfIE pMjwb) Aqy EhnwN dI smu`cI tIm v`loN krvwieAw igAw sI! ies pRogrwm iv`c isrP dsqwr nUM hI auqSwihq kIqw igAw! pRogrwm iv`c ih`sw lYx vwly b`cy, nOjvwn, bjurgwN Aqy bIbIAwN ny mOky au`qy vDIAw qoN vDIAw dsqwrwN sjw ky ienwm ij`qy! byS`k vpwrI vIrwN ny ienwm spwNsr krn iv`c koeI ksr nhIN C`fI, pr j`j sihbwn dI cox iv`c hoeIAwN qru`tIAwN ny swry pRogrwm dy AMq iv`c mjw ikrikrw kr id`qw

ku`J nOjvwn ieh vI kihMdy suxy gey ik ijhVw ivAkqI Kud dsqwr bMnH skdw hY pr sjwA nhIN skdw, aus nUM Awpxy Awp hI kih dyxw cwhIdw hY ik mYN j`j bxnw hI nhIN !

pRbMDkwN nUM vI A`gy qoN j`j cuxn vyly ies g`l dw Kws iKAwl r`Kxw cwhIdw hY ik j`jwN dI cox vyly nOjvwn j`j inXukq kIqy jwx !

ipMkI bsrwE, hrdyv isMG gryvwl, iskMdr isMG bsrwEN, ieMdrjIq isMG iF`loN, jgpwl isMG il`t, supr golf ijaUlrj Awid ies pRogrwm dy mu~K spwNsr sn

b: aupl, knyfw



SO SAD ABOUT OUR PUNJAB WE NEED to do some thing we don't need big gurudawara but we need more education so poor people don't fallow pakhandi people. like thora, badal, and other phakhandi babas i don't under stand by old fox ( thora, badal and other ) need chair

i request our people please get more education. and help needier people thanks

sMqoK isMG, AwstRylIAw


I just now read article written by S. Raajvir Singh. I can not find suitable words to praise it. Marvelous!

So much Sidhantak and historical information in so sweet language! It is surprising!!

Would you please like to give me little bit information about yourself? Where do you live, how did you manage to serve for one year at Kartarpur Sahib etc.

Santokh Singh

siqMdr isMG


siq sRI Akwl

isrP ie`k g`l pu`CxI sI Awhw AmndIp kolo ,,ik Awhw myry vIr nUM ikMnw duK hY ik 84 ivcly is~K dMigAw dw Aqy SIR drbwr swihb aupr hoey AtYk dw qy ieh hr is~K nUM hoxw vI cwhIdw pr A~j 19 swl bIqx qoN bwAd vI Awpxy nwm ip~Cy isMG ilK~xw psMd nhI krdy kI g~l Srm qW nhI mihsUs krdy ikDry, ikauik audw kI pqw lgygw iksy hor nUM ik g`l krn vwlw mrd hY Xw Aorq, ikauN AsI ies jwq-pwq dI glqx iv~c Dsy rihxw cwhuMdy hW,, nwly vIr jIau keI vwr mihsUs kIqw ik pu~Cw iehnw klmW vwilAw qo ik auh isrP il~K ky AwpxI ijMmyvwrI inBw gey vIr jI qy ieh vI d`so ik purwxI kmytI ny kI kIqw sI ies bwry,

Bul cuk vwsqy muAwPI

rwjvIr isMG


Jyoti jot Guru nanak dev ji 22,sep 2003.jpg (360963 bytes)

ruipMdrpwl iF`loN, brqwnIAw


Dear Sirs,

It is so sad that Sikhs are still being killed, but a lot of this is due to the Sikh community bein lazy compared to Muslims and Jews in pushing our identy in the USA Media and having programs made about our people. Education is the only way, and americans are the dumbest people on earth as it is.

Dear All

As some of you know I have corresponded with amny Punjabis for assistance in the PREM Project ( also known as Nawan Punjabi Kosh). Below are some of the animal names that have arisen from research, as compatiable with the Punjabi sound system, and more logical than the English words, where the English word is not well known, or there are no Punjabi equivlents. I Hope to write an article for Rammah Ji, but am waiting for him to get back to me.

All the words listed below have had Gurumukhi Spellings constructed for them, but not shahmukhi spelling. I hope someone well versed in Shahmukhi does so. Here are the names

People not familiar with my ideas, not the objective was to develop or adopt nouns for animals not in INDIA or PAKISTAN , and thus the Panjabi experince, into Punjabi, instead of blindly following English

The words are:,
Orca-Vehl for Killer whale
Otsounate for Rattlesnake
Espaada for Swordfish
Bokeroness Muchchi for Herring
Dhuddaa for Toad
Tara Muchchi for starfish
Talada for Cricket, so as to separate from Tiddha for Grasshopper
Dhuddee for Tadpole
Jeengha Muchche for Crayfish
Dallo for Squid
Langosta for Lobster
Mero Muchchee for Sea Bass
Ghambass for Prawns
Troocha for Trout
Robalo Muchchee for haddock
Toona for Tuna
Faissan for Pheasant
Pavo for Turkey
QuoQuo for Robin
Jiodaga for Mink
Golanv for Raven
Valelu for Hummingbird
huhu for mockingbird

These are just a small sample. please provide your opinions, and if anyone actively wants to be involved, let me know.

AmndIp gryvwl


Dear Cyber Sangat,

A reminder pointing to the strength of Australian nation in getting justice for Staines family. Also an timely reminder how weak the Sikhs are in bringing to justice the rioters and leaders who masterminded 1984 riots (5000 Sikhs killed or women raped). Or, 4,000 extra judicial killings of Sikh youths in fake encounters.

Does new gurudwara management has the guts to channelise communities energy (part of it) in this direction?

Attached below news article for your perusal.


Main accused gets death for Staines' murders
September 22, 2003 - 9:20PM

The main accused in the murders of Australian missionary Graham Staines and  his sons Philip, 10, and Timothy, 8, was today sentenced to death by an Indian court.

The court in Orissa's capital, Bhubaneswar, sentenced Dara Singh to death and jailed 12 others for life.

The Staines died in January 1999 when a mob burned their jeep while they slept in it outside a church in Manoharpur, a tribal village in Orissa.

Thirteen men were found guilty by the court last week. They have said they would appeal.

The murder of Staines and his sons was one of the worst hate crimes against Christians in recent years in India, a secular nation where more than 80 per  cent of the 1 billion-plus population are Hindus. Christians make up about 2 per cent of the population.

The killings came at a time when Hindu nationalist groups were being blamed for a series of attacks on Christians and church property.

The Home Ministry said a large number of those cases were related to land and property disputes, not religion.

divMdr isMG, bYljIAm


Dear Editor,

It has been a long time that there are some disputes in Gurdwara sahib. The atmosphere here has been so much affected that the Gurdwara sahib has been closed for unlimited period.

We are not here to discuss who is right or wrong in these discussions but are very dissapointed that the Gurdwara sahib is no more open to sadh sangat. We request Guru ki Sangat to come together to solve the differences so that the 'Guru ka dwaar' is open again and everybody can take 'darshan' of our Guru Sahib.

Let us bring our community together and take the right path which has been shown by our Guruji's:

"ek pita, ekes ke hum barak.............."
Our best regards to Guru ki Sangat,

Waheguru ji ka khalsa,
Waheguru ji ki fateh.
Sangat, Belgium.

siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYNf


BwrqI hwkI tIm ny A~j cIn dI tIm nUM 5-1 dy Prk nwl hrw ky kmwl kr idqI hY[

pr kI kihxy swfI srkwr dy qy kuJ swbkw hwkI iKfwrIAW dy[ kuJ SrwrqI AnsrW ny ies g~l dw rOlw pwieAw hY ky iehnW iKfwrIAW nUM iehnW dy purwxy rYNk idqy jwx Bwv jugrwj isMG nUM ieMspYktr qoN hvwldwr bxwieAw jwvy[ pr ikMny Srm vwlI g~l hY ky hspqwl iv~c pey jugrwj isMG nUM hOslw dyx dI bjwey sgoN nOkrI dI icMqw vI pw idqI hY[ hoxW qW ieh cwhIdw sI ky jugrwj nUM kihMdy ky qUM jldI TIk ho jw iPr qYnUM fI.AY~s.pI bxw idAWgy[ pr lwhnq hY AYsy AnsrW dy[

ijhVy pulIs vwilAW ny pMjwb iv~c by doSy lokW nUM mwr ky qr~kIAW leIAW hn auhnW bwry ieh Ansr ikauN cup hn[ Kws krky ky.pI.AY~s ig~l ijAwdw jwxdy hn ikauNik aus vkq auh pMjwb pulIs dy fwierYktr sn[ hux auh ikaNu cup hn[ hwkI vwly qW ijAwdw qoN ijAwdw 10 iKfwrI hox gy, jo dyS dI numwieMdgI kr rhy hn, iehnW dw hOslw vDwauxW qW hr dyS vwsI dw Prz hY[ pr ikMny Srm vwlI g~l hY[ iek pwsy qW dyS dI tIm eySIAw k~p Kyfx qurI hY qy dUjy pwsy SrwrqI lok kYsIAW g~lW kr rhy hn[

swfI ky.pI.AY~s ig~l nUM bynqI hY ky hwkI dy iKfwrIAW nUM hor qr~kIAW idqIAW jwx, qW ky auhnW iv~c hor auqSwh pYdw hovy[

kuJ swbkw iKfwrI sR. rijMdr isMG dy koc bxn qo eIrKw krdy hn auhnW ny hwlYNf iv~c phuMc ky iKfwrIAW iv~c Put pwaux dI koiSS kIqI qy kwmXwb vI rhy, nqIjw ieh hoieAw ky ArjntweInW qoN burI qrW hwr gey[ sR. rijMdr isMG dI kwblIAq qy swnUM koeI S~k nhI hoxW cwhIdw[ auh bhuq vDIAw koc hn[
isrP SrwrqIAW nUM by nkwb krnW cwhIdw hY[

siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYNf

rjyS jlotw, AwstRylIAw


Dear Mr. Editor,

I do agree with Gurtej Singh ji about his comments on SGPC ( which should be more open to public and explore more possibilities to uplift Punjab). As far as Sri Dasam Granth is considered, all should respect the holy books and any unwanted discussion on that should be avoided.

May be on 5abi.com we should launch a discussion forum to project problems of Punjab and Punjabis (in Punjab and abroad) and also come forward with some sustainable solutions , rather than criticising each other. I believe our aim should be to preserve our culture while accepting the change in the fast moving world. This will help us to pass on this great Punjabi heritage to our coming generations and dissipate it in other parts of the world.


"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice." Mahatma Gandhi, (1869-1948).

k s swhnI


Guru Roop Guru Sangat ji,

Sat Siri Akal,

I humbly approach you to please send a Petition by Web transmission. We msut rise to the need, maximum Sikhs to sign this petition.

Please click on the web links given below and see yourself. We must not keep quite and suffer, our future generations are in danger if we do not take proper action now.

Please send this pitition to your Sikh friends so that we sign this peition in atleast five Millions.

Sikhs in USA are subject to hate crime, many incidents have taken place.

Your Sevadar.
KS Sahni

Seeking apology for misrepresentation of Sikhs and its dangerous implications for Sikhs worldwide

 <http://petitiononline.com/UNITED/petition.html> Click here to Sign the
Petition created by the UNITED SIKHS Legal Team


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