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quhwfy ivcwrW dw suAwgq hY... swnUM ilKo            

square2-slices1_r4_c1.gif (3518 bytes)  

iSMdr suswxw ( iSkwgo )

iek iek kUMj s`dwko dy nW Aqy iek iek...
- dlbIr isMG 


dlbIr BwA jI mYnMU quhwfy kwPI lyK psMd AauNdy hn, pr ies lyK iv`c qusIN s`dwko nUM lyK dw pwqr bxw ky AmrIkw dI Alocnw krn dI koiSS kIqI hY , AsIN Coty huMdy piVuAw sI , AmrIkw ny jpwn dy SihrW qy
bMb su`ty sn , pr iksy ny ieh d`sx dI qklIP nhI kIqI ikaUN su`ty sn ? jdoN sMswr dy SWqI prsq lokW ny jMg nUM smwpq krn qy zor id`qw qW , AmrIkw qy jwpwn ny jMg bMd krn dI sMDI qy dsqKq  kIqy [ dsqKq krn qoN bwAd jpwn ny clwkI krky 3000 qoN vI v`D prl hrbr qy Awrwm kr rhy inh`Qy POjINAW nUM mwr mu`kwieAw sI[ iPr AmrIknW ny jpwn qy bMbW nwl hmlw krky bdlw ilAw sI [ jdoN sqMbr 11 nUM AmrIkw qy hmlw hoieAw sI qW swry sMswr dw  ibzns prBwvq hoieAw sI [  myry iKAwl nwl AmrIkw hI Aijhw ivksq dyS hY ij`Qy qusIN jo cwho bx skdy ho [ AsIN swry jwxdy hW ikvyN AsIN 500 AmrIkn fwlr lY ky ies mulk iv~c Awey qy A`j bhuqy 5-5 imlIAn fwlr prwprtIAW dy mwlk hn [ AsIN BwrqI lok dujy dyS dy guxW nMU nW dyKdy hoey AOgxW v~l izAdw iDAwn id~dy hW [ AsIN 150 kroV dI AbwdI iv~co ie`k qMdrusq lIfr qW l`B nhIN skdy , qy supr pwvr dyS dy rwStrpqI ivru`D ilKx l`gy guryz nhI krdy [ dlbIr Bw jI gu~sw nw krnw jo myry id`l iv`c sI il`K id`qw[

iSMdr suswxw ( iSkwgo )

srvn isMG FMfw, knyfw

dilqW bwry kQnI qy krnI ivc sdw AMMqr irhw
-mhIp isMG



I was delighted to read the article titled "Dalitan Bare Kathni Te Karni Wich Sada Antar Riha" by S. Maheep Singh which appeared on your website today. The article contains a detailed account of failure, at each and every occasion, on the part of so called Swarn Jati (upper class) to abolish the curse of caste system. This article describes historical facts and it is a challenge to the conscience of all the Swarn Jaties to eradicate this evil. Thank you S. Maheep Singh for sharing the facts with the readers of 5abi.com.

Presently, Dalits of Talhan, Jalandhar remain boycotted by the Jat Sikhs and the Dalits have resorted to hunger strike. I would request all writers to start writing, like S. Maheep Singh did, to keep the issue alive and current in the minds of reading public. We have very talented writers around the globe and I am sure they will render their help in this worthy cause.

Thank you Baldev Ji for providing such a wonderful website!
Kind regards!

Sarwan Singh Dhanda, Canada

gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn, inaUzIlYNf


suirMdr mwhl jI, qusIN dws ƒ igxqI iv`c Swml krn lwiek smiJAw ijs dy leI qih idloN DMnvwdI hW[ pr jwpdY pYNfw idn-b-idn AOKw huMdw jw irhY[ hwl ivc hI inaUzIlYNf srkwr ny qjurby dy qOr qy BwSw lweIn clw ky bVw SlwGwXog auprwlw kIqw hY[ BwSw lweIn dw Bwv ieh ik auh srkwrI mihkmy-- ijnHW nwl prvwsIAW dw Awm vwh pYNdw hY-- auh tYlIPon qy hI duBwSIAw muheIAw krvw ik quhwfw kMm qurq krvwaux dw auprwlw krxgy[ ieh soc ik ieh qjurby vwlI lweIn p`kI hI ho jwvy , sB sjnW ƒ ieh slwh id`qI ik A`gy qoN jd vI qusIN Aijhy mihkmy nwl g`l krxI hovy qy duBwSIAw zrUr mMigE[ bhuiqAW ƒ iehI l`gw ik mYN Swied koeI gwl k`F id`qI hovy[ iehI iciQAw hoieAw juAwb imilAw ik swƒ AMgryzI AwauNdI hY[ keI vwr hYrwnI vI huMdI hY ik kI swfI socx dI qwkq iblkul mr cu`kI hY?

gurqyj isMG
vYilMgtn, inaUzIlYNf

hrjIq isMG aUBI, knyfw


< vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ]

I have read uggardanti,zafarnama & fatehnama  explanation in detail by S.Harjinder Singh ji Kawal. He did a great job. Keep up the good work. I came to know, he has written some books. I could not find his books, in Surrey, B.C. Kindly advise me, where I can find his works or you can forward my email address to him.

Harjit Singh Ubhi

birMdr isMG


first of all sorry as i dont have punjabi font on computer and then i dont know abt use of these english alpha bet in PUNJABI,,,,yeah and even i knw this is a lazy excuse coz if i can do lot of hundered other things then its not hard to get a punjabi font and learn tht how to use these letters in Punjabi and i'll try to do so as soon as possible,,,,

VEER ji Surinder MAHL ji shaid tusi wi mere kehn da matlab nahi si samjhe mai kiha si ke its grt to knw tht BALTEJ PANNU Ji got such a wonderful knowledge and pain for whtz happenin in our relegious places,,,PAR menu tusi wi daso meri te aje samjh wi kuch nahi hai par ki uh sikh hun te mai kiha si ke sanu je kise kothe te bethe bande naal gal karni howe ta us tak jana penda hai,,,pehli pauri te charde hi nahi assi,,,,hun menu tusi daso ke ki SINGH launa koi galt gal hai te kyon sade Guru SAHIB ne sanu eh ditta ,,shaid sanu sab nu Ik stage te ikthe karn waste te sanu jaat-paat di Glatan wichon kadn waste te nale ik gal hor ki gal uh te disda hai jo uthe ho riha hai te jo assi karde han us wal kade jhati mari hai,,ASSI us GURU de dase Raste te kithey tak Chalde han te nale jehra tusi NAND LAL di gal karde ho te VEER ji uh GURU sahib de 52 poets wichon ik sun,,,Uhna jini sadi kamai hai,,,,sada te uh haal hai jina ku sanu changa lagda hai una ku te assi MATLAB aapne hisab naal kad liya te baki da menu koi fikr nahi te sab to wadi gal uh aap KYON Nahi IK SIKH te wadi Gal SINGH banan di koshsih karde te VEER Ji jidan assi aha ungla utaun nalo aapne ander jhati maar ke GURU SHABD naal jur gaye te eh leader aape samjh jange ke una di ki jamedari hai par assi kini ku jimedari samjhde han,,,,akhnd path assi ghar bethe hi karwa dende han te hor kinni hi kuch te shaid tusi te bahut samjhdar wi ho te tjarbekar wi te menu PUNJABI bahut piyari hai,,kyon ke MERI JAAT PUNJABI HAI te mERA DHARM SIKH ,,bas ida di pehchan mai Chaunda han,,,,BAKI UH WAHEGURU BHALI KARE te menu wi inna hi dukh hunda hai jado aha leader aapne SORE HITTA DI khatir GURU di hajorri wich beth ke sab kuch galt kari jande hun,,par assi kina ku sikhi nu piyar karde han,,,,,tusi daso,,,,,,GALTI WASTE MUAFI te KUCH SIKHN di kosish wich

pMjwbI nOjvwn, AmrIkw


I am a Sikh teenager inside of America and I have often been frustrated with the fact that learning Punjabi here in the westernized world is so very difficult. Gurudwara and Gurmat Camp programs are often not using the best teaching processes that are used in the USA to study other foreign languages. I have also bought numerous books of the Internet and tried Punjabi lessons on the Internet too, but all has failed. But, I feel Mr. Dhillon has taken a strong initiative into trying to solve these problems that plague Punjabi tutorial programs. I commend him for designing a program that is best aimed at the Punjabi youth. I especially liked the fact that there were exercises to be completed in order better understand the Vowel modifiers. There is still some work that can be done, however, such as expanding the lessons and having cultural dialogues and comprehensive questions along with listening that could take Mr. Dhillon's program to the next level. Also, I do not think that cramming the entire Punjabi alphabet at the beginning of the lesson is the best approach. Overall I'd say a very good start and Mr. Dhillon is heading in the right direction.

jiqMdr isMG


5AwbI.kwm dy pwTkW nUM siq sRI Awkwl,

blqyj pnUM dw sRI Awkwl q^q swihb bwry lyK piVAw mn bhuq duKI huMdw hY jdoN ieho ijhy mhwn sMsQw nUM ivvwd dw ivSw bxwiAAw jWdw hY[ jy lMgr sMbMDI hukmnwmw jwrI krnw isAwsq qoN pRyirq mMnIey qW hukmnwmw nw mMnx vwLy vI iesy isAwsq kwrn AwkI hoey bYTy hn[ ieh vI jrUrI nhI ik bhuigxqI dy PYsly hmySw TIk hox[ iesqoN ielwvw blqyj pnUM vloN jo gurbwxI dI quk isrlyK vjoN vrqI hY, ausdy ArQ auhnw hyT ilKy Anuswr kIqy hn ;

"ies leI jrUrI hY ik iehnW qKqW aupr auhI ivAkqI bYTx jo ik ies qKq dy vwikAw hI kwbl hox pr bIqIAW GtnwvW Aqy ivvwdmeI jQydwrW nUM vyKidAW ieQy gurbwxI dI quk TIk FukdI hY ik "qKq bhY qKqy ky lwiek" Bwv qKqW qy auh bYTy hn jo ik qKqy dy lwiek hn[ "

jdik ku`J ieMtrnYt sweItW aupr ieh hyT ilKy Anuswr hn ;
qKiq bhY qKqY kI lwiek ] (1039-11, mwrU, m� 1)

HHe alone sits on the throne, who is worthy of the throne.
pMc smwey gurmiq pwiek ] (1039-11, mwrU, m� 1)

Following the Guru's Teachings, he subdues the five demons, and becomes the Lord's foot soldier

kI ieh Anjwxy iv`c hoeI gLqI  hY jw Awpxy ivcwrW nUM shI Tihrwaux leI mrzI dy ArQ[ sUJvwn s`jxW nUM ies v`l iDAwn dyxw cwhIdw hY ikauNik gurbwxI dy mnmrzI dy ArQ krn dI iejwzq iksy nUM nhI hY [ ikrpw krky lyKk vI iDAwn r`Kx[

jiqMdr isMG

hrijMdr isMG, hOlYNf


sat sree akaal.

meera naam S Harjinder SINGH FROM HOLLAND. I AM VERY HAPPY to see punjabi web site . now i can see my punjabi program and news . i am very happy

thank you ...

jgpwl isMG il`t, knyfw


This is the best (revolutionary) web site in Punjabi Language. We are getting whatever we want re# Punjabi Culture, geet gazals, Live shows ,news etc.

Keep it up.


iekbwl rwmUvwlIAW, knyfw


"chuM ku idnF df mylf"
asIN qF sLugl sLugl 'c eI 'Ps' gey aF!
-iekbfl rfmUvflIaf-

rvfieqI lok gfiekI kvIsLrI nUM nvyN aMdfjL ivwc sfjLF 'qy gfAux vflf, 'chuM ku idnF df mylf' nfmI sLoa asIN qF aYvyN sLugl sLugl ijhy 'c eI, suDfr kflj vfilaF qy iekbfl mfhl vrigaF dI 'cuwk' 'c af ky kIqf sI. sfzf moh qF klm nfl aY. qdy hI mYN sLoa df agfjL krn vyly pihlI gwl ies kivqf rfhIN ieh khI sI:

asIN gfiekI nf krnI sI
asIN gfiekI nf krnI sI
asIN hrPLF dy jMgl
msq GuMmdy sfD sF Xfro!
asIN qF klm dy crnF 'c bYTy sF;
smfDI joV, mF bolI dI pRkrmf 'c bYTy sF!

asIN cONkI isrPL kivqf dI BrnI sI,
asIN gfiekI nf krnI sI!
asIN awKrF nUM guMnH guMnH ky
isrPL sLbdF dIaF icVIaF bxfAuNdy sF;
aqy sLfierI idaF bfgF 'c
icVIaF nUM AuzfAuNdy sF!
ikqfbF dy drF AuWqy
asIN mwQy invfAuNdy sF;
asIN qF awKrF aMdr
guafcy msq Pwkr sF
asIN Kud afp awKr sF;
asIN gfiekI dI kd
qlvfr PLVnI sI;

asIN gfiekI nf krnI sI!
pr pMjfbI mF idaF vflF 'c jd
rUVI cVHn lwgI;
avfrf gIqkfrI,
mF dIaF inrml pusLfkF 'qy
jdoN gfrf mlx lwgI
ieh ivzIE typ qy tI vI
jdoN DIaF qy BYxf nUM
asfzy sfhmxy nMgIaF krn lwgI
qF byadbI, jLlflq qy gunFhgfrI
asIN nf hor jrnI sI:

asIN gfiekI nf krnI sI
asIN gfiekI nf krnI sI!!

pr jfpdf hY ik hux sfzy vwloN eI ley 'pMgy' nfl, gfiekI hux sfzy pwkI qrHF 'gl' pY igaf hY. brYNptn dy ijs skUl ivwc mYN pVfHAuNdf hF, AuQy iewk bjLurg afpxy poqry nUM ipk ap krn afieaf myry gl eI pY igaf: kihMdf rfmUvflIE QonUM jurmfnf krnf cfhIdY. mYN ikhf kfhdf? kihMdf pMjfbI gfiekI df 'KLjLfnf' aMdrI dwbI bYTy EN pwcIaF virHaF dy! ieh gfiekI quhfzy ipE dI aY beI dwbI bYTy EN? ieh qF pMjfbIaF dI aY. bMdy bx ky iehnUM pMjfbIaF dy pysL kro.

gwl bjLurg dI vI swcI aY pr hkIkq ieh aY peI sLoa dy pihly gIq dI pysLkfrI smyN myry pihly bol 'qy jdoN sfrf hfl brPLI vFg jMm igaf, qF mYN gfAuNdy gfAuNdy ny soicaf peI lok bor hoey bYTy af, qfhIN ihldy nhIN. pr ijEN hI gIq Kqm hoieaf, sfry hfl 'c qfVIaF Cxk AuWTIaF ijvyN tIn dI Cwq AuWqy giVaF dI vfCV KVkdI aY. mYN styj dI vwKI 'c Kloqy iekbfl mfhl vwl cor awK Jfikaf, Auh iKiVaf Kloqf sI. mfhl ny cuwikaf hoieaf aMgUTf hvf 'c lihrfieaf, myry sfh 'c sfh af igaf.

mYN qy rCpfl iewk bfad iewk kvIsLrI gloitaF vFg lhux lwgy. hryk afeItm qoN bfad sur hor AuWcI hoeI jfvy.
sfrf sLoa sikMtF 'c hI lMG igaf.

aKIrlI afeItm qoN bfad iekbfl mfhl ny sRoiqaF df DMnvfd kr ky ikhf ik hux sfzI alivdf, pr sRoqy AuWTx eI nf.

awDy sRoqy kursIaF qoN AuWT ky styj 'qy cVH gey, styj AuWqy Jurmt bwJ igaf. lokIN hwQ imlfAux qy sLfbfsL dyeI jfx. kihx, aYho ijhI qF asIN gfiekI hI nhIN dyKI. mYnUM XkIn nf afvy peI swc kihMdy af ik AUeIN hvf bMnIHN jFdy af.
Gr gey qF myrI bIvI suKsfgr ny mfhl, ipMsIpl srvx isMG, mfstr hrcrn, mfstr gurbcn, suDfr vfly PkIr gop, joigMdr bfsI, ipMRsIpl hridafl isMG, aqy hor pMj ds dosqF nUM Pon KVkf idwqf: aKy afjo sfry, awj dI kfmXfbI df jsLn mnfAuxf hY. bysmYNt 'c rOxk lwg geI. glfsF dI tuxk tuxk sfry Gr 'c Clkx lwgI. AuDr Pon qy Pon KVkI jfvy. awDI rfq qIkr mylf Biraf irhf.

hkIkq ieh hY peI kmfl sfzI gfiekI dI Gwt, sRoiqaF dI sMjIdgI dI ijLafdf sI. mYnUM sfzI gfiekI jfpdI aY Gr dI sLwkr df sLrbq. pMjfbI sRoqy, gfiekI dy rMg brMgy, BVkIly, qwqy qwqy, qyjL msfly vfly soZy, koky koly, qy hor vsqUaF pI pI ky sLfied awky hoey ny. Auh hux sLwkr dy sLrbq vwlIN prq rhy ny. mYN qy rCpfl Ps gey hF. hux iehnF sLrbq dy gfhkF ny sfnUM bYTx nhIN dyxf.

sLoa qoN agly idn eI dupihry ijhy iewk pRsMsk df PLon af igaf: bVf eI Bfvuk hoieaf ipaf sI. kihMdf kwlH mYNnUM qusIN luwt ilaf. mYN ikhf sRiqaF ny sfnUM luwt ilaf. kihMdf myry muMzy df ivafh aY julfeI 'c ieMzIaf; pfrtI 'qy qusIN gfAuxY; ds ikMny zflr idaF. mYN ikhf nhIN sfQoN af nhIN hoxf. kihMdf ikqy hor jfxY sLoa krn. mYN bhfnf mfiraf ik hF ivnIpYg rfj mfn ny sLoa rwiKaf julfeI 'c eI. kihMdf mYN qfrIKL bdl lYnY. mYN ikhf nhIN. kihMdf ieMzIaf 'c kIrny pfAux vfilaF nUM lok zyZ zyZ lwK dyeI jFdy aY, mYN QonUM mUMhoN mMgvyN dyAUN.

pr ivafhF 'c sLrfbIaF dIaF jybF 'coN ijLdo-ijLdI not kZf ky bYNkF BrnIaF sfzf insLfnf nhIN. ivafhF 'c gfiekI dI nkdrI ho jFdI aY. ivafhF qy pfrtIaF 'c lok suxn nhIN, pYsy vfr ky afpxI Bwl bxfAux afAuNdy aY. asIN PYslf kIqY peI nf ivafhF 'c gfAuxY, nf pfrtIaF 'c, qy nf hor mihPLlF 'c. gfvFgy AuQy ijwQy lok 'rfmUvflIaF' dI lok gfiekI nUM mfnx leI, qrwdd nfl cwl ky afAux.

asIN gfvFgy, pr Auh nhIN jo 'mMuzIhr' mMgygI jF 'BIV' mMgygI. asIN gfvFgy jo pMjfbI lok gfiekI dy pfrKU sRoqy mMgxgy, qy jo sfzIaF rUhF 'coN Clk Clk ky AuWTygf. kvIsLrI gfvFgy nvyN aMdfjL ivwc. gIq gfvFgy sfihiqk rMg vfly qy nvykly muhFdry vfly.

suihrd sRoiqaF qoN huMgfry dI afs rwKFgy.
-iekbfl rfmUvflIaf

suirMdr mwhl


Swied Eh pVHdy suxdy hox. . .
suirMdr mwhl

ipCly hPqy dy p~qrW nUM bVy ghu nwl vwicAw [ s~B qoN pihlW auprilAW p~qrW qoN hI SurU krdw hW [ ijnWH iv~c birMdr isMG Aqy AjIq isMG mlySIAw ny swrw zor blqyj nUM isMG bxOx qy is~KI smJOx qy lw id~qY [ pr Awp koiSS nI kIqI ik myry vrgy AnpVH jhy bMdy nUM pMjwbI 'c hI do A~Kr ilK smJOx beI mslw kI AY [ l~gdY auhnW dy p~qrW 'c lyK vwry G~t qy blqyj dy vwry pRqIkrm izAwdw hY [ suAwd AONdw jy donoN vIr lyK sm~grI dw bw-dlIl smIKx krn ho skdY hor pwTk vI aunHW dI rwey nwl juV skx qy ie~k sWJI Aqy auswrU crcw hovy [ Aqy iksy nqIjy qy phuMicAw jwvy [

jy 5AwbI.kOm vwly ikqy siqkwr Xog BweI nMd lwl jI goieAw jI dI koeI kivqw jW rcnw Cwp dyx qW ieh myry siqkwr Xog vIr jI Swied ieh pu~Cx jwxgy ik ieh BweI jI ihMdU hn jW jYnI, boDI hn ik pwrsI [ kOx hn pihlW d~so ? pihlW vI blqyj ny Kwlsw pMcYq dy JgVy vwry lyK iliKAw sI bVw vw vwlw m~icAw ik ies BweI dw nW nI cMgw l~gdw [ mYnUM smJ nI pYNdI ik qusIN AMb Kwx dI jgwH drKq ikEN igxn bYT jWdy ho [ qusIN tYlIivXn, vIfIE, Pir~jW dy Pwiedy dyKo qy mwxoN nw ik ies g~l mgr dOVo ik ieh bxweIAW iks ny hn [ myry ipAwirE ! ikEN Kwhm Kwh vkq brbwd krn pY rhy ho [

myrI dUjI slwh qy bynqI hY QonUM jy pr mMnoN qW : Eh ieh ik mW bolI iv~c g~l bwq krnI is~Ko [ sMswr dI cODvIN bolI nUM pMjvIN CyvIN bxwx dIAW qrkIbW soco [ ies mwiKEN im~TI dw inrwdr ikEN krdy ho [ kI eynIAW sOVIAW socx nwloN ibhqr nI ik AwpxI mW bolI pMjwbI ilKxI hI is~K leIey qy iehdy iv~c hI g~lW ilKIey Aqy krIey [ blqyj eys g~loN qW Krw hY ik Eh Asl pMjwbI hY qy mW bolI nUM ipAwr krdY [ kI Qofy leI ieh mwx vwlI g~l nhIN? quhwfy koloN qW ieh vI nhIN sr skdw, bwkI qW id~lI Ajy bVI dUr hY [ dunIAW dy kony kony pMjwbI isKwaux dy auprwly ho rhy hn [ myrI Arz mMnoN qW AgWh qoN quhwfw Kq pMjwbI 'c hI Awvy [ Bjn isMG XUbw istI, gurqyj isMG jI vYilMgtn ; pMjwbI 'c ilKx leI DMnvwd [

bwkI sqkwr Xog srbjIq isMG, rxvIr isMG shoqw, pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl Aqy AmndIp gryvwl ny vI is~KI dy Gyry iv~c ho rhy vrqwirAW vwry ivsQwr Aqy iPkrmMd ho ky iliKAY [ nwl hI swfy vIr gurcrn isG kuilm,lMfn ny vI [

mYnMU pqY ik qusIN swry hI k~lw 5AwbI.kOm hI nhIN pVHdy blik hor vI bhuq ku~J pricAW, AKbwrW, rswilAW 'c dyKdy, pVHdy suxdy qy ivcwrdy ho [ bhuq swrw zor bihsW lyKy l~g irhY, bhuq swrw smyN (vkq) dw kImqI Kzwnw Aqy smr~Qw (AnrjI) vwd ivvwd dI K~f 'c ruVHI jw rhI hY pr iksy dy isr qy koeI jUM nhIN srk rhI [ myrI quC jhI bu~DI muqwibk koeI vI lIfr, jQydwr, kwr syvk Drm pRqI suihrd idl Aqy soc nhIN r~Kdw [ pMjwb 'c Awey idn hVqwlW, mzwhry, Drny, tRYiPk bMd, c~ky jwm Aqy isAwpy ho rhy hn [ hY sOrdw kuC ? huMdY koeI Asr ? iblkul nhIN [ Aqy ikEN dw juvwb hY iksy kol ? iblkul nhIN [ ieh swrw isVI isAwpw bwdSwh pRkwS isauN bwdl vyly vI huMdw sI qy EhI hwlwq hux dy hwkm rwjy vyly vI hn [

knyfw vwly srvx isMG FMfw jI Bu~l jwE ik q~lHx ipMf dIAW m~Qy qy l~gy kwlK dy it~ky vrgIAW GtnwvW kdy tYlIvIXn qy crcw dw ivSw bx skxgIAW [ tYlI qy qW kI jy Eh ryfIE dy lwigEN lMG vI skx [ " kI ieh ienswP hOmyN dy pu~q krngy, kI ieh KwmoS p~Qr dy bu~q krngy" [ ie~k j~j dw jy iF~f qnKwh qy B~iqAW nwl nhIN Br skdw qy EhnUM s~q l~K v~FI lYx dI loV pY skdI hY qW ie~k ikswn mzdUr dw hwl qusIN Awp hI soc lvo [ vIr birMdr jIq dI ic~TI vwkeI krqwr isMG du~gl dI khwxI krwmwq Xwd krvw geI [ sohxyN vIr jIE ! jodVI AY ik beI pMjwbI 'c hI iliKAw kro [ nhIN qW l~gdY ijvyN AwpxI mW nwl g~l bwq duBwSIey rwhIN kr rhy hoeIey [ . . qy Eh ivcwrI dI kI dSw hoaU qusIN swry Awp hI soc lvo [

soco qy r~b dw Sukr mnwE ik ivdySW 'c bYTy ibTwieAW nUM myl imlwp dw eynw vDIAw vsIlw pr r~b ny nhIN blik kuC imhnqI h~QW qy idmwZ ny prdwn kIqw hY qy ies dI nhIN qW mW bolI dI kdr zrUr kirE [ ieh aUVY - AYVy nhIN qW b~s nirMdr bIbw qy hrcrn gRyvwl dy gIqW nwl aunHW vWg hI mr ky Alop ho jwxy ny [ AwE ! pihlW Awpy nwl suihrdqw pwLIey qy GoKIey ik AsIN smwj qy pMjwbI BweIcwry leI ikMny ku suihrd Aqy iPkr mMd hW Pyr bYT ky isr joV ky bYTIey ivcwrIey ik kI qy ikvyN kIqw jwvy ? AKIr 'c mYN aulPq jI dIAW ienWH lweInW nwl quhwfy qoN, Agly hPqy imlx dy iekrwr nwl, ivdw hox dI iejwzq lYNdw hW [ ieh mYnUM qy myry ipAwry vIr jI nUM bhuq psMd hn [ ienWH 'c ie~k sunyhw hY , ies nUM Xwd krky qy iesqy Aml kr skoN qW mYN socWgw qusIN Awpxy Awp qy ie~k bhuq v~fw Aihswn kr ilAw hY : -

cwl smyN dI kihMdI hY, koeI AwpW vI vL CL krIey[
pr idl kihMdw hY, AY bMdy koeI bMidAW vwLI g`l krIey[
AwqS iv`c lohw dgdw hY, qy mrd cmkdw muSkl iv`c,
mslw vI mslw nhIN rihMdw, jy mrdW vWgUM h`l krIey[
muSkl nUM muSkl jy smJo, qW jIxw muSkl ho jWdw,
bs muSkl dw ey h`l ie`ko, nw muSkl vwlI g`l krIey[
h~s-h~s ky sB nUM imL 'aulPq', ro-ro ky dunIAw Xwd kry,
jo kMm cMgw auh kMm krIey, jo g`l cMgI auh g`l krIey[

pMjwbI AkYfmI lY~str

mOq,mKOty Aqy mnu`K
- myjr mWgt


myjr mWgt dI khwxI " mOq, mnu~K qy mKOty " pVHI [ vwkeI inFwl pey bMdy nUM pYrW qy KiVAW krdI hY [ nwl hI swfy KUn 'c rc geIAW qy izMdZI dIAW Aihm pRwpqIAW (kmzorIAW) bx geIAW swfI privrqIAW nUM hU-bhU rUpmwn krdI hY ik Ajokw mnu~K ikMnw suAwrQI Aqy Awpxy idno idn qMg huMdy jw rhy Gyry iv~c ikMnw sMugVdw jw irhw hY [ in~j dy suAwrQW nUM AsIN izMdZI dy tIcy Aqy inSwinAW (eymz AYNf AobjYkitvz) vWg idlW dy 'blYk borf' qy ic~ty cwk nwl ilK ilAw hY [ cwk vI nhIN blik p~ky isAwhI vwly pYn (prmwnYNt mwrkr pYn) nwl [

hyrw PyrI nwl joVI mwieAw qy mwieAw nwl joVIAW (KRIdIAW) vsqW dw pRdrSn Ajoky mnu~K dI iPqrq qy 'nmwz' (Ardws) bxdw jw irhw hY [ BwvyN pqw nhIN ik ikhVy vyly Aqy ikhVy pwisEN Awpxy leI kUkdI AYNbUlYNs srwhxy Aw KVovy [ cuPyry ingwh mwro quhwnUM idsdy aunHW bhuq swry jwxy pCwxy ichirAW 'coN quhwfy Kyr Kvwh " iejwz " nzrIN pYxgy [

. . . . . Aqy loV pYx qy 'mIlw' vrgIAW keI b~s pCqw ky rih jwxgIAW [

myjr mWgt Aqy 5AwbI.kOm dy imhnqI h~QW nUM bhuq vDweI qy Fyr swrIAW Su~B ie~CwvW [

pMjwbI AkYfmI lY~str (U.K. )

suirMdr mwhl, lY~str - XU.ky.


vwh bwjvw swhb !

kmwl krqI [ ho qusIN vI klm dy DnI koeI S~k nhIN [ qy koeY ksr nIN C~fI [ Blw kI QuiVAw sI ies AKIrly pihry bwJoN [ aulWBw ijhw mwr ky swrI pIqI lwh swrw nSw hI auqwrky r~Kqw [

AwpxIAW hI qukW pVHky AKIrly pihr nUM muV qoN ivcwro qW Kud hI iesdI loV mihsUs kirE [ Awp ny Kud hI SurU ‘c PumwieAY ik : -

koeI mhInw pihlW hI Awm vWg iekbwl dI bhuq hI im`TI qy siqkwr BrI Pon kwl AweI, ' v`fy vIr jI . . . .
eysy qrHW dI hI kwl myry byty BuipMdr nUM vI AweI [ ip`CoN iek vwrI Xwd vI krwieAw igAw [ AYvyN bhuqy hI ivSvwS ijhy ivc BulyKw Kw gey[

“ kihMdy hn 'jb Kudw husn dyqw hY qo nzwkq Aw hI jwqI hY[' jdoN mYNnUM ikqoN vI itkt nw imlI qW mYN iekbwl nUM hwrky Pon kIqw[' …hW jI…iPr qW kuJ nhIN ho skdw…a. ky…[' Pon bMd ho igAw[ KuSk qy do SbdI g`l… pihLW vwlI imTws BirAw lihjw gwieb …”

ieh vifAweI hY rwmUMvwlIey dI ik quhwnUM muAwP krqw hoeygw vrnw rwmUMvwlIey dI jgwH mYN hMudw mYN Awpxy Ajyhy dosq / ipAwry nUM kdy muAwP nw krdw [ ijvyN qusIN aus ivcwry nwl kIqI [ qhwnUM kI pqY auhdw idl ikMnw duiKAw hovygw ? qusW itktW KRIdxIAW C~fky Kud vycxIAW sn [ pihlI bynqI ik gwVI ieMj nw kirE [ dUjI bynqI ik mYnUM ieh ilKx leI mwP zrUr kr idE [ --- A~lw bylI ----

suirMdr mwhl ( lY~str - XU.ky. )

birMdr isMG


SSA VEER JI,,,i was reading this article frm Satkaryog BalteJ Pannu,,,,,,i'm really impressed tht he got such a good knowledge abt sikhism and its good to knw tht he is worried abt it as well like the bad thingz happening in it but again my question is same wht he is if he is a Sikh then why he never write his name like Baltej Singh,,always Baltej Pannu ,,,,,,,kyon ke menu nahi samjh aundi ke Gurbani wich kithey likhya hai assi JAAT-PAAT wich wishwas rakhna hai te sanu shaid EH "SINGH" te "KAUR" words IS JAAT-PAAT di galtan wichon niklan waste mile si,,,,Pehli Pauri te assi char nahi sakde te gal karde han assi Chat te Bethe Bandiya di,,,,,,,,i knw whtever is happenin really bad but again the first question "R we SIKH nw" no i dont think just by sayin tht i'm Sikh isnt enough,,,,we need to be and we need to follow Gurbani,,,,when we start doin it then there is no need to worry abt it coz these thingz not gonna be happen,,,KOI GALTI HO GAYI HOWE TA MUAFI<,,,kyon ke AJE INNI sojhi nahi hai,,,,WAHEGURU BHALI KARE TE SANU SAB NU GURSKIHI BAKHSE<,,,
Barinder Singh

gopwl isMG

gubani-raag1_140.jpg (5374 bytes)


Dear Singh Sahib Ji
Waahguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waahguru Ji Ki Fateh

Raag Information is great and It will be better if you can give some examples. How to use it. Please continue this good cause.
Gopal Singh

AjIq isMG mlySIAw


Dear Editor Sahib ji, A Punjabi I do not know he or she a written about the role of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib and Honourable Jathedar Sahib. Writer Baltej Pannu ownself not looks like a Sikh who do not have full Sikh name like 'Kaur' or Singh.-- I just written my views. Everybory have the right to  express but at first we have to look ourselves.--Thank you
Ajit Singh, Malaysia.

ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw


rwmUvwlIey BrwvW dI kvISrI dIAW nhIN rIsW!

koeI mhInw pihlW hI Awm vWg iekbwl dI bhuq hI im`TI qy siqkwr BrI Pon kwl AweI, ' v`fy vIr jI, ivdvwn vIr jI, kI bxdY…… igAwrW meI nUM swP su`QrI gwiekI - 'dunIAW cONh idnW dw mylw' krn jw rhy hW… zrUr pirvwr smyq Awauxw… AsIN kvISrI kursIAW nUM qW nhIN sunwauxI…[' eysy qrHW dI hI kwl myry byty BuipMdr nUM vI AweI[ip`CoN iek vwrI Xwd vI krwieAw[ AsIN soicAw hoieAw sI ik zrUr jwvWgy[AsIN dovyN ipau pu`q iekbwl dy suDwr kwlj qoN hI purwxy jwxU hW[ aus dIAW il`KqW qy ivcwrW dy aupwSk hW[ rwmUvwlIey Brw swry hI bhu-p`KI pRiqBw dy mwlk hn[ij`Dr vI qurdy hn DUVW hI pu`tI jw rhy hn[kmwl dw bulwrw blvMq rwmUvwlIAw pMjwb dI isAwsq ivc nvINAW hI pYVW pweI jw irhw hY[ pMjwb dI jvwnI nUM lwmbMd krky, aunHW dy Biv`K dI r`iKAw leI iek Swndwr lihr vrgI muihMm iv`FI quirAw jw irhw hY[ aunHW dy ipqw s: krnYl isMG pwrs qrkSIl soc nUM swrI amr hI smrpq rhy hn[ ies vyly vI jdoN boldy hn pUry v`jd ivc gVHky nwl hI g`jdy hn[aunHW dy dlyr qy s`cy ivcwr nSw ijhw ilAw dyNdy hn[

hPqw pihLW hI ryfIE qy AKbwrW ivc KbrW Awaux l`g peIAW ik hwaUs solf AwaUt ho igAw hY[ ijhVy s`jnW ny it`ktW nhIN leIAW auh Awaux dI Kycl nw krn[bhuq inrwSw hoeI[ AYvyN bhuqy hI ivSvwS ijhy ivc BulyKw Kw gey[ pr KuSI hoeI ik Ajoky dOr ivc vI ies swP su`QrI gwiekI nUM q`kVw huMgwrw imilAw hY[

'cwr idnW dy myly' dIAW mIfIAw rIportW pVHky ies mOky qy nw hwzr ho s`kx dw Jorw hor vI bhuq mihsUs hoieAw[ipRMsIpl srvx isMG horW dI rIport ' iPr gUMjI rwmUvwlIey pwrs BrwvW dI kvISrI' pVHky qW aNA hI AwnMd ijhw Aw igAw[ieh rIport 5A`bI vY~b sweIt qy vI l`gI hY['iek nUMh sohxI dUjw jMm ipAw kwkw' vwlI g`l bx geI[iek qW pRogrwm au`c kotI dw sI, dUjw klm iml geI srvx isMG vrgy lyKk dI[ pVHidAW ies qrHW mihsUs hoieAw ijvyN styj dy swhmxy vwlIAW kursIAW qy bYTw AwnMd mwx irhw hW[ieko swhy ies lyK nUM dohr pweI[

mYN Kyf lyKk srvx isMG horW dI kwivmeI vwrq`k SYlI dw muF qoN hI AwS`k cilAw Aw irhw hW[ Awp iek iKfwrI irhw hW[ aunHW dIAW qkrIbn swrIAW hI ikqwbW mYN pVHIAW hoeIAW hn[lwhOr bu`k swp luiDAwxy vwly bIr jI nUM myrw p`kw hI sunyhw huMdw sI ik jdoN vI srvx isMG horW dI koeI nvIN ikqwb Awvy myrI kwlj lwiebryrI ivc ib`l smyq Byj idAw kro[iek vwrI mYN kwlj ivc nwvilst jsvMq isMG kMvl qy ipRMsIpl srvx isMG horW nUM Awpxy ividAwrQIAW dy rUbrU vI kIqw sI[aunHW dI hr g`l hwsy dw iek gol g`pw huMdI hY[Fyr icr ip`CoN vI Xwd rihMdIAW hn qy jdoN Xwd AwauNdIAW hn qW mn ivc iek KyVw ijhw ilAw dyNdIAW hn[ikqy iPr sWJIAW krWgw[

bhuq bhuq mubwrkW beI sB nUM ijMnHW ies Swndwr kivSrI myly dw audm kIqw qy sPl kIqw hY[pMjwb dy SRomxI kvISr krnYl isMG pwrs, aunHW dy swQI rxjIq isMG is`DvW, aunHW dI ivrwsq dy aqrw-AiDkwrI rwmUvwlIey BrwvW, mIfIey dI nwmvr hsqI iekbwl mwhl, klm dy DnI ipRMsIpl srvx isMG qy aus idn hwzr sroiqAW nUM bhuq bhuq mubwrkW qy SuBkwmnwvW ByNt krdw hW[ Aws krdw hW ik A`goN vI ies pRMprw nUM eysy qrHW hI jwrI r`Kogy[

kihMdy hn 'jb Kudw husn dyqw hY qo nzwkq Aw hI jwqI hY[' jdoN mYNnUM ikqoN vI itkt nw imlI qW mYN iekbwl nUM hwrky Pon kIqw[' …hW jI…iPr qW kuJ nhIN ho skdw…a. ky…[' Pon bMd ho igAw[KuSk qy do SbdI g`l… pihLW vwlI imTws BirAw lihjw gwieb …Awpxy Awp ivc hI socIN fu`b igAw, myrI qW'kihry drvyS br jwxy drvyS' vwlI g`l hI hY…pr mihsUs zrUr hoieAw… qy mUMhoN inkilAw 'jb Kudw husn dyqw hY qo nzwkq Aw hI jwqI hY'[ hor koeI g`l nhIN jy! vYsy pRoPYsr iekbwl rwmUvwlIAw bMdw vDIAw KVkdw l`Tw jy, im`qro myirE!

ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw

sqivMdr isMG, Bwrq


i see u r we site i really feel happy that our people going to do some thing in press as media ok any how i read about abadi its better that our people control this otherwise it will be more than aids or sars for our indian people  it better that u people also try told the people that please not make more hungry people for u r enjoy and give the name of for population if any body want to do some thing againt this he can contect with me so we can do some thing


srvjIq isMG


jdo vydFqI jI vlo swc boilaf igaF

hPqf vfrI hmdrd imqI 9 meI 2003 dI Kbr anUsfr, " jQydfr vydFqI ny iek suafl dy juvfb ivc mMinaf ik AwuGy iswK ivdvfn sR: gurbKsL isMG kflfaPgfnf nMU afpxf pwK pysL krn leI vIzIA kfnPrMs krn dI afigaf dyxf sRI akfl qKq sfihb dI pRrMprfvF dy Ault hY pr pihlF iejfjq dyxf iPr vfps lYx vfry AunFH spwsLt Auqr dyx dI ibjfey ikhf ik ieh sfzf aMdrUnI mslf hY ( ieh hI swc hY ) ies nUM CyqI hwl kr lvFgy". pfTkf nMU Xfd hovygf ik jnvrI 18 vflI vIzIA kfnPrMs qknIkI kfrnf krky muwlqvI kIqI hoeI hY. Blf jQydfr jI, kI ieh BfrqIXF zfk vf qfr ivBfg hY ijQy ik qknIkI smwisaf nMU hwl krn leI mhIinaF bwDI smF lwgdf hY?

afA gurmuiK ipafirAu ies aMdrUnI msly dy aMdrUnI pwK qy JfqI mfrIey.

BfeI gurbKsL isMG kflfaPgfnf dI pusqk , "ibprn kI rIq qo swc df mfrg" pihlI vfr 1993 ivc CpI sI aqy AuhnF dI buhcrcq pusqk, " mfsu mfsu kir mUrKu JgVy" 1996 ivwc. "ibprn kI rIq qo swc df mfrg" lVI ivc hux qwk 10 pusqkF Cwp cwukIaF hn pr kdy koeI aMdrUnI jF bfhrI mslf pYdf nhI hoieaF.

sRI gurU hrgoibMd sfihb jI dy 400 sflf pRkfsL Auqsv dy sbMD ivc sfzI kydrI sMsQf ny igafnI joigdMr isMG vydFqI aqy zf:amrjIq isMG dI sMpfdq , "gur iblfs pfqsLfhI6" nMU pMQk srmfey nfl Cfp ky ,gurU pMQ leI anmol sugfq vjoN jfrI kIqF sI. ijs ivc (pMjvyN sP yqy ) pMQ dIaF hyT ilKIaf mhfn hsqIaf ny pRsMsf pwqr drj hn.

(1)"ieqhfsk syvf"(jQydfr rxjIq isMG jI)
(2) "sMdysL"(jQydfr gurcrn isMG tOhVf )
(3) "aduqI syvf" (jQydfr BfeI mnjIq isMG jI ) <<>> (1)
(4) "guriblfs df sLuwD srUp (jQydfr BfeI kyvl isMG jI) <<>> (2)
(5) "anUpm sugfq" (suKdyv isMG jI BOr)
(6) " sfihq qy smfj" (s: mnjIq isMG jI klkwqf )
(7) "do sLbd" ( ig: sMq isMG jI mskIn) <<>> (3)
(8) "cmqkfrI ivafiKaf" (ig: jsvMq isMG jI kQfkfr )
(9) " sLlFGfXog Auwdm" (dlIp isMG jI mlUnMgl )
(10) "ieiqhfsk pusqkF dI pRkfsLnf sMbMDI sfzI ijMmyvfrI" (ig: joigdMr isMG qlvfVf )
(11) " cfr sLbd" ( s: nirMdr isMG jI soc )
(12) " gur iblfs dy sLwuD srUp df svfgq"(ig: blvMq isMG jI )

<<>>(1) " afpdf myry sbMDI isMG sfihb igafnI joigMdr isMG jI dI sMpfidq ikqfb bfry ieljLfmF BrpUr iek hor pwqr awj pRfpq ho igaf. ahoBfg! gurmiq dy swc dy mfrg qoN sMsfr nMU jfxUM krfAx df dfavf krn vfly ivdvfn nMU krqf purK ny aYsy pwqr ilKx dI smrwQf bKsLI hoeI hY.swc dy mfrg df igafn rwKx vfly ivdvfn jIE! mYN Auprokq vFg iPr gurU nMU sfKsLI mMn ky swc ilK irhF ik mYN awj qwk isMG sfihb duafrf sMpfidq ies pusqk df iek vI aWKr nhIN piVHaf, ieh vI swc hY ik mYN iek vI swqr Aus pusqk sbMDI nhIN ilKI. isMG sfihb jI dy Pon myry kol afAuNdy rhy, pr suBfvk hI mYnMU kuJ ilKx df smF hI nhI bixaf, BfvyN gurU pfqsfLh ny bhuq sfrIaF pusqkF bfry muKbMD jF afpxI rfie ilKx df mOkf bKisLaf qy gurU dI bKisLsL kIqI quJ ijhI buwDI rfhI afpxy vwloN ilKdf vI irhf hF, pr ies vfr aYsf sMBv nhI sI ho sikaf. mYN ies pwKoN isMG sfihb jI koloN iKmf jfcnf kr leI sI. AuprMq mYnUM isMG sfihb vwloN Pon qy ieqnf jLrUr dws idqf igaf sI ik asIN quhfzy vwloN kuJ awKr ilK idqy hn. mYN siqkfr qy apxwq ivc DMnvfd kr idqf sI. mYnMU aj qwk nhIN pqf ik myry vwloN Aus pusqk ivc kI iliKaf igaf sI". (mnjIq isMG jQydfr 10-11-2000 )

(bfkI pRsMsf pwqrf vfry pfTk jI afp hI aMdfjf lgf lYxf)

<<>>(2) " akfl purK vfihgurU ny quwT ik afp jI nMU sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI inrml bfxI dy igafn df isDFqk arQ boD dI dfq bKLsLI hY. gurmiq dI shI cyqnf pRdfn kIqI hY. ieiqhfs nMU gurbfxI dI ksOtI qy prKx dI jugq pRdfn kIqI hY.pMQk rihq mrXfdf pRqI idRVqf afp jI pfs hY. kwcI aqy swcI bfxI pRqI afp jI buhq hI suihrd ho. dsm gRMQ bfryy afp jI dI puhMc buhq hI qswlI bKLsL hY. vfihgurU jI ny afp jI pfso ies smy jdoN Kflsf aQvf iswK hox df dfavf krn vflI buh igxqI mfieaf dy rfm roly ivc qwq gurmiq isDFq nflo quwt ky ibpR rIq dI muQfj ho cwukI hY. afp jI ibpRr rIq dI shI ivafiKaf kr swc dy mfrg nMU sMBflx df Auwdm kr rhy ho. afp jI nMU buhq buhq mubfrk. jo pusqk afp jI keI Bfgf ivc ibprn kI rIq qo swc df mfrg ilKI hY buhq hI cMgI hY gurmiq dy shI isDFq dI pysLkfrI hY ibprn kI rIq df shI AulyK hY. iswK smfj ivc sdIaf qoN isDFq pwKo avyslypn nfl pRclq hoeI ibpR rIq ijnI ies smyN pRBfvsLflI hY ies qo Kflsf pMQ nMU sucyq krnf bVf jrUrI hY". (kyvl isMG jQydfr nM: 946 imqI 19-11-99 )

<<>>(3 ) Pyr igafnI Bfg isMG ivrwD hukm-nfmF ikANu qy ikvyN?

Dfrimk slfhkfr kmytI dy Auprokq srb-sMmqI PYsly AupMRq, kmytI dy iksy ivakqI nMU hwk nhIN phMucdf sI ik Auh afpxI hI hfjLrI ivwc hoey PYsly dI iksy qrHF imwtI plIq kry. jQydfr "sRI akfl qKLq sfihb" jy Dfrimk slfhkfr kmytI dI iekwqrqf dy srb-sMmq PYsly ivwc sLfml n huMdy qF gl hor sI, hF jy AunHF df afpxy hI sFJy qy srb-sMmqI PYsly bfry mn bdl igaf sI, qF Auh Dfrimk slfhkfrF dI iekwqrqf swddy, aqy srb-sMmqI nfl hoieaf PYslf bdlvf lYNdy, pr, mYNbr sfihbfn ivrwuD, aYsf hwqk qfnfsLfhI PYslf n krdy.

ipCokV:- ies sfrI Gtnf df ipCokV jo bfad ivwc igafnI Bfg isMG qy AunHF dy inkt vrqIaF pfsoN suxn ivwc afieaf, Auh sMKyp ivwc ies pRkfr sI:-

igafnI Bfg isMG jI qy igafnI sMq isMG mskIn dI ieMdOr ivKy smfgm smyN, muwT ByV ho geI, ijs ivwc Bfg isMG df hwQ Auwqy irhf. mskIn jI ny ies dI isLkfieq, afpxy ihqU qy vwzy inktvrqI, igafnI cyq isMG hYz gRMQI "sRI drbfr sfihb aMimRqsr" nMU kIqI, ijnHF dI igafnI sfDU isMG BOrf, "jQydfr sRI akfl qKLq sfihb" nfl zfZI smIpqf sI. so ienHF dohF sfQIaF ny jQydfr BOrf Auwqy dbfa pfieaf ik Auh igafnI Bfg isMG ivrwD "hukm-nfmF" jfrI krn. ieAuL ieh Bfxf vriqaf.

(ipRMsIpl hrBjn isMG jI BfeI sihb ,iswK mfrg zft kfm coN DMnvfd sihq)

Auprokq pusqk vfry jdo BfeI gurbKsL isMG kflfaPgfnf nMU jfxkfrI hoeI qf , "suinafr dI Twk Twk luhfr dI ieko swt" dy aKfx anMUsfr AuhnF nUM afpxI sfrI myhnq vykfr jFdI idsI. AuhnF ny jQydfr kyvl isMG jI dy ilKy bcnf , "gurbfxI nMU kwsvtI vjoN mMn ky swc aqy kwc dI pCfx kr lYxI cfhI dI hY ikAuik sfzy kol isrmOr ksvwtI gurbfxI dy rUp ivc hI pRfpq hY" anusfr, " gur iblfs pfqsLfhI 6" nMU gurU gRMQ jI dI hjurI ivc ilaf hfjr kIqF aqy Aus df Auh hsLr kIqF jo kdy BrfeI logV df kiraF krdy sn. ijAu hI ieh Kbrf spoksmYn (cMzIgVH) ivc CpIaf qF sRomxI kmytI ny Auprokq pusqk nMU vfps lY ilaf.

"jy kflfPgfnf iewklf hI sfzI pusqk vfps krvf skdf hY qF asI sfry jfxy rl ik , Aus dIaf sfrIaf pusqkf qy pfbMdI ikvy lfeIey" ieh hY sfzy siqkfr Xog igafnI joigdMr isMG vydFqI jQydfr sRI akfl qKq sfihb jI df "aMdrUnI mslf"

suihrd pfTkf nMU dfs dI inmrqf sihq bynqI hY ik AuTo, jfgo aqy afpxI ijMmyvfrI nMU pCfxo qF jo afpf iewk hor swc nMU sUlI qy cVHn qoN bcf skIey.
hoeIaf Bulf leI iKmf krnf jI
afdr sihq
srvjIq isMG

rxvIr isMG shoqw, hWg kWg


Dear Readers,

Sat Sari-Akaal,

Recently many of our fellow readers have sent in comments on wide range of issues, including but not limited to, eating langar on chairs & tables, declaring Tankhiyas, stopping women from participating in sukh-asan of Sahib Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and lately blaming jatts for most of the evil of Sikh Society at present. Some Veers have argued, in the name of technology, citing examples of modern machinery being used to cook langar in our Gurdwaras (a comparison that I find strange and logicless). I have a question for these fellow Sikhs. If eating of langar on Chairs and Tables is endorsed then FOR HOW LONG CAN WE STOP THESE CHAIRS AND TABLES FROM BEING INTRODUCED TO DURBAR SAHIB (PRAYER HALL) OF SUCH GURDWARAS. People would then start advocating such a move with equal ferocity and determination. Therefore I am of the view that Langar should still be consumed in pangats on the floor (with shoes removed and heads covered).

The supreme authority of Shiri Akaal Takht Sahib should take a stand ASAP on allowing women to participate in every aspect of sewa. The Gurus have clearly mentioned " So Kyon Manda Akkhiyey Jitt Jammey Rajaan". Similarly POLITICS should be kept at bay while deciding on Tankha for panth opposers.

Finally one of my Veer (as has become normal these days) lays the blame of 1980's insurgency of Punjab on Jatt Sikhs. It is true that more than 90% of the insurgents were Jatt Sikhs but that does not-at all- mean that what they were fighting for was irrelevant to Sikh community at large. I am sure most of us would agree that Jatt Sikhs, despite their portrayed image in the media, are uneducated, oppressed, innocent people who are mere pawns at the hands of cunning politicians. We, the jatt Sikhs, bear the most and give out the most at time of need for the panth. Countless examples of supreme sacrifices and extreme valour are embedded in our history justifying the myth attached to Jatt (Sikh) masses. Again that does not mean that contribution by other Sikhs (Lobanas, Ramgharias, Bhappas, etc) was less meaningful or in any way less important than Jatt Sikhs. It is just that the policies of various governments (including the one that led to 1980's insurgency) hit Jatt Sikhs the most and hence, adhering to Newton's Third Law of motion, an equally ferocious and sometimes devastating, reaction from Jatts.

Bhul Chukk Di Maafi:


Ranveer Singh Sahota
Hong Kong

dwrw iSkwgo

ryl hwdsy dy kwrnW dI jWc pVqwl surU


Awpxy lok hor kr vI kI skdy hn, isrP iksmq nUM hI doS dy skdy ny .. auhnw pqw iksy lIfr nUM kI doS dyx dw PYdw aus nY ikhVw swfI g`l suxnI Aw.. pr APsos dI g`l hY A`j k`l dy jug ivc lok hryk mwVI G`tnw dw doS iksmq nUM dydy ny Kws krky Bwrq dy lok bVI hYrwnI dI g`l hY ky Awpxy lIfr lok jIaudy lokw dI swr qw lYdy nhI, jdo auh hI lok iksy vjW krn iksy hwdsy dw iSkwr ho jwdy ny qw lIfr lok auhnW vl B`j qurdy ny .. ijvy hux hoieAw ies hdsy qy .. iek g`l mMnx vwlI bweI ienW lIfrw dI Drm jW dyS leI qW ikqy boV dy nhI , pr kursI leI lokw dy juqy c`tx q`k jwdy ny[

dwrw iSkwgo

pRo. pRIqm isMG gryvwl


s.gurb^S isMG kwlw APZwnw nUM qn^whIAw grdwnn sMbMDI iCVy vwd-ivvwd bwry

imqI 17 meI nUM itRibaUnieMfIAw.kwm dI iek ^br muqwibk Akwl q^q swihb dy swbkw jQydwr pRo.drSn isMG ny is`KI isDWqW ivroDI ikqwb 'purK gurU' vl mOjUdw jQydwr vydWqI jI dw iDAwn idvwauNidAW d`isAw hY ik nwmDwrI sMpRdw vloN k`FI geI ies pusqk Anuswr-

1. gurUu gRMQ swihb nUM is`KW dw gurU hI qslIm nhIN kIqw igAw blik ies nUM isrP sRI gRMQ swihb hI iliKAw igAw hY[

2. gurU goibMd isMG jI ny ies gRMQ nUM gurU dI pdvI nhIN b^SI[ blik pMjwb ivc bwbw rwm isMG jI dI gurUu vjoN mwnqw nw shwrdy hoey ibRitS srkwr ny ieh pRcwirAw ik is`KW dw gurU qW gurU gRMQ hY[

3. ijauNdy jwgdy gurU dI QW koeI inrijMd vsqU gurU nhIN ho skdI[

ies qoN ielwvw ies ikqwb ny KMfy dI pwhul Aqy pMjW ipAwirAW dI vI Alocnw kIqI hY[

pRo.drSn isMG jI ny kwlw APZwnw kys dy snmuK ies 'purK gurU' pusqk bwry jQydwr vydWqI jI nUM Awpxw stYNf spSt krn dI bynqI kIqI hY[ Aws hY ik jQydwr swihb zrUr pRoPYsr swihb dI Aqy Awm is`K sMgqW dI sMquStqw leI Awpxy vIcwr mIifAw rwhIN pRgt krngy[

pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl

AmndIp gryvwl


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ki Fateh,

There has been lot of discussion going on, more than l00's messages for last few days. My viewpoints and questions are as follows on some of the issues.


Few years back I happened to visit Louvre Museum in Paris. Amongst the many artefacts there are quiet a few life size statues of various French  armymen from 19th century.

What struck me was that in the beginning of the 19th century (1810's), some armymen (predominantly from North Africa) were tying pointed turbans like present day Sikh turban. Now these models are based on painting from those days. Could it be that the present day pointed turban came to us from North Africa via French connections that Kapurthala and Patiala dynasty had with them.


Also regarding various naming conventions undoubtedly we have Hindu influence as all of us not more than 10-12 generations back had Hindu ancestors. I could verify that on basis of scrolls of dead people maintained at Haridwar. Another proof that uptil 5 generations back Sikhs were still commiting their last rites at Haridwar. Similalry over the last 6 generations Sikhs have had lot of English influence with Sikh armies working for the British. I can verify personally  as 11-12 members of my family from village had served in Iraq with British army in WW-I & II. And in 19th century there were lot of French influences on the Sikh armies of small principalities.

British due to their self interest (and policy of divide and rule) did promote the Sikhs. And the same Sikhs (INA, Komagatu Maru and retired Sikh soldiers were active in Singh Sabha movements) were in front of freedom movements. Even Bhai Saheb Randhir Singh was a  soldier (I do not know whether in Indian british army).

Regarding Golden Temple naming convention influences cannot be denied. But then religion should be above language as well. As far as meaning is conveyed whether Persian, Arabic, English or Devanagari is of no consequence. We are corresponding everyday in English, then why not have a  name for each language. The train that got burnt tragically near Ludhiana killing 50 odd people was named Golden Temple express. I would say let the Punjabisation guys handle this question of  appropriate name. Also tragicaly we have to accept all the influences of different religions  and cultures, but this in no way is an aspersion on uniqueness of the religion. We have to  accept that we were a colony of different people at different times due to our weaknesses.   And inspite of all adversities our way of life and religion has still survived. We need to  be proud of the fact that Sikh soldiers not only fought with their honour intact and also  with their religion intact. Who has not seen pictures of Sikh soldiers carrying Guru  Granth Saheb in Arabian or Malayan lands during WW's. Whatever might have been their  circumstances that made them serve the British in Malaya, Tanzania, Kenya or Mesopotamia. Those very soldiers have defined the present day Sikh culture. The nice tight  turbans, netted or tied up beards have all come from those soldiers. And sadly so the peg drinking culture as well.


Also what about the fact that Maharaja Ranjeet Singh was an opium addict and married many and had a large harem of women (all against the tenets of  Sikhism). And the fact that numerous of his wife committed SATI on his death. What about the fact that   British imposed very strictly the rule of principalities succession whereby only the eldest  regent of Sikh mother could become a ruler. The very fact that Rani Jindan was a Hindu and exiled  to Nepal, Maharaja Duleep Singh was declined rulership on a technicality that his  mother was non-SIKH. These facts are worth investigating. So Maharaja Ranjeet Singh was a good  ruler who happened to be a SIKH and that is it. He was fallible like Clinton but a  good administrator who had great regards for all religions.

So all these things are independent of religion and we as a group should  stay clear of these issues. Sikhism should flourish irrespective of linguistic, cultural, ethnicity, casteism, racial biases. As Sardar Jarnail Singh Gill has pointed out the essence of religion  is selfless service. For the religion small people who perform SEWA of the community like BHAI  KANHAIYA'JI and Bhagat Puran Singh have contributed much more than even so called KINGs  and leaders.

Even the Sikh struggle of 1980's Akalis was more of a "JAT struggle". Punjab   fighting for river waters, Chandigarh, Sikh personal law (suggesting daughters have no right on parental property) are all feudalistic in nature which had nothing to do with religion.  Trifurfication of Punjab had no advantage for Sikhs but sikhism lost an oppurtunity to expand  itself by love and persuasion amongst people who were most aware of the religion. As a result Sikhism has attained a ethnic bias than a religious one. Like  Jewish are more of an ethnic group at odds with people around it, Sikhism has also lost an  oppurtunity to get free of ethnic bias and become a global religion like the Christians,  Hindus, Buddhist or Muslims.

So I would say that Sikhism needs to rise higher than Punjabiat if it has to   attain truly universal nature.

There is a lot of discussion going about Sikh Sants. Good or bad, it is a  fact that very few Sikhs have direct link with Guru Granth Saheb, about 80% are via some Sants or  Baba's. But one thing I do not understand is that how Namdhari movement gets counted  as Sikhs. One of their philosophy that Guru Gobind Singh lived to the age of   140 (till 1812) and handed Gurr Gaddi to founder of Namdhari movement is incomprehensible.

Also incomprehensible is the SGPC arguement is that women cannot perform  SEWA of sukhasan as they mesntruate and cannot pick up PALKI saheb and can be  insulted by others. I fail to comprehend that would not Guru Nanak Devji known about the this when equated the two genders. Are we not born of same women who carry us right from conception to 5 years of age and tender to the  household work as well. I think SGPC attitude dated back further back than 1469 the  birth of Guru Nanak Dev ji. Also those men who insult women during such ceremony are at fault.

So I would say that if religion has to flourish it has to answer all  questions of modern educated mind (I do not know if it is for better). Also SGPC needs to take a   position well clear of various biases whether regional, linguistical, casteist,   racial or gender.


gurcrn isG kuilm,lMfn,


<>S`q gurprswd

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw vwihgurU jI kI Piqh

siqkwr Xog swD sMgq jIau,

I can understand the controversy that has been raging for many years over Sr.GS Kalaafghana's BIPRAN KI REET.I wonder how many people have actually read this book before embarking upon taking sides and becomming critics of one or the other side.After all he has been the author of 10 other books, and none of those books appear to have raised an eyebrow earlier among anyone.

I beleive my self to be well and widely read, both in Punjabi, English and Persian:not to mention Malay and Tamil. I am yet to get a copy or a site where I can read this book and be in a position to analyse its contents.I wonder how many others have read it ?

What appears to be happening here, is people are reading bits here and there, some passages and qoutes from that book;depending who is supplying these points, and deciding upon the fate of the author.

I beleive this to be very wrong. As Sikhism moves to into the wider world and 21st century we are bound to get some very new challenges both by Sikh authors and none Sikhs.These will have to be addressed appropriately.

As I understand it, there appears to be a very powerful conspiracy emerging from the powers within the Akal Takhat.In recent times some very unorthodox,unclear and not necessarily accurate decisions and directions have come from the Akal Takhat officers.

I AM CERTAINLY NOT QUESTIONING, THE PLACE OF AUTHORITY, OF THE AKAL TAKHAT.I do question the sincerity, qualifications and partiality of characters who have been placed in power there.The political bearings of such characters is another issue.

The reasons for Mr G S Kalafghana's inability to be present in the Punjab are understandable.But by agreeing to a video conferencing,then subsequently changing its mind, the Sikh clergy has put themselves into disrepute and very questionable position.

As an institution they should be seen to be sympathetic and sensitive to the individual summoned,until such time as the individual has been heard fairly.

Another very questionable and totally unacceptable, is the involvement of Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti,in his position as the Jathedar of the Akal Takhat.Giani Joginder Singh himself has been the centre of a very questionable and blasphemous book-he has been the author and editor of the book GURBILAS PATSHAHI 6vi,which was criticised by Sr.GS Kalafghana,and later BANNED by the SGPC.

The question is now how could someone like Joginder Singh then be in the position of a jathedar of the Akal Takhat? A "criminal",even admittedly in the past, himself dispensing out justice in the name of law and order? Joginder Singh in NOT whiter than white to point a finger of accusation at another person.Why was Joginder NOT ex-communicated from the Panth for his book?Quite the contrary,he gets rewarded for writing a blasphemous book! What does this tell us of the affairs in the Sikh Panth?

Sr GS Kalafghana may have had MANY opportunities, to present himself and clarify his position,and for whatever reasons has FAILED to do so.Perhaps he knows as long as Joginder Singh Vedanti is there, he may not get a fair hearing;as Joginder Singh may be biding this opportunity to even his score.

My understanding of the Sikh Rehat Maryada tells me the allegation levelled against Sr.Kalafaghana is not included within the 7 criterias defined for a tan-khaiiya.

However, Joginder Singh Vedanti's blasphemous book falls within the criteria 6 ,why was he not declared a tan-khaiiya? But shamefully appointed to the position of jathedar of the most supreme seat of the Panth with politcal patronage,and now has brought his own position and the dignity of the Akal Takhat into disrepute.

It is sad that the Akal Takhat has been hijacked by incompetent and highly questionable individuals,and is being used to abuse the Sikh Panth.

Why is the Akal Takhat very silent on the following issues:

Sikh womens right to any sewa within any gurduara,including the Harmandir Sahib

the issues of chairs and tables in langger halls,

the introduction of a machine into the preparation of langger at Harimander,thus contradicting the very principle that was used to reject the chairs and tables in langger,

the issues of panth parwanat maryada,

the soliciting with sadhs and so called sants by the the Jathedars of Akal takhat,

the issues of conversions by the christians in Punjab,

the issues of Jaat Paat among Sikhs,

the MONOPOLISATION of certain sewa within the Harimander Sahib by male chauvinists-esspecially those in the employ of the SGPC like Ajaib Singh .

What the third rate leadership of the Sikhs,and those being put into positions of influence in the Akal Takhat by the political masters must understand, is that in this age there will be many critics who may write on various subjects within Sikhism,and should be welcomed to do so. Some of these will raise eyebrows and be controversial..but then so was Guru Nanak Ji, when he watered his fields in the Punjab from Uttar Pradesh-the very birth of Sikhism was born in controversy,so we should learn to accept that ,but be also mature enough to refute that equally powerfully. The Gurbani has that power to guide us.

But when opportunist begin to bend rules to avenge personal feuds using the Akal Takhat,then that will be bring a divide within trthe community.

After all Joginder Singh himself raised controvesry with his book Gurbilas Patshahi 6vi and ,I do not recall him being called to be declared a tan-khaiiya!!!!

This is indeed a sad day for the Sikh Panth

Gurcharan Singh Kulim
gurcrn isG kuilm,l`fn,
AYm bI ey,AYm AYs sI (POr`isk`s)

A kOr


Many writers like G S Kala Afghana and others are trying to gain cheap popularity by raising controversies. I do not take their writings seriously as the motive behind is not clear. (every research is based on some principles) They all need to go for some  foundation work. Example can be "Hum Hindu Nahin" by Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha. Writing something similar can make your motive clear and visible. If you think that whatever Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha wrote is more than enough then perhaps self styled professors do not realise the current threat from the dragon of RSS nor do they understand the meaning of research.

srvx isMG FMfw, knyfw



I have read a number of news items and an article by Dalbir Singh on the above mentioned matter on your popular website.

Appeals have been made to the SGPC urging them to get involved and resolve the dispute. Other media too carried the news and appeals to the SGPC. Today, I read the news on 5abi.com that Dalits have already gone on hunger strike.

This matter should be of grave concern to each and every Sikh in the world. Attitude of Jats of Talhan is deplorable. Our Gurus preached equality of man at all levels and every Sikh should be proud of this principle. Jats of Talhan should know that their actions are unworthy of Sikh religion.

Thanks to the Internet, I have enjoyed reading well researched articles by highly educated Sikhs scholars. I call upon all of them to write articles on the Internet and other media in an effort to make the SGPC take their responsibility seriously and restore harmonious relations between Dalits and Jats forthwith. At the same time, discussions on the matter should also be held on the Radio and T.V. shows regularly until the dispute is settled.

For the Jats of Talhan, I quote the following verse from Guru Nanak's Bani (I noted it from somebody else's article on the Internet and I failed to note his name, otherwise I would have recognized him here. My apoligies):

Jur jur wichhure wichhur jure. Jeev jeev mue mue jeeve.
Ketya ke bap ketya ke bete kete gur chele hooe.
Agai pachhai ganat na awai kya jati kya hun
hooe. M:1, P:1238.

Kind regards,
Sarwan Singh Dhanda, Canada

birMdrjIq ig`l



In 1922, during the "Guru kaa Baagh" morcha a great incident occurred at Siri Punja Sahib in Hasan-Abdaal, Pakistan. The singhs arrested during the Akali Morcha of Guru kaa Baagh, were being taken to the jails of Attock and Kamalpur. The Rawalpindi sangat found out that the trains taking the prisoners of morcha were going through the Punja Sahib railway station. Sangat decided to serve langar to the passing Sikh prisoners.

The British government found out that the sangat of Rawalpindi was going to prepare langar for the prisoners of Morcha of Guru kaa Baagh, and as such decided not to stop the train at the Punja Sahib railway station. When the sangat found out that they were not going to stop the train at the railway station, they said that they would stop the train at any cost. Bhai Partaap Singh jee who was their able Jathedaar, said fearlessly that an ardaas has been performed to provide langar to the Sikh prisoners of the morcha and as such Guru Sahib will himself stop the train at the Railway station.


Giani Bhajan Singh, a very good Sikh writer, himself went to Bibi Harnaam Kaur the wife of Shaheed Bhai Partaap Singh and interviewed her on what exactly happened at Punja Sahib railway station. Following is the the translation of Giani Bhajan Singh jee's interview with Bibi Harnaam Kaur jee:

Giani Bhajan Singh: Mata jee (wife of Shaheed Bhai Partaap Singh jee), could you please tell us something about the Punja Sahib incident? I have specially came to see you to get first hand information from you.

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: Why won't I tell you what happened on that fateful day at Punja Sahib? I remember the whole incident as if it occurred yesterday. I was one of those people who were sitting on the railway tracks to stop the train. I was sitting just behind my martyr (shaheed) husband. I have been getting the urge for long time, to tell the true story of Punja Sahib incident but no one took the effort to write what I had to tell. I am glad to hear that you came specially to hear about this incident and would be writing the story as I tell you.

Giani Bhajan Singh: How did this whole incident occur? Please tell me in detail. Assume that I don't know anything and you are telling a new person this incident.

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: This was the time of Guru kaa Baagh Morcha (1922). Police had arrested the singhs and trains of these arrested singhs of Morcha, were being taken to the Attock and Kaimelpur jails. Two trains had passed Punja Sahib. My shaheed (martyr) husband approached the station master, who was a very kind Hindu gentleman and asked him why he was not informing the Sangat of the arrival of the trains carrying the Sikh prisoners. My husband told him that the sangat wanted to do some sewa of the Sikh prisoners.

At that time my husband was the member of the managing committee of Siri Punja Sahib and he served in the capacity of the treasurer. Prior to that he served as the general secretary of the committee. Anyway, one day, the Hindu station-master informed my husband that next day at 8am the train was scheduled to arrive at the Punja Sahib railway station. As soon as the sangat heard of this, they started preparing langar for the Sikh prisoners. After the completion of the morning congregation (diwaan), an ardaas was performed as follows:

"O Sache Paatshah (True King), we have prepared Parshaada (food) for your Gursikhs. Please fulfill our wish of feeding langar to our gursikh brothers and grant us the boon that we come back to the Gurdwara Sahib only after serving langar."

After the ardaas (prayer) when we arrived at the station, we were informed by the station master that as per orders from the top, the train will not stop at the station. The sangat was at once overwhelmed by sadness and anger. They got together and decided through a Gurmata that langar would be served to the sangat at any cost and that they would not let the train proceed further without this. After this decision, the despondence that the sangat was in, at once disappeared.

Giani Bhajan Singh: What was the total number of sangat?

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: It must have been about 300.

Giani Bhajan Singh: Then what happened?

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: When the train arrived, all the sangat sat on the railway tracks with their legs crossed and started doing paath. Some men sat by the signal.

Giani Bhajan Singh: Did anyone flee after seeing the train arriving?

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: There was no question of fleeing. Everyone had decided unanimously. At that time, those present there did not have any fear of death. Motivating lectures and motivated everyone to die for this noble cause.

Giani Bhajan Singh: Then what happened:

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: The train arrived, it whistled but no one got up. At the front of everyone, my shaheed husband Sardar Partaap Singh jee was sitting. Along his side was Sardaar Karam Singh. The train hit my husband and crushed him and Sardar Karam Singh. Many were thrown off the track by the bumper of the train. My husband and Sardaar Karam Singh got shaheed there and six others who  had been crushed under the train did not die but had their legs and arms severed. I too suffered massive wounds and stayed in the hospital for many months.

Giani Bhajan Singh: Did Sardar Partaap Singh get shaheed right at the spot, or later? Please tell me everything.

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: Shaheedi did not occur right on the spot. When the train stopped, people rushed to see the singhs crushed under the train. My shaheed husband, who was very seriously injured at that time said:
"First go and serve langar to the gursikhs prisoners, then come for our care. If you take us out of from under the train, the driver would take the train away and we will not be able to serve langar to our brothers".

After serving langar to the prisoners, then my husband was taken out. Bhai Karam Singh left his body within few hours but my husband gave his life at amritvela, next day.

Giani Bhajan Singh: Please tell us something about the time between he got crushed under the train and till he died the next day.

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: When I tried to go near him, after he got severely injured, he said, "If you are my wife, then don't come to me crying, rather be happy because I have passed my test of Gursikhee". His jaw was severely injured and had been ripped apart from one side. His forehead had a very severe and deep cut. He himself kept thanking Vaheguru that he was able to fulfill his vow of serving langar to Gursikh brothers.

Giani Bhajan Singh: Please tell me some incident of his life. How old was he?

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: At the time of shaheedi his age was about 24 or 25. We had been married for about 4 years. He was serving in the military back then but had to leave job for wearing Black turban. We came to Rawalpindi (a city near Punja Sahib, Pakistan) and started living there. He was in the forefront when the jatha went to free the Punja Sahib Gurdwara Sahib. After relinquishing Mahant control from the  Gurdwara Sahib, my husband was appointed the first Manager Secretary of  the Gurdwara Sahib. He kept working without any pay or salary. At that time, we got by, by selling our possessions. We did not have any money with us but my husband did not care about these things. When he attained martyrdom, at that time too he was working in the management.

Before shaheedi, we had a son who died when he was 2 years old. At his death, my husband gave proof of obeying will of Vaheguru by accepting the will of Vaheguru. He did not cry at all and not only that but he called a band group and played the band in the front of the procession as my son's dead body was taken for cremation. I gave birth to our second child, few months after the shaheedi of my husband. That child is our only daughter - Joginder Kaur (She was standing by us).


Giani Bhajan Singh: Can you mention any other significant incident related to this great Saaka (incident) of Punja Sahib?

Bibi Harnaam Kaur: The driver of the train was an Araayeen Muslim from   Gujrat city of Pakistan. I don't remember his name. The government had filed a case against him and he was investigated by a retired judge as to why he stopped the train despite orders not to do so. That driver gave a statement in front of that tribunal and this statement is of great historical significance. His statement was as follows:

"I had been given orders to not stop the train at any cost. As per the orders, I did not stop the train and it was moving at full speed. When the train hit shaheed Partaap Singh, I felt as if it had hit a huge mountain. I fell down and my hand got lifted from the speeder and the train stopped. After investigating the engine, it was found that the brake had not been applied. I felt that some unseen, hidden power (Vaheguru) stopped the train".

This driver was subsequently fired from his position. His statement  proves that Satguru jee himself stopped the train.

ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw


jo sMvwd rcnoN B`ijAw so buDibbykoN hwirAw

S: gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw dI pusqk 'ibprn kI rIq' ivc is`K Drm sbMDI ieqrwzXog SbdwvlI qy il`KIAW g`lW qy ieqrwz kIqy gey hn[ hr bMdy nUM gurimq soc Anuswr ieqrwz krn dw h`k hY[eysy swl jnvrI ivc Akwl qKq Aqy vYnkUvr qoN vIfIau ivcwr vtWdrw pySkwrI dy pRbMD kIqy gey sn[ ikauNik kwlw APgwnw jI ishq qy Bwrq srkwr v`loN aunHW qy Bwrq jwx qy lweI pwbMdI kwrn kIqw igAw sI[ ieh bhuq vDIAw rwh k`F ilAw igAw sI[ pr pqw nhIN AwKrI smyN kI Bwxw vrq igAw ik ieh mIitMg brKwsq kr id`qI geI[ iPr PrvrI ivc s: gurbKS horW v`loN pyS hox leI pRoPYsr gurqyj isMG qy aunHW dy swQI vI phuMcy hoey sn[ dohW iDrW dw Akwl qKq qy pyS hoky hvwilAW sihq dlIlW dw sMvwd hoxw sI[ jy ies qrHW ho jWdw qW Akwl qKq dI mirXwdw nUM koeI AWc nhIN sI AwauxI[ aus nUM vI mulqvI kIqy jwxw smJ qoN bwhr hY[ ies nwl hr SrDwvwn, s`cy qy sucy gurbwxI dy EpwSk is`K dy ihrdy nUM bhuq Tys phuMcI[ ieh qW koeI g`l nw hoeI ik ies qrHW dw byloVw vwd-ivvwd KVw krky Akl nUM guAw deIey[ ieho ijhI siQ`qI nUM is`K Drm dy bwnI gurU nwnk dyv jI Awpxy SbdW ivc AwKdy hn:

Akil ieh n AwKIAY
Akil gvweIey vwid

s:srvjIq isMG dw lyK 5AwbI ivc piVHAw ijhVw BweI kwlwAPgwnw jI nUM Akwl qKq dy jQydwr swihb horW v`loN jwrI hoey hukmnwmy dy sbMD ivc il`iKAw igAw hY[ srvjIq jI quhwfy qrk qy gurbwxI Aqy aus nwl sbMDq kwrjkwrI leI idSw inrdySW dy pUry AiDAYn qoN bilhwr jWdw hW[ qnKwhIey kOx huMdy hn? ies Anuswr quhwfy ieSwry Drm CoV DiVAW nwl juVy jQydwrW, lIfrW qy aunHW dy AMnHyvwh grzW Kwqr mgr l`gy dUjI qy qIjI pwl dy AwgUAW qy iek krwrI cot hY[ quhwfy bwdlIl qy siqkwr BrpUr ieSwry iksy nUM cu`BvyN vI nhIN hn[ pr ienHW dw aunHW kol koeI au`qr vI nhIN jwpdw[ Aj is`K sMgq muV Kudgrz DIrm`lIey, mhxqW, msMdW Awid pMQ duSmxW dy cuMgl ivc burI qrHW jkVI peI hY[ gurduvwirAW dy pRbMDk gurUGrW nUM AwpxIAW jgIrW smJ bYTy hn[ fyrwvwd qy sMprdwvW dw bolbwlw vDI hI jw irhw hY[ sMqW nUM BolI is`K sMgq guru smJ m`Qy tykI jw rhI hY[swfI bwxI ivc ivcolw koeI nhIN[hr is`K nUM is`Dw hI bwxI nwl juVn dw AwdyS hY[

loV hY ieho ijhy bMidAW nUM qnKwhIey grdwnx dI[ pr iksy bdly ivc kwlw APgwnw dI ishq qy aunHW dI vIzw nw imlx dI muSkl nUM au`kw hI A`KoN aulHy kr muV muV ieh hI hukm cwiVAw jw irhw hY ik pyS hovo nhIN qW qnKwhIey bx szw BugqxI peygI[ ikMnW v`fw AinAw qy D`kw hY[Aqy auh vI Akwl qKq qy ibrwjmwn jQydwr swihb qoN ijhVI swfI srvau`c mIrI pIrI dI sMsQw hY[ ieauuN l`gdw hY ijvyN sB pwsy Gor AMiDkwr hI PYilAw hoieAw hY[

srvjIq jI! ies lyK ivc BweI gurbKS isMG dI il`Kky ByjI Srq svIkwr krn vwlw hvwlw iek bhuq hI Fu`kvW pRSn hY[ ivdWqI jI quhwfI AwpxI pusq`k 'guriblws pwqSwhI CyvIN' vwps ilAW mslw mu`k nhIN s`kdw[ies ieMtrnY`t dy Xug ivc auh pusq`k sB nUM hux auplBq hY[ AMq ivc ijhVI qusIN dws bxky gurimq Anuswr syD lYx dI ikRpwlqw krn dI bynqI kIqI hY auh quhwfI hlImI qy ivdvqw dI isKr hY[ quhwfI klm nUM pRixwm kIqy ibnW nhIN rih s`kdw[

hux BweI gurbKS isMG qy quhwfy vrgy ivdvwnW nUM lokW dy ihridAW nUM cwnx dyxw pYxw hY, nhIN qW bRihmxvwd dI cuMgl ivc is`K Drm Psdw jweygw[ aus qoN mukq krwey ibnW swfw pMQ iPr a`Qy hI jw if`gygw ijQoN swfy mhwn gurUAW ny bVIAW kurbwnIAW dy ky mukq krwieAw sI[

ivcwrW dy KulyH vtWdry nwl hI s`c in`qrky mKx vWg aupr AwauNdw hY[ vwd-ivvwd CyVky msly nUM G`ty kOfIAW 'c rlwaux qoN v`fI hwr koeI nhIN ho skdI[ ies hweI-tYk Xug ivc hr PYslw sMgq dI kichrI ivc pyS hoxo rih nhIN skdw[ hr ivcwr iek iksy dUjy ivcwr dw pRqI ivroD huMdw hY[ ies ivcwr qy pRqIivroD dy sMvwid coN iek s`c in`qrky swhmxy AwauNdw hY[ ieh ienHW dohW dw sMjoV huMdw hY Aqy ienHW qy ADwrq huMdw hoieAw vI v`Krw pr izAwdw au`cw qy su`cw hox krky smyN, siQ`qI qy sQwn ivc srb pRvwxq ho inbVdw hY[ A`goN ieh iPr Awpxy Awp ivc iek ivcwr bx ivcrnw SurU ho jWdw hY[ smyN nwl ies qy iPr pRqIivroD SurU ho jWdw hY[ sMvwd-ADwrq ies idRStI nUM hI pMj sO swl pihlW gurU nwnk ny ikhw sI:

jb lig dunIAW rhIey nwnk
ikCu suxIey ikCu khIey[

jIvn dy s`cy isDWq qy klwvW kdI At`l nhIN huMdAW[ scweI, suMdrqw qy cMigAweI iqMn kdrW hI At`l huMdIAW hn[ ienHW dI ksv`tI qy priKAW hI koeI Dwrimk PlsPw, ivcwrDwrw, siBAwcwr, qy rwjnIqk-AwriQ`k FWcw hI kwrgr qy srbpRvwxq ho skdw hY[ swfy mhwn ieSt gurUgRMQ swihb ivc swfy gurUAW, BgqW qy PkIrW dI bwxI drj hY[ ies ieSt ivc pRimtvnY~s dy bwvjUd vI AwDuinkqw hY ijhVI hr ivigAwxk soc dI ksvtI qy pUrI auqrn dI smrQw r`KdI hY[ ies nUM buDibbyk SrDwlUAW qy ivdvwn ny hI cwnx munwrw bxweI r`K skdy hn[ AMdro AMdr hux roVIAW nhIN B`j skdIAW[ sMgq dI kichrI ivc s`c is`D ho skxw hY[iek hI Ardws bynqI hY ik vwihgurU sB nUM: 'dIjY bu`Dbbyik' dI imhr, bKiSS kry!

jsbIr isMG


Dear editor,

I agree with many points of Sardar Saravjeet Singh. I was supportive of Mr. Kalaafgana and read his many articles. I do find his remarks derogatory against sikh missionaries which can be said in better way. Many sikhs in the past whatever knowledge Waheguru given to them, served Sikh Panth with sincerity. If I do not have knowledge about certain aspects of Gurmat and doing something for Panth. I do deserve criticism but not at the tone of Panth Virodhi. How come a Hukamnama is valid against Nirankaries by the same Jathedar ( Which I think Mr. Kalaafgana and his associates like Mr. Gurtej Singh etc. considered right). Their wording- Jathedar can not issue Hukamnama. He is just their for installation of Maryada. The purpose is clear- to lower the respect of Takhat and what kind of Sarbat Khalsa he talking about.

I been to one such sarbat Khalsa. People raised their hands in support of abolution of SGPC. I do  support his many views including on Amrit, maas etc. Also I suport he should be given to chance to express his views but I do not support his wording against sikh scholars like Giani Harbans Singh, Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti etc. Regarding langar Mr. Saravjeet Singh's idea is wrong in view that the sikhs who can not sit on Land for the sake of unity in Sikh Panth. How could they desert the Takhat like Bhai Bhagel Singh, Bhai Beer Singh etc. Thanks.

Jasbir Singh

pRBjoq isMG

AwVHqIAW dy sqwey iek hor ikswn vloN KudkuSI


This is very sad news that one of our farmer brother died bcoz of constantly pressured by Aadtiye to return his money: although he sold his whole crop of wheat to him ( aadtiya) so as to balance the money taken from Adtiye Pyarelal. Govt has to take some strict action against such Adtiyes so as to save valueable lifes of innocent farmers.

We all know that farming is gone very costly now bcoz of high cost of maintaining the crops : farmers hardly get some profits. Our punjab govt should have to take serious steps to boost the farming: afterall Punjab is known worldwide for farming. Farming is our industry and everything. Govt should have to provide loans to farmers to sow crops so that no farmer in future even think of suisiding. LETS WE ALL PRAY FOR THE WEL-BEING OF OUR PUNJAB

Bjn isMG, XUbw istI, kYlIPornIAw


ies ivc koeI S`k nhIN ik srdwr srvjIq isMG hurW duAwrw ilKy ivcwrW nwl hr sucyq is~K sihmq hY[ Drm dy pihrydwrW kolo jy iehnw suAwlW dw Fu`kvW jvwb imlx dI aumId huMdI qW ieh svwl pYdw hI nhIN sn hoxy[ s`cweI qW ieh hY ik Drm nUM vpwr bxw ky munwPw kmwauxw iehnw vpwrIAW dw pihlw Aqy ie`ko ie`k AsUl hY[ v`D munwPw qW hr ie`k vpwrI dw suPnw huMdw hY Aqy hr hIlw-vsIlw vrq ky ieh suPnw swkwr vI kIqw jWdw hY [

lMgr dI mirAwdw dw pRcwr krdy vkq ieh j`Qydwr ieh ikauN Bu`l jWdy hn ik auh pYrW iv`c l`kV dIAW KVwvW pw ky pYdl c`l ky jW hwQI-GoVy dI svwrI kr ky nhIN sgoN hvweI jhwjW dI Ku`lIAW Awrwmdwiek sItW qy bYT, Aqy iPr eyAr-kMfISn kwrW iv`c sPr kr ky ies iK`qy ivc phuMcy hn[

jy lMgr pkwaux vyly l`kVI dI jgHw fIzl jW pRopyn gYs n`l c`lx vwlIAW B`TIAW dI vrqoN TIk hY, lMgr hwl iv`c ibjlI dI vrqoN, stIl dIAW plytW jW cmcy TIk hn qW lMgr Ckx dy qrIky vyly  ieh ivvwd ikEN ?

Bjn isMG
XUbw istI, kYlIPornIAw

gurqyj isMG, vYilMgtn, inaUzIlYNf


s: srvjIq isMG jI dI ic~TI igAwnI joigMdr isMG jI vydWqI, jQydwr sRI Akwl qKq swihb AMimRqsr dy nW pVHx ƒ imlI[ bwkI qW TIk pr kursI au~qyy bYT ky lMgr Ckx dI svYcwlk mSIn dy nwl qulxw FukdI nhIN[

gurqyj isMG
vYilMgtn, inaUzIlYNf

pMjwbI siBAwcwr sBw, iSkwgo


PCS has extended the application date for PCS scholarships to May 18th
P.C.S. SCHOLARSHIPS:   P. C. S. will award $500 scholarships to qualified High School Seniors & college undergraduate Punjabi Students at "PCS Youth Graduation Night". Deadline to apply has been extended to Sunday, May 18, 2003. An independent council of judges will decide winners. Scholarship fund and graduation night sponsors will be appreciated.   For further information contact: PCS Youth Director Mrs. Amarjit K. Atwal at (847) 564-4375 or Mr. Puneet Singh at (630) 209-4391. PCS Scholarship form can be downloaded from PCS Website. Click here: Scholarships Home Page
PCS Scholarships will be awarded at

: PCS will hold 3rd Punjabi Youth Graduation Night in Chicagoland on Sunday, 5pm, June 8th, 2003 at Viceroy of India Banquets in Lombard to honor Punjabi Graduates for their achievements.  Rangla Punjab 2003 Participants will also be honored at the Youth Graduation Night. (RP2003 participants shall contact their item coordinators).

gurpRIq isMG


In a letter to Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathedar Akal Takht Sahib, written by Sardar Sarbjit Singh Ji (May 13th) represents views of every concerned sikh. It's very unfortunate that our panthic leaders and some sikhs are failing to understand the writing of S. Gurbax Singh Kalaafgana. I have no doubt that the so called panthic leaders and Jatherdars have not even read one word of Sardar Kalaafgana's books. One of the revolutionary aspects of Sikhism is its rejection of clergy, of priestly class, there being a direct, non-mediatory, relationship between a Sikh and his Guru and God. In particular the following four traditional roles of clergy have been discarded in Sikh religion: ex-communications; imposition of religious punishment; prescription of all-time, unchangeable code of conduct, and pontification, that is, the exclusive right to interpretation of Sikh doctrine and traditions. Today Badal's appointed Jathedars think they have the exclusive right to ex-communicate anyone they or their masters don't like. It's duty of every Sikh to make fellow sikhs aware of Sardar Kalaafghana's writings. Sardar Sarbjit Singh has raised many valid points and we look forward to seeing a reply from Jathedar Jogider Singh Vedanti.


Gurpreet Singh

dlIp Twkr, AmrIkw

-AwiqS pwielvI
potlI gunwhwN dI
-mnjIq isMG cwqRk
moNntrIAl (knyfw)


I had the opportunity to go over the poems. "Potli Gunahan Di" wirtten by Mr. Manjit Singh Chatrik of Montreal and "Kukh" written by Atish Pailavi were excellent poems. Thanks for letting your readers to enjoy these and other poems. Please keep them coming!

Dalip Thakur
Winnipeg, MB.
May 13/03

ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw

100503_amrika-jhaat_100.jpg (3655 bytes)(iek sPr dI vwrqw)
AmrIkI PyrI smyN aus dy sVkI qRIAw jwl qy idn rwq c~lI vYn coN vyKy nzwry
- ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw


my dear dara ji,

i am thankful to you for your free and frank comments on my article on 'american tour ...glimpses...' first of all thanks for the nice comments and your liking for my articles.

i welcome your to my place with open arms whenever you plan to visit toronto. secondly, I have not deliberately written anything against the people of america. if somewhere any word you thought to be improper or not in good taste and has hurt you, i feel sorry. the article's main thrust was a reflection on bush adm's policy of self-righteousness and punjabi community's rural hospitality. this aspect was also deliberated in the article' mirza baj bharawan mareea...' on the 5abi website
more when we meet.

srvjIq isMG


prm siqkfr Xog igafnI joigMdr isMG jI vydFqI, jQydfr sRI akfl qKLq aMimRqsr
vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf] vfihgurU jI kI PLqih ]

meI 10, 2003 nMU aimRq vyly drbfr sfihb ivwc afieaf hukmnfvf suxn df suBfg pRfpq huoieaf

sUhI mhlf 5 ]
ijs ky isr Aupir qUM suafmI so duKu kYsf pfvY ] boil n jfxY mfieAw mid mfqfmrxf cIiq n afvY ]1] myry rfm rfie qUM sMqf kf sMq qyry ] qyry syvk kAu Bau ikCu nfhI jmu nhI afvY nyry ]1] rhfAu ] jo qyrY rMig rfqy suafmI iqn ky jnm mrx duKu nfsf ] qyrI bKs n mytY koeI siqgur kf idlfsf ]2] nfmu iDafiein suK Pl pfiein afT phr afrfDih ] qyrI srix qyrY BrvfsY pMc dust lY sfDih ]3] igafnu iDafnu ikCu krmu n jfxf sfr n jfxf qyrI ] sB qy vwzf siqguru nfnku ijin kl rfKI myrI ]4]10]57]

27 vYsfK, sLMnIvfr 10 meI, 2003 (aMg: 749)

hYrfnI hoeI jd Ausy idn hI iewk hor hukmnfmf pVn nMU imilaF jo afp jI smyq cfr hor isMG sfihb dy dsKqF hyT jfrI hoieaf sI. aimRq vyly hukmnfvf sRvx krn vyly qf dfs dy sVdy bldy mn nMU iek anoKI jyhI sNfqI imlI sI ijs df ibafn nhI kIqf jf skdf, pr afp jI df hukmnfvf pVn ipCo dfs dy mn ivwc keI iksm dy sMLky pYdF hoey hn . inmrqf sihq bynqI hY ik dfs nMU gurmiq anUsfr syD dyx dI ikRpflqf krnI jI .

afp jI ny srvsMmqI nfl BfeI gurbKs isMG jI nMU qnKfhIaf krfr idqf hY.

iswK rihq mrXfdf,pRkfsLk Drm pRcfr kmytI(pMjvI aYzIsLn sqMbr 1998) pMNnF 31Aupr hyT ilKy anUsfr drj hY

(T)qnKfhIey ieh hn:
1[ mIxy, msMd, DIrmwlIey, rfmrfeIey, afidk pMQ ivroDIaF nfl jF nVI mfr, kuVI mfr, isrguMm nfl vrqx vflf qnKfhIaf ho jfdf hY]
2[ by-aMimRqIey jF piqq df jUTf Kfx vflf.
3[ dfhVf rMgx vflf .
4[ puwqr jF DI df sfk muwl lY ky jF dy ky krn vflf.
5[ koeI nsLf(BMg,aPIm,sLrfb,posq,kukIn afid) vrqx vflf .
6[ gurmiq qoN ivruwD koeI sMskfr krn vflf.
7[ rihq ivwc koeI Bul krn vflf.

afp jI dy hukmnfmy anusfr BfeI gurbKs isMG jI ny Auprokq ivwco koeI Bul nhI kIqI, pr afp jI vlo idqf igaf kfrn ik, "ikAik BfeI gurbKs isMG jI ny inwjI qoNr qy hfjr ho ky spwstI krn nhI idqf" Auprokq ivwc drj nhI hY. kI 1998 qoN ipCo iswK rihq mrXfdf ivwc koeI soD kIqI geI hY jI? .

siqkfr Xog jQydfr jI ,kI koeI pMQk lIzr jF sLRomxI kmytI df mYbr ajyhf hovygf ijs ny votf dI Kfqr n[1 anMUsfr koeI Bul nf kIqI hovygI ?

dfs ny ajyhy keI pRcfrkf dy drsLn kIqy hn ijhnF qy nL[3 lfgU kIqf jf skdf hY.

N n[5 dy sbMD ivwc qF aKbfrf vfly sfzy pMQk lIzrf df vI koeI ilhfj nhI krdy , jQydfrf dy nfm dy nfl nfl sLoRmxI kmytI dIaF kfrf dy nMbr vI Cfp dydy hn.

"Gto Gt 60 sRomxI kmytI mYNbr sfrb pIdy hn[ ienHF ivc iek jF vWD bIbIaf vI ho skdIaf hn soRmxI kmytI dy mIq pRDfn kyvl isMG bfdl qy iqMn cfr hor mYNbr dfVIaF kflIaF krdy hn [ (ieh ieqPfk dI gwl hY ik ieh sfry hI bfdl DVy dy hI hn) [ ajyhy pRDfn qy ahudydfr jf mYNbr iswKI df kI pRcfr krngy ?"(zf dlgIr)

NAuprokq n[6 dI ivafiKaf jiqMdr pMnU ny hyT ilKy anusfr kIqI hY.

'sR: pRkfsL isMG bfdl ny cMdrfsvfmI nFa dy Bfrq dy mhF-cMdry svfmI qoN hvn krvfey, sLRomxI kmytI nUM koeI pRvfh nhIN. AunHF dI pqnI ny inrMkfrIaF kol hI nhIN, idivaf jXoqI jfgrqI sMsQfn vfilaF dIaF vI cOkIaF BrIaF, iksy ny gOilaf nhIN. sLRomxI kmytI df mIq pRDfn kyvl isMG bfdl Aus bfby ipafrf isMG Binafry vfly dy crnF dI DUV bixaf irhf, ijs nUM bfad ivWc isWKI df dusLmx afK ky BMizaf igaf. ivcfry ijhy jQydfr afpxIaF pdvIaF KuWs jfx dy zroN iehnF vWzIaF-vWzIaF gWlF nUM vI aWKo-proKy kr jFdy rhy"

siqkfr Xog jQydfr jI, kI ieh akflI lIzr jf sLRomxI kmytI dy mYbr afp jI dy aiDkfr Kyqr ivwc nhI afAudy ? pr afp jI df vI kI jor, afp jI dI jfn qF bzUgr sihb dI muTI ivc bMd hY aqy ivcfry bzUgr sihb dI bfdl dy ilPfPy ivc!

afp jI vl olfieaF igaf dUjf dosL GtIaF sLbdfvlI vfry hY.
siqkfr Xog jQydfr jIAu ,swc koVf qF jrUr hudf hY pr GtIaF nhI.
jQydfr jI kI mulqvI krn dy arQ rwd krnf hudy hn ?
jQydfr jI afp jI swc dy drbfr dy muK syvfdfr ho , kro BfeI gurbKs isMG dI hyT ilKI sLrq mnjUr.

" ik,dfs dI ieh cnOqI vI nhIN vI mMn sky (aQvf awj vI nhIN mMn skdy) ik afpxI sMpdnf vflI guriblfs pfqsLhI 6 pusqk dy sYkVy prsMgf ivcoN kyvl pMj ajyhy pRsMgf dI ilKqI ds pf Byjo ijnf nUM qusIN gurmiq dy ankUl smJdy ho aqy jy dfs AunHF ivcoN iksy iek pRsMg nUM vI sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb drpx vfly arQf dy aDfr qy gurUbfxI nfl rd nF kr sikaF qF dfs hQ bMnHI hfjr ho jfvygf jo mrjI hY sjf dy lYxf pr, jy dfs ny quhfzI Aus pusqk dy pMjy pRsMg hI rd kr idqy qF qusIN dfs dI mrjI vflf zMNn Bugqx leI bcn bD hovo "

siqkfr Xog jQydfr jI, hux Auprokq sLrq dy jvfb ivwc ieh nF ilK Byjxf ,ik afpxI ikqfb qF asI afp hI vfps lY leI hY ies leI ies vfry koeI gwl nhI kIqI jf skdI . hux igafnI Bfg isMG jI vflf vylf nhI irhf ,(ik igafnI mskIn sfihb jI bukl ivwc hI BylI BNMn lYxgY) hux ientnYt df smf hY . afp jI aqy zF amrjIq isMG jI vlo pMQk srmfey nfl sMpfdq kIqI geI "guriblfs pfqsLfhI6"nMU gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI hjUrI ivwc hfjr krky, Aus df jo hsLr BfeI gurbKs isMG kflfaPgfnf ny kIqf hY Auh ientnYt Aupr AuplvD hY

siqkfr Xog jQydfr jI,lMgr vfry hukmnfvy nfl sbMDq iek sLMkF ieh vI dUr krn dI ikRpflqF krnI jI ,ik ijhVI mrXfdf kursIaf qy bYT ik lMgr Ckx nfl BMg ho jfdI hY, Aus mrXfdf nMU svYcflk msLIn dy nfl lMgr pkfAux vyly koeI Kqrf qF nhI hY jI?

siqkfr Xog jQydfr jI, hmdrd aKbfr dI Kbr muqfbk afp jI ny pfiksqfn gurduafrf kmytI aqy amrIkn gurduafrf kmytI nMU mfnqf dyx qoN spwsLt nFh kIqI hY. pr jQydfr jI,idwlI gurduafrf kmytI vfry afp jI dy kI ivcfr hn?

inmrfqf sfihq bynqI hY ik dfs dIaF Bulf nMU nf ivcfrdy hoey gurimq anUsfr syD dyx dI ikRpflqf krnI jI.

siqkfr sfihq
srvjIq isMG

dwrw (iSkwgo)

100503_amrika-jhaat_100.jpg (3655 bytes)(iek sPr dI vwrqw)
AmrIkI PyrI smyN aus dy sVkI qRIAw jwl qy idn rwq c~lI vYn coN vyKy nzwry
- ipRMsIpl blkwr isMG bwjvw


siqkwr Xog ipRMsIpl sihb, ipAwr BrI sq sRI Akwl , Awp jI bhuq suMdr soc dy mwlk ho qy myry mn ivc Awp leI bhuq siqkwr hY[ Agr kdI aus mwlk ny smw id`qw qw Awp jI nUM jrUr imlwgw[ mYnUM ies sweIt qy Awp dy lyK Cwpx hwmyCw aufIk rihdI hY[ Awp jI lyK pHV ky bhuq kuJ is`Kx nUM imldw hY[ A`j jd Awp jI dw lyK AmrIkI PyrI smyN aus dy sVkI qRIAw jwl qy idn rwq c~lI vYn coN vyKy nzwry pVn nUM imlAw qw pihlw mn bhuq KuS hoieAw ky Awp jI dw lyK dyKky pr jdo pVnW SrU kIqw qw AmrIkw nUM iek glq AMdwj nwl quhfw dyKxw cMgw nhI l`gw[ mY AmrIkw dw vwsI hW ho skdw ies krky mYnUM burw l`gw hovy [ ipMRsIpl sihb mY vI jorj buS dy vIcwrw nwl sihmq nhI ies dw mY doS ies dyS dy nwgirkw nUM nhI dydw[ hryk ienswn AwpxI mn mrjI dw mwlk huMdw hY[ ies leI mY nhI smJdw ik ieh TIk hY Agr iksy ny munK ny quhwfy burw nwl kIqw hY qw ies dw doS aus dyS dy sMcwkl nUM dyeIey [ ipRMsIpl sihb koeI glq ilKI geI hovy qw mwP krnw .. mY Awp jI dw PYn hw qy hwmyCw rihgw
dwrw (iSkwgo)

suirMdr mwhl, brqwnIAw

manjit_tiwana1_60.jpg (2311 bytes)A`g dw qrjmw (Bw: 1) - fw: mnjIq itvwxw
(isgmw AYNtrtynrs dI pySkS)


sMpwdk Aqy tIm !

imhnqI h~QW nwl su~cIAW ikrqW vrgIAW rcnwvW sWB soD ky QwlI ‘c pweI grIAW bdwmW qy dwKW vrgI KIr dy suAwd vrgIAW rcnwvW, gIq, lyK Aqy Awp boldIAW kivqwvW pMjwbIAW ByNt quhwfIAW sugwqW leI mYN isPqW dI lVI ik~QoN SurU krW , mYnUM smJ hI nhIN pYNdI [ qusIN Kud hI myry jzbwq smJx dI koiSS kr lYxw[ quhwfw mYN DMnvwd krW qW ikhVy SbdW nwl ?

dyS ivdyS v~sdy myry im~qro ! mW bolI dy spUqo !! h~lw mwro, XqnSIl hovo, koSS kro ik pMjwbI bolI Qofy qy mwx kr sky[ isgmw ieMtrtynrz vwilAW dw DMnvwd mnjIq itvwxw dIAW nzmW leI [

iqbal-shaukat1_100.jpg (3616 bytes)Awh! klwkwrW ny qW ienswn bxnw hY Ajy!
(iekbwl mwhl nwl mulwkwq)
- inMdr GigAwxvI

iekbwl mwhl dI g~lbwq ‘c Swml sv: swQI nrMjx nUr dw sMdyS jy swfy klwkwr pVH lYx qW bhuq cMgw[ nhIN qW Qofw sB dw Prz hY ik ieh aunHW dy kMnW q~k pucweIey[ ‘kwS ! swry klwkwr ienswn bx skx’ AwE rl ky duAw Aqy Xqn krIey[ ik Awx vwlw ieiqhws swfy qy mwx kr sky Aqy AwpW vI isr au~cw auTw ky c~l skIey Aqy bwbU iProz dIn SrP dI vMgwr nUM pCwxIey :-

“SrP pweI nw ijnWH ny kdr myrI, vy mYN bolI hW aunHW pMjwbIAW dI ”

foldIAW AwsW Aqy aumIdW nwl ------- suirMdr mwhl

ipCly p`qr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

darya1.jpg (3265 bytes)

Awpxy ivcwr swnUM ilKo

(c)199-2002, 5abi

square2-slices1_r7_c1.gif (1270 bytes)