 |
hrijMdr kMvl |
29/07/03 ipAwry vIr srbjIq isMG jI,
siq sRI Akwl
Awp jI dy svwlW dw jvwb dyx dI koiSS krWgw,
dsm gRMQ dI bwxI swrI iKMfI puMfI sI jo BweI mnI isMG
jI ny gurU jI dy ipAwnw krn qoN bwAd iek`qr krky dsm grMQ dI bIV dy rUp ivc sWBI, jo ik
BweI jI dw iek bhuq hI pRsMsW Xog kwrnwmw sI [Awp myrI WEB
SITE: www.sikh-heritage.co.uk ivc dsm gRMQ bwry lyK
ivc BweI swihb dI iek ic`TI jo Awp jI ny mwqw suMdrI jI nUM id``lI ivKy ilKI sI CwpI hY
ijs ivc aupRokq bwxIAW bwry izkr kIqw hY [ myrI ikqwb dsm bwxI drpx ivc vI mYN
ieh ic`TIAW CwpIAW hn [ qusIN mYnUM Awpxw srnwvW Byjxw qW ik Awp jI nUM iek kwpI Byj skW
ijs dy nwl Awp jI dy keI SMky dUr ho jwxgy [
gurU goibMd isMG jI ny nwnk Sbd ikqy vI
nhIN vriqAw, ieh aunHW dI mrzI sI [ jy Awp gurU gRMQ ivc Awpxw Sbd koeI pwauNdy qW zrUr
nwnk ilKdy pr aunhw ieh nhIN kIqw [ Awpxy ipqw dI bwxI pw ky Awp jI ny qW vI
Awpxw iek vI Sbd nhIN aus ivc pwieAw ieh gurU dI rzw huMdI hY CyvyN, s`qvyN
Aqy A`TvyN gurU dI vI koeI bwxI gurU gRMQ swihb ivc nhIN ieh qW gurU dI mrzI dI g`l
huMdI hY gurU iksy dw mhuqwj jW iksy bMDnW ivc nhIN huMdw [
dUsrI g`l ik gurU goibMd isMG jI ny nwnk
Sbd nUM Awpxw qK`ls ikauN nhIN r`iKAw qW aus dw jvwb hY ik Awp jI dsm gRMQ nUM iek invyklw
AsQwn isK pMQ ivc idvwauxw cwhuMdy sn Aqy AwpxI rcI bwxI nUM iek Personal touch dyxw
cwhuMdy sn ikauNik dsm gRMQ dIAW bwxIAW ivSyS bwxIAW hn jo gurU gRMQ swihb nwl izAwdw myl
qIjI g`l hY joq dI. gurU nwnk qoN gurU qyg bhwdr jI q`k
ieko nwnk dI joq clI AweI, pr gurU goibMd isMG jI bic`qR nwtk ivc ilKdy hn ik Akwl purK ny
Awpxw puqr bxw ky mYnUM ByijAw [ mYN Apnw suqu qohy invwjw
pMQ cly qb
jgq myN jb qum kro shwie
ies leI gurU jI Akwl purK dI joq lYky hI pRgt hoey sn,
aunHw nUM nwnk dI joq dI zrUrq nhIN sI, BwvyN vwsqivk qOr qy dsy gurUAW dI ieko joq igxI
jWdI hY [ iesy leI Awp jI dw invyklw AsQwn hY [
Kwlsw pMQ ieko cOpeI
..vwlI g`l qoN myrw Bwv hY
ik jo AMimRq iqAwr huMdw hY aus ivc cOpeI dI bwxI pVHnI AqI zrUrI huMdI hY
jy A`j ieh PYslw koeI iek gRoh lY lYNdw hY ik ieh bwxI dsm jI dI nhIN qW swrw Kwlsw
pMQ ijsny AMimRq CikAw hovy iks shwry qy KVw hY?
aumId hY BweI swihb Awp jI dI kuJ qs`lI ho geI hovygI [
jy nhIN qW zrUr ilKxw, ikauNik ivcwr krn nwl hI keI g`lW dw pqw lgdw hY [
srnwvW zrUr Byjxw [
ipAwr nwl siq sRI Akwl,
Awpdw vIr,
hrijMdr kMvl |
sMqoK isMG, AwstRylIAw |
28/07/03 ipAwry sMpwdk jI
s. siqnwm isMG jI sivtzrlYNf vwiLAW v`loN pRkwSq p`qr
piVHAw ijs rwhIN auhnW ny pMjwbI musw&rW nUM pMjwb jwx vwLI b`s srivs dI bMdI bwry
jwxkwrI dy ky swvDwn kIqw hY[
kI auhnW dy d`sx dw Bwv ieh hY ik jo 'ieMfo kYnyfIAn'
nwm dI b`s srivs, suBw dy iqMn-ku vjy, id`lI hvweI A`fy qoN jlMDr qk jo jWdI sI, auh bMd
ho geI hY jW ik koeI hor b`s! sp`St krn dI KycL krnI jI[
sMqoK isMG
AwstRylIAw |
qrlocn pwblw, kvYNtrI, XU ky |
28/07/03 I agree and
disagree with Rajbhupinder Singh Bharat and Khushwant Singh article .
1.overseas Indians visiting India tell countless stories of the bitter treatment they
received at the hands of airport officials,taxi drivers,shopkeepers, patwaris, tehsildar,
and even close relation.For their part people in India complained of the overseas Indians'
arrogance,meanness,patronizing tone, and conspicuous display of wealth,status and foreign
origin. A profound change is therefore needed in public perception of overseas Indians,
and that calls for a greater understanding of their history, pattern of migration,
overseas experience, and so on.
2.one should not make the mistake of attributing to overseas Indians great patriotism
or goodwill for India. Such patriotism is in limited supply even in India, and there is no
reason to believe that it is abundant amongst those settled abroad.The latter have their
own interests, affections, and attachments, and love of India is only small part of this.
India should therefore forge a kind of partnership with them that takes full account of
their legitimate interests and expectations and does not make unrealistic demands.
3. Finally,India's greatest need is to improve the quality of life for millions of her
citizens. Economic success alone is not the ultimate barometer for measuring achievement.
The education, health and morale of her people are the real indication of a country's
4. It is only high standards here that will make an economy self sustaining. Besides,
its drive for economic success, industry must also improve record on many social issues
such as the environment, corruption, and the welfare of mazdoor and kissans.
5. The immense new millennial opportunities must find India with a clear agenda for
both its own development an for the global economy in which the Indian people can stand
tall in their own estimation
6. Overseas Indian would be the first to rejoice in a sensitively developed India, an
India competent, confident and proud.
We have rights to criticize India in a very healthy way.There is always different
thoughts and opinions about secular democracy, but still we all overseas Indian loves our
motherland and contribute enormously to build India as a super power.
Jai Hind.
Trilochan Pabla,
Coventry, Uk |
gurcrn isMG kulIm, mlySIAw |
27/07/03 <>>>>>siq gurprswd
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw vwihgurU jI kI Piqh
siqkwr swihq,
vIr s~iqMdr isMG jsvwl horW ny Bwrq dI qwrIP jo kIqI
vy, ik ierwk nMU POjW nw Byjxw, is~Awxp qo' k~m ilAw igAw[ kwS iehnW hI isAwxpI iKAwlW qy
ierwidAW nwl Awpxy AMdrUxI mwmilAW nUM inj~Tx v~l iDAwx idMdI, Bwrq dI qvwrIK ikny
suxih~rI AKrW ivc ilKI huMdI jy[ Awm jnqw K~uShwlI qy ipAwr ivc rMGI huMdI[
BwrqI lIfrW dI dUhrI qy p~Kbwz soc qy kuUrsI dy ipAwr
ny AMdrUxI lwprvwhI kwrn hI bwhuq isrI isAwpw K`Vw kr lIqw A~pny Awp leI[
ies G~tIAw soc dI kImq grIb dys vwsIAw nMU qwrnI pYyMdI
vy s~my s~my[ iehnW dy ies Ajoky ierwdy qy ipCly irkwf ivc zwmI'n Awsmwn dw Prk ey[
gurU rwKw,qy cVdI k`lw,pMQ dI syvw ivc,
gurcrn isG kuilm,(rwaUky)
Rl`fn,mlySIAw |
sqivMdrpwl isMG jMgI |
27/07/03 dUly pMQ dy dUly ivdvwn
gurbKSisMG kwlw APgwnw nwl jy dosqI nhIN qW duSmnI vI
nhIN[pMQ qW doPwV hoxw hI sI, BwvyN kwlwAPgwnw jI dIAW pusqkW pVH ky ho jWdw, BwvyN hux
aunHW dIAW pusqkW qy pwbMdI lwaux nwl jW kwlwAPgwnw jI nUM pMQ ivcoN Cykx nwl hoieAw
hY[ijs vyly kwlwAPgwnw jI Akwl qKq qoN syD mMg rhy sI, aus vyly Akwl qKq swihb v`loN Agr
koeI Fu`kvW juvwb nhIN sI AwieAw, qW kwlw APgwnw jI nUM gurqyj isMG horIN hI smJw idMdy,
jW gurqyj isMG horIN Akwl qKq qy phuMc krdy, qW ik koeI h`l l`iBAw jw skdw[gurqyj isMG dI
hYrwnI-jnk Awmd dw pqw bhuq dyr bwAd l`gw hY[
vYsy 'ikQy rwm rwm ik`Qy tYN tYN' dI hux smJ Aw geI[Agr
gurqyj isMG horIN kwlw APgwnw jI dIAW ilKqW nwl sihmq hn, qW auh Awpxy hI isMG-nwd nUUM
suxn qoN Asmr`Q hn[iksy dI jgHw koeI hor juvwb-dyh hovy, ieh BI ies X`ug dw Drm nhIN, ies
g`l nUM sB jwxdy hn[hirmMdr swihb dI pRkrmW ivc jyb k`txI, koeI bdslUkI ho jwxI Awm GtnwvW
hn[kI ieMnHW g`lW nUM swhmxy r`K ky ikhw jw skdw hY, ik hirmMdr swihb nUM pUr id`qw jwvy,
qW ik ieh GtnwvW nW hox[kdWicq nhIN[iesy qrW sRI Akwl qKq swihb qy ku`J prbMDkI kmzorIAw
hox jW gurU gRMQ swihb jI dIAW isiKAwvW qoN s`KxIAW ku`J smwijk kurIqIAW pRc`lq hox qW ieh
kdy BI nhIN mMinAW jw skdw, ik ies ivc sRI Akwl qKq swihb jW gurU gRMQ swihb jI dw doS
hY[doS swfy Awpxy hn, kmzorIAW swfIAW hn[is`KW ivc kmzorIAW bhuq hn, pr is`KI ivc koeI
aUxqweI nhIN[ivAkqIgq kmzorIAW nUM A`gy r`K ky is`K isDWqW, AMimRq, inqnym, mirXwdw, Aqy
qOr qrIikAW nUM hI Kqm krnW ieh ikhVy pMQ dI pRcwr-ivDI hY jI[sRI Akwl qKq swihb, sRI
hirmMdr swihb, gurU gRMQ, gurU pMQ dI cVHdI klw Aqy pRoVqw leI pRcwr krn nUM gur-syvw ikhw
jWdw hY[hux BI koeI prlo qW Aw nhIN geI[Bu`l bKSw ky syvw lY lYxI koeI bhuqI v`fI muSkl
nhIN, Agr is`KI jzbw mn ivc hY qW[gurU sum`q bKSy[
ijMnHW s`jxW ny gur-gRMQ swihb jI dw Kud AiDAYn nhIN
kIqw, dsm-gRMQ bwry koeI jwxkwrI nhIN, BweI gurdws jI dIAW vwrW nUM nhIN piVHAw, BweI nMd
lwl jI dI rcnwvlI nhIN pVHI, gurbKS isMG kwlwAPgwnw dIAW rcnwvW Aqy aunHW dy pRcwry isDWqW
qoN Anjwx hn, (vYsy Anjwx hI rihx qW Blw hY) gurU-pMQ dy isDWq qoN nw-vwikP hn, auh BwvyN
p`qrkwr hn, auicAW AhuidAW qy bYTy hn, ifgrIDwrI hn, vYb sweItW dy mwstr hn, auh Awpo
AwpxI fugfugI iks KuSI ivc vjw rhy hn? ies qrW DVybMdI pwlx ivc pMQ dI ikhVI syvw hY?
ijsny glq kMm kIqw hY, auh Awpy juvwb dyh hY, Aqy Bugqxhwr hY[hr vyly qW kihMdy ho, 'jo
krygw so Brygw'[ jy ieQy nhIN qW AgWh BI lyKw joKw hoxw hY, ies g`l ivc hr is`K XkIn r`Kdw
hY[gurU BlI kry[
sqivMdrpwl isMG jMgI
julweI 25, 2003 |
gurcrn isMG kulIm, mlySIAw |
26/07/03 <>>>>>siq gurprswd
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw vwihgurU jI kI Piqh
siqkwr swihq,
ieh bwhuq APsos dI bwq ey, keI pMjwbI dy mudeI ,Ajy vI
AwpnI mW bolI nUM iesiqmwhwl krn dI bjwey AMgryjI ivc hI ilKxw psMd krdy jw rhy nY[
aouhnW pMjwbIAW nUM puCo ,jo keI pIVIAW prdysW ivc rih
ik vI ApnI mW boLI nMU sMBwlI bYTy ny[ ieh bhuq mMdBwgI soc , ik pMjwb qoy keI vIr ,Aqy
prdysW ivc ney Awey pMjwbI vI AMgryzI ivc hI ilKxw psMd krdy ny[
iksy AMgryzI sweIt qy hor bolI ivc nhI ilKdy, pMjwbI
sweIt qy iPr ikEuM ,hornW bolIAW ivc iliKAw jWdw hY? bwhuq APsos ey[iksy vIr ny iliKAw hY
pMjwbI BwSw ijvy` pqwsw,
zubwn imTws nwl dyvy B`r[
mW mW ikhik mW bolI qo`,
kwiv klw dw mMigAw vr[
eykWq SWq smw jW imldY
AkwSo` auqry kivqw Jr[
hrdm qWG rhy idl myry,
BwSw BMfwry dyvW Br[
Arz hY vIrW ByxW nuuM jy quhwfy kol pMjwbI POMt nhI
hn,lYx dI koYiS`S kro[[
gurcrn isMG kulIm (rwauky)
hwl LMfn / m`lySIAw |
jsvwl isMG, nwrvy |
26/07/03 NO To Indian Troops in Iraq
AnIruD kOSl, AmrIkw |
I am from longowal Punjab. I liked this joke very much. I am in Miami and for first
time visited ur site and clicked the joke first .Its very good
Realy swaad aa gaya
Anirudh Kaushal |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
Bwrq mwqw dw Aks ivgwVn vwilAW nUM mUMh
nw lwE
- KuSvMq isMG
lyKk dw idqw s`dw bhuq vDIAw hY [ pr.........kI 'auh'
Aijhw Aks ivgwVn vwlw kMm krnw bMd kr dyxgy [ ies bwry ivcwrn dI loV hY [ AwpsI vYr-ivroD
qy nPrq PYlwauxI, aunW dw kMm hY , ijs qoN p`kIAW rotIAW auh KWdy hn [ auh hn , cmcy, aunW
lIfrW dy , jo ik dyS nUM 21vIN sdI ivc iljwaux dIAW g`lW krdy hn [ ieh JgVy-Vmyly pey rihx
qW hI aunW dI koeI puC igC hY nhIN qW aunW dy b`cy nW Bu`Ky mr jwxgy ?
so ieh qW isAwsq dw ie`k ihsw hY ik dUijAW dIAW lwSW qy
Awpxw rwj kwiem kro [ ierwk ies dI qwjw audwhrx hY [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
AimRqpwl kOr |
siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYNf |
24/07/03 5AwbI.kOm dy pwTkW nUM ipAwr BrI siq sRI Akwl[
dws dw ieh kuJ lweInW ilKx dw mksd isrP idlI jwx vwilAW
vIrW nUM ieh Kbr phucwauxW hI hY ik jo b~sW idlI qoN pMjwb nUM rwq nUM cldIAW sI, hux bMd
ho geIAW hn, jo vI vIr idlI jwvy Awpxw koeI ieMqjwm kr ky jwvy[
jy koeI vIr AMimRqsr jwvy aus nwl dI qy rIs hI nhI[ hux
qy ieh vI pqw l~gw hY ky kuJ idnW q~k cYkoslvwkIAw dI eyAr lweIn vI AMimRqsr jwx bwry soc
rhI hY[
siqnwm isMG sivtzrlYNf |
lKivMdr isMG sMDU, jlMDr |
24/07/03 Hi,
I am just returning from my tour to United Kingdom.During my stay in London I was used to
read valuable articles on your web. May God bless you with more powers and energy to serve
the Punjabi ma Boli.
Lakhvinder Singh Sidhu
Jalandhar India |
kMvljIq kOr is`DU - klIvlYNf |
AwdrxIX sMpwdk jI,
mnjIq isMG cwiqRk horW dw klwm kuJ smyN qoN vyKx ivc
lgwqwr AwieAw hY[
Awm lyKkW dw iglw huMdw hY, ik pwTk auhnW dI lyKxI bwry
koeI huMgwrw nhI Brdy[ pr jy auhnW dI klm bwry koeI Awlocnw kIqI jwdI hY qW suihrdqw nwl
lYx dI bjwey auh Defensive hox lgdy hn[
cwiqRk jI dI qsvIr bVI klwmeI hY, Aqy kwiv rcnwvW ivc
SbdW dI cox kw&I Koj BrI hY[ lykn auhnw dI soc Swied ies qrW lgdI hY ik kivqw lMmI
hoxI zrUrI hY[
hr kivqw ivc cMgy SbdW dI Brmwr hY[ pr jy Apxy Matter nUM auh 50% G`t kr
lYx qW Awm pwTk Es rcnw nUM pVHnw cwhuxgy[ jy auh iKmw krn qW mYN d`sxw cwhvWgI ik lMmIAW
rcnwvW ivc borIAq hox lgdI hY[ eyhI hwlq auhnW dIAW ipClIAW kivqwvW dI hY[ Aqy keI QW Composition, out of text
huMdI vI vyKI jWdI rhI hY[ Cohesion nhI rihMdI[ 'vwihgurU' tweItl vwlI kivqw dw vI eyhI hwl sI[
myry iek im`qr eys ivSy qy izkr kr rhy sn, ik auhnW dw Central idea qW TIk huMdY, pr
SbdW dw iKlwrw vI h`d qoN izAwdw huMdw hY[
aumId hY, jy auh eys ivSy qy iDAwn dyx qW cMgy lyKk bxn
dI sMBwvnw hY[
pqw nhI auhnW nUM ieh it`pxI psMd Awvy ik nw[
kMvljIq kOr is`DU - klIvlYNf |
jsvwl siqMdr isMG |
23/07/03 Indo-Pak Relations
nothing can be better than this when both the countries are at peace.Trade xchanges can
help in particular India,which has plenty to offer.so i m pleased to hear this.THUMS UP
jaswal.satinder singh |
g e s rMDwvw, AmrIkw |
22/07/03 Hello,
You are doing a good job for the community.All the article on your web are very
good.Keep it up.
United States |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
ikho ijhw siBAwcwr isrj rhy hW AsIN?
- fw. mhIp isMG
pMjwbI, pMjwbI 'Kjwny' dIAW prqW Kol rhy hn fw: swhb
ies lyK ivc [ keI pMjwbI (swry nhIN) bVy mwx nwl gwlHW kFdy hn qy Awpxy b`icAW nUM vI lwf
nwl mW.....kihMdy hn qy iPr ausy nUM ieh gwlH duhrwaux leI aukswauNdy hn qy jdoN b`cw
qoqlI jbwn ivc gwlH kFdw hY qW swry qwVIAW mwrdy hn , ijvyN b`cy ny AYvryst
qy ijq pw leI huMdI hY [ b`cw vI AxBolpuxy ivc gwlH kFx nUM iek cMgy krm vjoN vyKdw hY qy
v`fw ho ky auhI gwlHW Awpxy bwp nUM kFdw hY qy SurU ho jWdw hY klcr dw 'Awdwn pRdwn' [
hor iksy bolI ivc Swied hI AijhI kmjorI dyKx ivc imldI
hovy qy iPr AsIN pMjwbI ies mwVI Awdq qoN Cutkwrw ikauN nhIN pw lYNdy ?
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
jsvMq isMG, AmrIkw |
Dear Editor,
I am writing to you first time. I am a retired police officer from Punjab enjoying my
retiring life in United States. I never visited your web site because I was not aware
about this beautiful on line newspaper.But today one of my friend called me from New Jersy
that there is a article about the American police on your web site which was of great
interest to me.My friend also gave me your link and after going through all the articles I
was also feeling to write something for you.So accept my Kudos for you and for your
writers especialy for Balkar Singh Bajwa and Satnam Singh Chahal. I am looking forward to
read all the articles about American Police then I will also send you my comments about
the police forces in Punjab and in the United States.You are doing a good job .Keep it up
Truly yours,
Jaswant Singh |
mnpRIq isMG, mlySIAw |
17/07/03 satkar yoog
"Satthi ludhianwi ji".Sat sri akal. just read your poem "ludhiana".
really, its very good. now days we cant find taller "jattian". if there are,
they will go to foreign countries, right? but for parents,i think this the only way to see
their children happy that is to send them to america or canada or ... in punjab, water is
going deeper and deeper. things are getting expensive and no salary. then what jatt can
do. i dont know, what to say.
by the way, im manpreet singh, from ludhiana. studying in malaysia. |
srvjIq isMG |
siqkfr Xog sMpfdk aqy pfTk pRvfr nMU
siq sRI akfl
ivdvfn lyKk s: amrjIq isGM Kosf jI dI ilKI pusqk ,
"sRI dsm gRMQ sfihb - dsmys-ikRq pRmfixkqf" vfry vIr hrijMdr isMG kMvl jI dy
ivcfr pVHn AupMRq mn ivwc Auqpn hoey sMkyN dI invrqI vfsqy afp jI dI syvf ivwc hfjr hoieaf
dsm gRMQ 24 agsq 1696 idn aYqvfr nMU iqafr ho igaf
sI aqy ies ivco 1699 ivwc bfxI pHVI geI sI qF ies gRMQ nMU gur gwdI ikAu nhI idqI geI jF
ieh bfxI sRI guru gRMQ sfihb ivwc drj ikAu nhI kIqI geI?.
guru nfnk sfihb jI qo guru qygbhfdr sfihb qwk sfrI
bfxI nfnk nfm nfl ilKI geI hY, guru nfnk jI dI dsvI joq guru goibMd isMG jI Aupr vI Ausy
juigq dI pfbMdI sI.
Llhxy dI PyrfeIaY nfnk dohI KtIaY
joiq Ahf juigq sfie sih kfieaF Pyir pltIaY](966)
pr sfry dsm gRMQ ivwc nfnk nfm nhI imldf. vIr jI ieh
sMLkF dUr kro ik guru goibMd isMG jI ny nfnk nfm nfl bfxI ikAu nhI AucfrI ?.
afp jI dy bwcn, "isK pMQ aqy Kfs krky Kflsf pMQ
iek hI cOpeI dy afsry KVf hY - hmrI kro hfQ dy rwCf" ; [vIr jI, kI afp jI ny gurU
gRMQ sfihb jI dI bfxI dI loV nMU mukF hI qF nhI idwqF?
hoeIaf Bulf leI iKmf krnf jI .
afdr sfihq
srvjIq isMG |
ikrpwl isMG cMnw |
16/07/03 Satkar Yog Sri
Amarjeet Singh Ji
Sat Sri Akal
I heard about the book about Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji. I have always maintained that
Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji is Dasam Guru's Bani. Your book will stenthen my belief. We need
scholars like yourself who through their research have promoted the facts rather than
blind beliefs. I admire your courage for printing this book.
I would like to buy your book, please let me know how I can obtain it.
Sat Sri Akal
Kirpal Singh Chana |
mnpRIq isMG, mlySIAw |
16/07/03 sat siri skal to
all of u. manpreet singh here. just read ur article abt american punjabi. it was very
good. actually u r telling truth. not in america, every where is the same. im from punjab,
from Ludhianan studying here in malaysia.
nvdIp isMG sMDU, bMglOr |
15/07/03 Dear Sir,
Please accept my heartiest congratulations for putting up such a wonderful web site !!
I salute u.
You guys have done a superb job...
It feels so nice to find such a nice web site in my mother tongue which speaks the
truth so plainly, in a concise and organized way. The way u have given the facts is worth
praising !!!
You have tried to go to the grass root level of the current problems that Punjab &
Punjabis are facing. Indeed we Punjabis, our culture and society are going thro' a very
critical transition phase. You have rightly tried to address the issues of:
1. Cultural Crisis/Identity Crisis
2. Downfall in political/social/cultural/religious dimensions of Punjab/Punjabis/Sikhsand
much more....
May God help u in ur noble & praise worthy mission !!
Warmest regards,
Navdeep Singh Sandhu |
sMqoK isMG, isfnI, AwstRylIAw |
bhuq hI suMdr ivcwr prgt kIqy gey hn
ies lyK rwhIN fwktr mhIp isMG jI duAwrw[ cwr-ku dhwikAW qoN mY fwktr swihb dI lyKxI qoN,
spqwhk p`qr 'DrmXug' duAwrw jwxU hox dy nwL nwL pRsMsk vI hW auhnW dI klm dw[
rog dI qSKIS fwktr swihb jI ny pUrI kr idqI hY pr dvweI
lBx leI vI Awau rL imL ky hMBLw mwrIey[
pMjwbIAq dw mud`eI,
sMqoK isMG, isfnI, AwstRylIAw |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
- rwijMdr kOr
jdoN qk koeI Tokr nhIN Kw lYNdw, audoN qk ausnUM Aihsws
nhIN huMdw ik auh iks pwsy jw irhw hY [
iehI kuJ ies khwxI ivc vMdnw qy gOqm nwl vwpirAw hY [
aunW dI AxBol imlxIAW , auhnW nUM qwhny imhxy imlx kwrn, kuJ smyN bwd, iek 'Kws' iKc ivc
bdl geIAW ijs nUM vYlyntweIn kwrf ivc pRgtwieAw igAw hY [
lyKkw iek AOrq hox dy nwqy vMdnw dI SKSIAq bwKUbI
drswaux ivc kwmXwb rhI hY [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
crnjIq isMG bl |
15/07/03 Sikh
Perspective on Homo-sexual Marriage
Charnjit Singh Bal
The founders of worlds half-dozen major religions founded the religions based
upon the divine inspirations, quintessential spiritual consciousness and sage empiricism
to instill piety, spiritual consciousness, socio-cultural values and moral standards in
the followers. The socio-religious human ancestors initiated and tradionalized the
institution of hetro-sexual partners marriage based upon religious tenets,
socio-cultural values, natural parental gender role models and essential sexual needs and
reproductive functions.
The Sikh perspective is that the omniscient God created two distinct genders, male and
female, with congruent sexual organs and conducive reproductive anatomy and assigned them
irreversible roles of father and mother. Apparently to the male who is inherently endowed
with physical prowess, the divinity assigned the role of provider and protector. And to
the female, who by nature is gentle, passive, patient and caring, was assigned the role of
mother i.e. nurturing and house making.
Although in the developed countries the industrial and sexual revolutions have rendered
some of the non-essential roles optional but the essential roles involving protection,
sexual organ congruity, reproductive anatomy and nurturing functions remain eternally
irreversible. The homosexual unions can provide some of the basic necessities of family
life but it is the empirical heterosexual family-unit that is deemed to be adequately
equipped to provide all the basic necessities. The epidemic of Aids has been imputed to
sodomy and promiscuous relationships. The keen students of history know that the ancient
cities of Sodom, (the origin of word sodomy), and Gomorrah were destroyed by God for the
wickedness, vice and corruption of the inhabitants.
There is a fine line between tolerance and permissiveness. Not too long ago sodomy was
considered a socio-religious taboo universally. Today the permissive societies are giving
reticent consent to marriages of couples whose sexual preference is sodomy, what if
tomorrow people, whose sexual preference is bestiality, want to marry animals? At this
rate the societies could be condoning bestiality and conjugal union of a human and an
animal in the near future.
The Sikhism recognizing the basic human needs rejects sanctimonious celibacy, professes
matrimony of man and woman and promotes reproductive family life and productive social
life. Whereas the Sikhism rejects celibacy, it promotes chastity and condemns promiscuity
whether heterosexual or homosexual. The majority of Sikhs consider that the institutions
of religion, hetero-sexual partners marriage and family-unit are adequately equipped
to fulfill the spiritual and corporeal needs i.e. sustenance, shelter, sex, love and sense
of security of a human being. From time immemorial the institution of hetero-sexual
partners and their off-springs family-unit has proved to be the near perfect model. I urge
the Sikh Leadership to play its role and represent the sensibilities of the Sikh community
and show its solidarity with the other religions. |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
" myrw kI ksUr"
- joigMdr sMGyVw
ies khwxI ivc AOrq vloN mrd dw ho irhw SoSx idKwieAw hY
ijs ivc AOrq dy Gr dy vI pUrw ihsw pw rhy hn [ ies sB kuJ dw b`cy dy mn qy jo Asr ho rihw
hY aus nUM koeI nhIN dyK irhw [ swnUM GrW ivc b`icAW dI mwnsk siQqI dw pUrw iKAwl r`Kxw
cwhIdw hY [
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
SmSyr isMG &lOrIfw - AmrIkw |
10/07/03 sMpwdk jI,
Aqy sihpwTIE,
Bwrq ivc ryl GtnwvW dy m`dy nzr, BwvyN hr iksy
AYksIfYNt nUM Cupwx dy Xqn kIqy jw rhy hn, AYpr kI ieh lgwqwr vwrdwqW ies g`l dw sMkyq nhI
hn, ik ies ies ip`Cy iksy au~pdrvI sMsQw jW ivdySI qwkq dw h`Q ho skdw hY?
Aqy jykr Bwrq-pwk bs Aqy ryl Xwqrw bhwl huMdI hY, qW
iks iks Bys ivc, Zlq lok dyS ivc Aw ky durGtnwvW ivc vwDw kr skdy hn?
mulk dI srh`d qy, kudrqI hwdisAW kwrn jW ryl GtnwvW
rwhIN sYNkVy lok roz mr rhy hn[ Swied dyS dI eynI vDyry jnqw iv`coN auhnW jwnW dw rUpoS ho
jwxw, mulk dy nyqwvW leI iek kIVI mrn vWg smiJAw jWdw hovy[
AmrIkw ieMglYNf vrgy mulkW dw iek vI nwgirk, Zlq kwrn
nwl mrdw hY qW srkwr qoN svwl pu`Cy jwdy hn[
A`j k`lH ivdySI qwkqW duAwrw, Bwjpw srkwr nUM ijs qrW
pwksqwn nwl smJOqy leI pRyirAw jw irhw hY, coxw dy nzdIk Awx krky, swfy nyqw kuJ kr ivKwx
dy rON ivc jwpdy hn[ qwik Pyr qoN srkwr bxw skx[
kI AswfI hkUmq ny ies bwry soicAw hY? kI mIfIAw ny iehnW sMBwvnw dy ihq ivc Awvwz auTweI
kI Bwrq dy bu`DI jIvI, jW mIfIAw dy sd`s eys bwry koeI vwrqlwp CyV ky mulk dI hkUmq nUM
cyqMn krn gy?
SmSyr isMG &lOrIfw - AmrIkw |
jskIrq |
10/07/03 ky.AYs.m`Kx dI Dwrimk kYist "ipE imljY klgIDr vrgw"
Awpxy Awp iv`c ie`k v`KrI imswl hY[ ij`Qy ausny AwpxI vDIAw Awvwj nwl iesdy gIqW nMU
gwieAw hY, auQy iesdy gIqkwrW ny vI AwpxI klm dw jwdU idKwieAw hY[ Kws krky Jlmx isMG dy
gIqW iv`coN ausdy idl ivc kOm dI AwjwdI dI qWG swP njr AwauNdI hY[ ausdy ilKy gIq 'loV
isrW dI pY geI'', 'dlyr sUirE' Aqy 'n`cdy qygW qy ' bhuq hI vDIAw hn[ ijnHw dI ijMnI qwrIP
kIqI G`t hY[ kYist dy kul imlw ky A`Ty gIq bhuq vDIAw hnw ies kYist leI AsNIN ky.AYs.m`Kx
Aqy ausdI swrI tIm nUM vDweI idMdy hW[ |
jrnYl isMG ArSI iF`loN igAwnI, mlySIAw |
08/07/03 prm siqkfr Xog sMpfdk jIAu,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf vfihgurU jI kI Piqh
kfmryz surjIq df hQlf lyK Bfrq nUM amrIkf dy hyT iljfx
dI azvfnI koss . kfmryz jI ipCly keI dhfikaF qo kOminst rUs dI bysrmI nfl muKflPq krdy af
rhy hn aqy hux jd rUs df kIrqn soihlf piVaf igaf hY qF byhd byvs hn . gl ieh hY ik
amrIkf aYs vyly dunIaF dI isrmOr qfkq hY aqy buS kih vI cukf hY ik ijhVf sfzy nfl nhI Auh
sfzy ivruD hY . pMizq nihrU dI byvkUPI kfrn Bfrq aj pCiVaf hoieaf mulk hY aqy iqbq aqy
hjfrF vrg mIl ielfkf cIn nUM KuhfeI bYTf hY kdy kfmryz surjIq ny ies ivruD iliKaf
hY nhI ikAuik cIn vI kOmnst mulk hY . ijMnI CyqI Bfrq kYpIitlst mulk bxygf AuqnI
CyqI hI qrkI hovygI aqy Bfrq eysIaf df mohrI dys bx skygf .
Jarnail singh arshi dhillon Gyani Malaysia. |
jskIrq isMG iSkwgo |
07/07/03 jYsI koko Euho ijhy koko dy b`cy, bwdl ny swrI aumr JUT bol ky
kF leI , hux Coty bwdl ny SurU krqw[ C`j qW boly CwlnI vI boly[ Coty bwdl jI smJo jy
qusI b`c gey ,qW vwikAw hI auh iBRStwcwr hoxgy[
jskIrq isMG iSkwgo |
srvx FMfw, knyfw |
05/07/03 Dear Editor,
Ever since Captain Amrinder Singh became the Premier of the Punjab he has been bragging
about arresting the ex-Premier Parkash Singh Badal for corruption. He has repeatedly been
saying that Badal will be kept in jail and treated like all other criminals.
Today, I was totally surprized to read the news at your website headlined "BADAL
NOON GRIFTAR NAHIN KITA JAVEGA: AMRINDER". I have pondered over the reasons as to why
did Amrinder make an about-face in the case of Badal and could think of the following
- unnecessary pressure from Advani and Sonia in order to protect politicians even
though they may have committed criminal acts;
- afraid of the BJP Committee, headed by Fernandez, coming to the Punjab to inquire
into the allegations of revenge against the former Akali Ministers by the present
Congress Government;
- afraid of 'tit for tat' (revenge by a future Akali Government against Amrinder and
Congress Ministers);
- Badal may have approached Amrinder directly/indirectly and made a truce with him;
- Amrinder simply does't have the guts to arrest Badal.
This case clearly proves that there is a double standard in India, one for the ordinary
citizens and the other for the almighty politicians. Here Amrinder is resembling a truant.
The question remains as to who will ever try to eradicate the evil of corruption?
5abi.com is a must read for me and many others I know. You are providing a very good
service to the Punjabi language! Thanks.
Sarwan Dhanda, Canada |
gurbKS isMG |
02/07/03 BweI swihb jiqMdr isMG jI vloN smyN smyN isr ies vYb sweIt qy
lgy lyKW auqy kIqI jWdI it~pxI bhuq hI q~QW qy ADwrq Aqy Tos dlIl sihq huMdI hY[ keI vwrIN
qW lyK nwloN ijAwdw jwxkwrI, ienHW dI itpxI ivc huMdI hY[bhuqI vwr qW lyKW dy lyKk 'kuJ
ilKx' leI hI ilKdy hn[ienHW lyKW dy lyKkW dI qulxw, 'inaU Xwrk tweImj' dy aus pqrkwr nwl
kIqI jw skdI hY ijs ny Awpxy dPqr ivc bYT ky hI, KbrW dy ivsQwr dy id~qy, Aqy dwAvw krdw
irhw ik aus dI jwxkwrI mOky qy jw ky kIqI qPqIS qy ADwrq hY[ Aj aus dw pwj Kulx qy
'inaUXwrk tweImj' ivc CpdIAW KbrW dI vwsqivkqw qy svwlIAw inSwn lg igAw hY[ Aj jiqMdr isMG
vrgy pwTkW dI pMjwbIAW nUM bhuq loV hY[5.AwbI fwt kwm vwilAW kol Aijhy pwTk hn, ies leI
auh vDweI dy pwqr hn[
gurbKS isMG |
dwrw iSkwgo |
s: blqyj pnMU jI ny q`lx vwry ies lyK
ivc ib`lkul shI ilKAw hY[ AsI iehnw dy bhuq DMnvwdI hW ky ibnW iksy dw p`K pUr idAw swfy
swmxy swceI nUM pyS kIqw[ jo iehnW BwrqI mIfIey dI g`l kIqI auh vI shI hY aus smy qusI
koeI vI A`Kbwr c`k lau aus dIAw mu`K KbrW ivc ieh hI huMdw sI[audw qw swry jwxdy Aw ky
swfy lIfr ikny ko pwxI ivc hn[ q`lx vwly msly qo ienw dw isAwsI rotIAw sykxw lwjmI sI ieh
mslw iehnw leI imlI iksy sony dI Kwn nwlo G`t nhI sI, pr hYrwnI dI g`l qw ieh hY ky iksy
vI mIfIey nY ienw lIfrw nUM ieJ krn qo nhI vrijAw[ smW hlw SyrI id`qI hY iehnw dI KbrW lw
ky[ mIfIey vwly qw ieh hI cuhdy sI ky ieh mslw iehdw hI B`Kdw rhvy qw ky auh ies nUM imrcw
msly lW ky vycx qy KUb pysy kwmox ..hoieAw vI ieh hI hY aus smW AKbwrw dI iv`kI vI vDI hY
qy tI vI dy drSk vI vDy hn[ kI iehnw leI ieh krnw shI sI? Awpxy lok Apxy dyS dIAw jVw ivc
qyl pweI jwdy hn[ ies vwr mhwrwjw rxjIq isMG jI dI brsI qy mYnUM auhnw dI bhuq Xwd AweI [
Agr auh hux ij`dw huMdy qw Sied ieh smW nw bxdw , Swied swfy lIfr iehny bdnwm,lwlcI,
DoKybwj jw byeImwn nw huMdy [A`j k`l smW iehdw dw hY ik jy ieh s`B cIjw lIfr ivc nw hox qw
aus nUM lIfr nhI mMndy[ ikhdw dy ny ieh lIfr lok kI soc ky rwq nUM sody hn ieh mW dy
sUrmy[ mYnUM koeI ieh d`sy ky Awm AwdmI jd lIfr bx jwdw hY qw r`b nUM ikau Bul jwdw hY?
(dwrw iSkwgo) |
jiqMdr isMG |
01/07/03 5AwbI. kwm dy pwTkW nUM siq sRI Awkwl,
q`lx Gtnw nwl sMbMiDq lyKW pVHn qoN bwd ieh
sp`St hY ieh lyK bgYr iksy ivSlySx dy ilKy gey hn[ A^bwrI irportW muqwibk gVbV mzwr au`pr
gwaux vwly dy A^wVy iv`coN Sur� hoeI Aqy pihl vI dilqW nwl sMbMiDq nOjvwnW vloN kIqI geI
[ ausqoN pihlW dilqW dy bweIkwt ie`k Aijhw mMdBwgw PYslw hY jo pihlW kdI nhI hoieAw[ dilq
BweIcwry dI is`KI nwl sWJ bhuq fUMGI hY pr APsos ik dilq s�I gur� grMQ swihb m`Qw
tykx dy bwvj�d vI is`KI qoN Anjwx hn jW mun`kr hn[ ieho hwl Swied j`tW dw hY ijhnW
Bgq rivdws jI bwry G`t jwxkwrI hY[
blqyj p dmdmI tkswl dy d^l au`pr ieqrwz hY
pr Swied auh Bu`l gey ik BweI mohkm iMMsMG vloN dKl guMifAW vloN grMQI isMG dI ku`tmwr qoN
bwd idqw igAw[ ieh vI vrnxXog hY ik kmytI vloN p�bMD tkswl sONpx dy bwvj�d tkswl
ny p�bMD nhI sMBwilAw[ myry Awpxy ivcwr Anuswr jy tkswl d^l nw idMdI qW Swied ieh mslw
hux qk vI h`l nw huMdw[pr Alocnw krnI Swied lyKk dI mzb�rI hY [ij`QoN qk pMjwb
bMd�kW A`gy KV�w krn dw svwl hY, aus leI qqkwlI srkwrI/rwjsI nIqIAW qoN ielwvw ku`J
p`qrkwr Aqy lyKk vI ijMmyvwr sn/hn [A`j vI bhuq swry lyKk q`lx dy msly leI j`tW v`D
doSI is`D krdy hoey au`cI jwqI dw lybl lWaudy hn, jdik hkIkq iv`c j`t vI koeI bhuqI au`cI
jwq nhI hY[ k`l Awey votW dy Awey nqIijAW Anuswr q`lx dy guAWFI ipMf ijQo dilqW dI
bhuigxqI hY, dI srpMcI dI cox auGy dilq nyqw Aqy 10-15 swlW qoN srpMc dI DrmpqnI srpMcI dI
cox hwr geI hY[ieh nyqw q`lx ivvwd ivc kwPI srgrm sI pr Swied lokW ny iehnW vloN Kyfy gey
jwq-pwq dy Kyf dw ivroD kIqw hY[
AMq iv`c p`qr ilKidAW hoeIAW glqIAW leI i^mW mMgdw hW[
jiqMdr isMG |
XwdivMdr iF`loN |
30/06/03 Your news r good
Yaddhillon |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
gurbwxI dI eykWq - gurbwxI ivc eykWq dw ivSw vsq� hY - Sbd[ Sbd hI Awpxy A�qm
rUp ivc m�izl hY, pr suriq qoN ibnW Sbd KwmoS rih�dw hY[ - krmjIq is�G |
ies rcnw ivc eykWq dI fUMGI Koj bIn
kIqI geI hY jo ik Awpxy Awp ivc iek by imswl ikrq hY [ srIrk eykWq dy nwl nwl mwnisk eykWq
dw hoxw jrUrI huMdw hY ikauNik jy mn eykWq ivc ivcrdw hY qW hI gurbwxI dy AQwh smuMdrW ivc
goqw lwieAw jw skdw hY qy Anmol moqIAW dI Koj kIqI jw skdI hY [
s. krmjIq isMG ies Anmul rcnw leI vDweI dw h`kdwr hY [
ies ivSy qy hor lyKW/ rcnwvW dI Aws ivc,
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
blkwr bwjvw |
30/06/03 Dara Sing Ji,
Thanks for remembering me. I am busy in writing an article which has been delayed due
to nonavailabilty of some snaps.
Hope to send the same shortly. It will be in weekly instalments.
With warm regards.
Balkar Bajwa |
ibkrm ig`l |
29/06/03 Badal
Sahib di jindagi ek khuli kitaab hai jis wich CORRUPTION motey motey akhra wich likhi saaf
dikhai dindi hai. BADAL SAHIB DE GHAR DE DARWAZE HAMESHA KHULEY HAN because black money
saamb lai gayi hai ji. Whatever Badal did in his last government , no one can forget. He
was coalated with BJP but did nothjing for Satluj-Yamuna link River. He was so busy in
corruption and worked only to launch his son but he forget to do anything for sons of
punjab. He did only for himself. His government was a great hope for us(punjabis) bcoz
Akali Govt come to power after soo long but he BETRAYED the Akali dal and was so mean and
still . He is power hungry and nothing else. MAY GOD GIVE HIM ALL THE MONEY OF THE WORLD
BUT DON'T MAKE OUR CHIEF MINISTER. Punjab need some loyal and Punjab Himayati chief
minister. May god fulfill our wish too....
rijMdr isMG |
27/06/03 I do
not agree with the comments put forward by Dalvir Singh in his essay Sabash, Amreeki
Bhartio. He is of the opinion that the brain drain from India is basically because the
people or not loyal to their homeland. I would like to bring up the fact that where are
jobs for all these people in India. And how many jobs are filled on the basis of Merit.
From a small job in a Private office to the prime jobs by different commissions are
offered not on merit but on reference along with money. I have personal experience of that
numerous times.
One aspect is brain-drain as mentioned by Dalvir Singh, the other aspect is these NRI
bring foreign capital to India.
I am very sad to learn in the 21st century, people are fighting over religion in India
especially a recent incident in Jalandhar Distt. What can be expected in other states like
Gujarat, Bihar. Why cant people stop fighting over these issues. During my last
visit I saw the condition of roads in Punjab. Still there is not enough electricity.
Respective governments keep on fighting between themselves, and leaders cant think
of public welfare.
NRIs contribute in many ways like assisting in the organisation of Village level
sports festivals.
There are many other aspects which I cant elaborate at this moment.
Please reply.
Rajinder Singh |
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq |
ies lyK ivc AYmrjYNsI dw BwrqI rwjnIqI
qy Asr swP njr Aw irhw hY pr iek gl not krn vwlI hY ik AYmrjYNsI dy iKlwP swry Bwrq ivc
isrP AkwlI dl hI fitAw qy jylW Brn ivc dyr nW lweI , ijs kwrn kWgrs nUM coxW ivc hwr dw
swhmxw krnw ipAw [
ikMnw cMgw huMdw ik AYmrjYNsI ivc 20 nukwqI pRogrwm
pUrI qndyhI nwl lwgU kr idqw jWdw qW ik Awm BwrqI vI ies qoN pUrw Pwiedw auTw skdw !
rwj BUipMdr isMG, Bwrq [ |
bwvrw mwn |
24/06/03 yes
... we are agree with the people ... as jazzy bains is a hopeles singer and he is spoiling
the punjabi culture as his videos are not appropriate to watch while sitting in a family.
as his videos has a bad effect on new generation ... they try to be like the people in da
video. he is giving bad bame to the PUNJABI Culture .
his videos must be banned ...
mann familty.. |
dwrw iSkwgo |
24/06/03 ipAwry sMpwdk jI,
siq sRI Akwl, keI idn ho gey hn ipMR: blkwr isMG bjvw jI huxw dI koeI ilKq nhI CpI , qusI
swfw sunyhw auhnw nUM dyxw ky AsI auhnw dI ilKq dw bVI bysvrI nwl ieMqjwr kr rhy hW[ aus
vihgurU A`gy Ardws krdy hW ky ipR: blkwr bwjvw jI nUM hwmySw cVdI klw ivc r`Ky[
bwjvw swihb dw PYn(p`Kw)
dwrw iSkwgo |
rwm isMG buDobrkq |
ipAwry sMpwdk jI
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlw, vwihgurU jI kI Piqh
myjr mWgt jI dI khwxI " kwlw sonw" bhuq vDIAw
l`gI[ briln aulMipks (1936) dOrwn jdoN AmrIkn AQlIt jYsI Evnz ny 4 sony dy qmgy ij`qy qW
ihtlr ny aus nwl h`Q imlwaux qoN mnW kr id`qw sI[ iek kwly dOVwk vloN jrmnW nUM hrw dyxw
ihtlr dI AwrIAn lokW dI auqmqw dy isDWq qy krwrI s`t sI[ A`j jykr kwilAW nUM KyfW iv`coN
k`F id`qw jwvy qW ip`Cy rihMd KUhMd hI rih jwvygI[ idlbr hurW leI bVw sOKw ho jwxw sI jykr
pItr pMjwb iv`c rihMdw huMdw, ieho ijhy mOky qy pMjwb puils jW BwVy dy t`tUAW ny pItr dy
P`ty c`k dyxy sn qy swry pirvwr dw iej`q mwn brkrwr rih jwxw sI[
rwm isMG buDobrkq |
pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl |
myjr mWgt dI khwxI 'kwlw sonw' idlcsp
hox dy nwl nwl XQwrQ dy keI pihlU vI ivsQwrdI hY, ijvyN siBAwcwr ivc KVoq kwrn pIVHIAW dw
pY irhw pRvwrk pwVw, AMqrjwqI ivAwh dw nPrq Aqy hsd dy kwrn ivroD, kwly BweIcwry nUM Akwrn
CuitAwaux dw bx cuikAw idRStIkox Awid[
bwskt 'bwl' sMbMDI keI QWeIN 'vwl' SbdjoV Swied tweIp
dI glqI kwrn ho igAw hY[
iek nvykly ivSy 'qy ilKI geI ies khwxI ivclI smkwlI
sm`isAw nUM rOck FMg nwl pyS krn leI lyKk nUM dwd dyxI bxdI hY[
pRo.pRIqm isMG gryvwl |
joA mihMdr isMG sohI |
23/06/03 Waheguru
Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Congratulations to all the recipients at the PCS graduation 2003.
I would also like to wish Dr.Chirinjeev Singh Kathuria the best of luck on his
aspiration to become a member of the senate. May Waheguru Ji grant him his vision with a
mission and I belief this will help our Sikh brethren in the long run. Keep up your good
work and May Wahehguru Ji bless all of you for your untiring effort to make this site a
Your brother in panthic service,
Joe Mahinder Singh Sohi
An open invitation
. If any of you wish to come or visit or need any
information on Malaysia , do email me at sohi@pc.jaring.my
and I will be honoured to be your host
Sikhs meeting Sikhs .. worldwide via the net. |
smIp isMG gumtwlw |
23/06/03 Editor,
Respected Sir,
I am mailing the press release by United Sikhs of America for the blood drive to be
held at Flushing, NY on June 29, 2003. The official website for the organisation is www.unitedsikhs.org. I hope that the news for
blood drive will be published on the website and more people can contribute to the blood
drive as the website is really popular all over US. Thanking you
Sameep Singh Gumtala
Graduate Teaching Assistant, PhD Electrical Engineering,
Wright State University,Dayton,Ohio,USA |
The United Sikhs in Service of America, a non-profit, non-governmental human
development organization is holding a blood drive camp in Flushing, New York, NY. This
drive is a part of the organization's constant endeavor to help meet the blood shortage in
the tri-state area.
The United Sikhs was incorporated in 1997 and is a coalition of organizations and
individuals, who share a common vision to transform underprivileged and minority
communities and individuals into informed and vibrant members of society through civic,
educational and personal development programs, by fostering active participation in social
and economic activity. It is also an avenue for networking between like-minded
organizations to establish and nurture meaningful projects and dialogues - whether social
or cultural- to promote harmony, understanding and reciprocity.
The blood drive is being organized with the assistance of the New York Blood Center on
29th June 2003 from 10.30AM to 4.00 PM at 38-17, Parson Blvd, Flushing New York, NY. The
organization has appealed to the general public to come forward and donate blood out of a
sense of duty and community spirit and give someone a gift of life. |