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21 PrvrI dw idn UNESCO vloN swrI dunIAW iv`c mW bolI nUM smrpq krky mnwieAw jWdw hY[

Awau AsIN vI swry Awpxy Awpxy Gr iv`c ies idn nUM mnweIey Aqy Awpxy Awp nwl ie`k vwAdw krIey Aqy inScw krIey ik

1.   AsIN Gr iv`c b`icAW nwl hmySw pMjwbI c' g`lbwq krWgy[

2.   AsIN Gr c' jW c`l rhy pMjwbI skUlW c' b`icAW nUM pMjwbI ilKxI pVHnI isKwvWgy[

mW bolI dI mhwnqw/AihmIAq

1. XUnYsko dI sB qoN au`cI sBw ijs nUM mhW sMmyln (The General Conference) kihMdy hn, ny 1999 iv`c ies q`Q nUM mihsUs kIqw ik iksy vI ivAkqI dI ivcwr vtWdry, g`l bwq krn Aqy ivcwrW dw sMcwr krn dI SkqI nUM bxwaux iv`c, sMklpW dy ivkws iv`c Aqy isrjxwqmk ivkws iv`c mW bolI dI bhuq mhwn BUimkw hY[ sBw ny ieh vI mihsUs kIqw ik mW bolI iksy vI siBAwcwr dw mu`K vwhx hY[

2. XUnYsko dy fwierYktr jnrl ny ikhw ik hr ie`k mW bolI sMklpW Aqy DwrnwvW dw ie`k bRihmMf hY[ bhuq hI suMdr, AdB`uq DunIAW, AwvwzW Aqy BwvnwvW dw joV hY[ aunWH ieh vI ikhw ik mW bolIAW dI is`iKAw nUM auqSwhq krnW, trWslySnW krnW Aqy g`l bwq rwhIN v`Kry v`Kry s`iBAwcwrW iv`c jwx pCwx vDwauxW Awid ivSv SWqI dw pRgtwvw hY[

3. ie`k KojI vWg-iPlmor dw kihxW hY ik ijMnHW t`brW iv`c mW ipau b`icAW nwl mW bolI iv`c g`l nhIN krdy, auhnW t`brW dw Awps dw rwbqw tu`t jWdw hY Aqy g`lbwq isrP Awm zrUrqW q`k hI sImq rih jWdI hY[ ijs krky mWipau smwijk kdrW kImqW, ivsvwS Aqy isAwxp b`icAW qk nhIN phuMcw skdy, jo ik b`icAW dI is`iKAw Aqy ivkws dw ADwr huMdw hY[

4. A`j dy ivSvIkrn (globlization) dy zmwny iv`c ijs smwj/ mulk kol bhuBwSI Aqy bhu siBAwcwrk swDn hn auh mulk qy smwj sMswr p`Dr qy AwriQk Aqy smwijk ivkws iv`c mh`qvpUrn BUimkw inBwaux dy kwbl hn[ pUrI mnuKqw dy ieiqhws iv`c v`K v`K s`iBAwcwrW ivckwr imlvrqx Aqy pRqIikirAw A`j k`LH isKrW qy hY ijs nwl hr ie`k siBAwcwr ivkws kr irhw hY[

5. doBwSIeypx dw b`cy dI bolI Aqy pVHweI ilKweI dy ivkws qy cMgw Asr pYNdw hY[ jdoN muFly skUlW iv`c b`cy do jW do qoN v`D bolIAW is`Kdy hn qW auh hr ie`k bolI nUM pUrI fUMGweI qk smJxW qy vrqxW is`Kdy hn[ Aqy auh dohW bolIAW duAwrw q`QW dI mukwblqn smJ bxw skdy hn[

6. ipCly 35-40 swlW iv`c 150 qoN v`D Koj p`qrW ny ieh is`D kIqw hY ik jo lok isrP ie`ko hI bolI jwxdy hn, Asl iv`c auh aus nUM vI pUrI qrHW nhIN jwxdy huMdy[ Koj ieh vI is`D krdI hY ik b`cy do jW do qoN v`D BwSwvW rwhIN jwxkwrI hwsl krn krky Ku`lHy Aqy nrm suBwau dy mwlk bxdy hn[

7. bic`AW dy Gr ivcly siBAwcwrk Aqy BwSw dy muFly qjrby hI aunWH dy Biv`K qy igAwn dI nINh hn[ swnUM ieh nINh mjbUq krnI cwhIdI hY nW ky KoKlI[

8. jo b`cy GroN AwpxI mW bolI nUM cMgI qrWH is`K ky AwauNdy hn auh skUlW iv`c pVHweI ilKweI iv`c bhuq cMgI kwblIAq ivksq krdy hn[

9. b`icAW nUM mWbolI isKwaux nwl aunHW dw mnobl Aqy Awqm ivsvwS iv`c vwDw huMdw hY Aqy auhnW nUM Awpxy ipCokV Aqy siBAwcwr dw Aihsws huMdw hY Aqy auhnW nUM ies bhusiBAwcwrk smwj iv`coN pYdw huMdy bhuq swry svwlW dy jvwb vI l`Bdy hn[ Aijhy smwj iv`c mWbolI dI is`iKAw Aqy siBAwcwr dI is`iKAw nUM Alihdw nhIN kr skdy ikauNik siBAwcwr Aqy rhurIqW mWbolI nwl ie`kim`k hn[

10. iksy isAwxy ivAkqI dw kihxw hY ik iksy vI mW ipE vloN b`icAW nUM dyx leI sB qoN v`fw qohPw mW bolI Aqy s`iBAwcwr dI is`iKAw hY[

11. ijhVy lok bwhroN Aw ky ie`Qy pUrI qrHW Guliml jWdy hn Aqy auh Awpxy siBAwcwrk ivrsy nUM iqAwg idMdy hn, auh A^Ir nUM KoKly, bxwautI AMgryz bx jWdy hn[ auh l`K koisS krn dy bwvjUd idloN pMjwbI hI rihMdy hn Aqy auhnW nUM ieh smJ vI nhIN l`gdI ik auh ies qrHW ikauN hn[ dUjy pwsy ijhVy lok Awpxy siBAwcwrk ivrsy Aqy smwijk kdrW kImqW nUM sMBwl ky r`Kdy hn auh Awpxy Awp nUM BrpUr Aqy mwlwmwl smJdy hn Aqy auh donoN AwstRylIAn Aqy pMjwbI jIvn jwc iv`c vI ih`sw lY skdy hn[

12. mW bolI iksy AwdmI dw swrw ivAkqIqv hY, ijMdgI hY[ mn`uK smwjk pRwxI hY[ bolI smwj nwl sMbMD r`Kx dw swDn hY ijs nwl mn`uK ijauNdw rihMdw hY[ jy swnUM AijhI QW rihxw pvy ij`Qy smwj iv`c mW bolI nhIN hY au`Qy AsIN mwnisk qOr qy, s`iBAwcwrk qOr qy Aqy srIrk qOr qy mr jwvWgy[ bolI dy iv`c hI s`iBAwcwrk ijMdgI dy Aihsws hn, sMvydnSIlqw hY[

13. pMjwbI dI ivSwlqw lok gIqW, gwQwvW qoN lY ky rUhwnIAq, r`bI igAwn qk hY[ pMjwbI iv`c mnu`Kqw dy hr ih`sy leI Aqy hr pihlU/p`K leI swihq Aqy igAwn dy somy imldy hn[

14. pMjwbI bolI dIAW khwvqW, AKwauqW, AKwxW, lqIPy, muhwvry igAwn dw Aqy AnuBv dw bfmu`lw Kzwnw hn[

15. mW bolI is`Kx Aqy isKwaux dw swfw mksd swfy siBAwcwrk ivrsy nUM brkrwr r`KxW Aqy ie`QoN dy mltIklcrl FWcy iv`c "eykqw iv`c Anykqw" dy inSwny nUM pUrw krnW hoxw cwhIdw hY ijs nwl ie`kmu`T, inrp`K, ie`ksur Aqy BweIcwrk AwstRylIAn smwj ausry[

pMjwbI st`fI srkl AwstRylIAw (isfnI)

sMprk: punjabi_circle@yahoo.com


UNESCO celebrates 21st February as International Mother Language Day. The objective of this day is to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, and to develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

Let us all celebrate this day at our home/work/school and commit that:

1.  At home we will always talk to our kids in Punjabi

2. We will teach our kids to read and write Punjabi at home or enroll them in Punjabi schools.

Importance of Mother Language

1. UNESCO's supreeme ruling body, the Gneral Conference, in 1999, recognised the role of the mother tongue in the development of communication skills, concept formation and creativity, and the fact that mother tongues are the prime vehicles of cultural identity.

2. UNESCO Director General Koïchiro Matsuura said that each mother tongue in itself represents a conceptual universe, a dazzling and complex array of sounds and emotions, associations of movements and time. He also said "Encouraging the learning of languages, developing translation, creating familiarity among cultures through dialogue, is an expression of peace-building."

3. A researcher in this subject Wong-Fillmore explains that in homes where parents do not communicate with children in their mother tongue, family communication may deteriorate. Where parents and children do not share a common language, communication is often limited to the basic necessities, preventing parents from transmitting to their children the complex set of values, beliefs, wisdom, and understanding which provides the foundation for their children's learning and development.

4. In an era of globalization, a society that has access to multilingual and multicultural resources is advantaged in its ability to play an important social and economic role on the world stage. At a time when cross-cultural contact is at an all time high in human history, the identities of all societies are evolving.

5. Bilingualism has positive effects on children's linguistic and educational development. When children continue to develop their abilities in two or more languages through out their primary school years, they gain a deeper understanding of language and how to use it effectively. And when they develop literacy in both, they are able to compare and contrast the ways in which their two languages organise reality.

6. More than 150 research studies, conducted during the past 35 years, strongly support what Goethe, the German philosopher, once said; The person who knows only one language does not truly know that language. The research suggests that bilingual children may also develop more flexibility in their thinking as a result of processing information through two different languages.

7. Children who come to school with a solid foundation in their mother tongue develop stronger literacy abilities in the school

8. Children's cultural and linguistic experience in the home is the foundation of their future learning and we must build on that foundation rather than undermine it.

9. Encouraging young children to learn their Mother Tongue would help them to develop confidence, self-esteem and their unique identity within a multicultural society. It will also provide answers to many of their questions such as 'Why I have brown skin?'. In an increasingly multi-cultural society, the teaching of migrant languages in schools cannot be isolated from the study of the culture of migrant groups. Culture and traditions essentially go hand in hand with language.

10. According to a wise man, "The best ever gift from parents to their children is the knowledge of their mother tongue and culture".

11. People who assimilate completely and give up their cultural heritage, end up being hollow imitations of what they think it means to be, for example, an Australian. No matter how hard they try, they will always be at heart, a Punjabi, but will not understand what makes them like that. On the other hand, those who make an effort to retain their culture and values will find their lives greatly enriched. They will be able to partake of both the Australian way of life and the Punjabi way of life.

12. Mother tongue is the personality and life of a person. Language is a way of interacting with society, which is must to live. If we have to stay at a place where there is no mother tongue, we will die mentally, culturally, and physically. Only through the language we can express feelings of cultured life.

13. The vastness of Punjabi language range from folk songs, tales, spiritualism, and knowledge of God. Punjabi language has resources for all kinds of people in our society.

14. Punjabi proverbs, sayings, jokes, and tales are a vast treasure for our society.

15. The objective of learning mother tongue should be to promote, foster and propagate the cultural heritage, within the framework of multiculturalism with a view to achieve the goal - 'unity in diversity' in a more cohesive, equitable and harmonious Australia.

Punjabi Study Circle Australia (Sydney)

Contact us on: punjabi_circle@yahoo.com

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